Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 313: : Little master, I am your woman! Nether sea

The Nether Sea is in the extreme south.

After the southwestern Dagu landed on the sea, sailing for five thousand miles will take you to the Silver Beach. The Nether Sea is still on the side of Silver Beach.

Yangdingtian went to the Nether Sea, so I know it is under the sea. But in which direction, how to go, Yang Dingtian is completely unaware that the workers want to enter the Netherland, can only wait for the call of the Netherland on the silver beach:

Mujiawu prepared for Yang Dingtian is a very strong boat with a sail, which is just down the wind, very fast:

Yangdingtian had only sent Muxi to the beach and went back. He drove alone south, but Mu Zhen did not want to, and he had to go on board with Yangdingtian, saying that the sailing Yangding was unfamiliar:

Sure enough, the boat was extremely skilled, and even if the wind changed, the boat still went south quickly:

Yangdingtian slightly predicted that the speed of the boat was about 30 kilometers per hour. In this way, you can sail for 1,300 and a hundred miles a day, and you can reach the Nether Sea in only three or four days.

It is said that the scenery of the South China Sea is excellent, but Yangdingtian has no leisure time to watch this beautiful scenery, always sitting on the bedside, swallowing Xuan.

Mu crevices are very active, this sailing boat does not need to be manipulated very much. On the boat, it is really boring, then take off the clothes, only wear tight leather, jump into the sea to collect. Of course, the boat has been sailing fast, and Mu Shuguang is not able to catch up with the speed of swimming, let alone she has to move to the bottom of the sea: So she found a long rope and tied it to her waist. One tied to the boat:

She took off her clothes and most of her body was barely exposed. She only wore a corset and tight shorts, which were made of sea snakeskin and very thin. Wrapped in her hot and delicate body, the meat is almost splitting out.

This sea snake skin is tough and thin, only to be thinner than silk. Therefore, whether it is a crisp chest or a lower abdomen triangle, even the contours are highlighted:

Coupled with her body and full of elasticity, the wheat-colored complexion is compact and smooth. So this and dress up, even more **** than the bikini girl of the earth era.

"Less Lord, I went to the bottom of the sea to play..." Mu said.

Yang Dingtian did not blink, just nodded.

"Oh...", Mu Xi jumped into the sea, like a fish, and quickly penetrated into the sea:

This sneak into the sea is a whole day.

It is only at regular intervals that it is changed once.

In the evening, Mu Hao was completely on board and pulled off the rope on his waist. At this time, there were already more than a hundred pounds on the ship, all of which were collected by her on the seabed, each with spar, beads, and rare sea creatures for dinner.

After the meal was done on the boat, Mu Yun was only able to rise to the top of the sun: "Shao Wang, have dinner,"

Yangding Tianyi opened his eyes and saw the table on the back. The eyes were full of exquisite food: and many of them, each of them was very delicate and fresh.

Yangdingtian actually can't eat it, and taking medicinal herbs is enough. But such a good-looking food can not help but make his appetite wide open.

Just put it in one piece and put it in your mouth. It tastes great and it is really delicious.

Suddenly, the Yangding Tianzhu is so fast.

Mu sew is rarely eaten, and most of the time he pours the wine into Yangdingtian.

Soon, Yangdingtian will have a table full of delicious food.

After Mu Hao packed up, he gave him the salt and mouthwash of the net mouth and so on.

After the Yangdingtian washes well, give her a cup of fragrant tea.

Originally, Yangdingtian has been repairing and tempering. At this time, it is a good time to enjoy the clean time, let go of everything, lay it all down, and look at the twin moons and stars in the sky.

At this time, the double moon is full and the stars are dense.

The sea surface is microwaved, with silver light, and the end is a beautiful scenery.

This vast expanse of the sea, only a small boat in Yangdingtian, down the wind.

Yangdingtian is a person who has exclusive beauty and is like a fairyland.

The scenery of chaos and land is really extreme. Unfortunately, since coming here, Yangdingtian has no day to let go of the mood and appreciate this wonderful scenery.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian only felt that his body was soft and slippery.

Muhammad went straight up and lay on his lap.

At this time, she is still only wearing bikini-sized clothing, hot **** body, most of them are naked.

Yang Dingtian felt that it was not right, but after all, there was no opening to let her sit down.

"Wu Xingwen, how is he?" Yang Dingtian asked the workers

Wu Xingwen, Mu Yi’s former lover, later made Qin Huaiyu’s swordsman in order to get out of the crowd. He was sent to the southwestern Daxu Lu to be the leader of the Flames. The result was turned into a walking dead by the Yangding Tianji, and the soul consciousness was completely bombarded. Scattered.

This time, Yangdingtian went in a hurry and did not see him in Mujiawu.

"He is very good now. He is smarter than before. He can understand some words and is very embarrassed. If he does what he does, he will do it." Mu sewed: "Our family, we have to raise a very young man." High babies, people are also very good to him."

"Firefly, this can not be said to be his blessing, but it is much better than has been falling down:" Yangding Tiandao.

"Less Lord, you will return to Yunxiao City this time, bring me too:" Mu said.

"Take what you do, are you not here?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Be a woman," Mu Qing said.

"My debt has been a lot of work..." Yangding Tiandao.

"Your love debt is a lot, but you don't even have a personal maid." Mu Yu gently moved his body and lay in the sun and said: "I am your personal maid, waiting for you to eat and wear during the day. Waiting for you to go to the trampoline in the evening and give you a baby, isn't it?"

"You live in the sea, full of wildness and self-discipline, let you be a maid, not a hard-killing person, sex?" Yangding Tiandao: "And, you are a heroic girl, let you do some end Isn't it a waste of tea cooking?"

"But, I am also a woman. Mu Mudao: I want to have a man to rely on, I want to give a man a baby, but also want to have a home."

"Then I am even more unbelievable." Yangding Tiandao: "You are such a good girl, you should have a man who will make you a good hand... I only love you. Now I am really not worthy... ”

"You even deserve to be worthy of the Oriental Ice Ling and the Flame Flame Little Sister. How can you not match my ugly duckling?" Mu said.

"I don't deserve to be on the ice and the flames of the East. They are worthy of them, and they may not be worthy of you: because the Oriental Ice Ling does not need men's complete love and you need to" "..." Yangding Tiandao.

"You are right, less is..." Mu Yun said.

Then, Mu said, "My heart is already wild, and I have already been unable to return to the ordinary woman. Do you know? You have already started selling all the industries and dismissed the others. The money, all used to recruit the elite warriors, has already recruited 500 warriors after the family's wealth. After the young masters go back to Yunxiao City, we will follow you back to Yunxiaocheng."

It is no wonder that this time Mujiawu has been deserted a lot. It turns out that Mu Liancheng has already dismissed most of his servants: suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s heart was moved: but he did not stop.

Once he became the owner of the city, the first thing was to clean the city. Therefore, it is very necessary to strengthen the strength. Although Mu Liancheng is not enough, it is extremely loyal, so it can entrust many important things.

"Xiagui, we have already set you up in this life." Mu said: "Do you want to give me a warrior under your wife?"

"There are many young heroes in the black blood cavalry, and you will be well matched. You are looking for a hero inside. Is it not good to love life?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Of course rape..." Mu sewed: "But the Lord, do you think that there are several men who come in and out of a woman's shackles? Is it a good thing? By my mind, I have hidden witches in my heart, and later he personally Destroyed him in my heart. Then, did you enter my heart, and let you destroy me again, and then come back to a man?"

When the words came out, Yang Dingtian suddenly became stunned.

"So the Lord, let me follow you from now on, although I am not very gentle and virtuous, but most of the time, there is no problem with the side of the flames." Mu said: "Me and other Women are different, you can't refuse me."

After all, Mu sewed and flipped over the petite body, squatting on Yangdingtian, kissing the lips of Yangdingtian, and softly said: "Xiagui, have you and Yanyan Xiaojie’s house?"

Yang Dingli slammed and shook his head.

"When did you and the flames of the little sister-in-law, you called me, I will follow the flames of the sister-in-law." Mu sewed, and when he said this, Mu Hao’s face swelled red. Breathing has also become urgent.

Then, Mu Xuan suddenly asked again: "Lord, have you ever had a woman? Have you slept a woman?"

Yangding Tianpi skin shivered slightly, then nodded.

"Ah... you didn't have a room with the flames, and the teacher and other women are in the house?" Mu Zhen was surprised.

Yang Dingtian’s face is red: “So you see, I am not a good man. And my two women, one of them is the devil, and the other is a married woman.”

"Then they will become my mistress in the future?" Mu asked.

"Probably not." Yang Dingtian shook his head: "One of them killed me once, I also killed her once. Another one I deceived her, and she is my biggest enemy sister:"

Mu 漪 漪 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳"Less Lord, do you want me to serve you? Even if I can't go to the house, I have other methods to serve."

Yang Dingtian sat up straight and squatted, and Mu Hao also helped to sit up and said: "Sew, I told you to practice Wu?"

"I don't want to, I don't want to practice martial arts now." Mu sewed and gasped, and looked at Yangding Tiandao boldly: "I just want to be intimate with you now."

Yangding Tiandao: "I suddenly thought that your talent is high and your personality is strong. It is the best martial arts talent, and you can become a female general in the future."

Mu confessed to the United States and said: "Can I train to Wu Zong?"

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao: "Wait, I can directly wash the marrow for you ~ After returning to Yunxiao City, I used the Xuan Dan to wash away the original martial arts. Then Use Xuanhuo and Treasures to upgrade your Xuanmai grade. Then give you a selection of advanced martial arts, and then forge a good martial arts weapon for you. I believe that within two years, you can let you break through the big sacred martial arts."

Suddenly, Mu sewed his eyes and said: "Well, I will follow the lesser martial arts."

Yangding Tiandeng breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I will use the mysterious fire to purify the mysterious veins immediately:"

"Good!" Mu said: "But you have to kiss me for a quarter of an hour, and it is a deep kiss, you can't stop it."

Suddenly, Yangding Tian is amazed!

Three days later, Yangdingtian appeared on the silver sea burial.

The Netherland is too dangerous, so Yangdingtian did not let her follow, but placed her on an island five hundred miles away. The island is very peaceful, even the monsters are not seen.

When I left last time, Yangdingtian did not look at it.

At this point, I found that every sand in this silver beach is crystal clear silver, which is full of dreams.

Moreover, the seawater in front is completely transparent to the blue, like a whole piece of jade, completely different from other seas.

The Nether Sea, just in front of the sea under the jade, does not know where it is.

Yangding Tianzhu loud channel: "The Netherland is based on the generations, Yangding Tian came to visit!" (To be continued [this text is provided by the dawning update group @毁梦n]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come "Starting" vote for recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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