Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 314: : Break into the Nether Sea, shocked!

Yangding Tianda said: "You are the predecessors of the Netherland, Yangdingtian came to visit!"

There was no silence, no silence.

"You are in the Netherland, Yangding is coming to visit." Yangdingtian shouted again.

There is still no one to pay attention to.

"You are in the Netherland, Yangdingtian came to pick up my wife Ximen Yanyan, please show up." Yangdingtian shouted.

There is still no response.

Yang Dingtian suddenly wrinkled his brow.

The flame was spent seven days and seven nights on the silver beach. When it was almost dying, the talents of the Nether Sea appeared, and she and Yang Dingtian were taken in.

Now let Yangding Tianzhu go on seven days and seven nights, that is absolutely impossible, and there is no such time.

Yangding Tiandao: "You are in the Netherland, the last time to save me, the crystallization of the Naga of the one of you, which is five inches long. This time, I bring a fresh Naga purple python. One foot long, used to pay off your debts."

Be aware that purple can be one level higher than red. And a five inch, one foot. One is crystallization, and the other is a fresh mysterious vein. Therefore, the Yangding Tianyang top is handed over to the Netherland, which is more than ten times more than the previous Netherland.

Of course, the Naxi people of Yangdingtian have three feet to the top of the sky. Yangdingtian uses one foot to pay debts, one foot is intended to be used on the body of the flame, and the last one is used on himself. If the holy water still can't save the mysterious veins of the flames, then the Naga sacred veins of this rule should be able to heal the flames of the flames.

Of course, the three-footed Xuanmai that was given by Fujian and Taiwan at that time was a whole root. There was almost no weapon in the sword of the world that could intercept the Naga sacred veins without damaging its energy. Fortunately, Yang Dingtian has a mysterious fire, can be silent, and instantly cut the three-foot Xuanmai into three segments.

To be honest, if Yang Dingtian uses all of the three-foot Nika purple mysterious veins on himself, then he may directly break through Wu Zun.

But I owe so much to the flames, how can I be so selfish, and use this heaven and earth for myself.

Just now, the Netherland has always ignored the call of Yangdingtian. Now, Yangdingtian uses such a heaven and earth to seduce, and people who do not believe in the Netherland do not show up. The purple mysterious vein of a Naga is enough to impress anyone in this world, even the Nether Sea.

However, after Yang Dingtian shouted, it was still silent.

Yang Dingtian took out a jade box directly from his arms and held up his hand: "You are willing to use the one-foot purple Naga sacred veins in exchange for the freedom of my wife Ximen Flame. Please show up."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

Like a mirror in the secluded sea, there was a surge.

However, there is still no response!

Yangdingtian does not believe that he will take out such a world of treasure, and the Netherland will not be moved. But nothing has happened yet, I am afraid that they have other minds. The people of the Nether Sea have never been a good class. Otherwise, there will be no debts owing to the Netherland, and the tenth generation will not finish this statement.

Next, Yang Dingtian shouted three times and no one responded.

Yangding Tian brow wrinkled: "You will not show up again, then I will enter the Nether Sea myself."

Suddenly, a cold wind blew through, as if with a disdainful ridicule.

As if laughing at Yangdingtian, if there are no people in the Netherland to lead the way, no one in this world can enter the Netherland, and no one knows where the Netherland is.

Yang Dingtian actually said that he had to come in. It was ridiculously ridiculous.

Yangdingtian certainly does not know where the Netherland is, but since going to the secrets of the Red Sea and the Five Elements Temple in the sky, Yangdingtian has a deeper understanding of the Netherland.

"That's offensive, I will be alone in the Nether." Yangding Tiansheng.

The jade box with the Naga family's mysterious veins is pretending to be stuffed into the arms, but it is actually stuffed into the space ring. Then, Yang Dingtian unfolds the ethereal wing, slams into the air, hovering over the sea, looking for the entrance to the Nether Sea.

There is nothing unusual about this jasper-like sea. From the sea, you can't see where it is the entrance to the Nether.

Yangdingtian only knows that the Netherland is on the bottom of the sea, and there is no other hole in the sky. There are even sky and islands. It seems to be another small world.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian came down from the sky and sneaked into the sea.

The water here is very calm, with almost no waves and flowing, completely clear to the extreme, really not like the water of the sea.

Moreover, there are no creatures in this sea, no fish or shrimp, even water grass corals.

Yangdingtian has been diving, has been diving, and soon arrived at the bottom of the sea.

Unlike the ordinary sea floor, the sea floor here is completely flat and smooth. Moreover, every inch of the corner is exactly the same, completely without any strangeness, completely unable to find a place like the entrance to the Nether Sea.

Yang Dingtian pulled out the ugly sword and stabbed it against the smooth seabed.

The ugly sword of Yangdingtian can be regarded as the most sharp and hard sword in the world, almost invincible.

However, this exhausted a thorn, but it was impossible to pierce the bottom of the sea.

It wasn't how hard the seabed was, but it just stabbed up and bounced back directly.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian exhausted the mysteriousness of the whole body and slashed it down.

This seabed, the whistle of the news is not damaged, Yangding Tianzhu down how much power all bounced back, Yangding Tiandun when the chest surged, almost vomiting bleeding.

This sea floor is not a hard substance, but an energy substance. No matter how much energy is cut, all will bounce back. Therefore, the sharp sword is useless.

The sword is useless, what about the mysterious fire?

Yang Dingtian slightly closed his eyes, his hands closed together, and suddenly a mysterious fire came out to the blade, sharp and sultry.

"Go...", Yangding Tian Xuanqi is fiercely used.

Suddenly, the flame knife formed by Xuan Huo slammed into the sea.

Xuan Huo is unbreakable and uses energy to break energy.

"Boom...", when the Xuanhuo flame knife squatted, Yangdingtian felt a tremor in his feet, and the sea was raging.

However, nothing more than that, the seabed is still intact, and the energy of the flame knife under the Yangding Tianzhu is completely muddy.

Yangdingtian is no longer quite dry, but closes his eyes and sits on the bottom of the sea, recalling every scene of the Netherland on the same day.

I clearly remember that at the time of the Nether, there was sky and sun on the top of the head, exactly the same as the ground. However, the Nether Sea is indeed on the bottom of the sea.

And this sea floor is completely an energy substance.

That shows that the Nether Sea is under this sea. The sea is absolutely transparent, so when you are in the sea, the sun and the sky are seen through a layer of absolutely transparent seawater. Of course, if you are on Earth, the light cannot be transmitted through such deep water. But this piece of sea water is totally different.

If the Nether Sea and the top are just separated by a layer of seawater, this layer of seabed is only an energy substance, and there is no physical entity. The seawater will not flow down, which means that under the sea, there is a different gravity field, the same as the five elements of the temple.

That proves that at this time, the small world of Yangdingtian and Netherland is only separated by a layer of energy field.

However, it is completely impossible to pass through this powerful energy field.

However, people in the Nether Sea can enter and leave at will, which means there are still entrances and exits. Only people other than the Nether Sea can't find the entrance to this energy field.

The sea here is a few hundred miles in size. If the entrance to the energy field is completely vacant, then ordinary people can't find the entrance even if they are repaired to a higher level.

Of course, Yangdingtian could not find it.

Then, Yang Dingtian’s heart was bright, maybe he had a solution.

Close your eyes, Yangdingtian summons the Xuanhuo within the sea.

Suddenly, the smoldering fire inside the sea suddenly swelled. Then, this group of Xuanhuo suddenly split into countless grievances.

At this time, Yangdingtian has a million spirits, and there are hundreds of millions of grievances in it. Every grievance has an independent soul.

Hundreds of millions of grievances can be covered with hundreds of miles of seabed and more than enough.

"Go ahead...", Yang Dingtian made a sound.

Suddenly, countless grievances separated from the mysterious fire, and instantly rushed to every inch of the sea.

There are hundreds of millions of grievances, enough to fill every place.

Then, Yangdingtian closed his eyes and sensed the countless grievances.

Suddenly, inside the brain of Yang Dingtian, all within a few hundred miles are the fluorescence of the spirits of the wraith, dense and dense, more dense than the stars in the sky.

The bottom of the sea here is extremely calm, so the wraith behind the wall cloth is also floating there.

However, there will be energy surges at the entrance to the Nether. These grievances are the most sensitive and minimal energy bodies.

Just as countless dust floats in the air calmly, as long as there is a little bit of wind in that place, the dust there will be undulating.

Sure enough! Yang Dingtian found it, one hundred and twenty miles in the northeast corner, where the grievances surged up and down, and the ups and downs.

Yes, there is the entrance, so the energy field is not calm, resulting in the surging of the suddenly, Yangdingtian quickly chased the past.

Sure enough, this energy inlet is constantly moving, and it seems to move completely irregularly, drifting completely randomly.

It is no wonder that no one other than the Nether Sea can find the entrance. This faint entrance is less than two feet in diameter. In a few hundred miles, the gods can't be found.

If it is not Yangdingtian that has hundreds of millions of grievances, even if he reaches the rank of the great division, he can't find this entrance.

Yangding is flying fast and chasing this entrance.

Soon, they caught up with this energy-intensive entrance and rushed in.


Suddenly, like entering a whirlpool, Yangdingtian was directly sucked in.

After sucking in, through a layer of virtual energy field, Yangdingtian fell directly.

The scenery below is very familiar, it is a beach, golden beach.

That's right, here is the Nether Sea.

The sea of ​​the Nether and the sea above it are only separated by a layer of anti-gravity energy field.

No one in this world can find and enter the Nether Sea, but Yang Dingtian did it.

At this time, Song Yuzhen looked at the Yangdingtian who had entered the Nether Sea with a shocked look. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @swds all the way]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please Read to m.)

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