Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 320: : Healing the flames of the flames! (6000 words)

The struggle of the salt-free elders was not only seen by Yangdingtian, but also the flames were seen, so she jumped directly from Yangdingtian, holding the arm of the salt-free elders, and swayed hard: "Mother, mother-in-law, ask Please, please beg you..."

While pleading, he looked at the salt-free elders with tears.

Usually at this time, as long as the flames of the flames give up half of the skill, the salt-free elders have surrendered. Like all elders, the last thing they want to see is the disappointment of their children and grandchildren.

At this time, the salt-free elder looked at the small face of the flame, and his face was in a struggle. After a few minutes, she shook her head vigorously: "No, I have no choice."

The flames of the face suddenly became white, and he said: "Mother, don't you want to see death?"

At this time, the flames are not pretending, but they are really crying.

The salt-free elders were full of embarrassed faces, and even dared not to look at the eyes of the flames. They shivered: "I'm sorry, sorry, flames, I really have no way."

"Mother, this is my favorite and favorite person. If he is dead, I will definitely not live..." Flames cried.

"Flame Flame..." Before the top of the sky, the flames were pulled open and smiled at the salt-free elders: "She is not sensible in the flames, you should not put it in your heart."

The salt-free elders did not answer anything. After the flames of the small hands were released, she fled back to her room.

She really can't face the flames of the flames, and her crying, now, her heart seems to be broken.

She is a person with a singular character and hardly communicates with anyone. But it is not that she has no feelings. Her feelings are actually more intense than the average person, but it is not easy to release. Once released, it is almost exhaustive. So face the flames. She and the ordinary grandmother have no difference, and even the meaning of love is more intense.

But even so, she still refused the flames.


"Why? Mother-in-law clearly has a way, why do you want to see death?" Flame flames into the arms of Yang Dingtian, crying out loud.

Yang Dingtian gently patted the back of the flame, saying: "My mother is very hurting you. Anything is willing to give you. The reason why she does not say that method is not that she is not willing, but the consequences will be very serious. If What treasure is it, she is sure to give it. Don't doubt that she loves your heart."

"Really?" Flames looked up.

"Of course." Yan Yan said: "As if you want to restore the mysterious veins, I can do it, but I refused you, what do you think is the reason?"

"Because it will be very dangerous to me, it will be very harmful to me."

"Yes, that's the reason." Yangding Tiandao: "So the mother-in-law does not say it. It must be the consequences, she feels that we can't afford it, she didn't say it."

"Well, definitely yes." Yan Yandao: "Mother is the best and most kind person in the world."

"Yeah." Yang Dingtian smiled, but the heart was clear that the goodness of the salt-free elders was only released to individual people. Anyone else in her eyes was completely an ant.

In fact. Yang Dingtian, from the mouth of the master's oriental niche, clearly knows how many people have been killed by the salt-free elders in decades. Not only the demon, but also the Heavenly Alliance, even the innocent passers-by. This person is completely moody and murderous.

"There is a good news to tell you." Yangding Tiandao.

"What good news?"

"Your mysterious veins can be restored." Yangding Tiandao, and then waiting for the face of the flames of ecstasy.

"Oh, that's great." Flames. There was no ecstasy on his face, only the color of the barely loaded out.

Yang Dingtian’s face was awkward and he was able to restore the mysterious vein. It’s the most important thing for Yan Yan. Her reaction is too dull. Just like Yang Dingtian prepared a 10-carat pink diamond ring. The fiancee seems to receive a dog's tail flower.

"What? Why don't you have a little surprise expression?" Yangding Tiandao.

Flames suddenly raised a small face, opened a small mouth, the most positive day to make a surprise expression.

Yang Dingtian was speechless, twisted her little face and said: "Can your expression be faked again?"

Flame flame sticks on the face of Yangdingtian, and sighs: "If I put it a year and a half ago, I will be ecstatic. I am really interested in it now. My husband is so powerful, I still What do you do to learn martial arts? Raise small animals at home, grow flowers, cook, make clothes, and raise children is not good? It’s like, if we are ordinary people, you can earn a thousand gold coins a month, then I Even if you can earn one hundred gold coins a month, it is already more than ten times that of others. It doesn't make sense."

When Yangding Tiandun was stunned, the flames of the flames seemed to have some truth.

"You are my husband, I only care about you, my own things, it doesn't matter." Yan Yan said: "I only care about my beauty and body, lest your soul be hooked away by the fox, saying, you and the oriental ice What happened between them?"

"We are very innocent between us." Yangdingtian quickly smashed the railroad.

"Innocent, is it not innocent to go to bed? Before today, our husband and wife are also very innocent, and there is no real relationship, just kissed, touched, smashed..."

"Nonsense..." Yangding Tiandao: "I and the Oriental Ice Ling, nothing. She doesn't even think of herself as a woman, and I can hardly treat her as a woman."

"There is a bit of truth in this." Yan Yan said: "However, she was originally your fiancee, and I can't manage much. But I warn you, I am at the door, even if you want to marry her, she will also swear. Call my sister."

Yang Dingtian said nothing: "Do not worry, she will never have the opportunity to be a sister with you. This kind of woman can't be the wife of any man."

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Flame Flame, I have a three-foot purple mysterious vein, I can definitely let the mysterious veins heal, and even let you repair the losses that have been lost in recent years."

"I don't want to use it." Yan Yan said: "It is the best for you."

"You also heard it, used it on me, almost no use." Yangding Tiandao.

Yan Yandao: "Then you will keep it, just in case."

Yangding Tiandao: "Shengyan, your strength is also very important to me. I want you to be my biggest helper. Even if we take back Yunxiaocheng, I will go to the interview after all. The family will depend entirely on it. You and your eldest brother, as well as your mother-in-law. You and the Oriental Ice Ling are called the best of both generations. You can't make a big difference."

"You said that the Oriental Ice Ling is not a human, I will not compare with her." Yan Yan said: "But you also make sense, I am strong. Can help you, can protect the mother, this is also very good."

"That's right." Yangding Tiandao: "You go back to the room for an hour, I am preparing materials here, and then I use Naga Xuanmai to heal you."

"Well..." Flames, despite being in love, still returned to the room to rest.


After the flames returned to the room, Yangdingtian made preparations outside the yard.

At this point, the salt-free elders who just hid in the room ran straight out. Whispered but anxiously said: "No, you don't want to mess, you will kill the flames."

The sound of the salt-free elders is very low, lest they be heard by the flames in the room.

"How come?" Yang Dingtian also whispered.

"Do you know how strong this purple Naga family is?" The salt-free elders said: "Without the mysterious fire, you can't completely melt this Naga family. And even if there is a black fire, you can melt this. The Kazuo Xuanmai also requires at least two masters to protect the law, otherwise the flames will only be scented in an instant."

then. The salt-free elders continued: "The flames of the flames are not wounded at all, but the deep indulgence of the Xuanmai. So this purple Naga Xuanmai is not a promotion of Xuanmai grade for her. It is equal to completely reinventing Xuan. Pulse, the risk is completely up to the extreme."

"Why is her mysterious vein like this?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Being poisoned." Salt-free elders.

"Poison? What poison?" asked Yangdingtian.

"East from the extreme north of the grassland, there is a heavenly red sea. Any master who arrives there will become the power of the hands, and the mysteriousness will disappear completely. Do you know?" The salt-free elders.

Yang Dingtian was completely horrified. Nodded: "Of course I know, I have been to the Red Sea in the sky."

This time, it is the turn of the salt-free elders to be shocked, and dare not set the channel: "You, have you ever been to the Red Sea in the sky?"

Yangding nodded. Road: "Yes, I have been there. So what is the poison of the flames and the relationship with the Red Sea in the sky?"

"Anyone is close to the Red Sea in the sky, and the mysteriousness of the whole body will disappear completely. It will become a force for the hands." The salt-free elders said: "That is because there is a restricted area of ​​energy in the center of the Red Sea in the sky. The legend is complete. The darkness of the sky can engulf the yin and yang five elements of energy."

"Energy black hole..." Yangding Tiandao.

"I don't understand what you mean by the energy black hole, but you are very imaged." Salt-free elders said: "This kind of energy black hole, which you call it, is nothing but a substance. This substance, infiltrated. The sea in the Red Sea is thousands of years old. So the sea in the center of the Red Sea is also brought with this substance, although it is very small, only a few hundred million, a few trillions. But if the sea is collected, 10,000 The sea of ​​pounds can finally extract a dust-sized powder crystal. This crystal is dark crystal. It is the most expensive and rare poison in the world, completely exceeding the deep sea mystery."

Yangdingtian did not dare to set the channel: "The flame is the dark crystal of this?"

"Yes..." The salt-free elders said: "Strictly speaking, this is only a substance, not even a poison. But it is more terrible than any poison in the world, because it has no solution at all."

Yangding Tiandeng trembled with anger: "Who is so worried? Even if such a thing is used in the flames, she is so cute and harmless, who is willing to harm her? Who is the darkness of the crystal?"

"I don't know, this is the saddest secret in her heart. I don't dare to mention it. She has a dark crystal, or I have been searching for her mysterious vein for a long time." Salt-free elders: "She cares so much about you, so this question is still up to you."

Yangding nodded. That's right, this happened six and a half years ago. It is the deepest damage and the deepest secret in the flame. Yang Dingtian once asked, but Yan Yan did not answer, because it was not enough for the flames to love the sun.

This secret, Yangdingtian always wanted to know.

The salt-free elders continued: "So if you want to restore the flames and flames, you must reshape the mysterious veins. Do you remember the five-inch red Naga zen veins used on you?"

"Of course remember." Yangding Tiandao.

"The original red Naga oracle vein crystal was prepared for use on the flame. But after we examined the sacred veins of the flame, we found that the five-inch red Naga oracle vein was useless to the flame. It just happens to offset the energy of the dark crystals. It is not enough to reshape the mysterious veins. So it is used on your body." Salt-free elders.

Yangding Tiandao: "Is this purple mysterious vein on my body enough?"

"Enough." The salt-free elders said: "It is enough to counteract the energy of dark crystals, and it is completely enough to reshape the flames of flames."

"Isn't that just used on the flames?" Yangding Tiandao.

"No." The salt-free elders said: "The flames of Xuanmai are too fragile now. Such a powerful purple Naga Xuanmai is used on her body. Remolding the Xuanmai has not yet begun, it will completely let the flames of Xuanmai The pulse is completely shattered. Unless there are two masters who protect her for the law, she can't bear the pain of remodeling the mysterious veins. This kind of pain is hundreds of times stronger than the wash of the marrow. Even after the success of rebuilding the Xuanmai, Such a powerful mysterious energy will completely blow her gas sea and mysterious veins into pieces."

"Is there any way to do it?" Yang Dingtian asked.

“There is a way.” The salt-free elders said: “We need to meet three conditions at the same time.”

"What conditions." Yang Dingtian asked.

"The first condition requires the protection of two masters. The second condition requires a special product, Qiankun Ningyuan Dan. The third condition requires a positive Xuanhuo above the best." Dao: "These three conditions, none of us. So you rely on a purple Naga family, you dare to treat the flames of flames, you are completely killing her."

I heard these three conditions. Yang Dingtian suddenly wrinkled his brow.

The two masters are strong guards, and this kind of personal protection must be a woman. At the moment, there is only one salt-free elder.

As for the best-selling Qiankun Ningyuan Dan, it is completely worthless. In the space ring of Ximen Ningning, the possession of the treasure is completely value-for-money, but there is no such a rare medicine, and even the best. There are only a few ninth medicinal herbs.

"There are a lot of masters in the Netherland, but women are only one of me." Salt-free elders said: "There is no product in the sea. There are in the sea. But it is impossible to let them out, unless the flame Yan is willing to marry Song Yu, otherwise everything will be excused. As for the positive Xuan Huo, there is one, it is the innocent sovereign. She has a yin and yang fire in her body. However, do you think you have to move him?"

Yangding Tianmei suddenly wrinkled tightly. It turned out that he felt that using the holy water would heal the mysterious veins of the flames. Now it seems completely naive, completely impossible.

"Mother-in-law. Two masters to protect the law, is it to protect the remodeling of the mysterious veins, the purple sacred veins in the purple Naga sacred veins, will burst the flames of the flames?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes." Salt-free elders.

"That is the best product, Qiankun condensed Yuan Dan, is it to protect the flames from reshaping the mysterious veins, not hurting?" Yang Dingtian asked.

“Yes.” The salt-free elders said: “And even if these are all satisfied, the probability that the flames will survive and successfully cure the mysterious veins is only 80%.”

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and said: "Mother, maybe I have a way to cure her mysterious veins."

"Impossible, the vastness of the world." The salt-free elders said: "Even if you are a master of the ranks, you can't do it, let alone you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "My mother-in-law, the three conditions you said, I am all satisfied."

"The cowhide blows through the sky..." The salt-free elders disdain.

Yangding Tiandao: "The first condition, the positive Xuanhuo above the best. I have Xuanhuo, a positive Xuanhuo, but not the best, I don't know."

"Do you have a mysterious fire?" The salt-free elders dare not set the channel.

"Yes, I have a mysterious fire, Yiling demon fire." Yangding Tiandao.

The face of the salt-free elders looking to Yang Dingtian was suddenly full of incredible. Her salt-free elders were almost a hundred years old, and only one foot stepped into the rank of the Grand Master, and it was completely hopeless to enter the Grand Master because she did not have a mysterious fire.

I did not expect that this Yangdingtian had a mysterious fire in front of him. At the age of twenty, there was a mysterious fire, which was really jealous.

"But I don't know what grade of my mysterious fire is." Yangding Tiandao: "Different from the Xuanhuo grade, what is the sign?"

Salt-free elders: "How wide is the area that condenses the black fire, how long it blooms, whether there is a phantom fire, etc."

Yangding Tiandao: "My love of this kind of spirit is from the fire energy of the grassland, mixed with hundreds of millions of death grievances. Not only has a phantom illusion, but also an affiliated billion Lingyin fire."

Suddenly. The salt-free elders are once again shocked and speechless.

After a long time, the salt-free elders said: "You are not the best Xuanhuo, not even the sacred fire, what level is it, only God knows."

Yangding Tiandao: "Is that enough to cure the flames of the flames?"

"Crap, what do you say?" The salt-free elders screamed. When she was a hundred years old, she could not suppress the jealousy in her heart.

"The second condition is next." Yangding Tiandao: "I don't have the best product, but I have the holy water that I got from the mystery. I have almost the ability to return to life. Is it enough?"

"You have entered the secret?" The salt-free elders shocked.

Yang Dingtian nodded again.

"Can you steal the so-called holy water from the secret?" The salt-free elders were even more shocked.

Yang Dingtian nodded again.

"I really can't wait to kill you, my heart must be cracked open." Salt-free elders said: "You are such a person, do not advance to Wu Sheng, God will kill you with Thunder. You said these Something, ordinary people, even if the Xuanmai grade is not as good as you, will certainly be able to advance to the Grand Master."

"That holy water. Can you replace the best-selling Qiankeng condensate Yuan Dan?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Crap, what do you say?" The salt-free elders said: "But these two conditions are satisfied. How do you meet the third condition? You need two masters to protect the law. It was blown up by a powerful fire."

"There is a way." Yangding Tiandao.

"Dreaming, by you alone, there is a **** approach." Salt-free elders.

Yangding Tiandao: "When she reshapes the mysterious veins, when the remaining mysterious energy of the purple Naga Xuanmai is to burst, I can use the yin and yang to repel all her mysterious moments. Then use the yin and yang to suffocate. Refining the flaming mysterious gas into an absolutely pure, non-attribute scent. Then we feed back into the body of the flame."

As soon as the words were finished, the salt-free elders seemed to be completely in the thunder, and they could not make a sound.

After a long time, she said: "What do you say about **** and yang, what is it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It is the ability to turn the metaphysical energy of any attribute into a property without attributes."

"Impossible. There is no such thing as a rebellious way in the world." The salt-free elders smashed the railroad.

"You give it a try." Yangding Tiandao: "You are an ice property, you can shoot a most common ice arrow."

The salt-free elders follow the words, and the fingers are lightly pointed.

Suddenly, a blue ice arrow condensed out, and the chest of the sun was stabbing.

Yangdingtian palm turned. Hold this ice arrow in your hand, and then run the icy sputum in the yin and yang.

In an instant, this ice-cold arrow instantly vanished.

Yangdingtian palm gently pushes, and the pure Xuanqi that has been resolved is pushed out.

The salt-free elders' palms are harvested, and this pure scent is swallowed up.

Then she looked at Yang Dingtian with complete horror.

After a long time, she muttered to herself: "There is such a mysterious practice in the world? It is completely against the sky, you are the flaw of this chaotic world."

Yangding Tiandao: "Mother, can I cure the mysterious veins for the flames now?"

"Can..." The salt-free elder nodded and said: "Perhaps, there is only one person in the world who can do it."


One and a half hours later.

The flames were completely cleaned and sat in a jade barrel.

Inside, Yangding Tian fell enough to sink a pound of holy water. Yes, it is one or two pounds. When Yang Dingtian used it himself, there was only one or two at most. But used in the flames, fell a cup of fear is not enough, another cup, another cup, and finally fell a dozen cups, more than a pound.

In addition to the holy water, the remaining one is completely pure ordinary water.

Because the salt-free elders are on the side so Yangdingtian slightly embarrassed to take off the body of the clothes, also entered the barrel, sitting behind the flames.

In his hand, it is the purple mysterious vein of the Naga, one heaven and earth.

Although it is a mysterious vein, it is firmly and transparent in the hands, and it is crystal clear.

Just one foot long and less than one centimeter in diameter. But inside, there are countless energy veins, countless bright lights, close to the eyes, as if in the purple sky, dotted with countless stars.

Just a foot of the purple mysterious vein of the Naga, it is like a sky, a universe.

Such a beautiful and mysterious thing, Yang Dingtian is also the first time I saw it.

"Call..." Yang Dingtian’s finger flicked a little, and suddenly a gorgeous and beautiful spirit fire came out.

He officially began to cure the mysterious veins for the flame. (To be continued.)

Ps: The same six thousand words big chapter, two more one!

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