Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 321: : Transforming the mysterious veins, the peerless genius Yangdingtian!

"Baby, just after drinking two cups of holy water, is there a feeling now?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, I feel the body is light and warm," Wen Yan said.

Remolding the Xuanmai is very painful. Yangdingtian is not willing to bear such pain, so in addition to pouring a pound of holy water inside the jade barrel, she also gave her two cups in advance half an hour earlier. The energy should have spread all over the body, and the pain should be greatly reduced by then.

Yang Dingtian stares at the black fire on his finger, from yellow, to red, to purple, to blue, and finally to a nearly transparent colorless.

At this time, the Xuanhuo has completely condensed to the extreme.

"Go..." and then the finger flicked, and suddenly the Xuanhuo came alive and instantly plunged into the purple Naga Xuanmai.

In an instant, this piece of Naga's Xuanmai instantly lights up and becomes more beautiful.

It is getting brighter and brighter.

When it was light to the extreme, the Nakazu Xuanmai burst into flames and turned into countless purple photons.

Originally one centimeter in diameter, one foot in length. At this time, the photons that popped up were all over the entire jade barrel, and the whole body of the sun and the flames were covered. Just like the purple mist of the same group, it is like countless photon elves.

The Naga sacred veins have completely melted and become countless independent energy bodies.

At this time, at least two masters must use all the mysterious power to control these purple photons, and then force them into the body of the helper.

But for Yang Dingtian, controlling these purple photons is a breeze.

A flame violently emerged from the top of the palm of the hand, creating a huge attraction for the purple photons that were scattered by the Naga. Suddenly, countless photons condense on the flame and merge with Xuan Huo to become a purple Xuanhuo.

Yang Dingtian’s hands slammed against the purple sacred fire, and suddenly the black fire became a burning purple light ball. It is like a small sun.

Yang Dingtian also pointed out a black fire. After the transformation of the yin and yang qi, it became a group of black fires without any temperature and without any energy damage. The purple light ball sun was completely wrapped.

"Baby, open your mouth and swallow it..." Yangding Tiandao.

Flame flame opened a small mouth, Yang Tiantian palm gently pushed.

Suddenly, this purple light ball entered the small mouth of Yangdingtian. Then Yangdingtian is controlled outside her body, letting the ball of light go down and down.

This set of programs was thought out by Yang Dingtian, and it has been studied many times with the master.

Originally, it was not the case that the flames were used to treat the mysterious veins. It was directly melted after the Naga family's mysterious veins, and then directly pressed in the lower abdomen, and forced into the living with Xuanqi.

In this way, it is equivalent to first use the mysterious vein to force this powerful Naga sacred energy into the sea of ​​flames, and then release it from the sea of ​​air. This kind of practice, the damage to Xuanmai is extremely large and extremely painful.

Now, the flames swallow this purple ball of light with the Naga sacred veins without any pain. Because the surface is wrapped in a non-attacking black fire.

Then, under the guidance of Yangdingtian, enter the lower abdomen in a semi-physical way.

When you reach the lower abdomen, Yangding’s fingers are lightly stroked.

Suddenly, this purple light ball suddenly turned into a myriad of long energy rays, and quickly penetrated into the sea of ​​flames. As if it were normal and harmless, it was completely painless to enter the flames of the flames.

Yang Dingtian calculated that in his control, the speed of the purple light ball into an energy light into the sea of ​​air is about tens of thousands of meters per second.

The entire purple light ball entered the flames of the flames, which took more than half an hour.

In other words, this purple light ball becomes nearly 100,000 kilometers of energy light. A table tennis-sized purple light ball turned into a light of 100,000 kilometers, which shows how amazing the material contained in this Naga family.

Of course, even if these energy rays are so detailed, they still have strong aggression. Therefore, Yangdingtian is still wrapped with a black fire without attacking attributes, so that it does not hurt the fragile Xuanmai of the flame.

After entering the sea of ​​flames, these energy rays began to condense and re-agglomerate into a purple ball of light, like a small beautiful sun.

When the flame came down to his own belly and gave a purple light, he couldn't help but be surprised: "When you are beautiful, when you are pregnant with a baby, you can also get one inside, let our baby have a toy in the stomach."

Yang Dingtian is speechless. At this serious time, Yan Yan is actually saying this.

"Shantou, such a dangerous moment, don't talk." The salt-free elders shouted.

At this point, the most nervous person may be her. Half of the big masters, she never sweats, but at this time her cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Her whole heart is carried, and all the mysteriousness of the whole body is flowing at any time, for fear of any accident.

After the Naga sect of the Xuanhuo entered the sea of ​​flames, Yangdingtian did not immediately reshape the mysterious veins of the flames. Instead, look for the black hole of energy and the black hole of energy hidden in the flames.

"Baby, let go of all the defenses, let me enter you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Is it going to start now? Should I lie down and open my legs?"

Yang Dingtian completely silent, if we can empty hand, he severely beat her ass.

"It is a spiritual defense. I want to use the black fire to feel the black hole in the energy inside you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh, yes!" Flames slowly closed the beauty.

Using Xuanhuo as a medium, the spirit of Yangdingtian is very easy to enter the flames of the flames.

The sea of ​​gas is under the lower abdomen, but it is not a substance, but an energy space. It can be infinitely large or infinitely small, just like another space world within the human body.

At this time, within the sea of ​​flames, it is completely illuminated by the purple light ball.

The ball of light is getting brighter and brighter. The whole sea is shining brightly.

Then, Yangdingtian used Xuanhuo as a medium to search for the energy black hole with spirit.

Find one inch and one inch...

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian felt his brain chilling cold, and his eyes were black, as if he had been completely smashed into a complete darkness, an absolutely cold, absolutely dark place.

That feeling is terrible, too strange.

Yang Dingtian tried his best to break free.

Finally, I felt that the whole **** was bright and finally broke out.

Found it, find the energy black hole.

It is just below the flames of the sea.

If the gas sea space of a flame is one hundred cubic meters, then this energy black hole is about the size of a fingernail.

But that is really a complete darkness, a deep darkness.

Originally, Qihai is already a separate virtual space world. The energy black hole is completely independent of the virtual world of the sea, and is the virtual space in the virtual space.

There is no doubt that this energy black hole is unsolvable. Therefore, it is completely impossible to use the holy water to treat the mysterious veins of the flames before Yang Dingtian.

The only way to destroy this energy black hole is to let it eat.

In the virtual space, it's just a fingernail size. Then in the real world, it may be smaller than a grain of dust.

But only this dust-sized energy black hole is enough to devour all the flames of the flames, all the talents of the mysterious veins.

At the age of fifteen, Yan Yan was already a strong Wu Xuan, two stages higher than the same age Qin Shaobai, only five levels lower than the Oriental ice. And such a dust-sized energy black hole completely destroyed everything.

Now I want to reshape the mysterious veins of the flame, let the energy black hole eat first, let it stop engulfing.

Yang Dingtian drives this purple energy ball of light and rushes toward the energy black hole.

When I was just close, the energy black hole violently uttered a terrible black, as if the devil's mouth was mad, swallowing the purple energy ball.

Suddenly, the purple energy ball overflows with a purple light, and the source continues to flow toward the black hole of energy.

Devouring, swallowing...

Constantly swallowed...

This energy black hole constantly devours the energy of the Naga family.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.

ten minutes.

Half an hour...

The entire process of phagocytosis lasted nearly an hour.

The whole process is intense, and the energy swallowed per unit time is also very large.

At the end of the devour, the energy black hole did not disappear, but became a group of gray energy bodies, just floating quietly in the sea of ​​air, no more destructive.

At this time, Yangdingtian took a cold breath. This energy black hole has swallowed up almost all of the flames of the flames, as well as her talents of the mysterious veins, and even swallowed a third of the purple Naga sacred veins.

This thing is really terrible. Don't say that this thing goes into the flames, even if you enter a Wuzun, the body of the master, it will have fatal consequences.

Or it can be said that this is already the world's first terrible thing, far more than the deep sea mystery.

Who is it, it will be used in the flames of the body, there is absolutely no reason.

But now it's too late to pay attention to these things, after all, this terrible energy black hole is still eliminated.

But at this time, the flames of the flames have completely wilted, and it turned out that the eight products are superior. At this time, even one or two products are gone.

Next, it is the time to reshape the flames and flames.

If you follow the original plan, the whole process is extremely dangerous. Even if there are two masters who protect the law, the possibility of failure is not small, and even the body will be broken.

But Yangdingtian transformed the whole process.

For the safety of the flames, Yangdingtian can be said to have racked his brains. Finally, I think of nuclear fusion in the Earth Age.

The energy of nuclear fusion is amazing, and the cost is extremely low, which can completely change the whole world. But the biggest problem is that there is nothing that can encapsulate nuclear fusion, and no container can be used to fuse nuclear fusion. The only way is to wrap the huge energy of nuclear fusion with a rotating energy body and then gradually release it.

By the same token, the energy of the purple light ball inside the flames is enormous. If it is released instantaneously, the only ending of the flame is the broken bones. Even if there are two masters who protect the law, they can't protect every place, and there are still huge risks.

However, Yangdingtian combines Xuanhuo and Yinyang with qi and qi, so that Xuanhuo, which has no attack and no attribute, completely wraps this energy ball. Even the energy of 100,000 kilometers inside is wrapped up.

In this way, the energy of the Naga, which was originally violent and terrible, is extremely peaceful at this time.

Next, it is the process of release. It is necessary to completely release the energy photons in the purple light sphere, and to transform the mysterious veins and the sea of ​​flames little by little.

This process is the most critical and the most difficult.

The normal way is that the two master-level powerhouses use the mysterious spirit to strongly envelop the energy of the Naga family, and then think that the control is a little bit overflowing.

This way, extremely difficult, extremely dangerous.

The method of Yangdingtian is to open countless small holes on the skin of the epidermis including the purple light ball.

In this way, the energy of the Naga family in the inside will overflow directly. But it will not burst open, because every energy light inside, Yangdingtian is wrapped with non-aggressive black fire energy. Why can this be done, because the sacred fire of Yangdingtian is the Yiling demon fire, in addition to the Xuanhuo, there are hundreds of millions of grievances.

Therefore, the entire plan of Yangdingtian is undoubtedly a genius plan.

"Baby, I want to reshape the mysterious veins for you, maybe it will hurt, you have to be patient." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well." Flame flames bite the teeth, the voice is slightly trembling, she is still afraid of the pain, and her mother-in-law has already reminded her that this pain is more than a dozen times more than the washing of the marrow, completely unimaginable, is the ultimate pain.

If she is alone, she promises to be strong.

But in front of the most beloved man, she does not care about her weakness.

At this time, the face of the salt-free elders is also distorted, and she is really afraid that the flame will not be able to withstand the ultimate pain. This kind of pain can even cause direct shock or even death.

"I started, broken..." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, with his consciousness, tens of thousands of grievances immediately took a small piece of Xuanhuo out of the purple ball of light. Suddenly, the surface of the purple light ball, there are tens of thousands of tiny holes嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖..." suddenly, the high-speed rotation of the Naga family Xuanmai energy suddenly from these tens of thousands A hole out.

Suddenly, an extremely beautiful scene appeared.

The purple light ball bursts into tens of thousands of purple rays.

Unparalleled ambiguity, incomparably gorgeous.

At this time, not only the entire body of the flame, but also the water of the entire jade barrel, burst into a purple light.

The purple ball of light is really like a small sun at this time.

This countless energy rays are directly on the wall of the flame.

Suddenly, countless Naga Xuanmai energy photons are directly integrated into the sea of ​​flames.

Suddenly, the original sea wall, which has been wilted, has been activated and has been powerful.

It is like a myriad of new cells that get into the original wilted cells and instantly become powerful.

In this way, Naga's sinuous veins are transformed into countless energy photons, one cell transformation.

It seems that it is like a sea of ​​water to swallow the light of these purple light **** and transform themselves.

After the renovation of the gas sea surface wall, the energy light emitted by the purple light ball directly drilled into the sea of ​​gas, and there were numerous myriad veins.

One cell, one millimeter and one millimeter, one inch inch transformation... (To be continued [this text is provided by Xiaoxiao update group Xiaoguang@kbrs616]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for recommendation, The monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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