Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 494: : Du Gu Feng dance? Gongsun 3 Niang? Big situation

How does Ling Dance appear here?

Yang Dingtian has saved her father from being heavy, so she should not need her to go out.

However, the operation of this spar fast boat is always much better than the cargo, not too worried about the island attack.

Compared with before, Ling Dance is a bit more generous. She was slim and fit, and after a little bit of abundance, her figure looked even more hot.

So after she came out, the man in the cabin was obviously bright, and her eyes greedily fell on the curve of the undulating and delicate body.

Ling Wu looked at the crowd, and when I passed the beautiful man, my face suddenly felt a little unnatural, and immediately nodded after a slight nod. Then quickly swept through the rest of the people present, when I saw the Yangdingtian, I couldn’t help but glimpse.

Yang Dingtian immediately lowered his gaze, and then put on a slightly greedy gaze like his own, and scanned the hot body of Ling Dance.

Ling Wu brows slightly wrinkled, looking a little bored, then turned and left.

At this time, there was a very loud voice on the coastline.

"The owner, please wait..." is the voice of a woman who heard the extreme.

Moreover, this voice Yang Tiantian is still somewhat familiar.

Ling dance loudly said: "Sorry, the boat has been opened, can not be turned back."

"Nothing..." The woman on the pier was soft and hoarse.

Then, a wonderfully different fragrance instantly lost in the nose of everyone.

Then, a woman, like a butterfly, floated down on the boat and then entered the cabin.

Then, all men can't breathe, even including Yangdingtian.

because. At this time, it is the peerless singer that the whole world dreams of. It is the dream lover of all men in the world.

Her every move, a smile, every movement, every expression. All are enough to make any man crazy, enough to make any woman jealous, imitate!

Of course, this is not the reason why Yangdingtian trembles.

The reason why Yangdingtian trembled was because she was Gongsun Sanniang.

That's right, Gongsun Sanniang!

There is also an identity in the solitary phoenix dance, that is the grandson of the seven-show square.

As soon as she walked in, the entire cabin was completely dimmed.

as if. All the light is condensed on her beautiful face.

As if, there are only two people left in the entire cabin, one is Gongsun Sanniang, and the other is the peerless beauty man.

After a brief silence, the entire cabin broke out completely.

Everyone inside, whether it is a man or a woman, is rushing forward.

"Gongsun everyone, Gongsun everyone. Can you sign me a name?"

"Gongsun everyone, I have no dreams. How come you are here."

Regardless of men and women, it was completely fanatical, and instantly rushed to the front of Gongsun Sanniang, but did not dare touch her.

This kind of fanaticism is stronger than the fans on Earth who see the king of heaven.

Everyone in the entire cabin was surrounded by Gongsun Sanniang. The only three exceptions.

The top beautiful man, Yang Dingtian, and Ling Dance.

Yes, the little girl’s coffin was squeezed, and she was the first time to squeeze it. Although she is very jealous. But what she admires most is the woman who will shine up and down.

As for Ling Dance, the beauty is also full of fiery, but she is a bit embarrassed, I am embarrassed to squeeze it.

For a while, Gongsun Sanniang greeted these fanatical admirers.

"Well, everyone returns to their position, do not affect the navigation of the ship owner." Gongsun Sanniang.

Suddenly, everyone, like the sacred decree, returned to his position and sat on the rules. But still very nervous, very excited to look at the Gongsun Sanniang.

Sanniang Chao Ling danced a little blessing and said: "Sorry, it affects your operations."

She was originally wearing a pink sleeve dance skirt, chest to thigh, is tight, the curve of her snake waist bee hips like a devil. In particular, the two are strong and round, full of seductive thighs, because of the perennial sword dance, it is more elastic and attractive.

This curved curve of the waist and hips almost pierces the human intelligence and makes people unable to breathe.

"It’s my pleasure for everyone to be able to come to my boat." Ling Wu said: "I will prepare the cabin for you. The cabin is my residence, I am afraid to grieve you."

"How can San Niang be able to take the lead and I will sit outside here." Gongsun Sanniang softly said, then the beauty of the water turned around, as if looking for a location.

Suddenly, everyone got up and got out of their place.

Gongsun Sanniangmei fell on the empty space around Yangdingtian, softly said: "This big brother, I am sitting next to you?"

Suddenly, countless jealous eyes looked at the sun.

"Gongsun everyone please please." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, the little princess looked at the sun in the morning and looked at a doubtful look.

Gongsun Sanniang models came to Yangdingtian to sit down.

Suddenly, a charming fragrance, instantly swaying in the top of the Yangding Tian nose, full of seductive, almost expelled the people in the cabin, all gone.

In front of such a beautiful woman, even if I don't have to look at it, just knowing that she is around is enough to make people feel confused.

Despite being seated, Gong Sun San Niang’s posture is still very charming.

The snake's small waist is straight and straight, and the plump and firm chest is tall and tall, and the beautiful buttocks are round and sharp.

Even the most lazy sitting position, Gongsun Sanniang is still meticulous and serious.

As Qin Zhi said, some women are born with beauty in their beauty.


The boat continues on!

In addition to the choice of sitting in the top of Yangdingtian, Gongsun Sanniang did not deliberately move.

Then, Yangding Tiandeng was caught in doubt.

First of all, is this Gongsun Sanniang a solitary phoenix dance?

Undoubtedly, in terms of appearance, the figure is exactly the same.

Of course, the solitary phoenix dance can change his own appearance and make himself exactly the same as Gongsun Sanniang.

Yangdingtian and Dugufeng dance have a skin kiss, but even at this time she can’t tell the difference between the Gongsun Sanniang and the Gongsun Sanniang whom he saw before. It’s really The same.

however. Yangdingtian knows. The solitary phoenix dance is not really Gongsun Sanniang, there is a real Gongsun Sanniang in this world.

Gongsun Sanniang and Gongsun Si Niang, twin sisters, almost exactly the same. Moreover, the two people are intimate and completely dependent on each other.

but. Because the two fell in love with the same man and completely broke.

Then, Gongsun Sanniang actually disappeared inexplicably, and the Dugu Fengyan became the Gongsun Sanniang.

As for the grandson and four mothers, it seems to have been killed by Qin Zhi in the magic domain.

The true Gongsun Sanniang has already disappeared completely. I don’t know if it is dead or alive. In recent years, the image of Gongsun Sanniang is operating alone.

However, if the Gongsun Sanniang is a solitary phoenix dance, she must have recognized Yangdingtian. No matter how easy it is, Yang Dingtian can recognize it.

because. After all, it was her child who was jealous, and with the taste of Yangdingtian, he could recognize him.

However, the Gongsun Sanniang in front of her eyes did not seem to recognize the appearance of Yangdingtian. Of course, she doesn't shoot her, she becomes the best actor when she becomes a grandson.

Therefore, at the beginning of Yang Ding Tianxin carefully guarded, secretly concentrated the spirit on the side of this genius of Gongsun Sanniang.

However this woman. However, he closed the beauty slightly, as if he had entered meditation.

In short. Whether she is a solitary phoenix or a grandson, it is strange to appear on this ship. In her capacity to go to Zhongzhou, let alone send a magnificent ship to send her, even if it is a fleet, I do not know how many forces are rushing to send.

However, this fascinating world is perfect. I chose this crowded boat.

She appeared on this ship, which is not normal in itself, and certainly has other purposes.

Or more directly, it must be because of someone who is wearing it.


In this way, in the mood of the crowd excited. The Spar Express has broken the waves and sailed toward Zhongzhou at a speed of nearly 200 miles per hour.

Nothing happened along the way.

At the beginning, all the people in the cabin held their breath and did not dare to speak.

Later, someone finally broke this silence and started chatting.

Like the train on the earth, these ordinary people talk about it, that is, the national event, that is, the big man.

This time, the big guy they talked about is Yangdingtian!

"Is it heard? Yangdingtian is about to finish soon. He tarnished the oriental ice rink and killed the oriental fairy. Now the Northwest Tiandao League has decided to expel the Yunxiao City from the Tiandao League and prepare to sanction the Yangdingtian." Carefully said: "I heard that our western world, Qincheng, Tianxia, ​​Tianfengge, Shenbingshan, Baiyuncheng, etc. all voted in favor. Yangdingtian, this time is completely over. Within a month, there is no city in the world, and there is no sky."

"Cut, your news has long since fallen behind. I just got the news that Yangdingtian is not going to be finished, Yangdingtian is going to be completely cattle. Qinhuai in the northwest Qincheng knows? The world will know Song Chunhua? Do the princess know? Xuan Tianzong wished the Qing master to know? These big men, these future celestial celestial spirits, all stand on the side of Yunxiaocheng. Moreover, the so-called Yangdingtian killed the oriental icicles, completely illusory, completely demon The opposition of the forces and the filth. The so-called resolution of the Northwest Branch of the Tiandao League is only the private revenge of the Tianfengge rebellious cold eyebrows."

“Really?” The original man suddenly looked forward to a look of admiration and surprise.

"Of course it is true. I am eating by the Shenbing Mountain Villa. I can't know. We are already sending messengers to visit Yunxiao City. The weather in Yangding is soaring, how could it be done?"

His voice has not yet fallen, and one person on the side disdainfully sneered: "You don't know how much you are behind?"

"So what new news can you have?"

"New news? The new news is that the world will send Song Chunhua and Song Lihua out of the world, and announced that they will send 200,000 elite troops to the northwest to attack the coalition forces. In the northwest Qincheng, Qin Huaiyu will be expelled from Qincheng, and Qin Qiqi is The heirs will send 300,000 troops to attack the Yunxiao City. There is also the so-called "Shen Bing Mountain Villa", which also begins to be anxious. There are no 150,000 and 100,000 troops. Moreover, Shenbing Villa will provide ten to the crusade. 50,000 sets of armor and weapons."

“Really?” Someone exclaimed at the venue.

"Of course it is true." The man sneered: "Don't you see that in the past few days, the iron-furnace city, the continuous carriage, was transported to the sunset mountains? Do you know what is inside? All are armor and weapons. The barbarian army used to arm the sunset mountains."

"Ah, the barbarian army also wants to join the crusade. This is not to lead the wolves into the room? These barbarians are all beasts." Others asked: "So, how many troops will be crusted in the city?"

"You guess..." This thin middle-aged humanity.

Yangding Tian looked at this person, about thirty-four years old, his eyes were a little muddy, but he shone with unwilling and frustrated light. A look of bitterness and deep hatred. As if you are not satisfied with anything. Such people, Yang Dingtian also seen a lot in the Earth era.

Middle-aged angry youth! Yes, it is more appropriate to use this term.

"Fifty thousand?" others asked cautiously.

“Fifty thousand?” The middle-aged man dismissed: “Double, it’s almost the same!”

"Ah..." Suddenly, the entire cabin was shocked, including Yangdingtian.

"One million, one million troops are fighting against Yunxiao City. Is this necessary?" Someone muttered to himself: "All the troops in Yunxiao City add up to less than 50,000. To destroy Yunxiaocheng. Ten thousand troops are enough. One million, one million, is it necessary?"

"Yunyucheng, there are 100,000 troops at this time." The middle-aged humanity: "Yangdingtian is also considered a male talent. With the thunder, sweeping away all the princes on the territory. Gathering all the troops under them, forming The 100,000-strong army, and the strong wall, the organization of hundreds of thousands of people, built countless fortresses and fronts. But even so. 300,000 coalition forces are enough to destroy Yunxiao City."

"Then, why should we dispatch a million coalition forces, isn't it too wasteful?" asked the other.

"Destroying Yunxiao City is a no-brainer for them. They want performances. They are swept in a thunderous way. They use a knife to kill a chicken. In order to make everyone in the world afraid, everyone will tremble. Everyone dare not disobey them, and everyone is kneeling at their feet. Therefore, the battle of Yunxiaocheng is not a war at all. It is a performance, and then forces all the forces in the world to stand."

"Oh, this war has not yet begun, it is already destined to end, Yang Dingtian is over, Yunxiao City is over, the world is just finished..."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he picked up a bag of wine and sipped.

The next person cautiously said: "How do you know so much?"

"Why do I know? Because, because a few days ago, I was still a sharp squad of certain forces." The middle-aged man said: "The more you know, the colder your heart is, and you don't want to be brainwashed by some people. Willing to help, then flee, leave..."

Everyone, looking at the eyes of this middle-aged man, suddenly filled with mystery.

"So, is the Yangdingtian side, is it right?" asked the other person.

"Justice, of course, is just." The middle-aged man said: "However, go to the **** justice, who is still in charge of justice now. It is the interest, the life and death."

"That, that's not right. Although Tiandao League has been corrupted, but it is still just, why should we go to the dominance of justice?" asked the other.

"Tiandao League justice?" The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Ha ha ha, you know, who really formed the crusade against the coalition, who is now controlling the Tiandao League? Haha, it is the demon road... is the temple of the annihilation..."

When this is said, there is a change in the place.

When I heard the words of the Temple of Destruction, all the faces were horrified.

"Ha ha ha... Is there a more ridiculous thing in this world than this? The people of the Demon Road control the Heavenly Alliance, and then, in the name of justice, go to the sky of true justice. So I will not do it, I will be a deserter. Now, I left the northwestern continent. Because the northwestern continent will soon fall, it will change color."

Then, the middle-aged man said: "I advise you, and also go quickly. The destruction of Yangdingtian, the fall of the northwestern continent, we can't stop it. Go to Zhongzhou, at least the current state has not yet fallen. But it is also fast, Zhongzhou The Lingbi Palace, the Yuntian Pavilion, and the Dicheng City have troubles. When Zhongzhou fell, they went to Dongzhou. When Dongzhou fell, they went to Yunzhou in the east. The eastern Yunzhou fell, that. The world is finished. ""

Suddenly, inside the cabin, it was gray.

"Don't you have a little hope?"

"Hope?" Middle-aged humanity: "When you look at the sea, how many fleets have you recently? All the forces in the world, all the heads. All the sovereigns went to the eastern Yunzhou to hold the Tiandao League. Wait, if Yangdingtian If the crime is established, if Yunxiaocheng is expelled from the world, it means that there is no hope. If the sanction of Yangdingtian is not passed, it means that the highest level of Tiandao League has not completely rotted, and the situation remains. A little chance to recover."

at this time. Yangding is really horrified.

This middle-aged angry youth is definitely not a big man, so he knows so much.

For example, is the Doomsday Temple controlling the Northwest Tiandao League? He actually knew.

There is no doubt that there are not many people like him, but there is definitely more than one.

Then, Yang Dingtian could not help but think of the Earth era. On the train, ordinary people are talking about national events. Even talk about international events and talk about international conspiracy. Talking about the Freemasonry and so on. Although they are all ordinary people, they are completely saying that they are the leader.

It seems. The same is true in the chaotic world, it is difficult to have real secrets.

Then, one person suddenly said: "Since you know that Yangdingtian is just right. Why not go to Yunxiao City to fight for him, but choose to escape?"

"Oh..." The middle-aged angry sneer smiled: "I certainly thought about it, but Yang Dingtian actually released a Yangdingtian declaration of the brain into the water. He even placed himself in the position of the leader of the Heavenly League. He even said that he It is the lord of the sect. If you say that if you collude with the demon road, you must destroy it. If you say, you must kill the Qiu Shuijian."

When this was said, everyone suddenly made an incredible exclamation.

"Who is his Yangdingtian? It’s all in this critical moment. He should try to win every ally. Or go and win every mountain to keep Yunxiaocheng. He thinks who he is, how weak Yunxiaocheng is, How weak is he himself, don’t he know? Do you still want to lead the Heavenly Alliance and destroy the Qiu Shui Jianpai. Can he do it? When the **** Yang Tiantian declaration spreads all over the world, he is offended by the forces of the world. When I became a laughing stock in the world. Such a stupid city owner, I ran to fight for him? His mind went into the water, and my mind didn't have water."

Suddenly, everyone agreed.

At this time, Yangdingtian finally felt clearly, and the attitude of the most ordinary people in the chaotic world to his declaration.

This group of people, in fact, are standing on the side of Yangdingtian. Even they feel that Yangdingtian’s brain has entered the water, showing the attitude of other forces in the world.

You are a small cloud city, it is difficult to protect yourself, not to ask for help, not to rely on the back. I still have to say that I want to lead this and extinction. It is completely self-seeking.

Yang Dingtian is very clear about the attitude of the people of the world after the release of the Yangdingtian Declaration. Therefore, even if you pay a big price, you must go to the Qiu Shui Jian School.

Of course, he succeeded. Unfortunately, this news has not yet spread.

Once the news of Qiu Shuijian’s death, the news of the righteous people in the world is an uplifting, and the Yangdingtian Declaration will have a weight!

For the fear of the future, the disappointment of Yangdingtian has caused some people in the venue to temporarily lose the nature of all speech.

In the cabin, it was quiet again.

"The boat in front, stop immediately!"

At this time, there was a sudden burst of energy on the sea.

Suddenly, someone went to open the window of the cabin.

Then, everyone is behind a cold!

A dozen or so spar battleships rushed to the wall and surrounded the boat.

Ling Dance quickly came out and went to the bow of the boat: "The fire island operates the vessel and is registered in the Tiandaomeng Maritime Department and is legally operated."

The leader on the battleship saw Ling Dance, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then screamed: "The Tiandao League Northwest Fleet, normal inspection, stop the ship to be inspected!"

Suddenly, everyone was relieved.

During this time, the situation was very tense. In particular, all members of the entire Northwest Tiandao League, all by boat to the East Yunzhou Tiandaomeng headquarters to hold a conference ~ ~ resolution sanctions Yangdingtian. The safety of the sea is even more important.

Ling dance stopped.

Suddenly, more than a dozen small spar battleships quickly came up.

Then, an elite force of nearly a hundred people boarded the ship.

"Hey, hehe..." This group of people controlled the cockpit for the first time.

All the powerful, instantly aimed at Ling Dance and her men's sailors.

"The fire of the island, the alleged collusion of Yangdingtian, for the Tiandao League do not share the enemy of the heavens. Fengtiandao League Northwest Branch, the arrest of Lingwu extremely all the people, dare to resist, killing!" headed by the Tiandao Allied Officer, came to Ling Dance and took out the military order directly.

It is a real military order! From the Tiandao League Northwest Fleet, such as fake replacement.

Then, a few warriors, going directly to arrest Ling Dance!

Note: The first six thousand words are sent! Brothers, ask for a monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

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