Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 495: : Save the beauty! Kill! 3 mother shows love!

Note: The second and fourth thousand words are sent, and today 10,000 words again, please ask for the monthly ticket!

Little princess, very smart!

The more critical moments, the more obvious this cleverness is!

For example, when the Tiandao League officer said that Ling Dance colluded with Yang Dingtian, she did not have a look at the sun. Although, this time she is absolutely curious, Yang Dingtian and this hot and beautiful female island owner, also have a leg?

In the face of the arrest of the Heavenly Warrior Samurai, Ling Dance retreats slightly, and coldly said: "You, you made a mistake. I don't know the people of the evil demon. I don't know what to do. Then, my fire island is nominally a **** soldier. The power of the mountain village, so the same as the Tiandao League, you have to arrest me, is it necessary to pass the Shenbing Villa?"

The samurai leader smiled coldly and said: "Miss Ling Wu, who issued this arrest warrant and ordered the destruction of the fierce island, is the Shenbing Villa!"

Then, the warrior leader presented another document.

This document reads that Liehuo Island, as a subsidiary of the Shenbing Mountain Villa, dared to collude with the evil demon Daoyang, and the Shenbing Villa ordered the annihilation to restore the justice and purity of the Shenbing Villa.

Behind the document, cover the unique fire command of the Shenbing Mountain Villa!

Ling Dance looked shocked and said: "You, what are you going to on Fire Island? What happened to your father?"

"Before an hour, the fleet of Shenbing Villa, a total of 20,000 people, has set out to destroy the island of fire." The warrior leader sneered: "When you collude with Yangdingtian, you should think of today's ending." !"

Ling dance has changed dramatically.

The fierce fire island was originally a ghost, a wild ghost, and it was not a sacred mountain.

However, since Yang Dingtian successfully climbed the top of Yunxiao City. The Shenbing Villa actually wanted to throw an olive branch on the island of Fire, and was willing to let Liehuo Island become a subsidiary territory of the Shenbing Villa, but did not pay any taxes.

this means. Since then, the Fire Island has enjoyed the protection of the Shenbing Villa, but there is no need to pay any price.

Of course, this actually means that Yan has left this identity and has already been exposed. The owner of the Shenbing Villa, already knowing that the person who saved the fire island is Yangdingtian. Therefore, he gave Yang Dingtian a sentiment in the wind and rain.

The Shenbing Villa has always been such a person. Although they do not decide whether Yunxiaocheng has too much threat or use for them. However, they are willing to make any friends.

And this kind of human feelings, when Yang Dingtian greeted Qin Jiaojiao, Shenbing Villa was the ultimate.

At that time, Yangdingtian greeted Qin Jiaojiao's wedding banquet, and the owner of Shenbing Villa attended the wedding. Of course, there were too many big men on the day, and Yangdingtian did not pay much attention to the owner of this Shenbing Villa.

Yangdingtian ignored the main enemy of the Shenbing Villa, but the other party would not ignore him. After Qiu Wan robbed back to the Shenbing Villa. Immediately sent a big gift to Yunxiao City. Immediately afterwards, he personally went to the Fire Island, nominally concerned about the life of the people in the territory. In fact, it is to pay attention to the heavy and Ling dance.

Although it is not stated clearly, but in the words, Qiu Wan robbery does not regard Lingzhong as the father-in-law of Yunzhucheng. I also don’t think of Ling Dance as the wife of Yang Dingtian.

Of course, why did he know that Yan is not a Yang Tiantian?

In fact, this matter, when Yangding Tiandeng tops the city of Yunzhu. It is no longer a secret. Even in the black blood cavalry, a large number entered the fiery island. When the fire island joined forces to annihilate Qin Huai fear (fake Yang Dingtian), Yan’s identity has already fallen into the eyes of the people.

When Yang Dingtian won the big battle, Ling Dance was extremely joyful, and then dreamed that Yang Dingtian would pick her up to Yunxiao City. Even Yang Dingtian does not come to pick up, she is prepared to go boldly to the Yuncheng City to find the husband.

but. These thoughts disappeared in the compliment of hatred.

When Yangdingtian was in the middle of the fall, Lingwu fell in love with Yangdingtian. This kind of love is pure. It is warm.

However, when Yangdingtian became the owner of the Yunxiao City, she rushed to dance again. Isn’t it just vain vanity?

Therefore, Ling Wu gave up the idea of ​​going to Yunxiao City, but still held hope, waiting for one day Yangdingtian could send someone to pick her up.

However, this day has never come.

Then, Ling Zhong finally couldn't help but tell her: "Child, don't think about it. He is the star in the sky, you can't touch it, you can't match it. Put this quiet in your heart, then you should go to it. Let's live."

Then Ling Ling cried for a few nights.

Then, once again, she was strong again, and she was no longer out of the sea, and she took the boat to the sea again.

However, every time you pass the volcanic island that meets Yangtiantian, Ling Dance will still stop the boat, and then one person will go to the island and quietly stay for a few hours.

In this way, one day, she actually found another person on the island!

Almost exactly the same place as Yangdingtian, she met this person.

At this point, this person was dying and almost dying.

Ling Dance will save the boat and take him back to the Fire Island! Later, this person was cured.

Then, every time Ling Dance goes out to sea, he will be the last one to board the ship. Whatever is said, it is to protect her and protect the safety of this ship.


Of course, I came back to the experience of Ling Wu during this time.

I have never waited for the Ling Dance of the Yangding Angels, and gradually gave up hope, and then vowed to stay alone for the rest of my life.

Who knows, one day, the situation is changing.

Yangdingtian has admired from all the people and turned into a public enemy.

A very terrible crime appeared on his head.

Defiled and murdered the oriental ice. Then, Tiandao League formed a crusade against the army. Tiandao League wanted to release the order to kill the world. Tiandao League wanted to be named Yunyun City.

All of a sudden, Yangdingtian fell from the cloud to hell.

At this time, Ling Dance felt that it was time to return to Yunxiaocheng. She was going to die with Yangdingtian, so she was always justified.

However, the messenger of the enemy has once again appeared on the ice island.

He told Ling Dance that in fact, there is still a turning point in Yangdingtian, so that Ling Dance should not act rashly. And even if the entire fire island has gone to Yunxiao City, it can't help Yangdingtian.

Moreover, he also told Ling Dance that the enemy was standing on the side of Yangdingtian from the heart.

In this way, Ling Dance stopped again to the footsteps of Yunxiao City.

Until a few days ago. Sure enough, the wind changed again.

The north of the Qin Dynasty, the Lord, the world will be the Lord, the Princess of the Lingbi Palace, Xuantianzong Shaozhu. Even gathered in the top of the Yangding Tianzhu, even in the face of the people, the knot Jinlan. With the total death.

The result of this worship is shocking.

At that time, Ling Wu felt that Yang Dingtian was even higher, so he completely dispelled the idea of ​​going to Yunxiao City.

I did not expect that the momentum has changed dramatically again.

Song Chunhua, Song Lihua was expelled from the world, Qin Huaiyu was expelled from Yunxiao City, wishing that Hong Xue was expelled from Xuan Tianzong.

All the brothers of Yangdingtian lost their noble status. Become an accomplice of Yangdingtian.

Of course, in the official documents of the Tiandao League, there is no direct statement that they are enemies and that they are rebellious. Rather, they are tempted by Yang Dingtian, so they help, but they can still be saved.

Just these things. It happened only a few days ago.

Therefore, it has not yet reached the ear of Ling Dance.

She did not think of it. Before the sound of standing on the side of Yangdingtian, he turned his face directly and sent people to directly capture the Ling Dance and destroy the Ice Island.

Undoubtedly, the Shenbing Mountain Villa has completely stood up and put the fire on the island and Ling Dance. When it became a cast name!


Of course, Ling Dance refused to let go and slammed the sword.

"Hey!" Suddenly, the sailor warrior behind her, also pulled swords.

"Miss Ling Wu, if I am you, I will not do it." Suddenly, a gentleman from the spar battleship came out.

Ling Wu knows this person, is the three sons of Shen Bingshan, and hates jade. I once coveted the beauty of Ling Dance, and later I heard that she was a woman in Yangdingtian, and she did not dare to make it.

"Would you like to save your father and save you on the island of fire?" asked Qiu Duanyu.

"Hugh thinking!" Ling dance.

Qiu Duanyu smiled and said: "I have not said, why did you refuse?"

"Don't you let me dedicate to you? Dream!" Ling dance cold.

"No, not dedicated to me, is a person who is dedicated to other people and is more valuable." Qiu Duanyu greedily looked at Ling Dance: "I am not qualified to have you, as long as it is used by Yangdingtian. All the prices are multiplied. If I give him a gift as a gift, I can clear up the relationship with Yangdingtian."

"Okay, more than 20,000 people in our Shenbing Mountain Villa have already set off for Icefire Island. Your father's life and death, thousands of tens of thousands of people's lives and deaths on the ice island, all look at you. It is a slap in the hand, sent to the bed of the big man. Or rebel against the beggar, sent to the bed of the big man, but you all died on the island of the fire, you see yourself." Qiu Duanyu smiled lightly.

The Ling Dance Crisp continues to fluctuate and falls into a struggle.

Then, she jerked her head up and said, "I don't think about it! I am on the island of fire, I would rather stand dead than to be alive!"

Qiu Duanyu suddenly looked cold and waved: "Hands, except Ling Dance, all killed."

Then, the figure flashed and instantly came directly to Ling.

Ling dance slammed the sword.

"When..." Qiu Duanyu gently flicked, and the sword of Ling Dance instantly flew a few tens of meters away.

Her cultivation is too far away.

Then, Qiu Duanyu looked at her pretty chest, showing her greedy gaze, pretending to catch it, grabbing her hand to her chest, and grabbing her hand with her hand.

A shot is the most inferior trick!






Almost four people, all shot!

Yang Dingtian shot, the coffin shot.

Gongsun Sanniang shot, and the top beautiful man shot!

Qiu Duanyu changed his face and quickly retired tens of meters. He screamed coldly: "Tiandao League has taken rebellious, all the obstacles are regarded as Yangding Tiantong Party. Are you going to be an enemy of Tiandao League?"

Gongsun Sanniang Jiaogu gently bends: "Xiu Gongzi, I guarantee that Miss Ling Dance and Yangdingtian have no collusion, you give me this face, how?"

The enemy was stunned.

The moment I saw the Gongsun Sanniang, you were like a lightning strike, looking at her beautiful face, the devil's general body. Listening to her soft hoarse soft words, suddenly nothing to do, directly point to the head.

At this point, a samurai behind him came forward and snorted on his arm, then whispered in his ear: "You will blame the Shenbing Villa."

Suddenly, Qiu Duanyu was sobered from the beauty of Gongsun Sanniang, and then bowed down to the grandson of Sannang: "If it is other things, it must follow the sweetheart of the grandson, but this thing is too big. Anyone can't take it, sorry!"

Then, Qiu Duan Yu softly said: "Gongsun everyone, please also retreat some, so that we will offend you if we will offend you!"

After all, Qiu Duanyu ordered: "In addition to Ling Dance, the rest of the fire islands, all killed!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of Tiandao League warriors broke off in unison.

Then, brush up and raise the energy, aiming at everyone.

"Let!" Qiu Duan Yu ordered.

Suddenly, hundreds of powerful smashing arrows slammed into the sailors around Ling Dance.

Yang Dingtian raised his hand, violently Xuanqi, to block all the arrows.

The shot is still not just Yangdingtian.

There is also Gongsun Sanniang, and the beautiful man.

San Niang pulled out the sword and jerked it.

The top beautiful man, the sleeves are lightly glimpsed.

In an instant, hundreds of arrows, all gray and smoke, and broken bones.

Qiu Duan Yu was shocked and said: "Do you really want to be an enemy of Heaven and Earth Alliance? Then no one can save you."

"Noisy!" The beautiful man was cold, pointing to Qiu Duan and pointing a shot.

"Oh..." In the unbelievable eyes, Qiu Duyu's chest smashed a huge crack, and the blood of the whole body began to boil.

"Hey!" Then, Qiu Duan Yu's entire body, blasted open, broken bones.

Then, the beautiful man’s sleeves glimpsed.

On the sea, there were huge waves, and they rushed to the battleships of Tiandaomeng.

In an instant, all the battleships are broken.

All the people on the battleship, all of them are broken bones, and there is no dead body!

The coffin was stunned, and Ling Dance was shocked!

Who is this beautiful man? It is so powerful that it is so terrible.

This is the real fingertips, the smoke is gone!

The young high-handed man in the world has never heard of the name of this person.

Understatement After killing all the Heavenly League hundreds of warriors. In the eyes of countless shocks, this beautiful man's face is still understated, and walked to the front of Ling Dance: "The girl is not obstructed."

"I'm fine, thank you." Ling dance.

"No, you saved my life and brought me back from the edge of death. The person who said thank you is me." The beautiful man is gentle.

That's right, the man that Ling Dance rescued from the volcanic island is him.

Then, the beautiful man followed her boat to the sea every day. Never bother, and basically do not take the initiative to talk to her, but secretly protect.

It’s just that Ling Wu really doesn’t know that this beautiful man is so powerful.

At this time, Gongsun Sanniang Meilu released a very complicated and incomparable gaze toward this beautiful man. He said: "A few years later, I found you again. You have to run this time, still have to hide from me? When are you going to hide me?"

Yangding is a big day, then suddenly realized! (To be continued.)

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