Nine Yang Sword Saint

: After 2 more words, ask the brothers to help each other!

It’s a bit tired to have two more 10,000 words today.

From six o'clock in the evening to the present, there is no time to eat dinner.

Just over eleven o'clock, I was so hungry that I could only catch a handful of peanuts.

Every day, the word update is really tired!

However, in order to get the support of the brothers, you must work hard to persist!

Brothers, give me some energy and give me a monthly pass.

It has already fallen to more than 70, and the brothers help each other!

Thank you everyone!

I went to dinner, then went to sleep, and fight again tomorrow!

Brothers, help me!


Ps: I built a group of books and friends, and welcome the brothers who read genuine.

The group number is: 264211237. (To be continued.)

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