Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 496: : Love is like fire! Arrive at the Lingbi Palace!

Yang Dingtian can finally be confirmed at this time, this is the Gongsun Sanniang, not the solitary phoenix dance.

The mysterious beauty man in front of him is the man who fell in love with the legendary Gongsun Sanniang and Gongsun Si Niang.

At that time, Yangdingtian was still puzzled. What kind of outstanding man can make these two women fall in love at the same time, and they will break directly from the brothers and sisters who are dependent on each other, and the old and the dead will not come and go.

These two women are so beautiful, and they are the dreams of men all over the world. There are very few men in the world who deserve to be worthy. It is already a blessing to be able to get a favor. This man is actually loved by two at the same time. So how good is it? It is completely the public enemy of the man of the world.

Now, Yangdingtian finally saw this man.

Indeed, enough for the men of the world to be jealous of vomiting blood.

Than wishing the red snow handsome, than the red snow has connotation, repair is much stronger than Zhu Hongxue.

Where did he break out? Born out, it is to make men jealous.


"This time, you can't think about opening me anymore. No matter where you go, I will follow you unless you kill me." Gongsun Sanniang looked at this beautiful man with deep affection.

This mysterious beautiful man, his eyes flashed a gentle sigh, and then danced to Ling: "Miss Ling Wu, what do you plan to do next?"

Ling Wu said: "I, I want to go back to the Fire Island and die with my father."

The mysterious beauty man said: "Let's do it, you continue to sail to the mainland of China. On the other side of the fire island, I will save."

Then, he turned to the grandson Sannang Road: "Sanniang, you stayed on, to protect the Ling Dance girl's boat."

"No, where are you going. Where do I go." Gongsun Sanniang is like a little girl at this time, reluctantly said: "For several years, I am hard to find you again, you can't open me."

"I won't open you." Mysterious beautiful man said: "After I saved the Fire Island, I will immediately return and go to Zhongzhou."

"No. You deceive, you will definitely disappear again when you arrive." Gongsun Sanniang stepped forward and clutched his sleeves.

"When did I fool someone?" Mysterious beautiful man said: "Okay, that's it."

Then, he came to Yang Dingtian and deeply worshipped: "In the lower Wu."

"Tie Zhongtang, Wen Hao!" Yang Dingtian arched the hand, this is the fake name of him and the coffin.

"I just thanked the two for helping me. I went to the Fire Island. On the boat, I asked the two." Wu Ning said.

"Okay." Yangding Tiandao.

Wu Youming said: "There are two masters who can help you, and you can safely sail. I will come back at most one hour."

Ling Wu said: "Wu Big Brother, this time attacking the fierce fire island is the Tiandao League. You, you will offend the Tiandao League."

"Reassured, the district of the Shenbing Villa, I have not put it in the eyes. To ensure that the fire island is nothing." Wu Ning.

Then, he turned his head to the sun in the morning: "Iron brother. Goodbye!"


"Re-come!" Lingbi beautiful, bright and dull.

"Oh..." Then, Wu Ningming disappeared directly in front of her eyes, blinking a few kilometers away, and blinking again. It has disappeared.

The cultivation of this person is really shocking.


The Clippers continue on.

Gongsun Sanniang did not have a cabin, but on the deck, staring at the disappearance of Wu Ningming, obsessed.

obviously. Wu Ningming did not come in, she certainly did not come in, she worried that the lover would disappear like this, so I have to watch him come back.

After returning to the cabin, the little girl's coffin also appeared to be lost, with a small hand holding the chin, into a fantasy. While imagining, while still laughing, it is definitely a beautiful thing in yy.

Yangdingtian could not help but shook his head helplessly.

"Hey." Lingbi used his arm barrel to smash the sky. "You said, if I compete with Gongsun Sanniang, is there a chance?"

"What do you say?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The eye of the coffin suddenly became devastated, looked at his body and looked at his chest.

Hey, look outsiders, the chest can be faked. But in the face of the lover, falsification is to find death. I can’t always take off my clothes for a lifetime, and I’m still a lover.

"Hey, you have seen so many worlds, can you make a woman's chest really bigger?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

"Really? Tell me soon, tell me soon." Little girl said: "I know that you hurt me the most, I am your favorite little girl. This is related to my lifelong happiness."

Of course, it is on the earth and there is breast enhancement surgery. But in the chaotic world, there is no way.

"In another world, there is breast enhancement surgery." Yangding Tiandao.

The little girl was annoyed and took a look at Yangdingtian.

"Hey, I just found a look, my brain, the martial arts are the top men, I finally found a man who can match me, but there are so many powerful competitors." Ling Yu sighed, then she was beautiful One turn, said: "Five brother, my brother, you said, if I kill the Gongsun Sanniang, or spend her connection, let her disfigur, will you help me?"

"What do you say?" Yang Dingtian’s eyes glimpsed, and the more he said, the worse he said. Fortunately, I followed myself, otherwise I don't think she can't do this kind of thing. She even wished that Red Snow would dare to kill.

"It seems that I am completely out of play." The little princess said with anger: "I blame my mother, I blame me for fear. I hate it, I can't wait to make the world more beautiful than me, my body is better than me, all Kill it."

Then, she quickly comforted herself: "However, the more handsome the man, the more I don't care about the woman's appearance. So the beauty pays for the ugly man, the beautiful man with the ugly girl. Hey, hey, hey, I am not an ugly girl, I am Big beauty, I am just a chest, not as good as a grandson. Maybe Wu Gongzi likes me like this, look at Yangdingtian, grow so ugly, big beauty like Ximen Yanyan is willing to talk to him."

Yangdingtian took a breath and tried to endure it, endure! Hold back without a slap!


After only one hour, Wu Ningming came back.

Listening to the surprise call of Gongsun Sanniang, she seems to wait for more than just an hour, but more than a year.

See when Wu Nguyen came back. Her beautiful and unparalleled body is almost soft.

Ling Wu also quickly rushed out and eagerly asked: "How about Wu Big Brother?"

"It's okay." Wu Ning said: "When I arrived at the Fire Island, the people of the Shenbing Villa had not landed yet, and the Fire Island was not hurt."

"That. After that..." Ling Dance asked.

"It’s okay in the future." Wu Ning said: "Reassured."

I don't know why, every word that Wu Youming said is full of infinite trust.

"Thank you, Big Brother, your great grace, I will never forget." Ling dance beautifully with tears, sideways to worship.

"Oh..." Wu Ningxiao smiled and said: "You always do, you saved my life, no matter what you do for you, it should be."

"I can meet Big Brother Wu on the island that day. It is my greatest fortune." Ling Wu said: "Wu Big Brother, Gongsun everyone, you go to my cabin to rest."

"No, the daughter's mortuary, noisy men are not good to enter." Wu Ningxiao softly laughed.

Ling Wu suddenly became a red face.

Wu Ningming walked into the cabin and smiled at the top of the sun.

The coffin is beautiful, like a sunflower. Where is the family, her eyes will follow.

Gongsun Sanniang soon discovered this rival. But she just smiled a little, and the beauty was full of flattery and herself. A gentle step, close to Wu Ning, walked gracefully and femininely behind him. Although there is no hand, there is no arm. But it is very clear that sovereignty has been declared.

Ling Dance quickly went to find a comfortable big chair.

This time, Wu Nguyen was not polite and sat down directly.

Ling Wu also found a chair that was equally comfortable for Gongsun Sanniang, but Gongsun Sanniang refused and chose an ordinary low chair. Sitting next to Wu Ning. In this way, he is short, giving a little bird a gentle feeling.

"Fox, he will seduce men by nature." The coffin was dissatisfied on the side.

Gongsun Sanniang heard it, and her face showed a more flattering smile.

At this time, Yangdingtian glanced at the coffin and was very serious.

This girl doesn't matter, but if it is broken, she will never be able to spare her.

After being smashed by Yangding, the coffin quickly and dignifiedly did not talk nonsense, but the eyes still rushed over from there.

And Wu Ningming, always windy and light, closed and gently adjusted.


In the following time, the Spar Express was sailing quietly.

On the road, I met a lot of boats.

Yes, there are a lot, and Yang Dingtian can hardly remember the numbers.

Half of them are going east, and quite a few are luxurious big ships. These ships are the sects of the western world. They all went to Yunzhou in the east to participate in the Tiandaomeng meeting. More precisely, they are going to decide the fate of Yangdingtian.

There is also a part from the east to the west, and all of them are big ships, which are densely packed with troops.

Yes, these troops are preparing to attack Yunxiao City.

It seems that this time it is not only the Western world forces that participated in the crusade against the army. There are also some Zhongzhou forces, and they also choose to stand in advance.

Although, the flame of the Temple of the Immortals has not yet burned to Zhongzhou. However, some of the forces in Zhongzhou have been unable to bear to sell in advance.

After Yang Diantian passed the approximate calculation, there were more than 200 warships from Zhongzhou to the northwestern mainland, with nearly 100,000 troops.

Moreover, this is only three days, and there are still nearly twenty days from the Great War. At that time, I really don't know how many Zhongzhou forces have participated in the crusades of Yunxiao City.

Seeing this scene, Yangdingtian did not show anything. The coffin did not show anything, but she was no longer crazy, and her eyes began to be filled with worry and anger.

I did not expect that the forces of Tiandao League have been so weak, so black and white.

Not only are these forces in the western world crusting the city of Yunxiao, but even the forces of Zhongzhou have come together to join in the fun.

And Wu Ningming, within three days, has been closing his eyes and adjusting his interest, without any words.

As for the grandson and the three mothers, it seems that as long as he is around him and smells his breath, he is already satisfied with happiness. She didn't talk, she just sat by her side, and her beautiful face was filled with incomparable happiness all the time. The beauty seemed to be drunk, sweet and confusing.

Ling dance. It only appeared when the food was served.

Meals can only be regarded as general. After all, it is at sea, and the Spar Express is not big enough to prepare too rich ingredients.

However, Wu Ning's food is not the same as others. Very beautiful.

Because Ling Dance has prepared a copy for him alone. And Gongsun Sanniang, borrowed the Ling Dance kitchen, and personally started to make every meal for the lover.

Wu Ningming did not have any feelings and ate both delicate foods. Did not say that we should be treated fairly with everyone.

Yangdingtian and Lingbi were not treated specially, and the food they eat is exactly the same as the others on board.

Yangdingtian does not matter, but the coffin eats some unhappy. and so. Yang Dingtian took out the prepared fine cakes for her, which made the little girl not hungry.


Finally, after three and a half days of sailing, the Spar Express arrived at the destination, Zhongzhou.

The mainland of China is the largest continent in the chaotic world. It has three to four times the area of ​​the northwestern continent and ten times the population of the northwestern continent.

The martial arts forces in the world. Nearly half are in Zhongzhou. Nearly half of the Tiandao League forces are in Zhongzhou. Three of the nine gates and twenty-seven factions, and nearly half of them are in Zhongzhou.

Who is the leader of Zhongzhou?

No doubt, Xuan Tianzong!

Zhongzhou mainland, divided into four.

North Central State, Dazhongzhou, South Zhongzhou. Weizhou.

Pazhou, in the northeast, is a separate land, less than a thousand miles in length, and accurately can not be regarded as a continent. It is an island.

The so-called mountain is not high, there is a fairy. The water is not deep, and there is a dragon.

Pazhou, because there is Xuantianzong, it is called Weizhou Xiandao! Despite being alone, it is two or three thousand miles from the mainland of China. It is the absolute core of the entire mainland. The status is equivalent to the Yin and Yang dynasty in the eastern continent, far exceeding the northwest Qincheng in the western world.

At this time, the mainland of China is far from looking.

Ling Wu suddenly appeared, facing Wu Ning: "Big Brother, can you come out?"

Wu Ningming opened his eyes and nodded gently, then got up and walked out.

Gongsun Sanniang hesitated a little and did not keep up, but the eyes were still full of some uneasiness.

Her whole body and mind are on the lover, lest any woman robbed. Ling dance is not the same as other women. She has a life-saving grace for her lover.


"Little dance, there is a sentence, I want to talk to you." Wu secluded.

"You said." Ling dance.

"You don't go to Yunxiaocheng." Wu Ning said: "If you go, you can't help Yangdingtian, and even drag him down."

"Big Brother, I know I shouldn't say it." Ling Wu raised his eyes and said, "You, will you help him?"

"I will see, if it is necessary to help, I will help." Wu Ning.

Shaking his mouth, Ling Wu suddenly squatted: "Big Brother, beg you, look at my share, you help him, help him!"

Wu Ning's palm is a support, Ling dance can't go on.

Ling dances and cries: "Wu Big Brother, I don't ask you anything else, just ask that if you arrive at that time, you can save his life."

"Well, he won't die." Wu Ning said.

"Thank you, Big Brother Wu." Ling Dance deeply worshipped.


"Iron brother, then we will leave here, goodbye!" Wu Youmei smiled.


Wu Ningming, as well as the Gongsun Sanniang wearing a mask, in the eyes of everyone, like a pair of monks, fluttering ashore, and then quickly disappeared into the field of vision.

Ling Wu stood at the bow and kept waving.

Yangding Tianhe Lingbi, as well as wearing other people, also disembarked ashore.

Suddenly, on the entire Spar Express, only Ling Wu was alone, still standing on the bow.

If she doesn't leave immediately, she will go ashore for a day and fill it up. Then, when you are full of guests, return to the mainland.


Zhongzhou mainland, really different.

Compared to the northwestern continent, it is really much more prosperous and much richer.

The cities here are large, and there are three or four cities with a population of one million.

In the bustling city, there are luxurious buildings everywhere, gorgeous figures everywhere, and the streets are completely shoulder-to-shoulder.

On both sides of the road, flowers are blooming.

People here, whether in clothing or in dressing, are much more gorgeous. The man here, even powdered thrush.

The climate here is also different from that of the Northwest. It is much moister here, and it is green everywhere.

North Central State, the weather is cold, but there is no shortage of green.

Dazhongzhou has four distinct seasons, warm springs and snow in winter.

Nanzhongzhou, the seasons are like spring, the summer is not hot, and the winter is not cold.

It can be said that the mainland of China is almost the most favored place in the chaotic world.

The Great Nirvana in the ancient world, the battle of extinction in the millennium, did not leave traces in Zhongzhou. On the contrary, the western world is full of sorrows, and there are cracks in the war everywhere. The scars of the ancient Gurman are everywhere.

So compared to other places, the Zhongzhou world is almost a paradise on earth.


Lingbi Palace, accurately said that it is not in the mainland of China, but also in the south of South China.

It is located in Nanbanzhou, a few thousand miles away from Nanzhongzhou.

The area of ​​Nanmanzhou is actually very large, four or five thousand miles. However, it is almost a place where the chaotic world civilization has disappeared.

Here, almost no flat land can be found. It is full of mountains, so it is called the 100,000 mountains.

The southwestern mainland has been called the wild land, but after all, there are Mujian Fort, Tianfeng Pavilion, and Nanzhou City. But compared with Nanbanzhou, the southwestern continent can be regarded as a civilized land.

Nan Manzhou is the real wilderness.

100,000 mountains, endless barbarians, endless beasts.

The barbarians here are completely uncivilized, almost all in the primitive era. Most of the barbarians here have not yet dressed, and even have many tribes, but also eat human flesh. Because, in their view, it is much easier to hunt down other tribes than to kill beasts.

The only thing that can be remembered in Nanbanzhou is that there is only one reason, that is, the Lingbi Palace!

It is also evil, mysterious, second only to the sect of the sect.

So far, almost everyone in the chaotic world does not know where the Lingbi Palace is. It only knows that in the depths of the 100,000 mountains, it is surrounded by countless barbarians.

The Lingbi Palace is also the most indifferent and most arrogant sect of Tiandao League.

After the war of extinction, the people of Lingbi Palace had no connection with Tiandaomeng and did not participate in any activities of Tiandaomeng, let alone any meeting. In its eyes, it seems that there is no Heavenly League.

But even so, it still firmly occupied the top of the nine, no one dared to propose to him to downgrade.

Because it is the most mysterious martial art in the world. More importantly, it has ancestors who are over 200 years old.

There is no spirit, two hundred years ago, it was already a big master. It is the only remaining witchcraft in the world.

Many people regard the Eastern Nirvana as the world's first master ~ ~ but in fact everyone in the heart of the real world's first master, it should be the ancestors of the innocent.


Yangding Tianhe Lingbi, riding the fastest and fastest mount, all the way south.

Then, take a flying ride and arrive in South Central.

Yes, you can take a flying ride here. Compared with the northwestern mainland, the Zhongzhou mainland has a much stronger commercial atmosphere and is much more open. Therefore, the air control is not so strict and can provide commercial flights.

After flying to South Central. Further south, there is no landlord, so there is no air control.

Yangding Tianhe Lingbi, bought two griffins, and then flew toward the 100,000 mountains in Nanmanzhou.

In less than a day, it has already flown to 100,000 mountains.

The Lingbi Palace is here!

Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one, and ask for the monthly ticket, brothers! (To be continued.)

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