Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 497: :wonderland? hell? No spirit

Note: The second one is sent, I went to dinner, and the brothers voted for the moon! !

After entering the 100,000 mountains in Nanbanzhou, the surprise of Yangdingtian has never stopped.

For the 100,000 mountains, Yangdingtian is conceptual. For example, in the era of the earth, Guangxi Province is the famous 100,000 mountains. I have seen 100,000 mountains in TV and movies.

However, after arriving at Nanbanzhou, Yangdingtian was completely shocked.

It turned out that this is the real 100,000 mountains.

The incomparably huge mountain is covered with extremely incomparably huge trees.

How big is the mountain?

According to the visual observation of Yangdingtian, almost every mountain is more than five kilometers away from the sea.

More than the Himalayas, abound.

As we all know, the higher the mountain, the bigger the mountain.

Therefore, every mountain here is extremely incomparably huge.

On the earth, mountains with an altitude of more than five kilometers are basically snow-capped at the top of the mountain.

And here is not, there is always only one color here, and that is green.

When Yangdingtian flies to the mountains, it is almost always shuttled between clouds. ,

Almost all the mountains are hidden in the clouds.

All the mountains are all green. I can't see the soil, I can't see the rocks, I can't even see the water. All are green, all big trees.

According to Yangdingtian, almost every tree here is several times larger than the earth.

Has the Upper Gurney destroyed the South Barbarians? Yangdingtian does not know.

However, these trees have not been cut and have not been burned for at least 10,000 years.

Therefore, there are three or four hundred meters high trees and trees with a diameter of twenty or thirty meters. Abound.

Yangdingtian does not know what the world under the tree looks like, but if you want to attack the Lingbi Palace, unless you are in the air. It is impossible from land. This 100,000 mountains does not allow any large-scale military to pass.


Followed by the coffin, flying to the depths of the 100,000 mountains.

It can be said. If someone is not leading the way, even if they fly in the air, they will certainly lose their way. Because the whole person is completely in the clouds, and the scenery below is almost the same.

In this way, always fly, keep flying, keep flying!

Suddenly, there was a thick fog in front and a thick fog of black pressure. Nothing can be seen.


Then, from the dense fog, violently rushed out countless black cockroaches.

Each black cockroach has three or four people in size, claws and tips, which are sharper than the knife.

This is not an ordinary beast, this is a monster of at least a hundred years.

Just after Yangdingtian was close, I felt the whole air. It trembled fiercely.

Then, countless. The overwhelming black scorpion monsters rushed over.

Thousands, tens of thousands.

That kind of shocking momentum is enough to make any top master feel terrified.

Tens of thousands of black scorpions and monsters, each tearing the leopard. It can be said that any master enters. Almost all will be torn into pieces.

Therefore, Yangdingtian looked at the fierce beast that was overwhelming, and suddenly it was suddenly cold.

At this point, Xiaotoutou stood up from the mount and waved: "Don't make trouble. Don't make trouble, all flash off, go off!"

Then, the coffin picked up the bone whistle in his arms and blew his bones.

Suddenly, the overwhelming black scorpion slammed open on both sides and let a road open.

Under the leadership of Lingbi, Yangdingtian rushed into the dark fog.


This dark fog is endless and completely without margins.

The so-called black fog is really a complete darkness, almost reaching out to the darkness of the five fingers.

Dozens of miles, hundreds of miles!

Moreover, there is almost endless blackness in the dark fog.

The heart of Yangding is even more amazed by the mystery of the Lingbi Palace.

Before, Yang Dingtian said that he wanted to attack the Lingbi Palace, and he must rely on the Air Force. The ground army could not reach the Lingbi Palace.

Now, Yangdingtian has to take back this sentence.

The Air Force can't enter the Lingbi Palace. How many air forces can you have?

Yuntiange City Split City Alliance, with air overlord! However, they do not add up to more than 20,000 air forces.

But entering these hundreds of miles of black fog, there are endless black scorpions, not to mention the 20,000 air force, even if 100,000 air forces come in, they are swallowed and even bones are left.

These hundreds of miles of dark fog, this endless black scorpion, is a barrier that the Lingbi Palace can almost never break.

It is no wonder that for Tiandao League, the Lingbi Palace is not a bird at all.

It is no wonder that no one knows where the Lingbi Palace is, because no outsider can come in!


I really don't know how long it has been flying.


Suddenly, Yangding’s eyes were bright.

They rushed out of the black fog, and suddenly they were happy!


Then, Yangding suddenly stunned.

In front, is this a fairyland?

Is it really a fairyland? This is not like the scenery of the world.

Yangdingtian has been to many forces and has seen many buildings that have captured the sky.

Yin and Yangzong, as the second largest in the world after the sacred ancestor, was built on the mountain and occupied the entire mountain.

Wan Blood Palace, drilled a hole in the Wanmi Wanxue Mountain and built the Wan Blood Palace in the cave.

The world will be a city, built on the mountain, one layer, a total of nine layers of the city.

The Qincheng in the northwest is most similar to the ancient empire of the earth. On the flat land, a dozens of palaces are built, magnificent and solemn.

However, all the scenery is inferior to the Lingbi Palace in front of you.

In the encirclement of countless smog, nine lonely mountains float in the air, encircling the fairy peak in the middle.

These nine lonely mountains, each with a height of two or three kilometers.

In the middle of Xianfeng, it is more than one million meters high, as if it is all day!

All the mountains are floating in the air, shining in the golden light.

Yes, all the mountains are floating. However, Yangdingtian clearly feels that there is still gravity, not a zero-gravity field.

Then it means that these ten mountains have huge anti-magnetic force.

Each of these ten mountains has mountains. have water.

The white water flows down the mountain and forms a waterfall of several kilometers, like a white ribbon floating in the sky.

On the top of each mountain, the mountains are filled with pavilions. Every building. They are all beautiful, and each one is gorgeous and elegant.

Wonderland, here is definitely a fairyland!

Yangding Tianhe Lingshu had just entered, and immediately there were two men flying up on a white crane.

Even if they were far apart, they did not show hostility. Because they know that there are no enemies at all and they can enter the Lingbi Palace.


quickly. The two immediately recognized the coffin and shouted.

"Nine Princesses! Nine Princesses are back!"

Then, dozens of white cranes flew out of the mountains.

After seeing the coffin, everyone was intimate, then arched the coffin and flew toward the ten mountains of the Lingbi Palace.

However, no one greeted Yang Dingtian as if he did not exist.

Flying over the huge mountain. Yangdingtian saw it in the pavilion on the mountain. Disciples of Lingbi Palace are practicing swords and are practicing martial arts.

In this environment, I am afraid that the progress of any cultivation will be very fast. Here, it is completely a fairyland, and it is the best place to practice martial arts.

at this time. Yang Dingtian seems to have heard a lot of screams coming from underneath.

Yangdingtian could not help but bow down.

Suddenly, the whole creeps.

Countless disciples of the Lingbi Palace, flying cranes, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands. On the weapon. Plug in people.

Yes, it is a person who is inserted, bloody, and mournful.

There are men, women, and no clothes, because they are all savages.

After the disciples of these Lingbi Palace flew to a place, they gently slammed and threw the savage on the weapon.

In a terrible miserable battle.

Countless black scorpions rushed up and instantly tore these savage into minced meat, and then ate it bit by bit.

How many disciples are feeding black cockroaches?

Thousands of people? How many savage people were thrown down to feed the black scorpion, tens of thousands.

Yes, tens of thousands of people have given birth to black cockroaches.

Before Yang Dingtian was still wondering why there are so many black cockroaches protecting the Lingbi Palace.

It turns out that these black scorpions are simply raised in the Lingbi Palace and raised with human flesh.

Yangdingtian does not know how long this kind of feeding is. But there is no doubt that there are at least a million people thrown into the black cricket every year.

Yes, they are all barbarians, but the barbarians are also people!

Nanmanzhou has a length of five thousand miles. According to the earth's calculation method, there are millions of square kilometers. The barbarian savages living here should be tens of millions.

In accordance with the normal development order, these wild people can establish a strong barbarian empire with a little liberalization.

Why, thousands of years have passed, the barbarians in Nanmanzhou are always primitive societies. Even the Maori barbarians in the snow and ice have learned to build towns and cities. The savage in Nanbanzhou lived forever in the tree. In the cave, no barbarian empire was built.

Because there is a Lingbi Palace, it completely controls the ecosystem of Nanmanzhou.

Every year, millions of barbarians are used to feed black crickets. It is estimated that all the barbarians, in addition to trying to fill their stomachs, are desperately trying to avoid the killing of the Lingbi Palace.

No wonder it will be called the Lingbi Palace. These black dragons are actually the masters of the Lingbi Palace.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian only felt the body burst into ice.

In front of this, it is like the scenery of a fairyland, and it suddenly bursts into a gust of wind, as if it has become a hell.

Others have said that the Lingbi Palace is also evil. Now it seems that it is not just righteous and evil, but a complete evil.

Even the Wanxue Palace, the evil of the Lingbi Palace is so creepy. Every year, millions, or even millions of lives are buried in the hands of the Lingbi Palace.

Before, Yang Dingtian was still full of confidence in the Lingbi Palace. Because, the coffin is completely the small overlord of the Lingbi Palace, the little emperor.

But now, Yangding Tianxin is full of uneasiness and suspicion.


I continued to fly forward and finally flew to the middle of Xianfeng.

There is no house in Xianfeng.

After hundreds of disciples of Lingbi Palace were not close to Xianfeng, they all left.

Because they are not qualified to be close to Xianfeng. At this time, in the Lingbi Palace, there are few qualified to enter Xianfeng, and Lingbi is one of them.

Ten thousand meters of Xianfeng!

Unlike other mountains, this fairy peak has few trees.

It is a huge stone mountain with straight lines, and occasionally produces a few odd-shaped trees. Very old, but very small.

Around the Xianfeng, there are huge giant cranes flying over.

If you are not experiencing the scene just now, Yangding will feel that this is the real wonderland, the wonderland in the fairyland!

The flying ride landed on the platform of Xianfeng!

Then, the two griffins stretched their wings and called for a few sounds, so they had to eat.

Yangding Tianzheng is going to say that people can feed a few pieces of meat and treat two gryphons.

Who knows, this time from the smoke in the mountains, violently flew up a dozen black scorpions, rushed to the two griffins mounts.

Then, you have to bite wildly.

Before the sun is in the sky, it must be stopped.

"Heavenly brother, don't!" Lingbi quickly seized the Yangding Heavenly Road: "The Lingbi Palace can only have two kinds of flying species, one is black and the other is a white crane."

Then, Yangdingtian lived and watched, the two griffins were torn and bloody, and the feathers flew.

Yangdingtian eyebrows tremble slightly!

If there is not a little princess coffin, in his heart, I can't wait to immediately judge the Lingbi Palace as a demon road.

"Heavenly brother, let's go, let's go see the grandfather!" The voice of the scorpion was so good, and then pulled the hand of Layang's top.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

No spirit, in the foothills of Xianfeng.

It is almost 10,000 meters away from the mountain

Can't fly up, go up the steps.

How many steps are there? 30,000!

The coffin takes Yangdingtian and goes up one level.

This step really has a feeling of going to heaven.


After three hours, the two men finally finished the 30,000 steps and came to the top of Xianfeng!

The entire mountain, only a solitary huts, and the pavilions of the Lingbi Palace, like the Heavenly Palace, formed a huge contrast.

The Lingbi took the Yangding Tianzhu and said: "The great-grandmother, see the grandfather!"

"The younger generation Yangdingtian, see the younger brother!" (To be continued.)

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