Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 499: : Raw rice mature rice? Lingbi fiancé!

Note: The second one is sent, the more the story in front is very important, don't miss it.

Today is still two thousand words. Brothers, I have been asked for a monthly pass, and I have already asked for it.


The wrath of the innocent thunder did not appear as expected.

He was full of vicissitudes of time, but instead flashed his meaning and narrowed his mind. "Is it? Shantou, how do I see you or the virgin?"

"Ah, can this be seen?" Xiaotoutou Lingxiao blushes and shyly said: "Too grandfather, are you a little girl who is not sensible? Before we can get through, you will definitely not pass the last One level. However, apart from the last level, we have done everything, and we have had any intimacy."

"Oh? Is it?" Wu Lingzi said: "But, how do I lie, you both have no feelings of men and women."

"Of course, I just have such a big look." Lingbi said: "But actually, I am not married."

After all, the courage to gather courage, pick up a small mouth, and kissed him on the face of Yang Dingtian.

Yang Ding Tian Yi, a body violently chills. It is not a feeling of electric shock, but a bit of a gimmick, a feeling of creepy feeling, very strange and awkward feeling, he has been a little girl is a sister.

However, the little girl's reaction seemed to be bigger than him, and he violently shuddered. On the skin of the snow, a hair was erected, which was really difficult for her.

"Well, since you are not willing to marry, I am too embarrassed to reluctantly, and that is to resurrect the Eastern Nervana, and let it be done."

This is what the little girl has remembered.

Then, I was completely caught in a dilemma.

Do not agree to marry. The Eastern Nirvana cannot be resurrected.

Agree to marry? But she didn't even see the man. Her heart was already high enough in the sky. Even Zhu Hongxue couldn't stand up. It was really hard to find someone to let her marry. It was really more difficult than killing her.

Suddenly, the little princess was caught in a painful struggle. Then lift your face. Poorly said: "Too grandfather, if I am married to Yangdingtian, then he is not an outsider, that is, your granddaughter is stunned, it is your own person, you must also call your grandfather. You must also die. Can't you save?"

"Hey! Don't play in front of me, let's say that even the acting is not good. When do you want to be intimate with each other, don't talk about each other." Wu Ling cold: "In any case, this is a two-hundred-year marriage contract. You Marriage also has to marry. If you don’t marry, you have to marry. When your fiancé comes, immediately get engaged and get married the next day. After getting married, I immediately resurrect the Eastern Nirvana."

"Too grandfather!" shouted the coffin.

But without the spirit, I have closed my eyes tightly.

"Too grandfather..." cried the coffin.

The unintentional ear is directly sealed and blocks its own ear hole.

Next, the coffin continued to sprinkle and spoil. but. The innocent is always deaf.

At this time, Yangdingtian also felt the difficulty of the little girl for the innocent.

Just now. The innocent was hurt by the words of the spirit, and he compromised a little and said that he was willing to resurrect the East.

After feeling the true favor of the innocent, the coffin immediately got the inch, not only to save people, but also to ruin the marriage contract. If there is no spirit, there is a slight compromise. She must be sure to get another inch of the rule, so that the innocent to go to the Tiandao League Congress to veto the resolution of Yangdingtian.

Therefore, the innocent person closes his eyes directly, blocks his ears, and does not care.

The little girl has been in trouble for more than an hour. What means have been passed, the innocent has always turned a deaf ear, and then frowned slightly, indicating an impatience and indifference.

During the time, the whole hut slammed into a cold, and the air instantly became suppressed.

Xiaotoutou Lingbi immediately took all the Sapo, and then quietly said: "Too grandfather, I must not marry."

No spirits are deaf.

"Then we will go down." Lingbi said: "I will go back and give my body to Yangdingtian. We will be private for life. A broken spirit, I believe that the so-called fiance will definitely not see." Go on, I am waiting for him to retire."

"God brother, go, let's go and do things." Lingbi took Yangdingtian and left the hut directly.


After leaving the innocent huts, the two men walked down the 30,000 steps, then on the platform, riding two white cranes and flew to the coffin's residence.

The little princess, in the Lingbi Palace, was the biggest and greatest favorite.

She alone occupied a full hundred rooms.

Her Pearl Tiange, plus the garden, plus the waterfall, plus the house, plus the training martial arts, plus the pool, is full of hundreds of acres.

After the Lingbi entered the Mingzhu Tiange with Yangdingtian, the beautiful maids were greeted.

There are hundreds of beautiful maids, all of whom are waiting for the little girl.

In the face of the prayers of these maids, Xiao Yan’s head was ignored, and Yang Dingtian was drawn, and he walked toward his own boudoir.

Seeing her unhappy, all the maids and sisters did not dare to come together. Even for Yangdingtian, they did not dare to look at them because of curiosity.

In this way, Xiaotoutou took Yangdingtian through several hundred acres of gardens and came to his own boudoir.


After entering the boudoir, the little girl sat on the edge of the bed and was sulking, and then biting her teeth and cutting her teeth for a while.

"Well, this girl is going out." Suddenly, the little girl suddenly stood up and said: "In any case, my intentional person has no play, and the girl broke the jar and saw how you look?"

Then, the coffin took off his clothes and lay on the bed: "Come on, five brothers!"

"What are you coming?" Yang Dingtian frowned.

"Come to sleep, come to give me; break the body." Ling said: "We really do things, anyway, my true love is no longer a play, it is better to be cheaper. Anyway, we live and die together, love brothers and sisters I will give you the body, it is better to give other strangers."

Yang Dingtian was furious. He grabbed her ear and lifted her up. He said, "You stinking, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah... let go, let go. It hurts, hurts..." Xiaoyan’s headache shouted: "Yangdingtian, let go, or I will turn your face with you."

Yang Dingtian loosened her ear and angered: "Hey, you are like this again. I am so angry. You not only insulted me, but also insulted yourself."

"But, I really don't want to marry." Lingbi cried: "Let me marry a person casually, I am better than dead. As long as I sleep with you, I will not be chaste. The **** fiance is definitely not willing." If you wear a green hat for yourself, I don’t have to marry. Moreover, we can pretend to be married, you become the son-in-law of the Lingbi Palace. My grandfather will have to help you, it’s all about killing one another. Besides, sleeping by you, It’s better to sleep better than a stranger.”

Yang Dingtian can't help but laugh: "Maybe, your fiancé, very, very good?"

"Excellent, I don't want to, I don't marry." The coffin cried: "I. I have already intentionally been a man."

"Yes? Why don't I know?" Yangding Tiandao.

"What do you pretend, you know it."

"Wu Ningming? No. You come really, you haven't even said anything, you have seen one side. Although he looks so beautiful, but you should not be so superficial." Shocked.

"Heavenly brother, it is true." Lingbi raised his face and said: "It is the feeling of love at first sight, not because of his face. It is a kind of taste, I can feel it with my eyes closed. That kind of taste, let directly I fell in love at first sight. I still don't think about it on the boat, but after I was separated from him, I was full of his mind. It was his figure, and he was already unable to extricate himself."

Then, Xiaotoutou cried: "But I know, I have no play, I am compared with Gongsun Sanniang, nothing. My love is dead, my heart is dead, so I simply broke the jar, I will give it to you. Anyway, anyway, in my heart, like a loved one, if you sleep, you will not be disgusting."

Yang Dingtian was completely speechless, and suddenly he could not find out.

However, at first she heard her say love at first sight, what kind of taste, and so on, he really worried that the little girl would fall too deep and be hurt. Later I heard her say that my heart is dead and my love is dead. Yangdingtian is relieved, this is completely a child's words.

That Wu Ningming is indeed too good. For women, it is like poison. Almost all women are hard to resist, let alone the little girl who started this sin.

However, according to the character of Xiao Shantou, this feeling is estimated to come quickly and go quickly.

"Well, you don't think about it." Yangding Tian smashed her little head and said: "If you really don't want to marry, then I will help you. In short, I will not sacrifice your happiness to fulfill myself. ”

"Hey brother, you are so good." Ling Ling suddenly took Yang Tiantian's arm, then she spit out his tongue and said: "You said, I am not very selfish. Resurrection of the Eastern Sect is a big event, I am actually married. It’s a small matter. I should sacrifice myself and make me big."

"You are still young. You are standing on my side, not because of justice, but because of loyalty and emotion." Yangding Tiandao: "So, how can you blame yourself for being selfish?"

Yes, how is Song Chunhua. She absolutely said nothing, sacrifice herself, and resurrect the East.

But the little girl is different. She is a child, and there is no righteousness in her heart. Almost completely controlled by her own emotions, although she knows that she should be selfless, but let her marry someone she doesn't like, in exchange for the resurrection of the East, she is really reluctant.

"That, what about the resurrection of the Eastern Sovereign?" The little girl shouted.

"I will find another way." Yangding Tiandao.

"Is there a way?" The little girl was more timid.

"Maybe, yes." Yangding Tian smiled at her: "Wait for your so-called fiance, let me talk!"

"Hey brother, you are so good, you are very kind to me." Ling Ling Jiao said: "Hey, if there is no such man, I might really like you."

"Get it." Yangding Tian stunned her and said: "When will you wait for a little closer to me, when you are a little close, don't be awkward, let's say this."

The coffin licked his lips and suddenly released the hand of Yang Dingtian. He said, "You don't say that there is nothing. I said that I am more creepy. How can this be? When I play with Qin Zhi, I won’t This way."

"" Yangdingtian was completely helpless.

She knew that when she was in the desperate city, the coffin and the Qin weaving were noisy. I didn’t expect to play this kiss.

When I found out that I had missed my mouth, the coffin hurryed: "It’s not my business, it’s not my business. It’s Qin Zhi’s seduce me...”

Yang Dingtian helplessly shakes his head, this little girl, what is the bottom line. Looking at her strange eyes as a guilty conscience, other ulterior things do not know how much has been done.

Next, Yangdingtian is in a torment waiting!

Time is precious to Yangdingtian.

Now, the head of all the forces in the world. They all went to Yunzhou in the East to attend the Tiandao League Conference.

Once the resolution of the General Assembly is passed, it is not even necessary for these heads to go back. The army of Qin Qiqi Ning Wuming will begin to move toward Yunxiao City.

Therefore, Yangding is always racing against time.

For now, it is not too important to even veto the resolution of the Tiandao League. The most important thing is the resurrection master.

As long as you win the battle with Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming, everything is easy to say. Those wall grasses will swing again.

Don't resurrect the master, everything is off.

Therefore, in any case, let the innocent promise to resurrect the East.

Of course, because of this, and forcing the spirit to marry a person that he does not like, Yang Dingtian can't do it.

He himself can marry Qin Jiaojiao who did not like it before, and he is a man. Qin Jiaojiao is only one of his wives. The coffin is a girl and can only marry once. This time, it means lifelong happiness.

Therefore, Yangdingtian can only wait for two days at most.

Two days later, the so-called fiance is still not coming, and Yangdingtian is ready to negotiate again with the innocent. This time, he did not hesitate to use his own killer. In exchange for the inanimate resurrection of the East.


Five hours.

Ten hours.

Twelve hours.

Time is constantly draining.

That **** fiance, never came.

In this tormented wait, Xiaotoutou Lingyu secretly made a thing, thinking that Yangdingtian did not know. But Yangdingtian had already seen it inadvertently.

This gimmick with no bottom line, even carved a man's thing with jade. She, she is prepared to break the chastity when there is no way, and then has a relationship with Yangdingtian, forcing the fiancé to retire.

Thinking of that picture, Yangdingtian couldn't help but slap the scalp.

This little girl is more demon than the demon, and there is no bottom line.


Almost two days have passed.

Yangdingtian can't wait any longer, and once again go to the top of Xianfeng, and finally negotiate with Wulingzi to come up with his own killer.

But at this time, a disciple of the Lingbi Palace flew over and said: "The spirits and sisters, the ancestors summoned."

The coffin immediately nervous: "What?"

Unlike Yangdingtian, Yangding always looks forward to this **** fiance. And the coffin, always looking forward to this **** fiance does not come, so she does not use that jade thing, self-destructive chastity.

"It is said that your fiancé has come, let you go and see." The princess of the Lingbi Palace said.

The coffin's face changed and said: "Come on, finally came, and really came."

Then, Lingbi smiled sweetly at the female disciple: "Okay, I know, I will go right away."

"Yeah." The female disciple of the Lingbi Palace flew away on a white crane.

After she left, the little girl’s coffin looked cold and walked toward the house. “Don brother, wait for me for a while.”

She is going to get into the room, and she has to break her own path.

Yang Dingtian quickly stepped forward and said: "Okay, okay, little girl, don't do it right now. Is it good for you to quit the marriage?"

"No, grandfather, this person I know, what he said is the sacred purpose, no one can change. He said that let me marry, even if I am sent to the bed, I will marry." Road: "There is no way, it must be cut off."

Then Xiaotoutou red face equator: "You, you know what I want to do?"

"Of course I know, can you still have a face with this girl?" Yangding Tian took a look at took her hand and went outside, ignoring her struggle: "I swear, I I will help you get back to your marriage, okay? I swear..."

“Really?” asked the little girl.

"Of course it is true. When did you see me telling a lie?" Yangding Tiandao.


Yangding Tianhe Lingbi, riding a white crane, came to Xianfeng again.

The white crane stopped on the platform, and the two climbed the 30,000 steps again and went to the foothills to meet the innocent.

This is the last negotiating opportunity of Yangdingtian. After the killer is handed down, it should be possible to exchange the innocent resurrection master and even help the little girl to dissolve the marriage contract.

Just came to the foothills, there was a voiceless voice inside the hut.

"The little girl is coming in and coming to see your future husband!"

The coffin looked cold, smiled coldly, took the hand of Yang Dingtian, and went in. (To be continued.)

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