Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 500: :marriage? ! Top secrets! anger!

Walk into the hut.

Yang Dingtian felt a special taste for the first time. This taste is undoubtedly not from the innocent.

Yangdingtian is a man, so there is no special feeling for this taste. However, any woman who smells this smell will feel the swaying of the heart. This kind of taste is mysterious, dusty, long, deep and secluded, and has a fatal appeal to any woman.

"Inside, my **** fiancé, I don't care who you are, but I ask you to leave immediately, otherwise you will regret it for a lifetime." The little princess did not come in, but sneered: "If you really married me, then We are not married yet, I will wear countless green hats for you, and there will be one every day."

"See the man around me? We just had a fever, the feeling is really great. In a woman's words, I would rather be his urinal, and I don't want you to lick my sole. I don't think so. You are dirty..."

In this way, in the extremely vicious words, the little girl walked in and saw the back of her **** fiance.

"Hey, how do I look at your head is a bit green, so let's go, don't wait until the child I gave birth to is not like you... oh..."

Suddenly, the little girl seemed to eat and slammed.

The whole person, as if by the Thunder, all the vicious words were swallowed back in an instant.

Her beauty, big, big, big to the extreme, unobtrusively looking at the back of this person.

Although it was only a back view, she recognized it at a glance.

This is what she dreamed of, the man who appeared in her dreams countless times.

Is it him? Is it really him? Is this the arrangement of God? Is this God's care for my coffin?

For a long time, the heart of the spirit is as happy as it is about to explode.

The whole body was shaking, his face was red, and he lost his ability to speak.

Who is this man? Of course, it is a male enemy. The woman's disaster, the top beautiful boy Wu Ningming! (Yes, some people, you guessed it)

Wu Ningming turned and smiled at the top of the sun. "Yang brother, we met again."

Yangding Tianxing Lidao: "Wu Xiong. Don't come innocent!"

It turned out that people have recognized Yangdingtian on the ship, but it has not been exposed.

"Lingling girl, hello." Wu Ningxiao laughed, Yang Dingtian found that his smile is really amazing for women.

"You, hello..." The coffin was red and red, and both hands and feet didn't know where to put it. Then she suddenly remembered the words like the green hat. I quickly explained: "Just what I said just now is what I said. I, I am still a virgin. And, I, I have never kissed, my first kiss is still there. Oh, I am not and The man kissed him. Oh, no...not..."

Xiaotoutou suddenly felt helpless and felt that he was not pure black history. He found that the explanation was unclear, and then directly pulled through Yangdingtian. He said: "And. My relationship with Yangdingtian is innocent, we are like Brothers and sisters in general, our relationship is absolutely pure..."

Xiao Shantou face red ears and explain hard.

"I know." Wu Ningming nodded and smiled, her eyes filled with tenderness and trust.

What he said was not a lie, he was perfect. Yang Dingtian and Xiaotoutou can see and see every move on the boat. Of course I believe that the two are innocent.

At this point, the innocent haha ​​laughed: "Shantou, I thought about it, this marriage is really related to your lifelong happiness, really can't be reluctant, since you don't want to, then forget it, you can't be a husband and wife, you can be a brother and sister. ""

"No, no!" Xiaotoutou quickly said: "I don't brother, what is Yangdingtian, Qin Huaiyu, I wish Red Snow, I have a bunch of brothers, I am missing a husband, or a husband and wife, be a husband!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian couldn’t wait to crack a crack in the hole.

Little girl, usually looking very powerful. Today, why, why is it so good?

"Then you are willing to marry." Wu Lingzi.

"I am willing, willing..." The spirits nodded desperately.

At this time, Wu Ningming took a step forward and took out a thing from his arms, as if it were a white dagger. He said: "Predecessors, the tokens you gave that day, return to the original owner today."

After the innocent took over, he sighed: "Children, you know, what is this dagger used to build?"

The ancestors of Wuling, looking into Wu Ning's eyes, are full of love and kindness, and there is no difference between them and the spirits. And his gaze to Yang Dingtian is completely full of ridicule of indifference. There is a world of difference between the two.

"As if, it was made of bones." Wu Ning said.

"Yes, it's bones." Wu Lingzi said: "When I saw her, I was shocked to be a man of heaven, and I fell in love with my life. So I took a bone from me and made this. Support the dagger and give it to her as a marriage proposal."

The sun top is a day, including the coffin, and the beauty is full of stars. This kind of marriage proposal is a very romantic. On the earth, the woman is made of a rib on a man. And he just took off his bones and made this dagger.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian is extremely curious, who is this woman who is infatuated by the innocent.

"But she already has her own heart." Wu Lingzi sighed: "You should also be clear that people like us, once the heart has belonged, will never change. So even though I am sad, but also I can't change, only I wish her happiness. But... the man she fell in love with, she is destined to never be with her. The child, who do you know the man she fell in love with?"

"The devil asks the sky." Wu secluded.

Yang Ding Tian suddenly was shocked, the soulless enemy, turned out to be the devil to ask the sky.

"Yes, the devil asks there is only one woman in the heart, that is to set him to death in the dead, so she is destined to wait forever, this relationship will never have a result." Wu Lingzi: "Of course Because of this, I hate to ask the sky. When the World War was opened, I was the second person in the demon road. But I didn’t listen to the announcement, I didn’t want to go to war, and finally I sat down and watched the demon road defeat. Can you know why? ”

"Ask the sky to fall in love with a woman who should not love, he is destined to perish. It is he who destroyed the evil demon, not others." Wu Ning.

"Yes." Wu Lingzi said: "If you ask the truth if you are sensible. If you don't need us, he will win. But if he is in love, then if I am with your mother, I can't save him."

When the words came out, Yang Dingtian was shocked.

A woman who is not loved by the spirit should always be about the same size as him. How come there is such a small son as Wu Ning?

"So, in the end of World War I, I have been standing by and watching." Wu Ning said: "Mother said that when the devil asked the day of death, she did not shed a tear, she said that the day is damn."

Nethersea! Nethersea!

Who is this woman who is in love with the spiritless, and who is the mother of Wu Youming’s mouth. Lord of the Nether, innocent.

Currently, one of the three and a half of the world.

It is no wonder that Yang Dingtian felt a strange feeling when he saw Wu Ning. I think he is a little familiar, but he doesn't feel like anyone at all.

That's right. It is like innocent.

Innocent, although it gives people the feeling that they do not distinguish between male and female, but on the degree of beauty. Not as good as nothingness and zero ice and oriental ice. And Wu Youming looks like her, no wonder Junmei is so shocked and soaring.

Everything can be explained.

Wu Ningming, why is it so beautiful, why do you have such a dusty temperament? Why is it so powerful? Even, he seems to be the man version of the Oriental ice!

Yangdingtian is still strange. Is he a stone? Otherwise, it is impossible for a powerful young man to appear in the world. Even if I wished the red snow to come to him, it was completely colorless.

It turned out that he is the young master of the Nether. The son of the innocent sovereign.

No wonder, no wonder! Only the extremely strong, extremely rich, extremely detached Nether Sea, can cultivate the beautiful man who is so dusty, elegant, proud and high.

On the other hand, there is no bigger head in the world than the Netherland.

Both Yin and Yang and Xuan Tianzong, no matter the power, mystery, nobleness and power, are inferior to the Nether Sea.

Therefore, even if there is an innocent disciple, Song Yu, who walks in this world, enjoys the same status as Zhu Hongxue. And Song Yu is just a slave in front of this Wu Ning.

In fact, even the identity of Yangdingtian is far less than this Wu Ning, not to mention the forces behind it.

The true identity of Yangdingtian is only a disciple of the Eastern Nirvana. It’s unreasonable to have nothing to do with the master. But in the face of innocence, the East Nirvana may not be anything.


"Your mother, even if it is painful to the extreme, will not shed a tear." Wu Lingzi said: "After asking the death of the dead, after the demon road is destroyed. Nothing flies to the Lingbi Palace and I negotiated and asked me to join the Heavenly League. I was dismissive. I agreed, boy, can you know why?"

“Why?” Wu Younm asked.

"Because, nothing is said to be willing to be a medium, to propose to your mother for me." Wu Lingzi said: "She is really good at heart, in order to let the Nether Sea and Lingbi Palace enter the Heavenly League. She is willing to give the body of the day to give Netherland proposes to me."

Without the words of the spirit, Yang Dingtian and Lingbi’s face could not conceal the expression of horror.

These are undoubtedly the secrets of this world. Don't talk about Yangdingtian, even the secrets of the East and the West are not known.

In order to win over the Lingbi Palace and the Nether Sea, she is the Lord of the Hidden Sect. She even acts as a matchmaker to propose to the innocent.

Wu Lingzi continued: "I feel the emptiness of the emptiness, and I felt that the day is dead, maybe your mother should agree to marry me. So, I joined the Tiandao League. However, I only want to One of the nine gates joined in, and was unwilling to become one of the four in the world. Therefore, I handed this bone dagger to the emptiness and let her go to the Nether Sea to propose. This time, the bone dagger was not returned. Your mother is innocent, and invited me to go to the Netherland, I was ecstatic."

Although, Yang Dingtian knows that there is no good thing about innocence and innocence, but at this time it is also faintly hoped that the two can successfully become the good of Qin Jin.

Then, the innocent sighed: "I went to the Nether Sea and saw your mother. However, I was rejected again. But the reason for this rejection is not because of the question. She told me, ask the day. After she died, she once thought about marrying me. However, she said that she married me, it hurt me. I asked her why, she said. She will never be born, she does not want me to be gone, she is not The real woman. She used to be a man, because she was a woman who loves nature, she turned herself into a woman, but after all, she is not a real woman."

"Ah..." At this point, the coffin couldn't help but exclaim.

Yangdingtian also suddenly realized why it is so strange to see innocent people in the Netherland, there is a feeling of unchanging male and female. But even so. She can still make any man in the world crazy.

Immediately afterwards, the coffin was beautiful, and it was obvious that she thought of Qin Zhi.

"I don't care, I really don't care." Wu Ling is infatuated: "But she refused me, let me find a normal woman to get married. To make up for my infatuation, she said In the future, she will try her best to give birth to a descendant. Whether it is a man or a woman, she will marry my descendants. Therefore, this marriage contract is like this, and the marriage contract has been fixed two hundred years ago."

Then, the innocent smiled: "I didn't think that time passed by year by year. My second generation, third generation, and fourth generation came out. Your mother. Still have no births. I thought, My wish can't be settled. Who knows, some time ago, I received a letter from your mother, saying that her baby son will come to the Lingbi Palace with a bone dagger to ask for a kiss to me. I have time. I am so excited, then the day The date is waiting for you."

Suddenly, the invisible look of Wu Ning's gaze is even more full of love and enthusiasm.

"Today, I finally saw you, child. You are better than I expected, but also flattering." Wu Lingzi reached out and caressed Wu Ning’s head: "You, this child, really wants I’m so fascinated. So before the little girl said that she didn’t marry, I didn’t care. I knew that as soon as she saw you, she would change her mouth immediately.”

Suddenly, Wu Ningming’s face was a little shy smile.

Then, Wu Youxiao said: "Before the marriage proposal, there is something, I can't hide it."

"Say." There is no way.

"I have a confidante, I am deeply concerned about it, I can't give up." Wu Ning said: "The woman, the spirited sister should have seen it."

"Haha..." The innocent child laughed and said: "What is it like? It turned out to be this thing, no problem, no problem! Such a good man, only a confidante, has been very restrained. Little girl, do you care? ?"

"Don't care, don't care." Lingbi said: "I will definitely get along with Sanniang's sister, the man has the ability, the three wives are very normal. Yangdingtian is not as handsome as you, nor is you so strong. There are still a few wives. You are only two, and you are still suffering."

The girl is outgoing, Yangdingtian is naked feeling. Once a girl has a lover, even her aunt can throw it aside, let alone worship her brother.

The innocent suddenly laughed, filled with joy, and had a feeling of being willing to pay.

Then, he held the bones and daggers and said, "Okay, that wedding, that's it."

"Yes!" Wu Ning Ming worshipped.

"Yes!" Lingbi joy to worship.

"Well, the marriage has been settled. Then there is one thing, what is your mother's attitude?" Wu Lingzi said: "About the annihilation of the Temple of Destruction, Li Ming walked the world and penetrated the Heavenly Alliance. It is going to kill the chicken and the monkey with the thunder. What is the name of Yangdingtian that is swept across Yunxiaocheng, in order to force the Tiandao League forces to stand up, what is the attitude of Netherland?"

Then, Wu Lingzi saw the Yangdingtian next to him and said, "Oh, you are here too."

He seems to have just seen Yang Dingtian. Before the whole mind was in Wu Ningming, Yangdingtian was in his heart, and it was like a lion.

"Oh, this is called Yang Dingtian is here, I am coming to my head." Wu Lingzi said to Wu Ning: "What attitude do you have?"

Wu Ning said: "Li Ming has visited the Netherland several times. Finally, my mother's attitude is that the Netherland and the Lingbi Palace are allied, and this event is still completely neutral."

"Okay, that's it." Wu Lingzi said: "And, in the eyes of both of us. Now whether it is the Heavenly Alliance or the Demon Road, it is weak. The so-called war of extinction is like a house. It’s a normal play. If the two of us really get involved, that’s a joke.”

The heart of the sun top is suddenly uncomfortable like a knife axe. My own so-called battle for justice. In their eyes, it is like being a childish child.

"Well, Yang Dingtian, you also heard. The attitude of the Nethery Baby is my attitude, we are transcendental. Let's go." Nothing is a faint wave.

"Shi Bo..." Wu Ningming said: "I have practiced some time ago. I have made mistakes and I was saved by a woman. The relationship between the woman and Yang Shixiong was irresponsible. I once begged me to help Yangdingtian. I don’t report it. So I promised, no matter what, I have to save my life."

Suddenly, Yangding’s heart was even more uncomfortable. When did he fall to the pleading of a woman to live?

but. Yangdingtian is still worshipping Wu Youdi: "Thank you for Wu Gongzi."

"Yes." Wu Lingzi said: "Then let's let go, Li Ming wants to play casually, but leave Yang Dingtian a small life."

Yang Dingtian smiled on his face.

"Well, look at the face you have made with the little girl, we will protect you, this is a great gift for you, and you have to look at it." Wu Lingdao said: "As for you soon We don’t have any interest in the coming battle. We have nothing to do with us. Of course, you can’t win. Next, you can go to the wedding of Xiaotoutou, and you can go now!”

In the words, it is no longer necessary to mention the resurrection of the East.

At this time, the full of joyful coffin finally remembered the resurrection of the Eastern Nirvana, and suddenly said: "Too grandfather, you forgot something. You promised Yangdingtian. To resurrect his master."

Wuzizi said: "That is that you did not agree to this marriage before, but now it seems that you can't ask for this marriage. That agreement will naturally not count. Besides, our Lingbi Palace and the Netherland are absolutely detached. Neutral. Once I resurrected the Eastern Nirvana, I lost this gesture."

Xiao Shantou was very anxious, and he was willing to use the wedding to be ignorant, but because he was too concerned about Wu Ningming, he did not dare to make it.

"Senior brother, you, ask for Grandpa." The coffin went to Wu Ningming, and he was very beautiful, and he pityed.

Wu Youde was a little bit embarrassed because his attitude directly represented the attitude of the Nether.

"The Nether Child's opening is useless." The innocent child smashed the railroad: "The original, the Netherland did not unify with me, so it can be released a little. Now, it has been unified, and it is transcendental. My every move, not only On behalf of the Lingbi Palace, it also represents the Netherland, saying that transcendental neutrality is absolute neutrality, without any room for compromise."

Suddenly, Ling Ling’s tears flowed out and said: “Too grandfather, how can you do this? It’s not counted. Besides, this war, I have to participate. Do you see me lose?”

Suddenly, Wu Ning's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"Jokes." Nobody said coldly: "You still want to go out? Don't dream! After two days, you will be married to the Nether Baby. After you get married, stay in the Lingbi Palace for a while, wait for the **** fight over there. After the end, you will follow him to the Nether Sea to meet the innocent sister. From today, you are the child of the Nether Baby. Your every move, not only represents yourself, but more represents the Nether Baby, representing the Nether Sea. And the Lingbi Palace. Don't mess around anymore."

" We have been worshipped, we don't ask for the same day of the same year, but we want to die on the same day of the same year. I can't talk about loyalty." Lingbi cried loudly: "After I became a pro, I must Yangding Tianhui will return to Yunxiao City and must participate in this battle."

The innocent brow suddenly wrinkled, and the sun looked at the sky with a cold and disgusted look. "Yangdingtian, you really have a good chance. But, using a little girl, do you find it interesting?"

Then, he looked disgusted: "Well, Yang Dingtian you have to smash. We make a deal, let the coffin stay in the Lingbi Palace, don't go out to mess with you, don't kidnap her. I resurrect your master, There is also a **** guard ring, you bring it back. From now on, you and the coffin, and my Lingbi Palace, there is no trace. If I let you know that day, you still hold the brand of Lingbi Palace, swindle, don’t blame me. You are welcome."

Suddenly, the heart was almost blasted in the sun! Endless anger, endless shame, blasting!

In an instant, the anger of Yangdingtian broke out completely!

Note: The first six thousand words are sent, I continue to code second! When I wrote this chapter, I also rushed inside, and there was only one sentence in my mind: people, rely on themselves! (To be continued.)

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