Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 504: : Eastern Nirvana, see you again!

Yang Dingtian put this flame without any attributes in front of him.

In fact, it is no longer a fire, but it is composed of countless billions of spirits and grievances, and tens of millions of grievances are dancing, forming a colorless flame.

Beautiful, pale, but it makes people shudder.

Yangding Tianzui gently blows.

Suddenly, countless grievances completely wrapped up the soul of the master to form an energy environment that is absolutely stable and absolutely safe.

For a time, the light and shadow of the master's oriental negligence, as if a flame is generally rising.

Yangding Tianmou read the soul!

Suddenly, the whole cave was filled with ghosts and wows.

The entire space, the wind and the wind, the ghosts mottled.


The soul and shadow of the master, like a group of flames, was gently taken away.

There is no painful expression, no fear of tearing.

Before, every time I used the dementor to extract the soul of the war, it was distorted, screaming, and extremely painful. This is all because living and living are the separation and destruction of emotions and consciousness.

At this time, Yang Dingtian showed his soul, and the soul of the Eastern Nirvana did not say that he was screaming. He didn’t even move a little. Even he was still awake and still slept.


In this way, silently.

The soul of the master was completely extracted, and was deeply removed from the depths of the mind of Yang Dingtian. Re-formed into a flame, floating in the palm of the sun.

That's right, because the soul of the master is wrapped in the fire of the billion spirits, so after being taken out by the soul, it is still a flame.

Just look closely, there is a small light and shadow in the center of this flame. This is the shadow of the soul of the Eastern Nirvana, at this time he is still asleep, sleeping in the palm of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian did not know, he completed a breakthrough in history.

Someone can take away another soul in his own soul and not hurt himself.

Go into the world of meditation and find the sleeping soul, then take it away. This extremely crazy way. Let's not say that no one has tried it, and even the spiritual masters of this world can't even think about it.

Only the Yangdingtian, which was forced to a dead end, was born after being dead, and the ignorant was fearless.

Raised this crazy and most genius idea.

Then he was even more crazy and successful.

Now, Yangdingtian can wake up.


In reality, sitting on the top of the sea at the top of the sky, suddenly opened his eyes slightly.

Gently one on the right hand!

Suddenly. A flame, gently floating in the palm of your hand.

Yes, in the meditation illusion, the soul of the master is wrapped in the fire of the billion spirits, floating in the palm of his hand.

In reality, he woke up and opened his hand, and the flame floated in reality.

This is where Yangdingtian breaks through history.

Use a non-attribute energy to directly connect the real world with the spiritual world.

For nearly 10,000 years. No one in the chaotic world has ever completed this great idea.

However, Yangdingtian has reached it!

Looking at the flame floating in the palm of your hand. Closer look, the shadow of the master's oriental nirvana, still in the flame of the package, very safe, very quiet, still asleep.

Yangdingtian succeeded. Even if there is no soul.

Under the madness of Yangdingtian, he succeeded. In the absence of any guidance, any theoretical support, and any help, Yangding Tianlian is not a spiritual master. I have conceived a crazy theoretical program and experienced several fatal dangers. In the brain experienced a mysterious and crazy spiritual journey.

Then he completed this difficult thing.

Yang Dingtian took out the soul from the space ring.


Soul gathering!

It is a soulless energy of the soul. Any broken soul, even if only a little consciousness, as soon as you enter the soul, it will instantly recover, instantly recover, and instantly restore all vitality.

Because, the soul of the film has a very powerful soul energy.

The devil, the life killed in life is an astronomical number. Before killing a life, it uses the eye of the devil to instantly lock the soul of the creature and then blast it. Then, live and devour this creature to devour.

In the constant killing, these exploding souls, these completely lost souls. A little spill, a little spill. Tens of thousands of pieces of souls of hundreds of thousands of lives are condensed together and become a gathering of souls. They have life and have incredibly powerful soul energy. However, they have no consciousness and can only follow this magic spirit instinct forever.

It is like a sorrowful soul, although it loses all the memories, it follows the murderer.

Once this demon dies, the soul will be dissipated in an instant.

It’s just that the desperate city’s mystery of the sky has completely preserved this soul. Suddenly, it also made the soul gather this thing, and for the first time lived into the hands of human beings.

Yangdingtian looks at this soul gathering!

This is a group of light and shadow energy, almost transparent. It seems to be a head, but there is no face, just constantly surging, proving that it has life. However, there is no sadness and no joy.

Just inject the soul of the master into the soul, you can!

Yangdingtian took a deep breath.

He seems to be nervous and seems to be not nervous.

Because the most difficult has been completed!

"Call!" Yang Dingtian directly injects the flame of the wrapped master's soul directly into the soul.

At the moment of injection, Yangdingtian controls countless grievances and quickly evacuates.

Everything is perfect.

The soul of the master entered quickly, and countless billions of spirits and spirits flew away quickly, returning to the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

Neither let the soul of the master be exposed to the outer space even a little, and let no grievances enter the soul.

Because the soul is very powerful, there is no awareness. Therefore, even if a grievance enters, it will instantly control the entire soul. In this way, one of them will cause a resentment and an instant recovery. Become a complete soul.


Almost instantaneous effort.

The soul of the master remnantly plunges into the shadow of the soul.

Then, Yangding Tianping lived in the breath, waiting for the powerful recovery of the master's soul.


However, everything is quiet and nothing happens.

Yang Diantian imagined the picture. Did not appear, the master's powerful soul, and did not rise to the sky.

The soul gathers, still squirming without consciousness, still a head shape without a face.

Yang Dingtian did not doubt that his own failure would still be quietly staring at the soul.

It started to change and it started to change!

It turned out to be like this...

The energy of this soul squirmed and squirmed, and then gradually began to grow his face.

Growing up a little bit.

First the eyes, then the nose. Then there is the mouth.

Finally, the whole face is growing out.

It is the face of the master. Yang Dingtian has seen thousands of times in his mind, but he has not seen the face of the master in the real world for several years.

Not just the face, the eyebrows, the hair, grow out completely.

This soul gathers and becomes the head of a complete master.

but. Still with eyes closed.

Then, become the soul of the master's head. Constantly rotate and rotate in the palm of the sun.

Suddenly, suddenly opened his eyes and instantly shot an incomparably bright light.


In an instant, the entire seabed shook.

Countless sea waters are rising from the sky.

This soul gathers and bursts open.

moment. A complete Eastern Nirvana, a complete master shadow, stands directly in front of Yangdingtian.

Although it is light and shadow, it is exactly the same as the master.

And it is not the appearance of aging, but the appearance of Fengshen.

High temperament. Like Taishan. A generation of masters, imposing!

"Ah..." The Eastern Nirvana looked up and shouted: "Haha, I feel that I have slept for a long time."

"Master!" Yang Dingtian suddenly trembled, desperately resisting the impulse of tears, slowly squatting in the water, said: "Master, I saw you again, for three years, I saw you again. ""

When the Eastern Nirvana saw the moment of Yangdingtian, he suddenly became shocked.

"Small day, what is going on here? I, isn't I in your mind?" The Eastern Nirvana stunned: "And, is my soul consciousness not incomparably weak? Why is it so powerful at this time, even more than I am more powerful, more powerful!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Master, the disciple said before, one day must resurrect you. Now, I finally did it."

The East Nirvana was shocked, and looked at Yang Dingtian with incredulity and looked at his body.

After a long time, he muttered to himself: "I, my soul really recovered? My soul really recovered? I still have a day to see again?"

"Hahahaha..." Then, the Eastern Nirvana smiled and laughed, laughing and crying.

"I am still in the East, and there is still a day to see again!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Then, the light and shadow of the Eastern Nirvana came forward and only hugged Yangdingtian.

"My good deeds, my good deeds! You have suffered this time, you have suffered!"

"My good deed, thanks to you, thanks to you, let the master can see the sky again!"

"My good deed, from now on, you are not alone in the battle, the master will always fight with you!"

"My good deed, you are even more amazing than the master's imagination, and even better..."

The Eastern Nirvana is too excited to be self-sufficient.

After a long time, he asked: "Small day, you tell the master, how do you recover the soul of the master, and pull the soul out of your mind, let me talk about it... I want to do anything, but also It's impossible, how did you do it?"

Therefore, Yangdingtian will swear all the way.

From the soul of the desperate city secret to the shadow, and then to the Lingbi Palace.

Finally, he said his crazy idea.

Entering deep meditation, in the spiritual world, from Nanbanzhou to tens of thousands of miles of snow and ice, find the sleeping soul of the East.

Then, more madly put the energy of reality, the real spirit of the spirit of the spirits of the spirits into the world of meditation, protect the soul of the East and the end of the world, and finally use the soul of the soul. Pull the soul out.

Everything is done, inject the soul into the soul!

After listening to everything that Yang Dingtian said.

The Eastern Nirvana, completely, completely stunned.

For a few minutes, there was no sound.

Finally, he stared at Yangdingtian. Road: "Small heaven, your mysterious veins, is the ultimate talent. Your heart is the ultimate talent. Your means and powers are just the best in the middle. But all this adds up, can't compare with your vision. You are almost crazy big wisdom! The methods you said are subversive and come from wisdom beyond nine days. Don't say I can't think of it. After listening to what you said, even some of them are incomprehensible. Even if you tell me I don't understand some places."

"I now know what kind of qualities a subversive person in the world should have. I now know what the wisdom of nine days is like? This kind of vision, whether it is me or no end, and wish The Green Lord and the West Gate are boundless. They will never be there forever."

Then, the Eastern Nirvana laughed and said: "Children, if you don't know if you don't know, he will be extremely regretful and extremely shocked. Because he has inadvertently promoted the birth of a Wusheng in the future. A real Wu The birth of the Holy. It is not an infinite master, nor a semi-holy, but a real Wu Sheng, a civilized era after the chaos of the mainland, the martial arts that have been stunted!"

"When you hear the news, you can die!" The Eastern Necropolis sighed: "I finally know why we can never cross the Grand Master. I finally know what Wu Sheng really needs. It is not a mysterious talent. It is also the great wisdom to master the absolute truth of this world, but the great comprehension of this realm of God."

Then, the Eastern Nirvana looked at Yang Dingtian and said: "Children, this painful reincarnation of nearly a thousand years, this contradictory and unsolvable rule of the chaotic world, or to completely end in your hands!"

"I can confirm now, things I can't do, you can do it!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was praised by the Eastern Nirvana.

Then he said, "Master, in fact, your resurrection procedure has not really been completed."

"Not finished yet?"

"Yes, I want to give you a body." Yangding Tiandao.

"Body? How is this possible?" The Eastern Nirvana shocked: "I can make my soul recover. I am so shocked and grateful. I still have to give me a body?"

Yang Dingtian took out a lifelike body from the space ring, cold blue dust!

Suddenly, the Eastern Nirvana is extremely sad.

He already knows about the death of cold blue dust. The most painful thing is not the death of cold blue dust, but her own daughter, who killed her best and was the most kind teacher to her.

Cold blue dust, the true heir of Yin and Yangzong, and the love of the East.

When I feel that my talent is not as good as that of the East, I take the initiative to resolutely give up the position of the heirs of the Yin and Yang lords, and make the Eastern Nirvana become the new lord.

However, although the genital martial arts are extremely high, it is not a qualified lord. Because, after becoming a great master, all his energy is placed on the final truth of the search for the world, most of the time is not in Yin and Yang.

At this time, it was cold blue dust that picked up the burden of the Yin and Yang dynasties.

When the Oriental Ice Ling was bullied, it was also the role of Cold Blue Dust.

Although the yin and yang martial arts are higher, they are the yin and yang lords. But all along, the cold blue dust plays the role of the elder brother, and the cold blue dust is taking care of the eastern nirvana.

Now, when I see the body of the cold blue dust, the Eastern Nirvana still can't help the sadness.

Yangdingtian takes the ring of space and pulls out the heart of the devil!

This is a crystal clear energy crystal, constantly changing color, blood red for a while, completely black for a while, completely colorless for a while. It is full of infinite energy, cruel and powerful.

"Master, this devil's heart comes from a thousand-800-year-old demon." Yangding Tian smiled and said: "In fact, all I need is a three-four-year-old demon heart, but I did not expect This one thousand and eighty-year-old is actually the youngest. Therefore, the energy in the heart of this demon spirit is extremely powerful and extremely cruel."

The Eastern Nirvana face was dignified and nodded.

For the power of the devil, he is the first master of the world, of course, the clearest.

"So, unless there is a strong and strong soul, you can suppress the heart of this demon, otherwise I will put the heart of the devil into the body of the cold teacher. It is an uncontrollable anti-god. The moment of birth. At that time, no one can control him, maybe I will die under his sword in the first time." Yangding Tiandao: "Fortunately, my soul is 2,300 years old. More powerful enough to suppress the violent temper of this devil's heart."

"My powerful soul energy at this time. It has surpassed my imagination." The East Nirvana said: "Even, I feel that this energy is enough to support me to walk in the world in the form of soul without dissipating."

"But in that case, there is no martial arts." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Master, wait for me to put the heart of the demon into the body of the cold teacher, I will immediately use the oysters to inject your soul into the brain of Leng Shibo. But, unfortunately The thing is, I haven't learned yet. I will start studying now."

"What do you want to learn from life?" The Eastern Nirvana said: "I am a powerful soul. A soul with self-awareness can easily enter the brain of a cold brother directly."

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian was awkward.

Then, he was furious: "The **** has no spirit, and it has pitted me. This life is not useful for me!"

Yes, Yangdingtian is indeed pitted.

If you just use the soul to extract the soul, you really need to inject the soul into the new body. because. Enter a new body and control a new brain. It takes a lot of energy. This single soul is extremely fragile when it floats in the air, and cannot be completed by itself, so it needs to be oysters.

However, the soul of the Eastern Nirvana with the shadow of the soul is powerful enough to break through the sky, and it can easily occupy the brain of cold and dusty moments. Controlling his body, what kind of **** is needed to make a living.

The ignorant clearly knows this, but he still pits him. Do not give away the soul, use a useless garbage to oysters, and cheated the desperate city of Yangdingtian.

Really old and not dead as a thief! Asshole. Son of a bitch!

And Yang Dingtian, a great wise man who can conceive the idea of ​​resurrection of the genius of the Eastern Nirvana, a big comprehension who can touch the realm of God. In the face of this small conspiracy, the living was squandered by the innocent.

Real concern is chaotic, Yang Dingtian suddenly has a little doubt about his IQ!

"Ha ha ha..." The master laughed and touched the head of Yangdingtian: "Small heaven, the innocent is so shrewd, perhaps it is the reason why he can never break through the true holy level."

Then, he comforted: "Well, you have learned the deepest part of the martial civilization. You touched the realm of God, and you still have to thank the innocent. Don't be angry, let's get started!"

"Yeah!" Yangding Tianqiang endured the thought of throwing away the garbage into the garbage, and stuffed it back into the space ring.

Then, in his hand, he held the heart of the demon spirit, and gently cut the chest of the cold blue duster's chest with one hand, revealing the heart where the ice seal had stopped beating.

"Master, are you ready?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, my soul energy is unprecedentedly powerful enough to suppress the brutality of this devil's heart."

Yangdingtian took a deep breath and then directly pressed the heart of the devil into the heart of the cold blue dust.


The heart of the devil, very greedy, extremely crazy, slammed into the heart of cold blue dust.

In an instant, the heart of cold blue ice and ice, the world is recovering.

Then, violently discolored, black, colorless, blood red. Constantly changing, then violently beating.

In an instant, an incomparably powerful, incomparably brutal energy breath, skyrocketing.

The body of the cold blue dust quickly thawed.

Then, slamming his eyes, it was a **** red eyelid.

Extremely terrible eyes, black and red. Like blood, the color after drying.

There is no emotion, no mercy, only endless cruelty, endless bloodthirsty, endless killing.

The murderousness of the sky is bursting out.

In an instant, a few hundred miles around the sea, instantly become blood red.

The fish and shrimp around hundreds of miles were killed in an instant.

Just murderous, instantly killing all the fragile sounds within a hundred miles.

This is the heart of the devil, terrible, incomparably powerful and powerful.

Then, the body of the cold blue dust, suddenly slammed up, and instantly tore the Yangdingtian into pieces.

Kill monsters and kill all creatures within sight.

"Oh..." At this time, the soul of the Eastern Nirvana, turned into a streamer, and instantly penetrated into the brain of the cold blue dust.

Suddenly, the cold blue dust body sitting up, instantly fixed.

All the murderous all the violent, all the ferocious.

In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

This body, like a puppet, sits there motionless.

Then, suddenly, he trembled violently, trembling, and shaking!


The bottom of the sea, violently tearing a crack of a few hundred miles.

The sea water, surging into the sky, turned into a hundred meters of tsunami, rising to the sky.

Heaven and earth, fiercely discolored.

The sea, the edge of the South Barbarian, intense vibration.

This means the birth of a big master-level powerhouse!

Note: First, send it, I will follow the code word second! Brothers, vote for the moon, ask for support! (To be continued.)

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