Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 505: : Tiandao League resolution! The war is open!

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Nan Manzhou is located in a remote location.

Therefore, very few people have seen this scene of discoloration.

The bottom of the sea slammed and the sea bottom violently trembled. The tsunami caused by it almost destroyed the land.

Although it is only a hundred miles away from the land of Nanbanzhou. But the raging tsunami still madly swept away.

In the end, the huge waves of the sky, like the same wall, were crushed toward the mainland of Nanbanzhou.

Countless barbarians, countless animals, countless birds flying, desperately running away.

Countless huge trees, incomparably dense forests, like crushed and smashed, crushed and crushed.

This level of change has become more than just the birth of a master-level powerhouse.

It is because of the soul of the Eastern Nirvana, and the heart of the devil, madly fighting for the control of this body.

Or, it is the soul of the Eastern Nirvana, in the madness to suppress the violent heart of the devil.

A heart of 1,800 years old, a soul of 2,300 years old.

Although the battle is extremely fierce, the outcome is already doomed.

It’s just a process, it’s a bit earth-shattering. In particular, Yangdingtian also chose to be in a relatively fragile seabed environment. This incomparably powerful energy directly detonated the enormous energy that had long been unbalanced in the depths of the seabed, directly leading to the tearing of the seabed in the vicinity of a thousand miles, leading to a huge earthquake on the seabed. , which led to a terrifying tsunami.

Zhongzhou is far from here, so I can't feel it.

The barbarians in Nanmanzhou do not know anything.

The only thing I feel is that the Lingbi Palace is thousands of miles away!


The ignorant is still sitting in the huts of Xianfeng, closing his eyes and adjusting his interest.

In front of him. There are two candlelights, very weak, and almost no flames of colorless fire.

It can be seen that Yangdingtian is not a meticulous observation. He came here twice, and did not find these two flames.

Suddenly, the two flames trembled.

Suddenly. The heartless lake of the heart also trembled.

The innocent eyes open their eyes in an instant, and the eyes shoot out a very deep and bright light, as if to penetrate the clouds and look out of the distance.

"What happened? The seabed of 2,300 miles away is an earthquake, but the date of calculation should be about 13 years." Wu Lingzi wondered: "How can an earthquake occur in advance, and a tsunami ahead?"

Then, the eyebrows of the innocent trembled fiercely. Suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

Is it that he really succeeded?

Immediately, I immediately shook my head and vetoed it.

Impossible, absolutely impossible! A small thing in his district is not a small thing, a more insignificant spiritual cultivation, no departure from the soul, how can it be successful? Even if the sun goes out, the heavens and the earth fall. He is also unlikely to succeed.

There is no horn in the mouth, showing a disdainful smile.

These are over two hundred years. The heart is taller than the sky, the life is thinner than paper, stupid and conceited, and the role of sitting in the sky, he sees more, and it is not bad.

perhaps. It is a sea monster that inadvertently collides with the most vulnerable place on the sea floor.


Zhongzhou mainland!

A vicissitudes of the big man, with no expression, carrying a huge coffin, walking on the streets of Dazhongzhou.

he. It is Yangdingtian!

When he landed on the mainland of South Central China, he knew how many days he had stayed in the sea.

Full seventeen days!

Yes, it took 17 days.

In fact, in the world of meditation, he looks for the master and extracts the time of the master's soul, adding up to no more than one day.

The soul of the master enters the body of the cold blue dust, and fights with the heart of the devil, no more than one day!

For the remaining fifteen days, Yangdingtian is all in the world of meditation, and learns the yin and yang information of the soul.

The fifteen days of the real world is the two years of meditation in the world!

He spent two years in the world to detoxify the tens of millions of yin and yang information codes.

However, he was completely intoxicated and could not feel the existence of time.

Stayed on the seabed for seventeen days, that is, it’s been twenty-two days since I left Yunxiaocheng!

Two things he cares the most about.

The first thing, what is the result of the Tiandao League Conference?

The second thing, has Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming’s army been dispatched?

Soon, Yangdingtian heard it, or saw it, and didn't even need to inquire!

On the dock, he saw his wanted order!

Tiandao League Day Words Wanted! The object of the night is his Yangdingtian!

The densely ordered orders are all Yang Diantian's shackles and comrades!

Ten days ago, the final resolution of Tiandaomeng had already come out.

Yang Dingtian was convicted of murdering the Eastern Ice Ridge. Yang Dingtian colluded with the evil demon road and was convicted. Yunxiaocheng was expelled from the Tiandao League resolution.

All members of the Tiandao League, except for three votes against, two abstained, the rest passed.

Mujianbao, against the sanction of Yangdingtian, opposed to the name of Yunxiaocheng.

Then, on the spot, Mujianbao was directly expelled from Tiandaomeng on the charge of colluding with Yangdingtian.

There are still two votes against it, which is what Yang Dingtian can't think of anyway.

Dicheng City and Yuntian Pavilion!

The main **** of the city, Kwai Si, was publicly snarled at the scene of the conference, against the sanction of Yangdingtian, calling for the elimination of the demon of the South China Sea, and ridiculing everyone in public.

Yun Tiange, although he did not say anything, but followed the Kwai Si, voted against.

However, these three negatives are useless.

In the Tiandao League, there are only five forces and one veto.

Yinzong, Xuantianzong, Yinyangzong, Lingbi Palace, Northwest Qincheng. (Where, Lingbi Palace and Northwest Qincheng are rotating)

The two abstentions came from the Yin Yangzong and Lingbi Palace.

It is not surprising that the Lingbi Palace abstained from voting because they said that they would not participate in anything in Heaven.

However, the Yin and Yang dynasty abstained from voting, it is extremely strange.

Everyone knows that Yangdingtian is the only descendant of the Yin and Yang lords. As for whether there is harm to the oriental ice, who knows the heart.

Moreover, it is reasonable to say that although the Eastern Nirvana and the cold blue dust are no longer there, the Yin and Yang dynasty still has a half-master. The status is more transcendent than Xuantianzong. It is said that there is no need to fear the evil demon. Even, it should directly lead the Tiandao League, directly suppressing the arrogance of the demon road.

But I don't know why, Yin and Yang have no attitude and no voice.

Tiandao League headquarters. It is only three hundred miles away from Yinyang.

However, when the Tiandao League Conference was held, the Yin and Yang Zongshan Gate was closed and no one appeared. Just when everyone thought that Yin and Yang Zong would be absent from the conference, Leng Ao appeared as a representative at the scene of the Tiandao League Conference, directly abstaining from voting, and then left directly.

As a result, the General Assembly directly passed the resolution of the northwest Tiandao lord.

Yangdingtian was convicted of collusion with the evil demon, and Yangdingtian was convicted of murdering the Eastern Ice.

Yangdingtian and Yunxiaocheng. Destroy Tiandao League forever. Command all the forces in the world, and everyone, completely and clearly define the boundaries.

For Yang Dingtian, the world of chaos is chasing the world! Anyone who sees it can be arrested or killed.

Authorize the Northwest Tiandao League, form a justice coalition, and attack the Yunxiao City.

All the crimes of Yangdingtian will be announced to the world in the shortest time. Put the truth of the sin of Yangdingtian and spread it to every corner of the world.

The meeting passed. The Nanhai Ning people handed over the Mujian Fort and entered the Tiandao League list!

The General Assembly passed, and the main **** of the city was a stubborn sympathy for the Yangding Tianbao. Therefore, the ground cracking city is downgraded. From one of the nine gates, it will be one of the twenty-seven factions.

At the meeting, the Nanhai Ningzu replaced the city and entered the world, and was assigned to the Zhongzhou Tiandao League.

The meeting passed. Xuantianzong continued to be the head of Zhongzhou Tiandao League, and the Nanhai Ningzu was the deputy leader of Zhongzhou Tiandao League.

The General Assembly urged that the city splits the city and immediately realizes its mistakes and sends troops to join the crusades, otherwise it will retain the power to impose further sanctions against the city.

Therefore, Ning Wuming thoroughly grasped the overall situation of the western world and began to lay out the state.

Once the crusade against the army was destroyed by the thunder, and the weak forces of Yunxiao City were destroyed, the Zhongzhou strategy was immediately launched.

The object of the crusade in Zhongzhou is already very clear, that is, the main **** of the city.

Unless the Kwai Si immediately compromised, he sent troops to fight against Yunxiao City.

Otherwise, the next thing to be destroyed, the next thing to face the million-strong coalition is the city!

The General Assembly passed, and on August 15th, the coalition forces formally attacked Yunxiao City. All Western World Heavenly Alliance forces must send the main force to participate in the crusade against the city. All Zhongzhou forces must give their support as much as they can.

After the passage of these resolutions, the Kui Si, the main city of the city, screamed: Tiandao League is dead, and justice in the world is dead!

Then, in the swearing of the Xuantian lord, Kwai Si left the Tiandaomeng meeting directly.

Of course, this is the first wave of the Tiandao Alliance Conference.

Although it has caused some people's heartbeat, it is far less than the second wave.

This person appeared at the Tiandaomeng conference, directly in the hearts of everyone, causing huge waves.

All the Heaven and Earth Alliances, including Zhu Qingzhu, all left the venue and greeted the gate.

Nethered Sea Lord, the full authority of the Lingbi Palace, Wu Ningming, entered the Tiandao League headquarters!

This is a scene of history.

The world's most transcendental, most powerful two forces can subvert the entire world pattern, even if the two men who are afraid of death after the devil, the Lingbi Palace is innocent, the Lord of the Nether is innocent, and finally A positive appearance in this world.

When Wu Ningming appeared, he instantly became the most dazzling and powerful figure in the world. He directly overtook all the pride of the day, such as Zhu Hongxue and Qin Huaiyu.

Wu Ningming announced at the conference that he expressed absolute neutrality on behalf of the Lingbi Palace and the Netherland.

The Lingbi Palace and the Netherland are willing to admit that Yangdingtian is guilty of collusion with the evil demon. They are willing to admit the resolution of the coalition forces to attack the Yunxiao City. They are willing to admit the result of the destruction of Yunxiao City and are willing to admit the division of the territory after the destruction of Yunxiao City by the Northwest Tiandao League.

However, he hopes that Tiandaomeng can leave Yangding Tianyi’s life and will abandon martial arts in Yangdingtian and imprison him for a lifetime!

Then, Wu Nianming’s opinion was instantly passed by the Tiandaomeng Conference.

As a result, countless documents began to be revised, numerous notices were made, and they were completely revised.

In the end, in the eyes of the world. The fate of Yangdingtian was completely decided by a few words of Wu Ningming.

Abandoned martial arts. Imprisoned for a lifetime!


The moment after the end of the Tiandao League Conference!

30,000 letters, dense, black and black, flying from the eastern Yunzhou. With the resolution of Heaven and Earth, it spreads to every corner of the world.

Thousands of warriors, riding a variety of flying rides. Spread all over the world!

All the leaders of the Tiandao League, the sovereign, riding the fastest flying mount, returning to the martial art.

Throughout the western world, all the forces of the Tiandao League and the army that had already been formed have begun to assemble quickly.

Tiandao League crusades the coalition and is divided into four legions.

The World Legion Corps, from north to south.

Northwest Qincheng Union with the Baiyun City Legion. From west to east.

Nanhai Ning, as well as mercenary groups, from south to north.

Shen Bing Mountain Villa is a state expeditionary army from east to west.

The four major regiments, surrounded by four directions in the southeast and northwest, destroyed the Yunxiao City. Attacking Yunxiao City from four directions.

At last. Meeting in Yunxiaocheng!

The commanders of the four major regiments are Song Wei. Qin Wanqiu, Ning Wuming, Qiu Wan robbery!

Among them, the Northern World Legion Corps, sending troops 250,000, all forces. Including the steel legion, including the remaining Dragon Dragon Legion, came out.

The Qin City of the West and the Baiyun City Legion sent 400,000 troops. Three thousand and two thousand in Qincheng and 80,000 in Baiyun.

The Southern Army sent a total of 450,000 troops. Among them, 30,000 in Nanhai, 20,000 in Tianfengge, and 400,000 in mercenaries.

The Eastern Legion, the Shenbing Villa, 150,000, the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force has not been determined, but has already reached the armed forces, 130,000, the forecast of the Eastern Army, will exceed 300,000.

The four major legions, more than one hundred and three hundred thousand troops.

The number of troops is ten times that of Yunxiao City! Even if Yunxiaocheng is a soldier, it is only 300,000.

However, it is unrealistic for all the people to be soldiers!

Because the chaotic world is different from the ancient times. In ancient China, just a strong man, giving a weapon, is a sergeant. However, in the chaotic world, all armed personnel are trained for a long time. Fighting power is at least dozens of times that of ordinary people.

Therefore, in the chaotic world, those who can fight are always armed forces. There are no militia, and the ordinary people are on the battlefield. They have no effect and can only be sent to death.

Therefore, the army of Yunxiao City, the most, can only be 100,000!

One hundred thousand, against one hundred and thirty-five thousand!

This is the upcoming war. Yang Dingtian has to face the first battle with the demon road!


There are two thoughts about Yangdingtian.

The first one couldn't think of it. It was the main **** of the city, so hard, and there was no sand in the eyes. Unexpectedly, he and Yang Dingtian did not know each other at all, and did not have any friendship, but completely stood on the side of Yangdingtian, and even hesitated to take the fate of the entire city.

The second one can't think of it. The handwriting of the Temple of Destruction is much larger than that of Yang Tiantian.

At the beginning, Qin Qiqi was only preparing to use the 100,000 troops of Qincheng. Later, it became the Northwest Alliance of Heaven. Finally evolved to the present, it turned out to be a hundred and three hundred thousand troops.

This power of destroying the earth is certainly not to destroy the city of Yunxiao. Instead, you must shock the world, let all the forces, put away all the unwillingness, and then completely stand the team!

If you are not willing to stand up, you will be completely destroyed!


Despite being separated by a thousand miles, Yangdingtian still feels clearly, and the atmosphere of the war is lost in the sky above Zhongzhou.

The entire Zhongzhou has entered black horror ahead of time.

There are not many figures on the bustling streets. Most of the shops on both sides have been closed, even brothels, and there is no sound of bamboo.

The entire Zhongzhou is preparing for the war.

The cavalry of Zhongzhou Tiandao League is located in every part of the mainland.

Because, Tiandao League's wanted orders are many and many. There are many objects to be arrested, and Yangdingtian is only the first number of Tianzi.

Next, all the ties of Yangdingtian, all the men, are all on the wanted list. All of them have a relationship with Yangdingtian, and they are all on the wanted list.

Not to mention Zhao Mu, because of a few good words spoken by Yang Dingtian, or the wandering warriors that Yang Dingtian gave a few gold coins, all of them are on the arrest list.

Now, this list is already more than 30,000 people, and it is still increasing.

All cities in Central China are all martial law.

Five thousand black rides, patrolling day and night, arresting anyone on the list.

At this time, the number of people arrested on the land of Zhongzhou has exceeded tens of thousands. Most of these people have nothing to do with Yangdingtian. They just said that Yangdingtian had a good word in private occasions.

Don't say that it is a good word for Yang Dingtian. Even if you say a suspicion of the Tiandao League resolution, if you sympathize with Yangdingtian, you will be arrested immediately.

Moreover, Zhongzhou Tiandao League gave a reward. Anyone who finds doubts about Tiandao League or sympathizes with Yangdingtian will report it immediately. Once verified, rewards will be awarded!

Suddenly, the whole of the mainland of China, the wind is raging.

All the people, all the warriors, are all caught in black horror. Zhongzhou mainland has become the most rigorous and scary area in the world. Even the northwestern mainland, which is about to erupt in the war, has not suppressed the atmosphere of terror.

All the reasons, of course, are because the Zhongzhou Tiandao League is the world of Xuan Tianzong and Nanhai Ning.

Before that, the warrior who escaped from the northwestern continent and escaped from the state to avoid the war, had just been arrested on the third day after landing in Zhongzhou.

Now the head is hanging in the head of Zhongzhou City, the head of the people who are hanging together, and all the people in the cabin who have spoken to him, all who have catered to him.

Of course, Ling Dance is because of the relationship between Wu Ning, no one dares to move!

Under the absolute black horror, there is only one voice in Zhongzhou at this time.

Yangdingtian sinful and sinful, Tiandao League for the heavens.

Xuan Tianzong and Nanhai Ningzu, with absolute force, suppressed all doubts and all opposing voices. Let the whole world, there is only one voice for the time being.

All the skeptics have become the heads of the dry!


Yangdingtian carries a huge coffin and walks into Zhongzhou City! This has become the bustling city of Zhongdu!

At this time, there were almost no people entering or exiting the huge gates, only the heavily armed Tiandaomeng army.

Thousands of heads are hanging on the wall! These are all the so-called sympathizers of Yangdingtian. Of course, most of Yangdingtian does not know.

However, this is only a part of it. According to the news heard by Yangdingtian, the entire Zhongzhou has killed at least 80,000 people, and this number has increased by thousands of people every day.

Yang Dingtian did not think that a war far away from a thousand miles would kill more than 100,000 and even hundreds of thousands of people in Zhongzhou!

Yangding looked at the heads of these innocent people for a while, sighed and then walked into Zhongzhou City.

Because he is going to the Zhongzhou dock and taking the boat back to the northwest. At this time, the air has long been completely martial. It is not allowed to fly any mount other than the Tiandao League. If you want to return to the northwestern mainland, you can only take the boat.

Just arrived at the gate of the city, immediately there was a team of armed warriors coming over, and hundreds of bows on the wall immediately aligned with Yangdingtian.

"Who is it? What is the name? Where is it? Where do you want to go? Give the road guidance, it must be the road of the Tiandao League forces. It must be the road of the Tiandao League forces except the city of the city and Yuntiange."

Yang Dingtian gave a jade card, faintly said: "Ling Ling Palace, solitary and desperate! Participate in the Zhongzhou expedition volunteer army, crusade the Yunxiao City!"

No way, now all the boats have stopped. All the ships can only be transported to the expeditionary army of the northwestern continent that warrior, they must directly take over the black 鹫玉牌 of Yangdingtian.

The samurai leader next to him shot the man’s hand and then kneeled down on one knee and said, “When you meet the singer of the Lingbi Palace!”

"Yeah!" Yang Dingtian responded indifferently, then walked toward the city.

Suddenly, a heavily armed black cavalry, tightly guarding Yangdingtian, escorted him to the dock.

At this time, all of them are densely armed, and all of them are warships.

A team of fully armed troops boarded a warship.

Then, the dense spar battleship, heading towards the mainland, quickly drove away.

"Everyone let go, all military operations stopped, let the solitary adults get on the boat!" The black riding leader flew quickly and shouted.

At this time, the status of the Lingbi Palace is even higher than that of Xuantianzong! (To be continued.)

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