Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 508: : 0 million besieged! Yangdingtian attack!

"Kwai Ning, you said that we are more than a thousand konjac cavalry, can you as a strange soldier, God unconsciously arrive at Yunxiao City." Yangding Tiandao: "From beginning to end, our enemies can not find until Give the enemy a fatal blow on the battlefield?"

Kwai Ning Road: "Yangcheng Lord, this needs to meet the following points. The first point, when we were dispatched on a large scale, the people of the city of the city have already seen it. I believe that there must be a demon spy in the city. It is necessary to completely block the cracking of the city, not allowing one person, one bird, one ship to leave."

Yangding nodded.

This is very, very difficult to do. After all, I have seen tens of thousands of people who have just seen the army.

"But you can rest assured that you can't do it completely in other places, but it's easy to break the city." Kwai Ning said: "Because the city of the city is more than 5,000 from the nearest continent, In it, I was completely alone. So I wanted to spread the news to the northwestern mainland. There were only three channels, I took the boat out to sea, the birds passed the letter, and I took the flying ride. But three days ago, the city was ordered. No bird is allowed, and a ship leaves the South China Sea. We have the fastest and most powerful konjac army in the world. It can be said that any bird can not escape any ship."

Then, Kwai Ning said: "If you don't feel relieved, I can immediately send people back and let them double the patrol power."

Yangding Tianzheng’s head, Kwai Ning smiled and said: “No, they have already caught up.”

Yang Dingtian turned and looked at it, and it really caught up.

More than a thousand konjac corps are chasing at full speed.

Obviously, it was the case that Kwai Ning and Yang Ding Tian’s thieves were ruined. The cracked city sent people to block it, and it was necessary to prevent the konjac army of Kwai Ning from going north.

"Yangcheng Lord. What should I do?" Kwai Ning said: "We are advancing at full speed and ignore them."

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't know about your army. It's up to you."

Kwai Ning nodded and then waved directly: "Stop!"


Although Yang Dingtian has seen it once, it still can't help but feel shocked.

Under the rapid flight of seven or eight hundred miles, Kwai Ning made an order. Even a thousand konjac corps stopped in an instant, and almost did not move forward a little.

How amazing this picture is, the fighters in the Earth era are far from being able to do so. In these konjac corps, it seems that inertia does not exist.

"Stop!" A crisp drink, a thousand konjac groups chasing after the moment, also stopped instantly, as if directly in the air.

Two konjac groups. Hundreds of meters apart, quietly confrontation.

A knight in the purple armor flew slowly, and the deep scorpion looked coldly at the top of the sun, and then headed toward Kwai Ning: "The first corps of the konjac led the Kwai Ning, colluding with outsiders, stealing the soldiers, and taking them away privately. What is the sin of the konjac army?"

Kwai Ning squatted on the konjac: "See the big commander!"

This person. It turned out to be the commander of the entire konjac army. As a young master, Kwai Ning is only the leader of the First Legion. and. She turned out to be a woman, listening to the sound, as if she was a mature and frosty woman.

"Come, immediately arrest Kwai Ning!" The female leader led.

Yangdingtian is going forward, but Kuan Ning gently made a gesture of stopping.

Then, Kwai Ning violently pulled the sword. Crossing his neck, he said: "Aunt, don't let Kwai Ning go to the demon, and I will die in front of you. I will die in front of you."

"You are threatening me?"

"Don't dare!" Kwai Ning Road.

The female commander looks at all the konjac knights in front. Road: "You, all go back with me."

However, no one is moving!

"You, is this going to be disobedient?" The female general leader shouted coldly.

The whole sky is still silent.

The female commander came to the front of Kwai Ning and said coldly: "How can you take the first legion away? Or, how do you take the first legion?"

Kwai Ning was a glimpse.

"The first legion, one, three, five, seven, nine teams, with me back to the city to split the city. The second legion, one, three, five teams. The third legion of the third leg, the ninth team, added to the northern expeditionary army. The commander of the big commander ordered it, and then he said to the Kwai Ning. "How do you do this?" Our konjac army has not been in actual combat for decades. It’s hard to have a chance to fight in the real battlefield. The first legion, but did not think about letting the entire army participate in actual combat."

When Yang Ding Tian was a moment, this female commander was actually playing this play.

"Thank you aunt." Kwai Ning was overjoyed and said: "The first legion, the first, third, fifth, seventh, and nine teams, all out, obey orders, return to the city!"

Suddenly, there was a mourning in the air. They are eager to go north to fight, who knows that they have been intercepted, and then they are pulled back to the city.

Although reluctant, all the konjac groups were obeying orders for the first time.


The next performance, once again let Yangding Tianmu stunned.

It's only a few seconds.

Yang Dingtian reached out to the five teams of the konjac to ride the army, quickly separated from the team and flew behind the female general.

The five konjac robes on the opposite side flew at the same time, filling the formation of the team behind Yang Dingtian.

Two of the five hundred konjac knights, staggered in the air, like lightning. The gaze on one side is hot and excited. One side of the gaze is like killing people.

Soon, the exchange of troops on both sides was completed. The konjac army that Yangdingtian brought to Yunxiao City is still a thousand people, but half of them are second and third legions.

"Aunt, if you go back like this, will you be punished?" Kwai Ning couldn't help but ask.

The female commander said faintly: "The bottom line that the elders will give me is to bring the first legion back to the half of the city. I have done it, and what is the punishment?"

Suddenly, Yangding Tianyi, Kwai Ning also followed.

This frosty woman would have this cold humor.

Yes, he brought back the 500 people of the First Army. However, the second legion, the 500th of the Third Corps, was given to Yangdingtian. This. This should be regarded as a provocation to the Presbyterian.

Before Yangding was in heaven, she went deep into her.

The female general commander waved, and suddenly a konjac of a huge **** was flying up. She was in the sun and said: "This is a gift from my city, why don't you accept it?"

Yangding Tiandeng’s face was red and said: “Hey.”

then. I left from the mount of Kwai Ning and landed on my own konjac.

The female commander took off the helmet and revealed the mature and gorgeous face. He bent over Yangdingtian: "The Devils of the Devils of the City of the Devils led the Kwai Ching, and wished the main flag of Yangding Tiancheng to win. ”

Yang Dingtian did not have any mental preparations, and was instantly stunned by her gorgeous face, especially the aggressive beauty and red lips. Then bent down and said: "Thank you Miss Kelly."

Kwai Qing looked at the scorpion Kwai Ning, and there was a hint of love in his eyes, but his face was more severe. He said: "Kids, go to Yunxiao City, don't throw me away from the Kwai family."

"Yes!" Kwai Ning loudly, then he said with a hot voice: "Aunt, after I left. The city of the cracked city will be handed over to you, you must be careful."

"I still use you to say." Kwai Qing cold road.

"Yes to my aunt. We want to be a strange soldier, so I hope that you will block all the news about our north, and don't let the people of the demon know that our konjac army has entered the city of Yunxiao, which will give them a fatal blow." Ning Dao.

Kwai Qing faintly dismissed: "When you think about it, the intelligence has already flown hundreds of miles away. I have blocked the city for a long time and have killed dozens of people. Okay. Let's go."

"Yes!" Kwai Ning Road.

Yangding Tiandao once again nodded her tribute.

Kwai Ching returned to the ceremony, and then put on the helmet again, and put his own gorgeous and sultry face into the helmet.


Yang Dingtian led a new thousand konjac corps and continued to fly north.

"Kwai Ning. Your aunt, you are very great." Yangding Tiandao.

"Of course!" Kwai Ning said: "My father is very powerful, but sometimes it is too stubborn, and I don't like political affairs. Therefore, quite a lot of things in the city are my aunt's care."

Yangding Tiandao: "What height can the konjac army fly to?"

"Three thousand five hundred feet!" Kwai Ning Road.

Suddenly, Yangding’s tongue is screaming.

This is really no less than the modern fighter of the earth.

"Well, then we are going straight north, squatting at night, winding the road to chaos, and then going west into Yunxiao City." Yangding Tiandao: "This way, you can enter without knowing it."

"Yes!" Kwai Ning Road.

"However, the only trouble is in the sea." Yangding Tiandao: "Here the chaotic mainland in the north, full of miles, will definitely encounter ships, and may be the fleet of the enemy Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force. Even if we are in a few thousand feet In the air, it will still be discovered."

"You can rest assured that we will not be discovered." Kwai Ning Road.

Yang Dingtian was amazed at the time. The ordinary ships, of course, could not find the flying objects above 10,000 meters, but the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Fleet will definitely find out.

But Kwai Ning said that he would not be discovered, and that must have his reason.


A thousand konjac corps, continue to move north quickly.

Suddenly, a glare bird flew in front of him, which was released by the konjac army, equivalent to the scouts of the army.

This blazing bird is a semi-energy creature with a flying speed that is faster than the konjac, but the flight time is relatively short. Every once in a while, it is necessary to return to the konjac to restore energy.

In front of Kwai Ning, the blazing bird continually swings its wings and dances to convey a signal.

Kwai Ning Road: "Yangcheng Lord, in front of three hundred miles, there is a large fleet, it should be the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Army."

"We have to avoid their vision immediately, is there a way?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" Kwai Ning Road.

Then, he slammed the ground: "The konjac army expeditionary army, all dive!"

With the order of Kwai Ning.


Suddenly, the thousand konjac cavalry, the whole body is like an arrow, inserted into the sea, the speed is almost the fastest.

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian, even heard the sound of sonic boom.

The speed of this konjac dive is so terrible.


In the fascinating gaze of Yangdingtian, the thousands of konjac, like lightning, all plunged into the sea.

And like the best divers in the world, such a huge body is as straight as water. It turned out to be a small spray.

Then, the konjac army sneaked into the water for dozens of meters and quickly sneaked into the sea.

Yangding innocently completely stunned.

This konjac army is too bad. Not only can you go to heaven, but you can go to the sea.

The speed in the air is coming to an extreme. And the speed in the sea. It even surpassed the ordinary Clippers.

They are like a sword, and their speed is so amazing.


In this way, a thousand konjac squadrons, sneaked in the water for hundreds of miles, until they were far away from the vision of the Zhongzhou Fleet, and then vacated, like the same fighter plane, flying thousands of kilometers at high altitude.

Yangdingtian knows that the konjac army is strong. But I really didn't imagine it would be so powerful. This kind of monster is actually an amphibious creature. And the most exaggerated thing is that, while flying on the bottom of the sea, they have solved their own Chinese food by the way, while sneaking quickly, while hunting for the underwater creatures to fill their stomachs.

In this way, this konjac army. Rested three times in the sea and flew for ten hours. When it was dark, it officially entered the land of chaos.

Then, without stopping, staring at the night, flying at a height of several kilometers, flying quickly toward Yunxiao City.

Just over an hour later. It has already reached the sky above Yunxiao City.

However, Yang Dingtian does not know whether it is a pleasure or a concern.

Because, when a whole thousand konjac corps flew over Yunxiao City, there was no discovery in the patrol flying in Yunxiao City.

Yangdingtian fell from the konjac. When he landed two kilometers in the air, the patrol flying horse of Yunxiao City discovered the Yangdingtian, and immediately flew around. When he saw the Yangdingtian, he was greatly excited and worshipped in the air.

Yangding Tianxia ordered: "In the 200-mile airspace of Yunxiao City, all patrol flying horses are evacuated!"

The patrol cavalry leader sneaked a little and then said: "Yes!"

Yangdingtian continued to order: "Order the clouds, the mountains, all the fortresses, the soldiers in all the caves, the scouts, the lurkers, all retreat!"

The patrol cavalry is even more puzzled, but still loud: "Yes!"

Yang Dingtian handed over the warrant and handed it over to the patrol cavalry leader.

Suddenly, the cavalry leader quickly took the lead to convey the command of Yang Dingtian.

After the patrol cavalry leader left about a quarter of an hour, a familiar voice came quickly, Song Chunhua.

At this point, Yang Dingtian even felt that she had a kind of unbearable vulnerability. This has never happened, because Song Chunhua has always been like a mountain, and he is not afraid of danger.

"Song!" Song Chunhua saw Yang Ding Tian, ​​the beautiful slamming, and then desperately suppressed the excitement: "You are finally back, things can be smooth?"

"Very smooth." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good!" Song Chunhua took a long breath and said: "Qin Huaiyu has already cleared the entire cloud after seeing your hand."

Although he was very curious, Song Chunhua did not ask why he had to empty the entire cloud.

"Come, I will take you to see a person, there is a team." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, he violently flew high, and Song Chunhua caught up.

Fly to a height of five kilometers!

Suddenly, Song Chunhua’s body was shocked!

A thousand incomparably huge konjac, neatly arranged, arranged in the sky, almost motionless, and did not even make any sound.

Although there are only a thousand, but it has spread over dozens of miles, the momentum has passed thousands of horses.

"This is the landlord of the city, Kwai Ning." Yang Dingtian introduced each other: "This is the world, Song Chunhua!"

Kwai Ning bent over and said: "I am very honored to be able to fight alongside Song Shao!"

Song Chunhua’s eyes are hot, but he only said one sentence: “Welcome to join you!”


After two hours, the whole cloud was covered with mountains and cleared up.

Then, under the command of Kwai Ning, more than a thousand konjac knights, silently, swooped down, and quickly hid into the caves of the clouds and mountains.

Throughout the whole process, don't talk about the enemies outside, even the people in Yunxiao City didn't feel anything, just felt like it suddenly burst into a gust of wind!

After the thousands of konjac enter the caves of the Yunshan Mountains, they will have to cultivate for a long time.

Because they fly more than 10,000 miles. Although I once had a three-time break in the sea, flying over 10,000 in twenty hours is still an amazing number. Almost have reached their limits.

Even Yangdingtian is hard to understand. Although the konjac is huge, it does not have such a large amount of energy, which can support them to fly thousands of miles. The average flying mount is only three or four thousand miles. If you are far away, you will have to change constantly.

but. After the konjac entered the cave, the knights took out the purple-red spar and began to feed the konjac. Yangdingtian understood that the amazing energy of the konjac came from.

Yangding Tianchao Kwai Ning Road: "I want to go back to Yunxiao City. Do you want to go with me to know your future comrades?"

Kwai Ning Road: "Tomorrow, in the next few hours, we must all be with our konjac. Today they are really tired."

"Yeah. Take a rest." Yangding Tiandao: "Everything the brethren need, someone will be sent immediately."

"Yangcheng Lord, go and go, there should be a lot of things waiting for your handling." Kwai Ning said: "And for the sake of confidentiality, I don't want to appear at all."

"See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"


At this time, Yunxiao City Hall, brightly lit!

However, the crowds in the city of Yunxiao, patrolling the army. Not as bad as before.

Because, the war is coming soon. Therefore, the military must seize all the time to rest. Once the war is over, you don't know how long you want to play. You must wait until the end of the battle before you can get a break.

Yang Dingtian put on the whole body armor and walked into the Yunxiao City Hall.

"The city owner is coming!"

The hall door opens and there are two guards at the door. Raise the sword in a neat manner.

During the war, anyone who wears armor can abandon the ritual!

Yangdingtian walked into the hall.

Inside, all the important people are there.

All the idle things in the hall have been cleaned up. Put a very large table.

On the table, sand, stones, etc., made a huge sand table. In full proportion, the simulation of the thousands of miles of Yunxiao City.

Above, every line of defense, every fortress, every army, has been clearly marked.

"See the city!"

After seeing Yangdingtian come in, everyone is still excited, but still only bends and bows.

With the bad news coming one by one, and Yangdingtian never came back, all the high-level players present were almost collapsed, even including Song Chunhua.

Only in front of all the army, all the Yuncheng disciples. Song Chunhua and others will always be high-spirited and full of convictions.

However, one day, one day, Yangdingtian never came, they really almost collapsed.

It is like a dark cloud in the sky, and it is necessary to crush the entire Yuncheng City in an instant.

At this point, in Yangdingtian walked in for a moment.

In an instant, it seems as if the clouds are gone, and the sky is high. Some people even have the urge to burst into tears.

However, all the excitement, all the excitement, only turned into a faint and trembling: see the city owner!

"You continue!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" Simon Gate.

Then, he pointed to the northern side of Yunxiao City: "The Northern Army of the Crusades, the World Legion, did not detour the Continental Bridge, but directly crossed Hainan and attacked from behind Yunyun."

As we all know, there is a shallow strait between the northwestern mainland and the northern land. But in general, no one is crossing the sea, because it is not poisonous, and the sea conditions here are very complicated. But this time Song Song, even chose to cross Hainan, it is clear that the war is eager.

"So far, the Allied Forces have crossed the sea by nearly half. Nearly 100,000 troops have established defense lines around the coastline. After about five days, the remaining legions can all cross the sea, and then all south, attacking the back of Yunxiao City. "Ximen Lie Dao: "From the coast to the Yunxiao City, five hundred and thirty miles, but the terrain is extremely complicated. I believe that the speed of the army of the world will not be too fast except for the Demon Dragon Corps."

Then, Simone pointed to the Western Road: "The Western Army of the Crusades, that is, the Northwest Qincheng and Baiyun City Joint Legion, is about 1,800 miles away from Yunyun City. But there is an abyss in the middle, and now Qincheng The engineers are desperately trying to build the suspension bridge. Moreover, Qincheng dispatched more than a thousand flying horses to protect the army that built the suspension bridge."

Then, Simone pointed to the east side: "The Crusades of the Eastern Army. The most complicated. At present, the hundreds of thousands of troops dominated by the Shenbing Mountain Villa are only six hundred miles away from Yunxiao City. However, on the southwestern coastline, Zhongzhou The expeditionary army is still continually landing. Therefore, the Shenbingshanzhuang regiment began to camp at the 600-meter east of Yunyun City and no longer proceeded."

Finally, Ximen Lie points to the south side: "The Southern Army of the Crusades is composed of three parts. First, the barbarian mercenaries in the sunset mountains, the second, the Tianfengge Corps, and the third Nanhai Ning army. Currently. Tianfengge Corps It has landed on the southern coast. The barbarian army has already walked down the sunset mountain range and gathered in the plains five hundred miles away from Yunyun City. However, most of the barbarian army is infantry, only a small number of cavalry, so I arrived at the first road of Yunxiao City. Line of defense, there should be at least five days!"

Qin Huaiyu said: "That is to say. The four legions of the Crusades will wait at least five days before they will gather in front of the first line of defense in Yunxiao."

Madame Simon suddenly asked: "The enemy, how many troops are there?"

"It should be nearly a million." Ximen Lidao said: "According to our current intelligence, it should be nearly one million!"

Suddenly, everyone in the room exclaimed, although the heart had already been expected, but heard millions of figures. Still can't help but tremble.

"More than a million." Yangding Tiandao: "It should be about one and a half million, or even more. Because the number of the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force has now exceeded 400,000, and it is still increasing."

In an instant, within the hall. The lights trembled violently, and everyone took a breath.

"West Gate command, our secret weapon, is enough to eliminate 1.5 million troops?" Song Chunhua said.

"Not enough!" Ximen Lidao said: "If you let the enemy a million troops, set aside in front of Yunxiao City. Then, our soldiers, even if they are brave, will collapse instantly."

Everyone nodded.

That's right, the 1.5 million army is what the scene is. It can be said that all the people present have not seen it.

Yang Dingtian has not seen it, even in TV movies, has not seen it. The Ganges of the Lord of the Rings, the Orc Legion is only 200,000, and it has already covered the ground and covered the sky.

The 1.5 million army can cover almost a few hundred miles.

At that time, even if it is flooded, it is enough to drown the Yunxiao City. Any army that sees the battle of 1.5 million troops will have a higher morale.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Yangdingtian.

To be honest, this war Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu have already practiced on the sand table and don’t know how many times. But all the results, without exception, are all lost, and there is hardly any hope of winning.

Yangding Tianwang looked at everyone and slowly said: "The probability of winning this battle is over 80%!"

When this was said, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Yang Dingtian continued: "West Gate command, our secret weapon, enough to destroy the enemy 400,000?"

"400,000? Enough!" Ximen Lidao.

"That's okay." Yangding Tiandao: "On the day of the decisive battle, what we really have to face is the enemy's southern legion. That is, 400,000 barbarian mercenaries, and 50,000 Tianfengge and Nanhai Ning. The coalition forces the remaining one million troops, we can make them unable to arrive, can not be a division."

Then, Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "I believe that they themselves are very happy to see this."

Then, Yangding Tianxia said: "We don't want to sit here waiting for the enemy to come. Song Chunhua ordered two thousand Demon Dragons. With me, I went to the Eastern Legion of the Shenbing Villa. They were too close to us. Be warned!"

"Yes!" Song Chunhua said.


After an hour.

Two thousand landlords, the Dragon Dragon Corps, like the black ghost, led by Yang Dingtian, lightning generally rushed toward the eastern Shenbingshanzhuang regiment.

The enemy did not fight, Yang Dingtian took the initiative to attack, to give them a big surprise!

Note: Tomorrow, I will take my mother to Shanghai for a review. I will get up at about five o'clock, so today I only have this. Of course, even if it is one, it is more than seven thousand words. (To be continued.)

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