Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 509: : City of Miracles! The magic dragon attacked, mad tens of thousands!

For the military, Yangdingtian is not good at it, not comparable to Song Chunhua, Ximen Lie and Song Chunhua.

So even though he is the supreme power owner, he basically never interferes with the deployment of the army and does not interfere with the military command.

However, he directly specified a top deployment.

That is to play three!

Playing the third is to fight the Eastern Legion, headed by the Shenbing Villa, the Western Army, headed by Qincheng, and the Northern Army, headed by the World. Fang Yi is to let the Southern Army of the Crusades go north.

In the end, the formation of three legions has not yet arrived, and the southern legion has been under the strategic situation of the city.

Once this situation is formed, it means that Yangdingtian faces more than one million people and faces more than 400,000 people.

Accurately speaking, it is 450,000 people, and the barbarian mercenary is 400,000. Tianfengge 30,000, Nanhai Ningzu 20,000.

Fighting more than one million, Yang Dingtian will not win even if it has a great ability. Because more than one million troops, swept from the west, and flooded the city, even if they did not fight back, they always won.

However, the battle for more than 400,000, especially barbaric mercenaries, is mostly heavy infantry, and the action is relatively slow. Mastering the secret weapon, the Dragon Dragon Corps, and the enchanting army's Yangdingtian, still have a great victory.

The most crucial battle is the mysterious and trepidation of the **** army of the Nanhai Ning.

But when the Bloody Legion played, it was the final battle, and both sides had to fight for the final card.

The card of Yang Dingtian is undoubtedly the resurrection of the East.

So, this battle can be played!

But the key is that you must successfully complete the strategy of playing three shots put forward by Yangdingtian!

This evening, it is the first step in the strategy of playing the three parties and can only succeed. Can't fail!


This dragon's mount is huge, but when it's terrible, it has two states when it runs fast.

A state, the sound is soaring, it is clear that there are only a few thousand troops, but the whole earth is shaking. It seems that there are hundreds of thousands of military troops passing by. On the front of the battlefield, it can be horrifying.

There is another state that is silent.

It’s really silent. Just like a cheetah, it’s just like a cat running. It’s really no sound. Two thousand dragons ran, and only the whistling sound of tearing the air, even if they ran on the slate floor, there was no sound.

Just about this. Yang Dingtian asked Song Chunhua. Chunhua said that when the enemy is to be shocked, the whole foot is used to smash the ground. The center of the dragon's sole is completely hard as iron. The weight of a few kilograms is up and the whole ground is shaking.

But when it comes to raids, the dragon will pick up the toes. Let the five-jawed meat pad touch the ground and not directly smash to the ground. Instead, grab the ground.

The speed of the wheel is actually faster than the latter.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian sighs!


Two thousand Demon Dragon Legion, like the same group of black lightning, smashed out from Yunxiao City.

At this time, Yunxiao City is within 200 miles. It has become a huge military position.

Yangdingtian was originally just a look, but after a glance, it was completely shocked.

This, this is Yunxiaocheng? !

Yang Dingtian almost completely could not recognize it.

These flats? What about these rivers? What about these hills?

Within two hundred miles of Yunxiao City, there are new buildings everywhere.

Countless fortresses. Yes, it is countless.

It is dense and full of fortresses. It is densely packed with tents and simple wooden houses.

Because the wall is clear, the entire owner of Yunxiao City has gathered all around 200 miles. At this time, more than one million people have lived in these two hundred miles.

Tang Bozhao, Song Lihua and Mu Liancheng, carried out the ultimate in the realm. There is almost no one in the territory of the city.

And more than one million people living in a radius of two hundred miles, in addition to old and young. Everyone, all in battle, participated in the construction day and night.

So in just a few dozen days, the changes in the entire Yunxiao City have turned upside down.

“Food, meat, etc. can be enough?” Yang Dingtian asked.

"Enough for more than half a year." Song Chunhua said: "As it was originally, Yunxiao City had a lot of food. With the strong wall, all the people brought all the food and livestock into Yunxiaocheng. Plus, Qin Meng was transported by Mrs. The food that came over thousands of cars. So the food stored in Yunxiao City is enough for us to eat half a year later."

"That's it!" Yangding Tiandao.

The team continued to sneak.

At this time, most of the people around have already fallen asleep. But there are at least two or three hundred thousand people who are making final corrections to the line of defense. Therefore, more than two hundred miles have passed, and there are still people everywhere.

I saw this Dragon Dragon Legion in the dark, and the people who were working were excited and looked at the army with admiration and admiration. Recently, the enemy has not stopped small-scale harassment, especially in the northwest Qincheng City. In order to retaliate against the Qiushui Swords, many retaliatory actions were carried out across the border. Hundreds of people and tens of thousands more.

But every time, it was defeated by the Demon Dragon Corps and expelled.

Therefore, the Demon Dragon Corps has become the greatest pride and reliance in Yunxiao City at this time.


The Demon Dragon Corps is extremely fast and will soon leave the 200-mile absolute territory of Yunxiao City.

Suddenly, in front of an incomparably huge behemoth, and a brightly lit construction site, Yang Dingtian shocked!

Yangdingtian can indulge in a cool breath!

City walls, brand new walls!

A huge wall of more than one hundred miles, the entire Yunyunyu City, completely protected!

A month ago, this wall did not exist. In just one month, this huge wall has stood up directly.

Even in the Earth era, Yangdingtian has never seen such a crazy miracle.

The large city wall of more than one hundred miles directly straddles between the two mountains, and protects the city of Dayunyu, which is more than 200 miles deep.

Moreover, this is not the original rough wall, but the formal, solid wall.

First, thick walls are piled up with thick soil, and then mixed with special energy liquids to make these soils solidify and hard. then. Bake with a fierce fire. Suddenly, this clay wall became as hard as porcelain and as tough as stone. This is not counting, on the outer skin of the wall, there are thick stones.

Just now. Yang Dingtian saw only two or three hundred thousand people in the territory, and thought that most people were sleeping.

It turns out that most people are here!

Hundreds of thousands of people are working on the huge construction site on the huge construction site with bright lights and bright whiteness.

In the top of the sun, the heart was hot and the eyes were hot. I couldn’t help but have the urge to cry.

He did not expect it. The policies he promulgated were so crazy and so powerful to the people of Yunxiao City.

It can make millions of people, almost crazy, working day and night.

Hundreds of thousands of people, like ants, are consolidating around the huge wall of more than a hundred miles.

This scene. Let the heart burst into a tremor.

Yes, he is not alone in the fight. Nor is 100,000 people fighting.

There are more than one million enemies and he has more than one million.

These one million people, for their shared cloud city, for their future, for their fields, their lives and freedom. The final construction of the line of defense is being frantically carried out.

More than one hundred miles of the city wall, full 15 meters high, an average of more than five meters thick. Every 100 meters, there is a strong fortress.

That's right, it's a very, very strong fortress. This fortress. Half of it is underground, half is on the ground, and it is divided into two layers. Each fortress has four large shooting holes and ten small shooting holes.

There are hundreds of such fortresses in the wall of more than one hundred miles.

Yang Dingtian looked at Song Chunhua unbelievably and muttered to himself: "I have never seen such a miracle!"

Song Chunhua said: "I have not seen it! More than one million people participated in the construction of this huge city wall, Tang Bozhao Song Lihua and Mu Shu, sent 50,000 troops to command this million engineering army. Will this huge wall It is divided into 100 sections, and 8,000 people are responsible for one section. The remaining 200,000 people are responsible for the construction of the moat and the construction of the wall by the excavated soil. There are also 100,000 people who are responsible for transporting large stone strips."

Then, Song Chunhua was very difficult to laugh: "I, Zhu Hongxue, and Qin Huaiyu, the three people's mysterious fire, these days madly cast, all used to bomb the boulder on both sides of the mountain. After the explosion, all have elite weapons, all To use the fastest time, slash the complete stone, including the **** golden sword that you gave me. Then, all the heavy cavalry, all the large mounts, are all used to transport the stone."

Yang Dingtian has seen a mighty team. It is a large variety of large animals, large mounts, and even some monsters, all dragging a car, and all the neat stones are placed on the car. There are thousands of tens of thousands of visual inspections.

Of course, most of these cars are brought from Xizhou City by Qin Meng. At that time, when she desperately transported the wealth of Xizhou City to Yunxiao City, they came together with these carriages and animal cars.

A million people, on the ground more than 100 miles, madly sweating, frantically building their first line of defense, is also the last line of defense, and the only line of defense.

In any era of the earth, Yangdingtian has never seen such a miracle.

One million people, in just one month, built a huge wall of more than 100 miles and armed it to the walls of the teeth.

In front of the city wall, it is no longer a flat land, but a moat of 20 meters wide and tens of meters deep. The water that is drawn is not ordinary water, but sea water, and it is poisonous water mixed with river water.

The entire city wall always uses twenty city gates, each of which has a hole in the city, which is more than 30 meters deep.

All the metal gates in Yunxiao City were transported here, and they were merged into thick and huge gates.

Yang Dingtian could not imagine how the wall of this hundred-mile was built. Don't look at more than one million people, but how to plan for such astronomical figures is a huge problem.

At this time, most of the walls have been armed. Tens of thousands of troops have been armed in the city.

Even a few days ago, most of the army ate and fell asleep, and it was already done on the wall.

And only a few hundred flying rides, 24 hours a day to monitor all the air and ground in a few hundred miles. More than a thousand Demon Dragon Legions, always lightning patrols on the periphery of the city wall.

“Someone came to interfere with the destruction of the city wall project?” Yang Dingtian asked.

"Well, many times!" Song Chunhua said: "The forces of all parties have had, and we have suffered a lot of losses. We have to put more than 2,000 Demon Dragons out of the arm. Before and after, have killed before To attack tens of thousands of enemies who have been harassed. But recently, they have stopped harassing sneak attacks, as if they are waiting for a decisive battle."


Like the black lightning, the two thousand Dragon Dragon Legion led by Yang Dingtian directly rushed out of the city gate.

Finally, in the distance he saw Song Lihua and Tang Bozhao.

at this time. He saw from the side how this huge wall defense was built.

Beautiful and unparalleled, gorgeous and charming Song Lihua, still completely disappeared.

At this time, Song Lihua, wearing a thick and wear-resistant clothes, black scales, hair gray is all dust.

The big beauty has disappeared, and it appears to be a quarter of fatigue in front of Yangdingtian. Extremely excited, extremely thin and thin woman, the entire face is completely sharpened, only two blood red eyes, is surprisingly large.

And Tang Bozhao, almost no human form, has been skinny, as if a gust of wind will be blown down.

His face. More dirty, messy hair than Song Lihua. At least half of the white. Before Yang Dingtian saw him, he was still a Ufa, but although he was shrinking, he was rich and handsome. At this time, people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts.

The same person is not human. Ghosts are not ghosts, and they have a team of more than 2,000 secretaries.

Constantly shuttle, constantly co-ordinate, constantly writing, and constantly calculating.

Some people. While working, licking a big cake.

Thousands of people have left the office of Yunxiao City, all working on the grass shed here. Day and night, almost never sleep.

They are already busy, and they don’t know when they come back.

I heard that the enemy’s million-strong army is coming, even if Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu feel the tremor.

However, Song Lihua and Tang Bozhao did not feel anything because they were too busy to feel numb, and they slept less than three hours a day. They didn’t know what it was to fear.

Yang Dingtian clearly saw that Song Lihua and Tang Bozhao had inadvertently seen Yang Ding Tian Hou, first as if they had not seen anything, and bowed their heads to continue to work madly. Then, it was only when this person was Yangdingtian, Yangdingtian had already returned. So, they nodded again, looking at the sun and looking a little excited, and then continued to bow their heads, and did not even say hello.

Or, it may not be that there is no time to say hello, but no energy and strength. All of their experiences, in maintaining the work at hand, have not been able to make a little effort to do other things.

Yangdingtian did not bother them, but led the Demon Dragon Corps and continued to drive east.

"From today, Yunxiao City is no longer the castle on the mountain, but the city of 200 miles behind this great wall." Yang Dingtian said one word: "I want to do everything, then this Everyone behind the wall, happiness, peace!"

Then, Yangding looked at the huge construction site with great disdain, and glanced at the huge city wall.

At this time, the corner of the city wall is still mud. It is solidifying and hardening with a special energy juice, and then the prince of the sky wishes red snow, and is desperately trying to release the black fire, burning the city wall and carrying out the final hardening.

This is the defense line of Yangdingtian, which is the line of defense for everyone.

This great wall is their first line of defense, the last and the only one.

A decisive battle after a few days will be carried out before this line of defense.

Once the line of defense was broken, the jade was burned, and there was no protection behind the wall. Everything turned into powder.

For this miracle wall that is poured out by blood and sweat by more than one million people, Yangdingtian will also fight to the end and give everything!


The Eastern Legion of Shenbing Villa is the closest to Yunxiao City in time.

Five hundred miles away, marching at full speed, it only takes two or three days.

Tianlei City, the affiliated force of Shenbing Mountain Villa, is also the northernmost city of Shenbing Mountain Villa.

The sunset mountain range cuts the entire northwestern continent into two halves.

Tianlei City is built on the easternmost side of the sunset mountain range. The role of Tianlei City before was the huge military fortress built by Shenbing Villa to stop the expansion of the northwest Qincheng.

Of course, the sunset mountain range where Tianlei City is located, although it is the remaining veins, basically has no barbarians, but it is basically regarded as a barbarian site. In order to build a city here, Shenbing Villa paid a huge price and agreed to trade with the armor of the barbarian. Only in this tens of miles of mountains, as well as the land under the mountain.

Here, it is a perfect place to build a castle.

Because the mountains here are close to the Yunxiao City side, it is a steep and rugged rocky cliff. In the mountains to the south, there is a gentle slope.

and so. The difficulty of building a castle is not that great. Once the castle is built, it is absolutely easy to defend.

Because the steep hundreds of meters of cliffs in the north are the most natural walls, no army can climb except the flying army.

Similarly, in order to dye the land of the northwest Qincheng. Shenbingshan Villa spent more than ten years, and it was cut through the narrowest part of the sunset mountain. A tunnel was dug out.

This tunnel is of course closed. Moreover, the soldiers are guarded, but once the Shenbing Villa is in need, the tunnel can be opened at any time, and the army continues to enter the northwest Qincheng.

Therefore, despite the incompetence of Ximen, it is only possible to expand a thousand miles and never expand. The reason is here, the west is blocked by a huge abyss, and to the west is the mighty northwest Qincheng. North side. There are rugged mountains everywhere, and there are poisonous straits. South. Blocked by the huge sunset mountains, want to go south, either attack the barbarian or attack the Tianlei City.

But no matter that, Yunxiao City can't do it.

Near the million barbarians in the sunset mountains, there is no trace of oil and water. These barbarians. Cruel and violent, no one wants to provoke.

Tianlei City, a natural fortress, hundreds of miles long, hundreds of meters high cliffs. It is the scorpio of any army.

To the west, it is a place of chaos that ghosts don't want.

Therefore, Ximeng’s Weimen’s West Gate is boundless, and it is trapped in this thousand miles of living.

At this time, the 150,000-strong army led by Qiu Yiming, the leader of the Shenbing Mountain Villa, was stationed in Tianlei City, where the husband was not in charge.

With a single order, the closed tunnel opens directly, and hundreds of thousands of troops can continue to enter the Yunyu City territory.

And they are stationed in Tianlei City on a few hundred meters of cliffs, there is no need to worry about any army attack in Yunxiao City, because without any army, you can climb a few hundred meters of steep cliffs.


At this time, Tianlei City.

The commander of the 100,000-strong army, Qiu Yiming, is making a big feast.

Enjoy the fine cuisine, expensive wine, watching the beauty of the songs and dances, it is like the heavens and the earth.

"Ning elders, can your words be taken seriously?" Qiu Yiming said with a surprise: "After breaking Yunxiao City, Snaketail and Song Lihua belong to me?"

"This is what the owner said, is there still a fake?" The elder elder of the Ning who was covered in a black cloak, did not drink alcohol, and the flesh did not eat: "As long as the enemies open the tunnel according to the agreed time, go north to Yunxiaocheng. The three women of Yangdingtian, Snaketail Jiao, Song Lihua, Qin Jiaojiao, all belong to you!"

Suddenly, Qiu Yiming’s eyes screamed hot.

He is a rich man in the world, and his hatred is not good, it is so beautiful. Especially the beauty who has the identity and has married.

Yang Dingtian’s identity is high enough to be able to engage his woman. It is really a happy life.

"Well, that Qiu Yiming is here, thanks to Ning Shaozhu." Qiu Yiming looked fiercely: "At that time, we grab all the women in Yangdingtian, do not kill Yangdingtian, in front of him. The face, lascivious to all his women, is not happy!"

Ning Wuming’s messenger said: “That’s good, it’s set. After the sunrise, the tunnel will be opened, and the city will be sent to the city, and the Southern Army will be under the cloud.”

"Yes." Qiu Yiming said: "I don't care what Song Song and Qin Wanqiu old fox think, but I must go forward together with Ning Shaozhu, and I will go down to the city. The day after tomorrow, my 200,000 army will come out of the sunset mountains. Going north to Yunxiaocheng."

"That's good, then I am here waiting for the majesty of the Ningdong army." Ning's elders said: "However, you must be careful in these two days, be careful of the sneak attack in Yunxiao City."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Qiu Yiming suddenly laughed loudly: "Sneak attacking my Tianlei city? Hahahahaha... The konjac army in the world apart from the cracking city can raid my Tianlei City, and which army can break through A few hundred feet high cliffs? The messengers sit back and relax, these cliffs are all covered with smooth and hard soft jade, there is no army in the world, you can go to my thunder city, and the dragon dragon army is no exception. I was able to attack, and I hated it from this day."


At this time, the north of Tianlei City.

A few hundred miles long, a few hundred meters high cliffs. Smooth as a mirror!

"How? Can you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Song Chunhua fell from the cliff and said: "The city owner, this cliff, is covered with soft and hard jade. Guanghua is like oil, hard as steel. There is no point, according to the claws of the dragon. It can't be caught."

Then, Song Chunhua said: "However, we have already prepared, and Qin Huaiyu used Xuan Huo to create three hundred blood-golden claws, which can be easily inserted into the soft jade. Climb the cliff."

Then, Song Chunhua whispered: "Change the claws!"

Suddenly. Hundreds of knights took the magic dragon mount and took out the exquisite blood-golden claws, which were placed on the feet of the dragon.

"First team, up!"

With Song Chunhua a command.

Suddenly, three hundred dragons mount, and lightning generally rushes toward the hard and smooth walls.

Without any hindrance, the hard **** golden claws firmly grasp the hard cliff surface. I was afraid of going up like lightning.

Hundreds of dragons, like geckos. Silent and fast, fast.

In just one minute, three hundred dragons had climbed to the top, and then the dragon warriors threw down the **** golden claws under their feet and threw them down.

The next team of dragon warriors, quickly set, and then lightning generally rushed to the cliff.

that's it. Only half an hour, more than 2,000 demon dragons, all on the Tianlei City.

Moreover, no one even found out.

The entire Tianlei City, in addition to the high-level outside the carnival. Most people are actually sleeping, and only a very small number of soldiers are on the whistle.

They are really arrogant to the extreme.

I thought that with the terrain of Tianlei City, there would be no military sneak attack.

Everyone, slowly twitching the machete.


Yang Dingtian made a sound.


In an instant, two thousand dragon warriors rushed out like lightning.

Then, it is a thorough, one-sided slaughter!

The Shenbing Mountain Villa, which is sleeping, has not yet woken up, and was directly rushed in by the horrible Demon Dragon Corps, and was directly trampled into meat.

The Dragon Dragon Corps is too fast and too fast.

The enemy has not reacted yet, and it has already been rolled over like a gust of wind.

Then, the soldier lying down to sleep, was stepped by a few thousand pounds of magic dragon, was swept by sharp claws, and instantly broken bones.

Therefore, the army of Yangdingtian has not given a knife, and the enemy has already died thousands.

All died, no one hurt. It is absolutely impossible for a person who has been stepped on by a dragon to survive.

After a short attack.

The huge Tianlei City, bursting open!

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Then, the sharp whistle, the bell, and the strong sound.

Countless troops have been chaotic.

Throughout the Tianlei City, all the way to the south side of the hillside, all the tens of miles, all the military camps, all were awakened.

Tens of thousands and 200,000 troops have started to panic.

"Kill, plow the past!"

Under the command of Yangdingtian, two thousand Demon Dragons were arranged into a huge square.

From the top of the Tianlei City, along the hillsides of the dense military camp, lightning generally rushed down.

Nothing needs to be done, just queue up and rush down.

Each magic dragon is thousands of pounds, and the speed of impact from top to bottom is four to five hundred miles.

This breath, how amazing, the energy of the momentary impact, completely exceeds the tanks of the Earth era.

In an instant, all the things that are in front of them are crushed, crushed, and all broken.

Like the thunder, the earth trembled.

In just a few minutes, two thousand Dragon Dragon Legion swept from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Tens of miles of military camps, an instant splendid.

Yangdingtian is just a surprise attack, just to warn, shock!

But did not think that the 200,000 army of Tianlei City was actually sleeping.

As a result, the raid became a massacre.

Against the sky, the Demon Dragon Corps, in an instant, turned tens of thousands of people into a pile of meat.

This is the landlord of the land, the Dragon Dragon Army!

At this time, Qiu Yiming at the top of Tianlei City saw this hellish scene, and suddenly he was shocked!

In fact, Yangdingtian was also shocked.

He knew that the Dragon Dragon Legion was very bad, but he did not expect that it would be so bad!

It is simply impossible to resist, and it is completely a slaughter.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?" Qiu Yiming sighed: "How could they get a few hundred feet of cliffs, obviously coated with soft jade, are they not flying up!"

Next to the Ning elders, the eyes are cold and cold, and they are cold and cold: "There is no counter-attack, or your people will die."

Qiu Yiming suddenly woke up and shouted: "Fire Crystal is strong and strong, all gather, will kill these animals, all shot me!"

Song Chunhua frowned: "The city owner, the armor of the dragon can't stop the fire crystal arrow."

"We are quick and quick." Yangding Tiandao: "Disperse the formation, rush to the Tianlei City, kill each other, catch Qiu Yiming!"


Suddenly, two thousand Dragon Dragon Legions quickly flashed away, and instantly disappeared into the night and disappeared into the crowd.

Every three Demon Dragons are a small team that rushes toward the most crowded places and madly kills them.

And Yangdingtian is hidden in many Demon Dragon Corps Lightning generally rushes toward Qiu Yiming.

Until recently, the Ningzu messenger around Qiu Yiming felt a dangerous atmosphere, and immediately shot the green light, he had to shoot.

However, it is too late.

Yang Dingtian's demon spirits, Song Chunhua's Phoenix Skyfire.

Two demon fires, violently condensed, and instantly rushed to the Ningzu messengers.

"Boom!" Instantly.

The ambassador of the Ning nationality, the gray smoke disappeared, and the body was broken.

Then, when Qiu Yiming had not reacted, Yang Dingtian grabbed his neck and directly put him in front of him and said coldly: "Chou Shaozhu, you are captured!"

Note: The first seven thousand seven hundred words are sent. I went on to write the second one, but it will be very late, and the brothers will look up tomorrow.

Khan, I slept for four hours today, but I will fight to the end. Brothers, give me a monthly pass and give me support! (To be continued.)

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