Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 510: : Ace showdown! The whole army is over! 2nd hit the world

Note: The second five thousand five hundred words are sent, and today is updated one thousand three!

I only slept for four hours in 24 hours, and ran for hundreds of miles. At this time, I was extremely sleepy, going to sleep, and getting up early tomorrow.

Brothers, give me a monthly pass and give me support!


After falling into the hands of Yang Dingtian, he was shocked first, then called out loudly: "Yangdingtian, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

For Qiu Yiming, Yang Dingtian knew that he had no interest. At that time, when he went to the Shenbing Villa with the Dugong Fengyang’s fake Gongsun Sanniang, he knew that this person had no interest, but did not expect that it would be so unpromising.

Suddenly, Yangding Tian smiled: "Reassure, how can I be willing to kill you?"

Yes, at this time, Qiu Yiming is worthless, and Yang Dingtian may be willing to kill.

At this time, two thousand Demon Dragon Legion, is scattered into the Shenbing Mountain Villa, crazy killing.

In the distance, the fire crystal of the Shenbing Villa is strong and is gathering on the peaks on both sides.

In addition, hundreds of nearly a thousand flying cavalry flew into the air, and they also raised the fire crystal.

Despite the one-sided slaughter, the Shenbing Villa regiment is not a rabble. Under the command of their respective officers, there was no effective counterattack, but the beginning of the collection of living forces.

Many forces have their own ace team. Shenbing Villa is certainly no exception.

The army of the Shenbing Villa is not only good in weapons but also good in armor. More famous, there is no doubt that his fire crystal is powerful.

The spar arrow is not rare. Basically all forces have equipment.

But most of the spar is powerful and usually very large, and they are placed on the wall for air defense.

The so-called spar is powerful, it is on the giant clam. Construct a spar energy array. Then, using the huge energy generated by this energy array, it will erupt in an instant, and the arrow will be pushed out.

Therefore, the lethality of this huge crystal scorpion is very amazing. It can almost shoot at an altitude of four or five hundred meters. Once the flying mount is shot, it is almost directly penetrated.

The powerful dragon mount is no exception.

Of course, this huge crystal scorpion, Yunxiao City also has, but not a small number, installation trouble, shooting trouble.

However, the era made weapons of the Shenbing Villa. It has created an ace weapon, that is, the small spar is powerful. It is possible to miniaturize the huge spar energy array, making the giant python more than a dozen meters wide, only two feet wide. From tens of thousands of pounds, to only two hundred kilograms.

Although, holding more than 200 kilograms of individual soldiers, it is still a huge trouble. Therefore, only the military who is a brilliant man. In order to lift this kind of power and launch.

Therefore, the Jingshen Legion of the entire Shenbing Villa. There are only a few thousand people.

And the thousands of people of the Crystal Corps became the absolute trump card of the Shenbing Villa!

This time, the warrior warrior brought by Qiu Yiming has only a thousand people. Moreover, this thousand people are scattered to the heights of Tianlei City. at this time. I am on the board and ready to shoot.

Once, let them shoot, the consequences are unimaginable.

Although it is only two hundred pounds of spar, the lethality is still amazing. You can directly shoot into the thick armor of the Dragon Dragon.

"Everyone, stop!" Yang Ding Tiandui drink, and then violently raised Gao Qiu Yiming, said: "Your young master is in my hands, do not want him to die, put down the arrow!"

Suddenly, the high-profile crystal shooter suddenly stagnate, afraid to shoot, but still aiming tightly.

Yangdingtian looked at the spar and it was so hot that it suddenly burst into hot eyes.

If, Yang Dingtian can get a batch of spar tough, equipped with a magic dragon army, then when the cavalry is killed, it is really invincible.

Yang Dingtian and Song Chunhua turned their eyes and then ordered: "Capture!"

Suddenly, a few hundred meters of the dragon dragon knight, lightning generally climbs the wall and flies away toward the tower in the heights. On the tower, there are hundreds of spars.

"Stop, or I will shoot an arrow immediately." The strong hand on the tower shouted.

"You are the Lord who is here with me. If you don't want him to die, don't mess around." Yang Dingtian shouted.

Then, a few hundred meters of the Dragon Knight, like a black shadow, quickly shuttled toward the tower.

"The highest order of the Shenbing Villa, I would rather lose my life, not to lose the crystal!" The leader of the tower on the tower shouted: "Arrow!"

Then, regardless of the life of Qiu Yiming, they directly ordered archery.


In an instant, hundreds of profit arrows, lightning usually shot. In the air, across the red light, it is almost at its best.

Yangdingtian has never seen such a fast arrow.

"Not good..." Yang Ding Tianxin was shocked, and Xuan Huo slammed out and would crush all these arrows.

However, these arrows are too fast.

In an instant, the dozen or so dragons that climbed in the front were shot in an instant. The blood-golden arrow directly penetrates into the thick armor and drills into the brain.

In an instant, a few thousand pounds of the dragon, directly dying, fell from a height.

During the time, Yangding’s heart was sorely convulsed.

Each of these dragons is invaluable and is the trump card in his hands. The loss of each one is like a flesh.

Over the past month or so, the Demon Dragons have fought countless battles, killing tens of thousands of enemies, but the death and injury are only single digits.

But just now, between the moments, I was shot dead more than a dozen.

Yangdingtian almost vomited blood!

"Stop!" Yangding Tiandui drink.

Suddenly, the konjac knight who rushed to the tower, all settled.

The above-mentioned crystal team also stopped shooting.

At this point, the entire army around the camp, also began to recover just need.

Reload the cavalry, reload the infantry, and begin to assemble.

The Demon Dragon Corps is suitable for blitz and assault. Can not fall into the entanglement battle, coupled with the spar on the tall tower, once entangled, it is extremely dangerous.

Moreover, at this time, the result has already been reached, and the Eastern Legion has been killed more than 30,000 to 40,000. The most important thing is that it has successfully captured Qiu Yiming, and it is not necessary to be entangled here.

Suddenly, Yangding’s day was broken and he said: “The Dragon Dragon Corps, all evacuated!”

Suddenly, two thousand dragon dragon knights quickly dispersed. Drilled into the crowd. Three hundred of them were wearing blood-golden claws, and they quickly fell down the cliffs, left Tianlei City and returned to the northern ground. And there are more than a thousand Demon Dragon Knights, who are heading towards the tunnel under the mountain and intend to leave the tunnel.

They are rampaging. While torn the enemy, gather in front of the tunnel.

Yangdingtian looked at the tall tower and suddenly resentment. It was these people who shot him more than a dozen dragons.

Directly catch Qiu Yiming and fly fast toward the tower.

"Stop, or I will shoot the ball right away." The commander on the tower screamed.

Yang Ding Tiandun directly placed Qiu Yiming on his chest, and under the rat, the front towers did not dare to move.

but. After Yang Dingtian, suddenly there was a sharp wind coming from the wind.

In the back of the tower, the dense spar and arrow slammed into the back of him.

"Boom!" Yangding slammed the mysterious and mysterious fire.

In an instant, all the arrows that are shot at the back of him are broken.

In a blink of an eye, Yangdingtian flew to the front of the tower and was about to kill.

It is at this time.




The spar in the hands of all the towers on the tower was strong and all blasted. Powdered bones.

"Hey, anyone can think of getting spar from our hands." The leader sneered.

Yangdingtian is furious.

"Boom!" A Xuanhuo. I rushed into the tower.

In an instant, all the pickpockets inside are all broken.

Then, Yangdingtian and Song Chunhua flew to the tunnel in front of the mountain.

At this time, two thousand Demon Dragons have begun to gather here. Like the tide of black pressure.

In front of the tunnel, the densely-knit Shenzhuang Mountain Village was instantly crushed and smashed and trampled on the city.

At this time, the enemy had hundreds of knights. Riding on a flying mount.

It’s a bug to rely on a flying cavalry with a spar. At this time, more than a thousand dragon dragon knights gathered together, and once they were concentrated in shooting, the consequences were unimaginable.

Song Chunhua slammed into the air and violently released the Phoenix Skyfire to the flying warriors.

"Booming and banging..." After all, it is a normal flying ride, completely dodging.

The phoenix skyfire exploded in the air, and these savage warriors fell.

But in the distant tower, more crystal warriors, riding on the flying ride, quickly rushed.

"Boom!" Yangding Tian will condense the spirit of the billion spirits to the extreme, and then slammed toward the gate of the tunnel.

That's right, it's a stroke, not a bombardment.

The gate of this tunnel is more than one meter thick and it is difficult to open with Xuanhuo.

However, the amazing temperature of Xuanhuo can cut the hook of the giant door alive.

"Boom!" A loud bang, huge iron gate, squatting, the whole ground trembled fiercely.

Yangding did not go in, but went straight into the tunnel, and madly took out the mysterious fire.

There are definitely some guards and how many traps there are.

Sure enough, Yangding Tianzhu entered the Xuanhuo. There was a loud noise inside.

Thousands of pounds of huge iron thorns have fallen. The samurai's crystal arrow, the raindrops are usually shot.

This one-kilometer-long tunnel was carefully built by the Shenbing Mountain Villa. It is absolutely murderous and full of death traps everywhere. Even if Yunxiaocheng troops attacked the tunnel, they basically died.

The scorpion warrior who ambushes alone is almost incomprehensible to a large army.

But for Yangdingtian, there is no doubt that there is a solution.

From the space ring, Yang Dingtian pulled out a few green and energy balls, which are highly toxic.

Throw it into the tunnel quickly.

Then, with a low-level Xuanhuo, slammed into it.

Suddenly, the poisonous energy **** exploded one by one.

In the narrow space of the tunnel, it suddenly became a restricted area for death, and there is nowhere to escape.

As long as you smell these poisonous energy, you will all die.

Then, Yangdingtian quickly rushed into the tunnel, thoroughly cleaning each meter to ensure the safety inside the tunnel.

At this time, Song Chunhua alone, flying hundreds of meters of enemy flying horse pickpockets, has repeatedly missed the net of fish, the constant damage to the Dragon Dragon Corps.

The warrior of the Shenbing Villa is really too strong.

At this time, on the hillside in the distance, suddenly the white light flashed.

This is another ace of the Shenbing Villa, reloading the cavalry regiment.

Use the best armor, the best weapon, the best horse. The composition of the ace cavalry regiment.

This cavalry, in the northwestern continent, is invincible.

At this time, the two regiments reloaded the cavalry, which had been assembled in succession, and quickly ran down from the hillside. Quickly rushed toward the Dragon Dragons in the tunnel.

The heavy cavalry of Shenbing Mountain Villa, whether it is a war horse or a knight, is covered with light and incomparably strong armor, making the heavy cavalry almost invulnerable.

Therefore, when heavy cavalry is used for assault, it is also completely crushed like a tank armored regiment.

However, the Dragon Dragon Corps gathered at the tunnel entrance was completely irritated. They were constantly shot by the crystal warriors in the air, and they were repeatedly injured.

The enemy's crystal shooter also paid off. Now the enemy cavalry, they have begun to provoke them.

The Dragon Dragon Legion is the hegemon of the land and the king of the cavalry.

Suddenly, the Demon Dragons commanded the sigh: "Fit, prepare to charge, and maintain the honor of the Dragon Dragon Corps!"

The Demon Dragon Corps, which regards glory as its life, has been challenged by the same cavalry. No matter the threat of the Air Warrior. Even began to reunite, let alone shoot. It is necessary to hedge against the reloading of the Shenbing Villa.

Suddenly, more than a thousand dragon dragons cavalry, quickly condensed into a sharp knife formation, no matter the threat of flying in the air.

In the distance, the two thousand heavy cavalry of Shenbing Villa condensed the torrent of steel in the city. The speed is getting faster and faster, faster and faster.

Suddenly, all the troops in the middle of the two teams were scattered.

Otherwise, wait for the impact of two ace cavalry. Anyone will be broken.

At this time, the flying horse squadron hovering in the air, the shooting squadron stopped shooting and began to retreat.

When Song Chunhua saw it, his heart could not help but admire. These flying horse pickers are undoubtedly the ace of the heart.

When they saw the Regimental Terracotta Army and the Dragon Dragons in the Shenbing Mountain Villa, they had to start face-to-face assaults. They all stopped, stopped the attack, and let the two trumps ride the army for the most fair matchup.

So, in this way, inadvertently.

The two ace cavalry on the ground, under the sunset mountain range, turned out to be the most direct and most smashing.

At this time, not only the flying horse pickpockets, but all the remaining troops on the ground stopped all the way and watched the rush of two ace cavalry in the central area.

The heavy cavalry of Shenbing Mountain Villa is undoubtedly extremely proud. This time Yang Dingtian led the raid of the Dragon Dragon Legion, no doubt they felt a deep shame. Therefore, when other troops were still in a panic, the two ace legions of Shenbing Villa were assembled and counterattacked for the first time.

One is the Crystal Corps and the other is the Heavy Cavalry Regiment.

The former, extremely sharp, has already given the invincible Demon Dragon Corps, causing fatal damage.

Now, let's look at how the heavy cavalry regiment, which costs a huge price, will maintain its glory.



More than two thousand heavy cavalry regiments formed a torrent of white steel, and the speed of the assault became faster and faster.

Rushing down from the hillside, the formation has always been condensed, no mess.

The whole ground is shaking.

The earth, there was a loud thunder of thunder.

The courage is small, and when you hear this sound, you will be scattered.

The steel torrent that consists of heavy cavalry is at the extreme speed, invincible, full of energy to destroy the earth.

The more than a thousand Dragon Dragon Legion, which was condensed into a sharp knife formation, did not make a sound.

However, their speed is so fast that they cannot be described in words, just like black lightning.

Just two or three kilometers.


A white torrent, a black torrent.

Two ace cavalry, collided in an instant.

Just like Mars hitting the earth, there is no trick, no fancy, no one even pulls out the weapon, just the most direct collision, the most representative of the cavalry glory collision.

These two proud cavalry, even the weapons are not pulled out, and definitely not shot, directly the most naked collision!

Collision is the gene of the cavalry, the trump card power of the cavalry!

Everyone held their breath and watched the picture that was rare in a hundred years.

Very amazing, very shocking.

The instantaneous collision, there is not much loud noise, but it is a moment of huge energy burst!

No one has waited for a long time, and there is no entanglement, and the winners and losers are directly divided.

Black lightning, instantly drowning everything.

The black of the Dragon Dragon Legion, like a sharp knife, is directly inserted into the white torrent of steel, and then instantly submerged white.

In the most direct and craziest impact.

The heavy cavalry of Shenbing Mountain Villa was instantly smashed and boneless, without any luck.

Even if some of the armor is intact, the knight inside is instantly alive and killed.

These powerful horses were instantly crushed by the head and then trampled by the giant dragon.

In this way, the black Dragon Dragon Legion, in the speed of tens of meters per minute, instantly overwhelmed the snow-white heavy cavalry.

After a quarter of an hour!

Under the shocking eyes of all, the people trembled and the trembling of incontinence.

More than two thousand of the most elite heavy cavalry were wiped out.

The casualties of the Dragon Dragon Corps are minimal.

The Dragon Dragon Legion proved its status as a landlord with the most direct results. The Dragon Dragon Corps, the king of cavalry, is beyond doubt.

However, the heavy cavalry regiment of Shenbing Mountain Villa proved its fearlessness and pride in the most tragic and brave way.

After completely destroying the heavy cavalry regiment, the warrior of the Demon Dragons, the warrior was in danger of being shot, jumped directly to the dragon dragon mount, took off the helmet, and was deeply stunned by the body of the heavy cavalry regiment.

Despite being an enemy, the Dragon Dragon Legion still expressed its respect in its own way.

At this point, the air is condensed with a strong and dignified breath.

Even the hostility between the two sides, with the heavy body of the heavy cavalry regiment, gradually faded with the deep worship of the Dragon Dragon Corps.

At this point, Yangdingtian had already cleared the tunnel and saw the body of the cavalry regiment refilled.

Then, see the two teams, a brief calm!

There are more than a hundred thousand troops left in Shenbing Mountain Villa. They just stood still and did not move at all.

Yangding sky jumped into the air, looking at the mountains and rivers of the Shenbing Mountain Villa, loudly said: "You, worthy of the pride of the soldiers. But this is not your battlefield, your enemy, the evil demon, not me!"

Then, Yang Dingtian came to the end of the Dragon Dragon Legion and shouted at the Shenbing Mountain Villa: "Hope, one day, I can fight alongside you! Goodbye!"

"All evacuation!"

With the order of Yangdingtian, all the dragon dragon knights quickly leapt to the mount. More than a thousand Demon Dragons, lightning bolted into the tunnel, quickly rushed out of the sunset mountains and returned to the Yunxiao City territory.

Yang Dingtian and Song Chunhua finally entered the tunnel.

At this time, the Shenbing Mountain Villa in the mountains and plains was very strange and did not pursue.

Yang Dingtian and Song Chunhua looked at each other and nodded to each other.


Two people, slamming the black fire, bombarded the top of the tunnel.

Suddenly, countless boulders fell and the entire tunnel collapsed.

The two men, all the way to bombard, all the way to evacuate.


Wait until two people get out.

The entire tunnel of more than a thousand meters completely collapsed and completely blocked.

At this time, more than a thousand Demon Dragon Legion, neatly lined up in the first few hundred meters.

Yang Dingtian raised Qiu Yiming and jumped onto the dragon. The loud voice: "The brothers of the Dragon Dragon Corps, this battle, you finished better than I expected. Not because we killed tens of thousands of people. But we completely conquered their hearts. You are worthy of being the real king of cavalry, landlord!"

"Long live!" All the dragon knights, screaming in unison, the sound is shocking.

"Back to the city!" Yang Dingtian made a sound.

Suddenly, more than 1,900 Demon Dragons, lightning generally returned to Yunxiao City.

The first step of Yangding’s three-play strategy is perfect!

The Eastern Legion of Shenbing Mountain Villa, together with hundreds of thousands of Zhongzhou Expeditionary Forces, is destined to arrive as scheduled. The tunnel has collapsed, and Qiu Yiming is in the hands of Yangdingtian. Qiu Wanjiao knows what to do.

The next step is the world in the north! (To be continued.)

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