Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 517: : Miracles ruin the bridge! Autumn if you are oh! (below) one more

Yangdingtian returned to Yunxiao City with the fastest speed.

Song Chunhua is making the final defense against the Yunxiao City Wall. At this time, seeing Yangdingtian came back so quickly, and suddenly filled with doubts and worries.

"Nothing, you continue to be busy with you." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, a few people in Yangdingtian quickly flew toward Yunxiao Castle.

"Qin Huaiyu, I remember that your wife loves music, isn't it?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"My daughter-in-law?" Qin Huaiyu stunned, then his face turned red and nodded.

"You go to pick her up." Yangding Tiandao.

Qin Huaiyu has another look, what does this have to do with music? But still take the lead!


Go back to Yunxiao Castle.

At this point, the flames and Jiaojiao felt the coming of the war, and they were holding their feet and trying to practice the sword.

When I saw Yang Dingtian coming back, Yan Yan threw the sword and rushed over.

"Fu Jun, the enchanting fox comes back, have you seen it?" Flames ran over, and in the face of Zhu Hongxue, after all, he was too embarrassed to throw into Yangdingtianhuai, but took the hand of Yangdingtian.

On the other side, Qin Jiaojiao endured the urge to rush over, and said with a flat mouth: "The meat is dead."

"Flame flame, will you play the piano?" Yangding Tiandao.

Flames suddenly turned red and spit out his tongue: "I, I won't."

"Gold, you will?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I, I won't." Jiao Jiaodao.

"The flames of our family have the magic of silk?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes, many, many, many, many." Yan Yandao: "All, Qin Meng was sent from the woman."

"Well, you go to get a car with a magical silk come over. Jiaojiao, you go to take all the instruments in the castle, all over." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well!" Finally, I can help Yangdingtian a little bit of things. The two little women were very excited.

As a very very expensive material, Qin Mengdi did not know what the use of Yangdingtian, but it prepared a lot for Yangdingtian.

At least, it can be used to make armor.

Tianmo silk!

It sounds like a silk that is spit out of a more powerful silkworm. In fact, this kind of magic silkworm is a kind of monster. Almost a dozen pounds.

It has incredibly sharp teeth and a powerful stomach.

I like to eat all kinds of weird metals, especially like to eat diamonds. But the staple food is another very strange konjac leaf.

This kind of magic silkworm can spit three times in two years after a large amount of swallowing.

Of course, if it is not crusted, it will spit directly. Moreover, there is only one at a time. This silk is long and short, and only a hundred meters long. The length is tens of thousands of meters. Yes, there is a tens of thousands of meters in a wire.

However, a tens of thousands of meters of silk is still very rare. Most of the celestial silk is only a few kilometers.

This kind of silk has a lot of uses, but no one is used to make ropes, because luxury is at its peak.

Before the Qincheng in the northwest, the suspension bridge was also made of metal chains.

This kind of silk. The biggest and biggest use is to make a soft body.

Because of this thing. Not afraid of fire, not afraid of knife cutting, and almost ineffective.

Of course, even the simplest of the soft magic silk, the price is extremely expensive, at least several million gold coins.

and so. In the northwest Qincheng, one-time use of Tianmo silk to make ropes to make a hundred suspension bridges, such a handwriting, Yangdingtian can only be stunned.


Flames soon found a car of magic silk.

Several people in Yangdingtian immediately started to work, and each five hundred Tianmo silks were bundled into a rope for the shortest time. Made thirty ropes.

Then, fix the thirty-tie ropes to the ends of the main hall and spread them on various light steel planks. Create a simple suspension bridge model.

Jiaojiao also recruited hundreds of instruments.

Then, in addition to Song Chunhua did not come, Song Lihua, Mrs. Simon all came to the main hall, wide eyes ready to see the sun to create a miracle.

Qin Huaiyu wished the red snow, but it was the biggest eye, even if I missed a little detail. They want to see what miracles Yang Dingtian wants to create.

"Lihua, when you come over, I am sitting in my position and playing various instruments." Yangding Tiandao.

Song Lihua glanced and nodded: "Yes!"

Then, she came to the position of Yangdingtian, about three or four meters away from the simple silk suspension bridge.

In the chair, she sat down.

However, some of the funny things are that at this time she is wearing a wearable overalls, and the sitting posture is a goddess of all kinds of styles, so the feeling is very peaceful.

At this time, Song Lihua couldn't help but whiten Yang Dingtian and said: "The city owner, you told me to play the piano, why don't you say it in advance, I have to change my clothes."

Then, Song Lihua picked up a guqin-like thing and began to play the bullet.

She talked very well, the melody was wonderful, and the ancient charm.

Yang Dingtian looked at the suspension bridge for a few seconds and said: "Lihua, you change a song, it is more intense, faster."

Song Lihua immediately changed a piece of music, impassioned, and made people excited.

Yang Dingtian observed the silk ropes for a moment, and shook his head: "Change the instrument."

Song Lihua changed another instrument.

This time, it is a big guy like a harp.

This time, you don’t have to say Yang Tiantian, let’s play an elegant and slow song.

Song Lihua's skills are too high. Although everyone knows that Yangdingtian is a business, he still can't help but indulge in Song Lihua's piano sound.

Just when everyone heard the most fascinating, Yangdingtian said very beautifully: "Change one."

At this point, even Jiaojiao couldn't help but look at the white sky.

Next, Song Lihua played a faster and more intense song.

However, there is still nothing that Yangdingtian wants.

"Change a musical instrument." Yangding Tiandao.

Next, Song Lihua changed something like a chime and started to beat.

At first, only these chimes were ringing, and the throne above the main hall actually made strange noises. Everyone could not help but be astonished. The big clock at the top of Yunxiao City actually sent a bang.

Yangding Tianyi is happy. Have it. Of course, although this is not the type he wants, at least there is.

"Change a musical instrument!"

Just keep changing.

Later, Song Lihua played an instrument for almost half a minute. Also lost, she is a great talented woman, almost any instrument will be. Even if it doesn't, it's not a good thing to look at it.

After a full hour, I still didn't get the result that Yangdingtian wanted.

Yangding Tiandeng was disappointed and worried.

Is it really not?

If this miracle cannot be successful, then it is impossible to destroy the bridge and not destroy the bridge. The hundreds of thousands of troops in the west will flood into the Yunxiao City territory. The deployment of Yangdingtian and the previous sacrifices will be defeated.

Suddenly, Yangding suddenly opened his eyes.

I came to Song Lihua and took a piano like this.

This thing looks like a sly, but it has five strings. And the body is not wood, but a special jade. The strings are some kind of special metal.

Yang Dingtian caught this five-stringed piano. Pull the strings off directly.

Everyone was shocked, if not for the people of Yangdingtian, they know very well. I thought that he was ruining the piano and venting his anger.

After tearing off the five metal strings, Yangdingtian pulled through the silk of the gods, several bundles, dozens of bundles, made five strings, and then tied it to the five-stringed piano.

After doing it well. Yang Dingtian handed the new five-stringed piano with the string of the celestial silk to Song Lihua: "You play again, the more intense the better."

"Yes!" Song Lihua dipped.

Then, she began to play the piano, playing the song, is the most intense annihilation.

This song. It is a song of the demon road. When the last World War was destroyed, the demon road played.

The song is very intense, very scary, directly gripping people, immersed in the rhythm of this song, and even the heartbeat and pulse will be changed.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

Song Lihua has a bomb.

Suddenly, all the people frowned and trembled.

Because, after changing to the string of the celestial wire, the sound became extremely high, almost no sound. The sound is not big, but it seems to pierce the human brain.

Yangding Tian is in front of the suspension bridge made of Tianmo silk rope.

With Song Lihua a bomb.

Suddenly, the scorpion silk rope in front of me suddenly jumped.



Found, came, and succeeded!

Yangdingtian came over and took the piano in Song Lihua's arms, and then moved into the mysterious atmosphere and began to play.

The song played by Yangdingtian is very messy and very complicated.

However, it is getting faster, getting higher and higher, and getting sharper.

At first, I heard the sound of the pop-up, and then I reached the extreme. I almost couldn’t hear the sound, and I felt very uncomfortable.

However, a miraculous miracle happened.

This analog suspension bridge started to shake and shake.

As the speed of Yangdingtian is getting faster and faster, the input of Xuanqi is getting bigger and bigger.

The ropes on the suspension bridge are getting more and more dither and more and more powerful.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

Yangdingtian is almost at its best.


There was a burst of loud noise.

The strings of the piano in the hands of Yangdingtian were all broken.

At the same time, the siren silk rope on the simulated suspension bridge collapsed instantly.

In an instant, a short range of countless paragraphs, countless days of silk, scattered in the air.

The entire hall, suddenly dead silence!

Everyone is like seeing God, or seeing a ghostly look at Yangdingtian.

Not only other people, but even flames and charms, as well as Qin Meng.

There is also a enchanting man who just walked in to see the fun.

How is this done?

This, this is really unpredictable!

Jiao Jiao’s mind even thought about it, hey, this person, or my husband? Not like, not so powerful. When I mess around with me, or force me to mess around with him, there is nothing special except for the **** and the bastard. Why, how so powerful.

In time, the image of Yangdingtian is completely mysterious in the heart of Jiaojiao.

The enchanting singer didn't really look at this human boy, and he couldn't help but be deeply stunned. This is an area that is completely unknown to her and can be attributed to the category of wisdom.

Wisdom is a deadly attraction for the fox family.

I wish Red Snow also looked at it. Then there is only a very simple paragraph in his mind. No wonder, he can be the boss.

Yangdingtian put down the Qinqin Road: "With the fastest speed, use the Tianmo silk string, do five hundred holding the piano. Every string, how many days of magic silk. I will write it down. Then, go to the Dragon Dragon Legion Find five hundred nine-star, three-third-class brothers, etc. Because of the need to input the mysterious, and the speed of the string, at least nine stars and three Wu Xuan."

"Yes!" Everyone, drink in unison!

The principle of Yangdingtian destroying the suspension bridge is of course very simple, that is, resonance.

Because of the thought of the bridge, he thought of a very famous event in the history of the earth.

Early 19th century. A team of Napoleon's army, under the command of the officer, took a mighty, uniform and uniform pace through a bridge in Angers, France. As I walked to the middle of the bridge, the bridge suddenly violently trembled and eventually collapsed, causing many officers and men and citizens to fall into the water to die. After investigation, the chief culprit of this tragedy is the resonance! Because the brigade soldiers walked together, the frequency produced was exactly the same as the natural frequency of the bridge. The vibration of the bridge is strengthened when its amplitude reaches a maximum until it exceeds the pressure resistance of the bridge. The bridge broke.

There are many more similar events.

Compared to the sturdy stone bridge, the suspension bridge is undoubtedly less robust. The celestial silk, although extremely tough, looks like something that is extremely prone to resonance.

Then all that is needed is to find the frequency that makes it resonate. And the vibration reached the limit, causing the collapse of the celestial silk.

Of course, it is too difficult to let the celestial silk break, but it is just this chaotic world that has the mysterious energy. The effect of this vibration can be enhanced a lot.


Just over half an hour, five hundred special violins have been fully prepared.

Of course, most of them are temporary modifications. The entire Yunxiao Castle has collected hundreds of them. The rest is not enough, several master-level masters are on the jade, the scene is carved, even the high-end things such as Xuanhuo are used, and the speed is of course fast.

At the same time, five hundred warriors of Jiuxing Wuxuan and above have all been ready.

Under the command of Yang Dingtian, they used the empty gestures and practiced dozens of times.

When they are all ready, each person holds a special piano and rides on the dragon's mount, speeding toward the west abyss.


At this time, the 500,000-strong army of the Western Army of the Crusades has been assembled in the eastern border of the northwest Qincheng.

Near the hundred miles on the edge of the suspension bridge, it has become a huge military camp. Countless barracks bloom on the ground hundreds of miles away.

With the advent of the war, the people within three hundred miles of the eastern border of the Qincheng City in the northwest have all migrated cleanly. In the three hundred miles, it has completely turned into a huge military camp.

At this time, there were already 200,000 troops, assembled on the edge of the abyss, divided into a hundred formations.

Each formation, two thousand people. After crossing the bridge 20 times, each suspension bridge passes 100 people each time, and 10,000 bridges pass once.

Every time you cross the bridge, it takes less than two quarters of an hour.

In other words, it takes a full ten hours for the 200,000-strong army to cross the bridge.

Plus other cumbersome preparations, as well as bridges of large materials.

A total of more than 500,000 troops, all crossing the bridge, takes about thirty hours.

There is still six days before the big decisive battle on August 15.

For the Western Army, time is already very tight. After crossing the bridge, they will not stop, and they will march more than 100 miles a day to reach the city of Yunxiao on the day of the final battle.

Of course, the urgent march of more than 100 miles a day is very difficult for the cold-armed army of the Earth era. The ancient infantry of the earth, the daily march, is only a few dozen miles. But the chaotic world is completely different. The soldiers here are professional warriors, and their physical quality is much higher. If you are fully eager to march, two or three hundred miles is not impossible.

If it is a cavalry, the ordinary war horse endurance in the chaotic world is much faster, and it is not impossible to get a thousand miles a day.

At this time, the defense of the hundred suspension bridges is still extremely powerful and impenetrable.

Still three thousand large spar is still strong, still a dozen top players, defending the hundred suspension bridges.


Behind Qiu Ruohan, the 200,000-strong army has all been lined up and can cross the bridge at any time.

prior to. Yangding sky slid away. Although Qiu Ruohan is vicious and ironic, she believes that Yang Dingtian will not be so happy, so she will not give up.

However, she put herself in the position of Yangdingtian, I really can't think of any way to destroy the suspension bridge.

at this time. In the territory of Yunxiao City, suddenly there was a dense vibration.

Then, a group of black shadows, like lightning, quickly stopped.

Qiu Ruohan has a hint of jealousy, and the Dragon Dragon Legion is really coveted. The speed of more than a thousand miles per hour is the riding force that everyone dreams of.

"All preparations. Prepare to meet the enemy." Autumn if the chilling channel: "As long as the enemy crossed the blue line, immediately kill!"

"Yes!" Suddenly, everyone shouted in unison.

Then, three thousand pieces of spar are powerful, all aimed at the Flying Dragons.

The five hundred dragon dragon warriors led by Yang Dingtian are rolled up like a gust of wind. Then, with the palm of the sun rising, the five hundred dragon warriors stopped instantly. All stopped after the blue line.

This is really an ace ride, the action is like electricity. Stop like a stone.

Under the rapid rush, as long as Yang Dingtian has a warrant, the five hundred strong moments stop and become an absolutely straight line, without any mistakes.

However, wait until you see that the five hundred dragon warriors are not armed. When it was time to hold the piano, Qin Meng stayed away and then laughed.

"Yangdingtian, you ran this way, just to find a few hundred pianos. Do you want to play for us when we cross the bridge?" Qiu Ruohan sarcastically said: "That should not let your wife and mother-in-law come. The mother and daughter dance together and will definitely make me hundreds of thousands of troops forget the marching fatigue."

"Autumn Lady's national color is incense, you come to dance and enjoy these soldiers, it is also good." The poison tongue is not Yangdingtian, it turned out to be Qin Huaiyu.

Every time the autumn and the words are malicious, Yang Dingtian is not good to fight back, because she is the mother of Qin Huaiyu in name, even though she and Qin Huaiyu are like enemies. I did not expect that the vicious counterattack turned out to be Qin Huaiyu.

Qiu Ruohan looked at Qin Huaiyu, full of infinite contempt and viciousness, faintly said: "Why, Yangding sleeps your woman, and wears a green hat for you. You still support him, your skeletal temper, still It really does not deserve to be the heir to the northwest Qincheng."

If placed before, Qin Huaiyu is only afraid to jump up, but now, his heart has found its belonging, trust and understanding of Yangdingtian. This despicable squatting is less useful.

"You woman, widowed and shameful, but also bite a bite." Qin Huaiyu sneered: "When you give my father a green hat, in order to survive, go to the devil, Dao Ning, no sound in front of the ass, and the so-called daughter Qin Qiqi When I served Ning Wuming together, what was the feeling in my heart?"

Qin Huaiyu's words are extremely vicious, directly stabbing the most humiliating and most sensitive place in the Mid-Autumn Festival. She suddenly vomited blood, and coldly toward Qin Huaiyu: "You are a kind of slut, you give me waiting, I will make you very incomparable. I regret to say this. My revenge will be fully carried out on your woman and your daughter."

"Well, Mrs. Autumn." Yang Dingtian said: "The vicious curse and attack, let go first. How do we make a bet?"

When the autumn is beautiful, I look forward to Yangding Tiandao: "Well, what are you betting?"

"We, we don't cross the blue line in front of us, don't display any black fire, mysterious skills. We are standing here, without launching any attack, I can destroy your hundred suspension bridges." Yangding Tiandao.

"Ha ha ha, do your spring and autumn dreams, this point even the great master Qin Wanqiu also wants to do it." Qiu Ruohan sneered.

"You listen to me." Yangding Tiandao: "We don't cross this blue line and don't launch any attacks. If I destroy the 100 suspension bridges with unpredictable means, what should you do?"

"You dream." Qiu Ruohan said: "You first say, if you can't destroy the hundred suspension bridges, what are you going to do?"

"You come to mention this condition." Yangding Tiandao.

"You come over, kneel in front of me, licking my soles, how?"

It seems that offending a woman is the most terrible. Before, Yang Dingtian’s abuse of Qiu Ruohan had already made her hate the extreme. She did not kill, did not fight, and let Yangdingtian publicly kneel down and smash the soles. This is no longer what the wife of the Northwest Qincheng should say.

This woman is already hysterical.

"Yes." Yangding Tianzhu nailed the railroad: "What if I succeeded?"

Qiu Ruohan said: "I am kneeling in front of you, licking your sole. How?"

"Good!" Yang Ding screamed: "So, in the face of hundreds of thousands of people, swear!"

Then, in front of hundreds of thousands of people, the two men set the highest poison oath of Chaos!


Next, hundreds of thousands of people stopped all actions. I will stare at Yangdingtian.

They racked their brains and couldn't imagine how Yangdingtian could destroy the suspension bridge. It is impossible, there are 3,000 spar strong and more than a dozen top master defense.

Moreover, Yang Dingtian actually said that he did not cross the blue line and did not launch any attacks.

How is this possible? Even God can't do it!

Qiu Ruohan ordered loudly: "All the spar is strong, as long as there is a soldier in the city, or as long as they launch any attack. You will shoot it all."

"Yes!" Three thousand large-scale spar screamed loudly and shook all the giant pythons.

"Yes!" A dozen of the top powerhouses behind Qiu Ruohan were in unison.

Then, Qiu Ruohan began to order: "Take the bridge!"

Suddenly, a hundred troops were dispatched neatly and began to cross the bridge.

One hundred people in each column, a total of 10,000 people cross the bridge.

in fact. They can cross the bridge half an hour ago, but Qiu Ruohan must cross the bridge in front of Yangdingtian. Let Yangding Tianyan look at the army to enter the territory of Yunxiao City.

Ten thousand troops, in a hundred queues, stepped on the neat pace and neatly crossed the bridge.

Yangding Tianyi waved.

Suddenly, five hundred warriors of Wu Xuan level, neatly picked up the magical silk string to hold the piano.


Yangdingtian moves the strings.

Suddenly. Five hundred people slammed the strings neatly.

Suddenly, a very sharp and harsh voice passed over.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, their brows slammed.

Qiu Ruohan sneered and said: "So hard to hear the sound of the piano, are you going to live and die evilly?"

Ten thousand troops. Without being affected, continue to cross the bridge.

Yangdingtian continued to move the strings.

The speed is getting faster and faster, faster and faster.

The input of the mysterious gas is getting higher and higher and getting higher and higher.

Ten times per second, twenty times, thirty times, thirty-nine times!

The voice is getting higher and higher, and finally I can't hear it.

Then, under the astounding eyes of everyone.

A terrible scene happened.

One hundred suspension bridges began to tremble fiercely, swaying wildly and frantically shaking.

The amplitude of the jitter is getting bigger and bigger, and the frequency of the vibration is getting higher and higher.

Later, it was completely impossible to walk. The 10,000-strong army was all on the bridge and hugged, lest it fall.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

Yang Dingtian leads five hundred masters, and the speed of dialing the strings is getting faster, faster, faster and faster.

In the end, five hundred hands were completely turned into residual images, which could not be seen at all.

The sound of the piano has been smashed to the extreme, and there is no sound at all.

The mysteriousness of the five hundred people is getting higher and higher and getting higher and higher.

Finally, it is the limit that can be reached by the celestial silk.


Yang Dingtian’s hand, and finally slammed.

The hands of five hundred people finally slammed.


Five hundred sounds of neat bursts!

The strings of five hundred holding the piano all collapsed.

At the same time, three thousand strings of spar strong, all collapsed in an instant.

All the giant arrows flew out. Sweeping a piece and shooting countless people.

This is completely unexpected, because the strong stone of the spar is actually the entanglement of the celestial silk the biggest, the most terrible scene.

One hundred suspension bridges, shaking to the extreme, shaking to the extreme, then suddenly stopped.


Very loud sound.

Then, one hundred suspension bridges were all broken, and they were broken and flew into the air.

A hundred suspension bridges, one hundred with the Tianmo silk to make ropes, worthless, no guns and guns, a sturdy suspension bridge, instantly broken bones.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of troops, dead silence, like seeing ghosts, seeing the general eye of God, looking at Yangdingtian!

Even, including autumn Ruohan!

Note: The first seven thousand words were sent, and I went on to write the second one. Brothers, don't stop the monthly ticket, continue to give me motivation!

Today's monthly ticket, a little less, boss! (To be continued.)

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