Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 518: : Autumn Ruohan's tongue! Enchanting love!

Shocked, not only Qiu Ruohan, but also hundreds of thousands of troops behind him.

The five hundred dragon warriors around Lianyang Dingtian were completely shocked.

Yes, they are participants, but they don’t know what is going on?

How did they play the piano here, and all the one hundred suspension bridges were automatically destroyed, all of them were broken.

Not only that, but even the tens of thousands of spar strings are instantly broken.

Heavenly magic silk, how strong, how tough, everyone is very clear. It can even be said that a rope that is entangled in five hundred magical silks is cut with a sharp sword and is difficult to cut.

Now, it’s just like this, it’s broken and blown up.

Yangdingtian seems to have a pair of hands in the sky, personally staged this miracle.

During the time, five hundred dragon warriors looked at Yang Dingtian’s eyes and admired them more.

Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue have already seen the miracle of the rehearsal in the hall of Yunxiao City, but they still can’t help but be shocked.


The 10,000 soldiers who crossed the bridge, of course, fell directly into the abyss, and lived and melted by the magma.

However, at this time, basically no one noticed this point. The hundreds of thousands of troops behind Qiu Ruohan’s body were all staring at Yangdingtian.

For Yangdingtian, their feelings are very, very complicated.

The rise of Yangdingtian was very fast. In just a few years, it became a young leader of the entire chaotic continent from a silent little person.

When he became the owner of Yunxiao, he was faintly juxtaposed with Qin Huaiyu and others.

In just a few months, he has become a public enemy in the world. But at the same time, his identity immediately jumped on the wish of Hong Xue Song Chunhua and others. And whether it is positive or negative. He has almost achieved the same reputation as the Oriental Ice.

Of course, now the world's caliber, Yangdingtian is a spy of the demon road, Yangdingtian killed the oriental ice.

However, the real fools in the world are not too many. For this news, almost everyone in the world is almost dubious.

of course. For the emotions of Yangdingtian, most people still have nothing to do with themselves. What do you say to the ordinary soldiers, saying that the world is rising and falling, and it is of little use.

These soldiers, these sergeants, will only obey the orders above. They are different from the disciples of various forces. Those martial arts disciples are free and full of ideals.

Therefore, even if the rumor is rumored, Yangdingtian is just. It’s the demon road to go to Yangdingtian, they don’t care. Let them go to Yunxiaocheng, they will go to fight.

But now, I saw this scene after the miracle.

Their hearts are shocking and trembling. At this moment, the image of Yangdingtian instantly became tall and mysterious.

Let the hundreds of thousands of troops present, the heart is filled with a feeling of fear and admiration for Yang Tiantian, completely do not want to be an enemy.

A person who can do even such miracles. As if sent from heaven, let us go against him. Let us attack him? I just don’t want to do it, I don’t dare to do it.


"Autumn Ruohan, what did you promise?" Qin Huaiyu sneered, breaking the dead silence.

Yes, everyone suddenly woke up from the shock.

Under the extreme hatred, Qiu Ruohan once established a very viciousness with Yangding. Extremely unqualified gambling.

Just as Yangdingtian successfully destroyed a hundred suspension bridges, Qiu Ruohan squatted down to give Yangding Tianzhu shoes.

Now, Yang Dingtian’s almost miraculous performance has ruined a hundred suspension bridges.

Then, Qiu Ruohan should fulfill his promise.

For a time. Everyone’s eyes fell on Akiraru’s body, including hundreds of thousands of troops behind him. Although she was full of fear of Qiu Ruohan, she still stared at her.

If she really fulfills the gambling contract, it is the biggest drama that anyone has seen at the venue.

Not only all the soldiers, but even the main city of Baiyun City has no city, and at this time also looked at her.

Qiu Ruohan, as the wife of the northwest Qincheng, has the right to the world and is proud of it. Even if it is the owner of Baiyun City, you should also rely on it. At this time, if you can see Qiu Ruohan squatting shoes, it is estimated that you can't forget for ten years, you can't see such a picture for ten generations.

For a time, Qiu Ruohan was condensed by a lack of light. That kind of humiliation, that kind of anger, almost violently to blast from the body of Qiu Ruohan, she can not wait to rush immediately, will be smashed into the sky, she can not wait to fly into the air, will be in the place, all kill It’s clean, whether it’s your own or the enemy.

Inside the stadium, it is dead silence.

No one is talking, waiting for the choice of Qiu Ruohan.

Is it a gamble, or is it a ruin?

Of course, no one dares to make a sound, afraid to be angered by Qiu Ruohan!

Suddenly, Qiu Ruohan showed a smile, and the beautiful cold face revealed a very beautiful smile.

Just like some poisonous flowers, the more beautiful, the more poisonous.

"Yangdingtian, do you really have to come over and kneel down your shoes? You have to think about it, can you afford it?" Qiu Ruohan laughed.

"You can't fulfill the gambling contract." Yang Dingtian faintly said: "You want you to admit in the face of everyone, you represent the power of the demon road, you are the life of the demon, you are living, you are living I used to sell and rely on Ning Wuming. You, on behalf of justice, you can!"

Yang Dingtian gave the choice of Qiu Ruohan.

Either kneel down on the shoes or admit that the crusade is controlled by the demon.

If you kneel down and smash your shoes, then destroying the dignity of a man in the autumn.

If it is recognized that the crusades are controlled by the demon road and recognize the justice of Yang Dingtian, then it is a devastating blow to the entire crusade, at least to the entire western coalition.

The inner suspicion is one thing. However, it is one thing to be smashed by the crusaders near the highest leader!

Of course, she can also choose to turn her face and open the kill!

In the field, once again, everyone is waiting for the choice of Qiu Ruohan!

"Ha ha ha ha..." Qiu Ruohan laughed again, this time the smile was more beautiful and moving, and it was even more chilling.

"Choose, isn't it easy?" Qiu Ruohan smiled and flew gently. Directly to the front of Yangdingtian.

I don't know if it is because of the evil spirit energy. At this time, the beauty of Qiu Ruohan is more thrilling than the last time I saw it. This poisonous flower blooms more flamboyantly.

It’s just that this kind of beauty makes people feel fearful.

Then, Qiu Ruohan smiled and looked at Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian. I hope you will not regret it, of course you will regret it."

Then, she looked up at Yangdingtian with her face up, and immediately squatted down and gradually crouched down. Let yourself be full of bumpy and delicate body, forming a very hot, incomparable curve.

Because of the crouching down, the round buttocks under the thin snake's waist swelled sharply. This plump and round. Enough to ignite the flames of any man.

In this way, Qiu Ruohan used the hottest gesture and gradually leaned down.

A beautiful face, always looking up, looking to the sky.

There is always a smile, but the beauty is cold and full of countless vicious light.

When she reached the top of the sky, she was very sultry and sticking out the pink tongue.

Very slow. As the most attractive prostitute stretches out the tongue, it is like a poisonous snake.

Make your own tongue. Lifting one of the most beautiful and most intricate arcs.

Then, slowly and slowly, licking the shoes of Yang Tiantian.

It’s not too addictive, it’s like a wonderful honey. Little by little, the tongue gently rolled, licking the entire foot of the sun, and finally reached his calf.

Gently roll the small tongue and retract it into the small mouth of the aromatic heat.

Before retracting. She even licked her lips.

The whole picture is very tempting. Anyone, such as Qiu Ruohan, such a noble and beautiful woman, will be incomparable, even paying for life. Everyone thinks that watching this process will be very enjoyable.

But the truth is the opposite.

Almost everyone feels chilling.

Whether it is the shackled Yangdingtian, or all the onlookers.

During the whole process of watching, the cold sweat of the back bursts out.

The autumn tongue of Qiu Ruohan, although it is on the foot of Yangdingtian. But everyone, as if they think, there is a serpent's letter, licking their own face, the poisonous cold breath, people feel the coming of death.

Someone at the place, after seeing the autumn shoes of Qiu Ruohan, the inner fear of this woman is even more intense.

Even Qin Huaiyu, who has changed his face, is awkward.

After slowly standing up, Qiu Ruohan stretched out the cold and smooth jade hand, crossed the face of Yangdingtian, and said faintly: "Okay, meet it! If you are not satisfied, I can still wait."

The muscles of Yang Dingtian’s face twitched slightly and did not make any sound.

"I know that what I say is useless, but I hope that you are crazy, don't vent on the innocent." Yangdingtian faint.

"You have more heart." Qiu Ruohan giggled, and then the petite body floated gently.

Suddenly, I crossed a blue light trail and flew west.

Qin Huaiyu said: "This woman must be completely crazy!"

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and looked at the hundreds of thousands of troops on the other side.

These 100 suspension bridges should have exhausted the resources of the northwest Qincheng in a short time. If you want to rebuild a hundred suspension bridges, you will need more than just a short time, and the northwest Qincheng can be thousands of miles away.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the eastward advancement of the western army has been completely cut off.

Moreover, these hundreds of thousands of troops, seeing the miraculous performance of Yang Dingtian, saw the picture of Qiu Ruohan almost snake-like, the heart is already cold, the hostility and morale have all fallen.

No matter how crazy it will be in the future? What are the consequences. But at present, the western army has been blocked.

Yang Dingtian’s strategy of playing three shots was completely completed.

In the next few days, it should be a very quiet day.

Just like before dawn, it is incomparably dark.

Before the violent, it was absolute silence.

In the next few days, I waited for hundreds of thousands of troops from the southern army.

Of course, some people may say. The suspension bridge was destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of troops in the western army could not pass, but the stronger than Wuzun could fly over. These martial arts, masters. You can still attack Yunxiaocheng!

But the fact is, why the Demon Road has to organize a million troops to attack Yunxiao City. Even the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force, not far away, dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops. This is totally a waste of resources.

In the hands of the demon road, destroying Yunxiao City is a breeze. There is no need for a hundred and a half million troops. The 100,000 army is enough. Even the 20,000-strong army of the Nanhai Ningzu is completely enough to turn the Yunxiao City into a ruin, killing all the people in Yunxiao City.

People with this kind of thinking ignore the most essential issues.

That is the demon road to dispatch more than one million troops, not to destroy the Yunxiao City, this anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes. The only purpose is to create a world siege of Yunxiao City, and the world is only afraid of Yang Tiantian.

Because the Yangdingtian team, this time is already the only positive and demon power to confront. It is a flame.

It is not important to put out this flame. What is important is that it forces the people in the world to stand in the team. All the troops who attacked the city of Yunxiao are essentially the name of the voter, the name of the cast of the evil demon, and the name of justice and the complete break of the Tiandao League!

of course. The Western Army has a way to move east.

Are they not there are 3,000 flying mounts?

Bring the infantry directly. It’s ok.

Three thousand people at a time, half an hour, and one day, they can also transport six or seventy thousand people (because the flying mounts have to rest).

In the next few days, hundreds of thousands of troops can also be shipped. Of course, mount. And large ordnance, it is very difficult to come over.

Now, Yangdingtian has destroyed the suspension bridge and has given the excuse to Qin Wanqiu.

Whether Qin Wanqiu used this excuse to delay the march of the army. That is his business, I believe he must have enough wisdom to deal with this matter.

Just like the hatred of the Shenbing Villa, his son was arrested, the army was attacked and killed four or five thousand, and the tunnel was blocked.

Can the army really not come over? Of course, the tunnel is blocked, and tens of thousands of people, hundreds of masters, one day, enough to clear out the tunnel, the army can still go west.

However, Qiu Wan’s robbery began to stand still.

The fundamental reason is that Qiu Wanjiao and Qin Wanqiu are two people who don't want to completely sell themselves. They still hope to prove their chances to Yangdingtian. As long as they provide enough excuses, they are willing to not enter the army.

They are different from the world.

Song Wei, the iron heart is going south, to destroy the Yunxiao City and destroy the Yangdingtian.

Therefore, he only gave up completely after a devastating blow to his power.

For Qin Wanqiu and Qiu Wanxun, Yang Dingtian feels that he and they still have a certain tacit understanding.

Although Qiu Wanjiao can't compare with Qin Wanqiu's generation, but Hao Hao is also a generation of heroes!

Their tyrannical giants let them ride the wall so that they are not willing to confront the evil demon. However, it is difficult to do it if they want to sell them thoroughly.

"The third group of the Demon Dragons obeyed and guarded the Abyss Castle. But the enemy Western Legion had any transiters, and anyone who set foot on the land of Yunyun City, all killed." Yang Dingtian ordered loudly.

"Yes!" The third group of a thousand Demon Dragons, shouted in unison.

"Let's go back!" Yangding Tiandao: "It's a decisive battle for a few days, and the final deployment."

Yangdingtian turned direction, five hundred dragon warriors, also quickly turned direction.

Qin Huaiyu said: "We just left, in case they transit again? Take the flying ride through the border, and build the aerial crystal array again?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I believe that your father has enough wisdom to deal with this matter. I believe that there is a tacit understanding between me and him."

At this time, Qiu Ruohan did not make a sound, took a flying mount, dropped hundreds of thousands of troops, and flew west.

Then, Ye Wucheng frowned, jumped onto the flying mount and flew south.

Ye Wucheng, who followed the evil demon in a desperate way, must be told to Ning Wuming and Qin Qiqi.

Immediately afterwards, all the masters of the Western Army, the masters of Wu Zun, walked clean, leaving hundreds of thousands of troops who were temporarily unowned and stayed where they were.

Sure enough, there is no stupid person in the world!

Yang Dingtian destroyed 100 pontoons and won a political game.

Next, the decision of the entire Western Army will depend on Qin Wanqiu’s decision.

Ye Wucheng went to find Ning Wuming and Qin Qiqi, so that they exerted pressure on Qin Wanqiu.

Qiu Ruohan went directly to the northwest Qincheng and exerted his strength.

These measures are only for one purpose, that is, let Qin Wanqiu yield.

Yang Dingtian has done everything he should, and then he will see Qin Wanqiu, his wisdom, his will.

"Back to the city!"

With the order of Yangdingtian, there are several people in Yangdingtian, and there are five hundred dragon dragon regiments. Lightning generally goes towards Yunxiaocheng.

At this point, the sky is getting darker! On the abyss border, the third group of a thousand dragon dragons, facing the abyss, facing the other side, watching!


Unsurprisingly, there will be no war in the next few days, and a quiet few days will be ushered in.

Then, it is the outbreak of the decisive battle.

The decisive battle with the demon road, the earth-shattering decisive battle, and the decisive battle that directly changes the world situation.

The winning face of this decisive battle depends to a large extent on the will of Qin Wanqiu.

Hope, Qin Wanqiu will not let him down. You don't need him to do anything, just drag it for a day or two, basically the big picture has been set.

The situation at this time is already very clear.

If the Western Army does not advance eastward, the Eastern Army will not advance westward.

But once Qin Wanqiu ordered the flying mount to transport the Western Army into the Yunxiao City territory, then the Eastern Legion of the Qiu Wan robbery would have no choice but to open the tunnel into the Yunxiao City.

A generation of Xiong Xiong Qin Wanqiu, I have done it, I hope you really don't let me down.

Yangdingtian is running fast, turning to the west and looking at the last glance, the heart is dark!


After an hour, Yang Dingtian and others have already entered the Yunxiao City by lightning.

At this time, it has been completely dark, and the entire Yunxiao city wall is still bright and bright, and it has become a huge construction site.

Countless people are carrying out the final construction of the city wall and the final reinforcement.

Despite the next time, until the final battle, there will be no war. However, Yangdingtian still can't rest, because it still needs to make the final transformation to the army of Yunxiaocheng.

Based on the experience of the battles over the past few days, the final weaknesses will be made to the flaws of the Legion.

"Give you two hours off, take a rest, take a shower, and talk to people to talk to people." Yangding Tianchao Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue and others said: "After two hours, all committee members came to the main hall. Make the final transformation of the army and make the final deployment of the decisive battle!"


Qin Huaiyu lightning generally rushed toward Song Lihua.

I wish Red Snow had nowhere to go. Finally, I flew away from the last place where the city wall was built. He still used Xuanhuo to blast the city wall.

Yangdingtian rides the magic dragon and quickly flies toward the Yunxiao Castle.

In the few days after returning to Yunxiao City, Yangdingtian has been constantly fighting, fighting and fighting. Don't say sleep, rest, even the baby has not seen it.

Taking advantage of this precious two hours, go to the valley to look at the baby, and stay with your loved ones for a while, relatives for a while.

However, at the gate of Yunxiao Castle, Yangdingtian was blocked by one person.

The fascinating stunner, the enchanting fox enchanting, rides on the beautiful back, floating in the gate of the city!

Her beauty, like the spring water circulation, looks at Yangdingtian, and she sighs: "Little boy, your performance has made me feel emotional. Once a fox is horrible, a pregnant woman's estrus is even more terrible. The flame you brought, you have to be responsible for extinguishing. Come, give me an hour!"

Note: The second five thousand five hundred words were sent, and today it is still updated with 12,500 words.

More than 12,000 per day, equivalent to four more. Brothers, I need motivation! Give me strength! (To be continued.)

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