Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 618: No shadow shock! Get the ice demon! Ning Wuming visited!

Yang Dingtian’s hand in the sword is lightly glimpsed.

"The first robbery, the sword of the world!"

"Call..." The silhouette of Yangdingtian suddenly resembled a crane. It moved around in a narrow chamber, and the sword was blurred and the steps were as elegant as the fairy.

Although the size of this chamber is small, the sword of Yangdingtian seems to be floating around the world. However, I did not feel that there was any slightest sigh, but I felt that the entire secret room was broad and innocent.

The original shadow is a sword, and it is necessary to go forward and learn. After reading the first move of Yang Dingtian, he retreated to one side. Because, he found this kind of discussion, without the sword, you can do it with your heart.

"The second robbery, the swords of all beings!"

"The third robbery, ruthless sword!"

"The fourth robbery, sword!"

"The fifth robbery, no sword!"

"The sixth robbery, no my sword!"

"The seventh robbery, the great compassion sword!"

"The eighth robbery, Nie Jianjian!"

"The ninth robbery, no robbery sword!"

"Oh..." Endless sword, endless shadow.

Within the entire secret room space, it was completely filled with the shadow of Yang Dingtian. Almost every move, every style, left a shadow in the air.

At this time, even if the Yangding Angel finished the sword, it felt that the whole sword was still spread throughout the air.

Linking these thousands of shadows together is the complete emptiness and nine-robbery sword, the first sword in the world.

Almost all of them were indulged in it.

There is no ninth robbery sword, and Yangdingtian has almost never played it out. Because of the battle, more is used to kill the sword.

The chaotic world, the swordsmanship of swordsmanship, is very neglected. Therefore, although several great masters were present at the top of the martial arts civilization, the understanding of swordsmanship did not stand at the peak. At this time, after seeing the front of Yangdingtian, it was almost completely shocked, and even seemed to move. Change the string and change it, and learn from the sword.

This is really the first sword in the world, every trick is so mysterious, so gorgeous. As if every move, it exhausted all the auras of the heavens and the earth, every style. They have burned all the brilliance.

Yangdingtian dance is not a sword, it seems to be the vicissitudes of the world, the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth.

No loss is the world's first sword!


"Predecessors, what do you think of this set of swordsmanship?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"To the mysterious to wonderful!" There is no shadow: "But I have a feeling of faintness. This sword seems to be the ultimate, but it can be better, but I don't know how to make him better."

When the words came out, Yang Tian was amazed, this is the world's first swordsman. The first time I grasped the essence of this sword.

"Then you remember all the swords?" asked Yangdingtian.

"Remember." There is no shadow.

This time, Yangding innocence is even more shocking.

Although there are only nine strokes in this illusory nine robbery, it is incomparably complicated, at least a few hundred movements, thousands of angles.

Before the Yangdingtian was engraved in the mind, and then practiced countless times. Without a shadow, after reading it, I have already remembered it.

"I will make it again. This is the second time." Yangding Tiandao.

Nothing suddenly frowned, he had already remembered. Why do you want to make it out?

Then, Yang Dingtian made a set of vain swords.

Suddenly, everyone once again felt the picture of the fairy sword, once again felt the shock and stunning.

Yang Dingtian asked: "What do you think of this elders?"

Qin Wanqiu said: "It seems to be a little simpler than the previous one. It doesn't look so mysterious."

The Eastern Nirvana nodded and said: "It looks like it is worse than the last one."

Yangding Tianchao looked away without a trace: "Uncle Shi, how do you feel?"

"As if, it’s better than just now."

Some people in the place felt that the second time was not as good as the first time. Only the shadowless one felt that the second time was more powerful than the first one.

Yangding Tiandao: "I will make the third time again."

Then Yang Dingtian made the third time again.

Next. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth!

This set of swordsmanship is more straightforward than once, and it is more vulgar than once.

As a result, several large masters present at the scene fully felt the feeling of burning the crane. Lively watching a set of immortal emptiness nine robbery sword became a butcher's killing sword.

That feeling is really too painful.

Watching a beautiful beauty, it became a flower like a nostril.

"This, this is the killing of the sword?" Qin Wanqiu said.

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao.

"I understand now that the person who created this sword method is definitely the first evil person in the world." Qin Wanqiu said: "It is like a person who pushes a beautiful beauty into the most gorgeous clothes and pushes you in front of you. Lived in you, let you indulge. Next, stripped off her clothes, you are still intoxicated, and even bloody. But then, he peeled off the skin of the beauty, turned into a horrible flesh, and then ticked the meat Then, in the end, only a bunch of white skeletons are left behind. Tell you, what is a beautiful woman, is a representation, and it is just a bone."

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but sigh. The metaphor of Qin Wanqiu is really chic and accurate. Of course, it is also very bloody.

And only after the shadowless reading, fell into silence.

After a quarter of an hour, he looked at the sun and looked at it: "I understand that your swordsmanship is indeed the best in the world. If you only talk about swordsmanship, even if you only have the speed and strength of my 80%, I am not the sword. The opponent of the law. But I learned this sword, your swordsmanship is far worse than me, my understanding of swordsmanship is not what you can compare."

Yang Dingtian nodded hard and said: "Yes, uncle, I am only a learner at best. And you are a comprehension, even a modifier."

"Then I went to learn." Without a shadow, I went straight out and said: "This set of swordsmanship is too difficult. I estimate that I have to learn for a few days, at least tens of thousands of times."

After speaking, the shadows in front of the eyes flashed, and disappeared without a shadow.

A few years ago, the speed of shadowlessness was incredible. Nowadays, he is really called no shadow. The speed of this teleport seems to be no less than that of the magical fog, but there is no magical fog.


"Master. It has been four or five days since Zhu Qingzhu went to the demon road for help. Do you think they will probably attack a big time?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Quickly, they may be waiting for the Nanhai Ning."

"This war, the use of the Nanhai Ningzu has been small, after all, the Ningzu has no big master." Yangding Tiandao.

"There is no big master. But Zhu Qing mainly cooperates with the demon road, and can't circumvent the representative of Li Ming. The Ning people do not play, and the happy palace does not worry about playing."

"Then I will go to get the magical demon!" Yangding Tiandao: "Qin Shishu, you go with me."

"Yes!" Qin Wanqiu said.

"Master, here I will hand it over to you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Do not worry." The East Nirvana said: "Even if I wish the Qing Dynasty to attack this time, we can barely be undefeated."


After a few hours, Yang Dingtian and Qin Wanqiu flew again to the water villa.

The entire northwestern continent was a torn land that was traumatized by the ancients. Destroyed by the World War.

Therefore, compared with other land, the northwestern continent is full of sorrows, and it is full of black and blood red. The lush picture is only seen south of the sunset mountains.

Within a few hundred miles from the water villa, it is almost a scorched earth, and almost no green is visible.

Only the lush green mountains and green mountains. Just like a fairyland. Even in the southwestern continent, even in Zhongzhou. It is rare to see such a moist land.

No one knows why this is the case before, but now I understand. Because, here is an underwater ice demon in the ancient world, the icy energy released by it, healed the fire poison on this land, making the ground on the upper tens of miles become moist. Cool.

After thousands of years of nourishment, it has finally turned from a scorched earth into an oasis of wonderland.

I came to the lake in the water villa, looking at this mirror-like water surface, Yangding Tiandao: "Uncle Shi, took out the Wannian ice demon. This lake, this beautiful scenery, may disappear, you are not Is it a pity?"

"For the great cause, this is a pity." Qin Wanqiu said: "I occupied this place, built a water villa, it is difficult to enjoy, it is too busy."

"Then you are waiting on it, I am going down." Yangding Tiandao.

"What about the Queen of Naga?" Qin Wanqiu said that he had never seen Yangdingtian bring out Naga.

"I can call her at any time." Yangding Tiandao.

Qin Wanqiu suddenly shocked, the dark road is the ability of Naga to tear the space? That is also a bit too creepy.

But the more mysterious and powerful the Yangdingtian and Naga, the more confident Qin Wanqiu is.

Yangdingtian jumped into the lake.

Sure enough, after a little touch of the lake, the lake for more than a dozen miles instantly condensed into ice.

Then, Yangdingtian releases the mysterious air and crushes the cold ice.

The deeper the depth, the colder it is.

When the infiltration is less than ten meters, the temperature of the non-freezing water has been reached.

Yangdingtian continues to deepen.

It turned out that the entire body has begun to freeze.

Then, Xuanmai also followed the freezing.

Next, the sea of ​​gas, and even the soul, will be frozen.

The coldness of this world is really unlimited.

Yang Dingtian is now a five-star and nine-time master, and there is even ice and cold energy that can completely freeze him.

He didn't dare to care about it. It's okay to try his own ability, but it is not necessary to take risks.

Yangding Tian took a few steps back and then awakened the Naga frost inside the space ring.

Once Naga is asleep, it is very, very difficult to wake up. Later, Frost secretly told Yang Dingtian that she was the most sensitive place, and she only had to scratch it to ensure that she immediately woke up.

Yang Dingtian stretched his hand to the two-inch place under the frosty buttocks, found a completely different scale, and then gently glimpsed in the opposite direction.

"Ah..." Naga trembled and snorted, and immediately woke up.

Then directly from the space inside the ring, wrapped around Yangdingtian kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian, greasy channel: "French, you can't do this, you can play like this, the frost can't stand it."

Then, she hangs on the body of Yangdingtian and continues to be sleepy.

Once the naga is in sleep, it is very sleepy.

In extremely cold conditions, it is difficult to fall asleep. At this time, the temperature has been completely below minus one hundred degrees Celsius.

In this environment, Yangdingtian is not very well received. And Naga Frost was still asleep.

Yang Dingtian touched her delicate body and found that her body was still warm, as if the biting ice was of no use.

After holding the frost, Yangdingtian continued to move forward.

Then he suddenly found out that Naga Frost had released an energy field in this energy field. No cold can be attacked, and the temperature can be guaranteed.

Immediately after Yang Dingtian discovered that he did not feel cold.

Therefore, Yangdingtian has been going down, down, down, and has been using the Soul Sword to cut the ice.

Fifty meters.

One hundred meters.

Five hundred meters.

One kilometer!


Yangding is really stunned, so deep?

Even the big division-level powerhouse can't stand it after entering a few tens of meters. So Yang Dingtian thinks. At the end of the lake, it is only a hundred meters deep. Who knows that it is completely endless. After infiltrating into a kilometer, it still can't see the end.

However, the deeper the surrounding waters, the smaller the area.

The entire lake is like a huge funnel shape.

In this way, Yangding can't stop going down and down.

Two kilometers. Three kilometers, four kilometers.

To the back. These ices have been hard to the extreme, and Yangdingtian has been hard to write with the soul of the emperor.

Yangding innocence is amazement, you must know that this is the soul of the Emperor, not to mention the ice, even cut the stone, cut steel. It is like tofu. Even cutting off the ordinary blood Wujin sword is easy.

At this point, it was a bit laborious to smash the ice.

And this ice is just a condensation of water.

Yang Dingtian took out a Wujin dagger from the space ring. Throw it out.

Although this is not blood Wujin, it is also a treasure, a full tens of thousands of gold coins.

After throwing out the energy field of Naga, I squatted on the ice, and then the horror happened.

This Wujin dagger was instantly coagulated, and after hitting the stiff ice, it broke open instantly.

Even if the earth is a hundred and a dozen degrees, it is not so terrible.


So, Yangdingtian held the slumbering Naga frost and continued to infiltrate.

Five kilometers, six kilometers, seven kilometers.

The area at the bottom of the lake is getting smaller and smaller.

Finally, at the time of nine kilometers, I reached the real bottom of the lake.

Yang Dingtian understands that it was actually the ocean before the end of the ancient Gurni. It turned out to be land after it was turned upside down.

At this time, under the nine thousand meters, it was the bottom of the ancient times.

As for the eternal magical demon, Yang Dingtian saw it.

Not terrible, not embarrassing, but very cute.

It is a transparent, jellyfish with a light blue.

Not too big, only one meter in diameter.

Light and fluttering, like a cloud, beautiful, with a dreamy mysterious blue.

This is also a monster, but it is the most simple monster.

It will only do two things, one is desperately sucking, the other is desperately spitting.

At this time, Yangdingtian saw the bottom of the lake and there was a blue water.

The jellyfish swims in this blue water. At this point, it felt someone invaded, so he opened the big umbrella on his body and desperately spit out the terrible ice cold energy.

Naga ruined the entire seabed civilization, and the ancient ghath, a thorough cleaning of the entire chaotic world, whether it is the ocean or land martial arts.

This jellyfish is the simplest monster, has almost no martial arts ability, and is among the blue waters, so it survived in the ancient Gurney.

After living for tens of thousands of years, even the simplest monsters have become incomparably powerful.

Therefore, it nourishes the entire hundred miles of the earth, making the scorched earth an oasis.

It is also the most stupid, most timid monster. When someone touches the sea above 10,000 meters, it is terribly frightened and desperately spits out the cold energy, so the whole lake is frozen in an instant.

When it felt that there was no threat, it sucked back the ice cold energy, and the whole lake was instantly thawed.

The magical demon mother, Yang Dingtian imagines the extremely terrible, extremely mysterious Wannian beast, and is also ready for absolute thought, intending to conquer with the majesty of the Queen of Naga.

It seems useless now, and even if the Queen of Naga is majestic, it is estimated that this jellyfish cannot be ordered.

If the ancient giant beast is only a problem with the brain, then this jellyfish simply has no brain. The Jade Emperor came, and it didn't understand. It will only be one thing. Suck and suck, spit and vomit!

However, at this time, Yang Dingtian's attention is not on this illusionary demon, it is very simple to deal with it, just grab it.

In fact, it is still a bit surprising.

because. After the Naga energy cover covered the Wannian ice demon, all its movements stopped completely and slammed into a ball.

From a diameter of more than one meter, it has become only the size of a fist.

Then, Yangdingtian took it directly and put it in a special energy-shielded jade box.

Almost instantaneous, the entire lake, instantly thawed.

Qin Wanqiu on the ground. The cleaning felt that the temperature of the air rose instantly by a dozen degrees.

Yang Dingtian will pay attention to this blue water on the jellyfish.

This blue water is rare, only less than four or five cubic meters, that is, just enough jellyfish to swim.

However, Yang Dingtian clearly knows that this blue water is definitely not simple. Perhaps it is, it has been feeding this illusionary demon mother for tens of thousands of years, and let it escape the catastrophe of the ancient ghath.

only. Yangdingtian only found nothing in the water, and even a little energy could not be felt.

Another point. This magical demon mother has been practicing for many thousand years and has an extremely terrible ice and cold energy.

However, it always needs to have a source of energy, it will not produce cold energy from the air. It will only absorb and release.

It is absolutely terrible to supply the energy that it has cultivated for many years.

However, this is a blue water. Yangding Tian really did not feel any strange things.

Let's study it later. After Yang Dingtian filled a box of blue water, it was directly covered with a magical demon and flew directly.

"Hey!" Yangdingtian flew directly out of the water.

Before flying out of the water. Yang Dingtian put the frost into the space ring. Throughout the process, the Queen of Naga was sleeping, and she did not wake up even when she woke up, nor did she know what had happened.

"The sovereign, successful!" Qin Wanqiu said.

"Well, it’s a success." Yangding Tiandao: "However, I feel faintly, the land below us seems to have a certain change."

Qin Wanqiu nodded and said: "I also feel it."

"After this war, I will return this magical demon to the bottom of the lake, hoping not to anger this land." Yangding Tiandao.

The feelings of Yang Dingtian and Qin Wanqiu are very keen, and they all feel that the energy balance on this land seems to have been broken.

I don't know what the consequences will be, but as if I feel it, the consequences will be very serious. Even at this time, Yangdingtian faintly felt that the forests not far away seemed to have slowly withered.

To suppress the uneasiness in the heart, Yangdingtian decided even more, no matter how precious this illusionary demon is, after this war, it must return to its original position.


Yangding Tian is flying to Yuntiange, suddenly wishing red snow to stop himself in the air.

"I wish my brother, what is the matter?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Ximen fears to go to Yunxiaocheng to find you, you are not there, the people in Yunxiao City immediately let the konjac messenger fly to Yuntiange. You and Qin Shishu are close to the water villa, so I am here to wait for you." Zhu Hongxue.

"Ximen fears to go to Yunxiaocheng to find me?" Yangdingtian was puzzled. Is Ximen afraid not to die? Still dare to go to Yunxiao City?

"Thank you for your brother!" Yangding Tiandao.

Then he flew in the direction of Yunxiao City.


"Ximen fear, see the city owner." Ximen feared to see Yangding Tianhou, directly kneel down.

"You, even broke through the master!" Yangdingtian was shocked.

"Yes, I got the energy of evil spirits." Simon feared.

"Why are you coming to Yunxiaocheng, don't you know that Yunxiao City is forbidden? The enemy of Tiandaomeng and Demon Road can't enter." Yangding asked coldly.

"I know that there are the grandsons of the solitary palace and the mother of the princess." Simon feared: "So, whether it is the wish of the Qing, or Ning Wuming, or anyone in the world, can not carry any hostility. , enter the central castle of Yunxiao City!"

No one has stipulated that Du Guzhen did not scream, and Princess Peony did not even shout.

However, this unspoken rule is now known to everyone.

"Ximen fear ~ You are really amazing." Yangdingtian faintly said: "Agitate the rebellion of the Yunxiao City princes, I suppressed the rebellion, you ran away. Then, you followed the Qin seven seven million The army came to attack the Yunxiao City, and the Qin Qiqi army was annihilated, and you ran away. Later, in the identity of the exiled cloud city owner, you joined the Zhongzhou army of Zhu Qingzhu and came to crusade against me. The Zhongzhou army was defeated. The Green Lord lost, and you ran away. From the beginning of the Yuncheng City Grand Duke, you have escaped from my hands four times. Now, I dare to send it to the door, not afraid of death, you think evil I can't kill you if I don't die."

"Of course you can kill me." Simon feared: "But I have to come."

"Say, what?" asked Yangdingtian.

"I represent Ning Wuming on behalf of my host and come to negotiate with you." Simon feared.

"What are you talking about?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Many things, such as the murder of the bride in the partnership!" Ning no sound!


Note: The first six thousand words are sent, I will write the second one, and ask for support! (To be continued.)

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