Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 619: Qin 77 female! Love is not love!

After that, Ximen’s fearful eyes were fixed on Yangdingtian.

"Planning the wish of the Qing?" Yang Dingtian smiled: "Your master does not have this ability now. You have nothing left in the Nanhai Ningzu. At best, there are less than ten masters. Not only can you not wish the Qingzhu, Why can't we be more?"

"Don't forget, in the hands of our masters, we still have a huge list of Zhongzhou lurkers." Ximen feared: "And as long as there is evil spirit energy, you can seduce a large number of Wuzun class, and even the master-level masters fall."

"Even so, even if you and I join forces, you can't kill Zhu Qing." Yangding Tiandao: "Zhu Qing master, but there are four big masters, plus two great masters of the Happy Palace. I really want to Know, what qualifications do your masters have with me to murder the Lord?"

"Who said to kill Zhu Qingzhu?" Ximen feared: "Our master is just to maintain a balance. Ning, Zhu Qing, if you are in a balanced triangle, then it will be very stable, Lingbi Zong and Netherland can't fully intervene. But if any of our three sides collapse, the whole balance will collapse instantly."

"You may not understand, because you are relatively general in your strategy." Simon feared: "If you wish the Qing to be destroyed, then your goal of destroying the world is undoubtedly the Ning. If you are Yang After the end of the day, then Zhu Qingzhu will kick our Ning people away. He has already started trading with Wanwan Palace and Happy Palace."

Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "As a result, you are even more useless, and what cooperation?"

"If you ask for help, the Yin and Yang dynasty fails. There are only two big masters on hand. It is not the opponent of Zhu Qingzhu." Ximen feared and sneered: "I believe that within a few days, the army of the Qing dynasty will be killed. By the time you Yangdingtian will be destroyed soon. I am here to help you on behalf of the master. You have to figure it out."

"Save me? Why? There is no such ability." Yang Dingtian smiled.

"We can prevent Zhu Qing from attacking Yuntian Pavilion by force, let alone the fake demon attacking Yuntiange." Ximen feared.

Yangdingtian is now strong and strong. If you really add three Xuezu masters, you are a little afraid that Zhu Qing will not come. After planning for so long, I used the Yuntiange to hang out the Zhu Qingzhu. If he does not fight. On the contrary, some of the previous efforts have been abandoned.

Yangdingtian instinctively wants to say, I am afraid that Zhu Qingzhu will not come.

But then, Yangdingtian thought of a possibility. Perhaps, Simon fear is to temptation. If Yangdingtian shows that he does not fear the appearance of the Qingzhu, does he show that he has a well-thought-out, isn’t he revealing the details?

"We can do a lot of things." Simon feared: "For example, we can attack Xuantianzong by the plague. For example, we can persuade the happy palace, for example, we can also let Xuan Tianzong A big man. Suddenly changing attitudes."

"The demon road is at the highest level of Xuantianzong. Is there a lurking person?" Yang Dingtian asked, and then the figure began to float a few figures of the great master of Xuantianzong, especially the one whose origin is unknown, like a stone.

"I didn't say that. Besides, do you think such a secret is something that people at my level can know?" Simon feared and sneered: "Every word I am saying is authorized by our master."

"The big words are not lost. Wanwan Palace, the Palace of Joy does not put your master in your eyes. In their eyes, your master is just a running dog of Li Ming, where is the old minister who is comparable to them?" Yangdingtian sneered.

"This is true." Simon feared: "But there are three temple tokens in our master's hands! Each token represents the highest will of the temple, and the many power leaders who can command the demon! It is the prince of Li Ming Give it to my master. He has used one side, and now there are two sides left. Of course, you can order the Lord of the Blood Palace at least twice!"

"Used one side? Can you tell me where the first side is used? Such a precious token!" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Sorry, this is the secret of the master. Do you think I can know?" Simon feared: "So, the cards in our hands are far more than you think. Now all over the world, you can save your sun, Only my master!"

"So, what do you want from me?" asked Yangdingtian.

"The master said that in order not to be abandoned by Zhu Qingzhu, saving you is equal to yourself." Simon feared: "Of course, we never do a loss-making business. If the master remembers correctly, in the Magic City Shang Palace. In the finale auction, you once bought a very mysterious thing and handed it over to the owner. The deal was reached. We stopped and even reinvented the Qingzhu and saved your bright council."

At this time, it was the turn of Yang Dingtian's eyelids.

what happened? Before the big auction, no one had any interest in the finale of the Magic City Shang Palace. How suddenly, the Xue people wanted this beating green, and Ning Wuming also wanted this thing?

Now it seems that the Magic City Shang Palace and the Demon Road, at least with Ning Wuming's relationship? Otherwise, this finale item was originally in the Magic City Shang Palace. If the Shang Palace is the industry of the evil demon, it would be easy for Ning Wuming to take it away, and it is not necessary to find Yangdingtian trading now.

However, Ning Wuming is very cunning, and the words are true and false, and there are many traps. I don’t know what tricks there are in his words.

"I need to think about it." Yangding Tiandao.

"Then ask the Yangcheng Lord to be faster. There are less than five days. I wish the master of the Qing Master, the Grand Master will come to destroy you." Simon feared: "If there is no reply yet, our master can only cooperate fully. I wish the Qing Lord to destroy you, and then find another way, so as not to be abandoned by Zhu Qingzhu."

Then, Simon feared to leave.


Next, Yang Dingtian and Qin Wanqiu directly returned to Yuntiange.

On the way, Yangding Tian will pass Ning Wuming to the negotiations and all of them will be told to Qin Wanqiu.

Qin Wanqiu's traitorous tycoon may be able to dig out some of the truth in Ning Wuming's words.

"The lord, you answered very well. Since you don't know the true intention of the other party, you are completely vague." Qin Wanqiu said: "Ning Wuming is true or false, I am not sure. But one day is certain, Since Ning Wuming was forced to publicly acknowledge the identity of the demon road, he fell into a very passive state. Basically it can only be used as a dark killer. It is not possible to acquire the territory with the righteousness. So he And the mutual calculation of Zhu Qingzhu is appropriate."

Then, Qin Wanqiu said: "But one day, this time Ximen fears to come to negotiations. It is just a temptation. Ning Wuming wants to get your basic attitude, and also test our true strength. If not In case of an accident, he will send someone to negotiate, and at that time he may reveal his true chips and intentions."

Yang Dingtian just rushed to Yuntiange, Song Lihua immediately greeted him, and whispered in the Yangding Tian Er: "The sovereign, Qin Qiqi was born, gave birth to a daughter."

Yang Dingtian heart trembled. Will it be better to negotiate with this?

However, Ning Wuming is completely unaware of Qin Qiqi’s pregnancy. And the most important thing is that even if Ning Wuming knows, it should have been negotiated, because according to normal pregnancy, Qin Qiqi should have been born about half a month ago.

Because of the importance of Qin Qiqi, and his danger. and so. When Yang Dingtian master transferred to Yuntiange, he also transferred Qin Qiqi.

After the delivery period has arrived. She was slow to live, and she scared Qin Qiqi to lose half of her life, lest there would be any problems.

"Is this thing confidential?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Absolutely confidential, it is the snake tail Jiao personally gave birth to her, except for a very small number of people, whether it is Yuntiange or the people of the city. I don't know about this." Song Chunhua said.

"Qin Qiqi, her child, how is it healthy?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"It's very healthy, it looks very much like Qin Qiqi, but it seems not so delicate." Song Lihua said. Then her voice lowered and said: "Lord, do you want me to give her a ride!"

Yang Dingtian said before, after Qin Qiqi gave birth to a child, leaving the child, she was immediately executed.

"You don't have to do it." Yangding Tiandao: "Take me to see her!"

"Yes!" Song Chunhua said.

A remote valley castle has been completely requisitioned by the Bright Parliament.

Song Chunhua took Yang Dingtian and entered the castle.

Opening a door, suddenly saw Qin Qiqi lying in bed, and her daughter in the arms.

At this time, Qin Qiqi was pale and his face was filled with infinite happiness. And the baby is squatting on her chest and sucking.

Because Qin Qiqi is much later than the birth date, so the milk has passed.

At this point, this baby is going to eat!

This baby, who had been producing for nearly half a month, was really strong, not like the body of Qin Qiqi.

The baby's small arm and calf, like a small scorpion, is thick and strong.

This baby is fifty or sixty centimeters long and seven or eight pounds.

Therefore, when eating milk, the snoring sound in the nose is also very powerful. While eating milk, while rubbing his feet, the two small fists were tightly held.

Some babies are born with red and crumpled, and this baby is born, it is very smooth, and very white.

It looks like Qin Qiqi, and when he grows up, he is a beautiful woman.

"Sovereign, I want to thank Miss Song Lihua, she let me live in the castle bed, not in the dungeon." Qin Qiqi suddenly opened.

"Yeah." Yangding before the sky, gently touch the baby's face.

The baby is still eating milk, lazily opened his eyes and looked at Yangdingtian.

Big eyes, black eyes. This moment of opening your eyes, the black and pure eyes are really directly penetrating the human heart.

Yang Dingtian directly trembled in the heart.

After seeing Yangdingtian, the baby continued to close his eyes.

It seems that it took too much effort from her mother's body. She ate milk again and again, and she had to build up her physical strength. Even her eyes were not willing to open.

Yangdingtian gently touched her soft top hair.

In the room, it was quiet, only when the baby was breastfeeding, it was eh!

After taking a full two quarters of an hour, the baby finally sat full, still reluctant to contain the mother's, sweet sleep.

Qin Qiqi got up, held the baby in front of her eyes, her eyes fixed on the baby's face, as if to completely remember this little face, and then handed the baby to Song Chunhua, softly said: "Miss Song, later I am bothered to take care of my baby who loves me. She was born to see you at first sight."

"I will." Song Chunhua looks complicated. Packed the baby and walked straight outside.


In the room, only Yang Dingtian and Qin Qiqi were left.

"The Sovereign, I heard that you will accept Yang's son as an apprentice in the future, and then seal him to Yunxiaocheng." Qin Qiqi asked.

"Yeah!" Yangding Tiandao.

"I always thought that my baby was a boy, because I have always regretted that I am not a man." Qin Qiqi: "The result I gave birth to a girl. I don't know why, my heart is even happier."

Yangding Tianyu licked his mouth.

"Sovereign, you know the woman in this world, who do I admire most, who is the most envious?" Qin Qiqi.

Yangdingtian shook his head.

"It's Ximen Flame." Qin Qiqi: "The West Gate Lord is really amazing. He can make Ximen Flames so proud, so smart, but so kind and lovely! She has such a high talent and her brain is smart. It’s so beautiful, there is no ambition. So, despite suffering for a while, he has the love of the best man in the world, and he has the greatest happiness that a woman can have.”

"Also, I have always looked down on a woman like Qin Jiaojiao. Besides the appearance, it is nothing. It is purely a straw bag." Qin Qiqi: "It seems that I am an idiot. She is blessed. Woman."

Yangdingtian is still silent.

"Sovereign, can I ask you two things?" Qin Qiqi asked.

"You said." Yangding Tiandao.

"The first one, don't let Ning Wuming know that he has a daughter, because this will destroy everything in my daughter's future, so don't use my daughter and Ning Wuming to do any transaction under any circumstances. Okay?" Qin Qiqi pleaded.

"I promised." Yangding Tiandao.

"Second. You bring your daughter to Yunxiao City and give Qin Jiaojiao. After that, she is the daughter of you and Qin Jiaojiao. You regard her as a biological daughter, and then grow up like Simon’s infinite cultivation of Ximen Flame. After that, let her become the happiest girl in the world. Okay?" Qin seven seven soft channel.

Yangding nodded.

"Well, I can look at it, you send me on the road." Qin seven seven soft channel.

Yangdingtian raised his palm and operated his mysterious spirit.

Qin Qiqi back to the face, close the beautiful, this beautiful face, full of breathtaking beauty, and unlimited love and compassion.

As long as the top of the sun is hit by the palm of the hand, Qin Qiqi will be fragrant. Then with the evil spirits, it will instantly let her soul fly away.

The face of Yang Dingtian began to twitch, his right hand began to tremble.

Countless times, I have the courage to countless times, and I have to kneel down. But every time in the brain, there will be a scene in which the baby opens his eyes and looks at Yangdingtian. The **** eyes are bright and pure, and the small fists that she grips when sucking milk, and the delicate hair under the throat. Humming.

These are the scorpio for any parent.

Nowadays, Yangding Tianyi is going to kill, and it is not only a Qin seven seven, but also a baby's mother.

"Ah..." Yang Ding screamed and slammed into the wall on the side.

In an instant, everything under the wall is broken.

Yang Dingtian retracted the hand: "Well, I have to eat, I can't get my hands. Your milk is so full, don't give it to your baby, but unfortunately! After feeding a year of milk, I will take the baby away, then Will you be imprisoned for life!"

Then, Yangdingtian will turn and walk out.

Qin Qiqi opened the United States ~ ~ suddenly smiled: "Sovereign, you can't do this, the heart is too chaotic, it is difficult to rule the world."

"I didn't have to rule the world!" Yang Dingtian angered.

Qin Qiqiu stabbed and smiled, grabbed Yang Dingtian’s hand and put it on his cheek. He said softly: “I announced that I fell in love with you, Yang Dingtian! Yes, I just gave birth to another man. Child! At this moment, I fell in love with you. I never thought that a man would be so attractive when he released his love for life. I officially announced that I would rather leave Ning Wuming in my heart, I want Love you."

Yangding Tiandao: "You will bullshit, I will change my mind and kill you."

"You can't get your hands, your heart is too soft." Qin Qiqi said: "But don't worry, you can't get your hands, I got the hand, I have already started, I am not willing to make you difficult to do!"

After all, the vitality of Qin Qiqi quickly disappeared, the corner of his mouth suddenly flowed out, green bloodstains!


Note: The second is 4,600 words to send, today is two or more, and ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued.)

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