Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 620: 娶宁柔儿, 涟漪! Ning Wuming last request!

Qin Qiqi died!

She did not let Yang Dingtian hands, she did it herself. Of course, before she died, she also played a Yang Diantian, and she heard that Yang Dingtian said that she would not kill her, she only killed herself.

Of course, Qin Qiqi has the power of evil spirits to protect the soul.

So after her body is dead, the soul can escape at the fastest speed. Here, there is no energy cage.

But after her body died, the soul floated in the air, motionless. Just as Yang Dingtian was ready to put his soul in the ring of the soul, her soul suddenly rushed out of the energy circle of the evil spirits, and then the soul flew away.

That's right, you can't die if you have an evil spirit. But if you want to die, you can't stop anything.

In this way, Yang Dingtian looked at the soul of Qin Qiqi in front of his eyes, and his soul flew in the air. The air was left with a cloud of evil spirits.

Suddenly he felt mixed in his heart!

He even couldn't understand Qin Qiqi, obviously could not die, and he was not born with no love, but why he died.

Perhaps, it is to make his daughter completely become the daughter of Yangdingtian, no longer have a little entanglement with himself.

If she is alive, even if she is in the dungeon, her daughter will not be the daughter of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian stretched out his hand. In the place where Qin Qiqiu’s soul flies, it seems as if he wants to feel the last soul of Qin Qiqi, and sighs: "Whatever you do is too intense, so it is not easy to be happy."

Then he put the evil spirits into the energy jade box.

The body of Qin Qiqi was installed with a cold ice coffin.

After half an hour, he and Song Chunhua returned to Yunxiao City again!


In the process of flying back to Yunxiao City, the baby was hungry after three hours of sleep, and he still urinated, and also pulled the fetus.

So on the konjac king. Yang Dingtian and Song Chunhua changed their diapers to the baby and sucked their ass. Then Song Chunhua heated the milk in the bottle with the temperature and fed the baby.

Then, the baby seems to feel a little different in the breath, as if it is not the breath of the mother. So I started to cry.

Yang Dingtian two people can not help but stunned, the baby is very strong, the voice of crying is very big, while crying and dancing. But crying is awkward, the little face is red, and then it is a little purple.

This baby seems to be the same temper as Qin Qiqi.

Song Chunhua had no choice but to open his clothes and red out his face. Stuffed into your baby's mouth.

After the baby has lived, he is still crying. But while sucking, crying, the voice is getting smaller.

Although she feels that Mimi is different, she is a lot bigger, but it is better than not sucking. Sucking and sucking, I gradually fell asleep.

After the baby fell asleep, Song Chunhua did not pull out of the baby's mouth. Still let her suck, and then gently lean on the arms of Yangdingtian. The whole person becomes gentle in an instant, and the person who releases the body is incomparably feminine.

"Heaven, when everything is over, we will have a child." Song Chunhua softly said.

"Yeah!" Yangding Tiandao.

Song Chunhua grabbed the hand of Yang Dingtian and placed it on the other side of the chest, then raised his beautiful face. The flaming cherry lips kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian.


After returning to Yunxiao City, Yangdingtian buried the coffin of Qin Qiqi in the ice crypt, without any tombstones and graves.

When the baby appears in a remote valley, Shi Niang and Yan Yan are teaching the baby to read the word.

They wrote one big letter on a large piece of silk. Then spread the silk on the ground and the baby crawls on it.

Shout a word, the baby will quickly climb over and recognize it.

In order to introduce a competitive mechanism, they also let small squirrels, small foxes and other small monsters join the game. Compete with the baby, whoever finds the word first, who has something to eat.

As a result, the speed of the baby's recognition is not full, but the speed of climbing is not fast enough, so losing more wins and less is somewhat frustrating.

Flame Flame tied the four legs of the little squirrel with a rope, and everyone competed fairly. As a result, the baby will win more and lose less, and the little squirrel fox can only tie his legs and look at the flames of Ximen.

Too eccentric, she is your son, we are also pets, do pets have no human rights, no, pet rights?

Seeing Yangdingtian holding a small baby in, everyone stayed.

Yang Dingtian handed the baby to Qin Jiaojiao: "Jiaojiao, this is our daughter in the future, you have to take care of her, know?"

Jiao Jiao flattened the flat mouth and succumbed: "This is the child of you and which wild woman?"

She is a straw bag, and Yang Dingtian does not care about her. She hugs her baby and points to the little baby. "Baby, this is my sister, do you know?"

"Sister, don't..." The baby instinctively felt the threat, quickly waved the hand, and then reached out to push the baby.

Yang Dingtian face a board, is about to reprimand.

"Grandma..." The baby immediately wowed and cried, reaching out to the teacher.

Said to be crying, not even a tear.

The teacher smiled, and hurryed to hug the baby and teach him while he was.

At this time, the little squirrel quickly picked up the word, bite the pine nuts on the top and eat it, then watched the baby smile smugly.

"Bad rat, bad sister, baby don't..." This is the baby crying.

"Dad, Dad, where is the little sister? Where is the little sister?" At this moment, a scream outside, and then the door was pushed away. Xiaoning Ning quickly rushed in, like a koala hanging around his neck. .

Xiao Ningning has been seven years old. Nowadays, she can’t play all day, she has to go to school, and she has to learn swords.

When I hugged Yangding, I screamed that my mother had abused her, and the teacher abused her. Then, toward the flames: "Auntie, I don't want my mother, can you be my mother?"

I don't know when I started, Xiao Ningning called Yang Dingtian and shouted Dad. I don't think it must be Qin Meng's departure.

Of course, she called Qin Huaiyu still shouting. Only Qin Huaiyu is very serious, she is not very close to him.

Yang Dingtian ignored her and let her say that she was holding her.

However, she quickly slid down from Yangdingtian: "Dad, little sister is so small. Hold me hug!"

Then, I took a baby from Qin Jiaojiao.

"Dad, is she the same as Xiao Ningning, not your own." Little girl said.

When this was said, even Yang Tiantian was shocked. This little girl is only seven years old, how can there be more ghosts?

Suddenly. Yan Yan glanced at Qin Jiaojiao, you have this straw bag, there is no seven-year-old little girl clever.

At this time, Qin Jiaojiao also saw it. Although this little baby is still very small, it looks very much like Qin Qiqi.

"What about her?" Qin Jiaojiao asked, although they could not see each other, Qin Qiqi is her nominal sister after all.

"She chose to leave." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Qin Jiaojiao was beautiful and she was very hot. But my heart is very soft. At this time I heard the death of Qin Qiqi, and I was very upset.

Then, with her red eyes, she took a small baby from Xiaoning Ning, and said softly: "Hey, you are my dear daughter in the future!"

"Ningning, give me school." At this time, Ningrouer rushed in. The sound is almost the least gentle one ever.

Xiao Ningning, completely naughty to the extreme. Every time I go to school now. Practicing swords, all of them must be kept outside, otherwise they will run to play.

Now Yunxiao Castle, Xiao Ningning is already the little king, the only leader of all children under the age of ten. Moreover, it is already planned to develop the forces into the city of Yunxiao outside the castle. Jumping down from day to night. It has even grown to fight the group.

Of course, she does not fight herself and orders others to fight.

Ning Luoer is counted, this daughter is completely Qin Huaiyu's character, and his gentleness is not on the sidelines. I couldn’t see it until she was alone. Later, after I went to Qincheng, I couldn’t see it because I was suppressed. I thought that my daughter was smart and sly.

Nowadays, after coming to Yunxiao City, Xiaotoutou was almost loved by everyone, so the naughty and unscrupulous was suddenly released. Ningrou was completely unable to control, and was crying several times.

Every time I cried, the little girl was immediately scared and came to comfort her mother.

Now Ning Luoer cried, and the little girl said straight away: "What is the use of crying in front of you, you should go to the father's arms and cry."

Ning Luoer, who is gentle and gentle, can’t help it anymore. It’s a slap in the face of a small butt.

After the smashing, Xiao Shantou patted the little ass: "No, Mom, your heart is too soft."

Suddenly, I almost fainted Ningrou.

"Ah, Xiaotian, you are coming back." Ningrouer saw Yangdingtian, and suddenly he was red and red.

Her source of embarrassment lies in Duan.

After Duan Yu was rescued, he came to see Ning Luoer twice.

The first time I said straightforwardly, soft children, what to fight for themselves, and quickly go to bed with Yangding.

The second time I asked, did you go to bed with Yangding?

With such a free and easy master, how can Ning Luoer not be embarrassed.

"Dad, you have to care more about my mother, or she will stare at me all day, my days are very sad." Ning Ning jumped on the neck of Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tiandun twisted her little face and said: "Little girl, who are you learning these words!"

Yangdingtian is too busy, so there has been less communication with Xiaoninging in the past six months. I didn’t expect that the little girl is so big now.

"It’s not Qin Meng’s bad woman. I’ve taught Xiao Ningning.” Ningrou’s childish drums.

"Mom, don't you say bad things about your mother's dreams." Xiao Ningning said: "She has been helping you all the time, you can't have no conscience."

"Look, look at you..." Ningrou is bitter.

Yangdingtian took Xiaoning Ning out and went to the room of Ningrouer.

"Small day, Xiao Ningning can't go on like this, and must be disciplined. Otherwise, it will be even more lawless. Every day, he will skip school and talk with other children. He will also go to school, and he will kill him every day. The same." Ningrou children.

When I heard my mother complaining, Xiao Ning did not care, but listened and laughed.

"Sister Ruo, what kind of person do you want to make Ningning?" asked Yangdingtian.

"I don't know, but girls must be gentle and gentle."

"I think Xiaoning Ning is very good." Yangding Tiandao: "Every child is different, so every child must teach according to his aptitude. Ningning is different from you, you are gentle as water. Ningning is like Qin Huaiyu, very Clever. But there is no such thing as Qin Huaiyu, she has your kindness. So you can rest assured that she will be very good in the future. It is better than you.

Ningning heard Yang Dingtian praise himself, and suddenly there were small stars in his big eyes. It seems that my father is different. I can see that I am amazing at a glance.

"Shantou, why are you not going to school?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"The old teacher taught things too old." Xiao Ningning said: "And. I know a lot, I still have to study there every day, just like a fool."

"Why don't you learn the sword?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The little girl flattened her mouth and did not speak.

As Yang Dingtian said, Xiao Ningning is very smart, but very honest and kind, even if this kind of small problem, would rather not say. Not willing to lie.

"I... I want to learn from my father, but I know that my father is very busy!" Ning Ning Jiao said: "Dad, I don't want to learn the martial arts of Tianfengge! I don't want to give it to Master Tai, I don't want to be with my mother. Similarly, I am not willing to grow up to go to Tianfeng Pavilion."

Yangding Tianzhu her little head, Chaoning soft child said: "Have you heard? Soft child sister, this girl's heart is very mini-confession, you should not blindly discipline. To figure out what she is thinking about."

"I don't have any knowledge anyway, and it doesn't work well." Softer twisted her face. She has always been gentle and watery. If she is so negative, she will say it for the first time.

"Dad, you talk, I am going to see the little sister." Soft children whispered, then slid down from Yangdingtianhuai and ran away.

Yangding innocence is a blessing. This little girl is too clever, and her younger age is smarter than her mother.

Before the top of Yangding, he said softly: "Sister Er, sorry, I made you wronged."

Ning Luoer tears down. Road: "I know, I should not expect too much. But... I, I didn't want too much! Qin Huaiyu has got his happiness, I..."

Ning Luoer said this sentence, really brave, I don’t know how much courage Duan gave her.

"After this event, we will carry out a simple ceremony to bring you and Mu Wei to the door." Yangding Tianrou channel.

"Yeah." Ning Luoer softly said that if it is an ordinary woman, it will definitely feel that there is a feeling of dignity and dignity. But Ning Luoer would not think so, she is gentle, as she said, she does not want much.

In this world, there are girls like independent icy, solitary and independent.

There is also a gentle water like Ningrou, who needs to find a woman who relies on her heart.


"The Sovereign, Ning Wuming seeks to see!"

Snake tail Jiao, come to obituary.

"Is it Ximen fear, or Ning Wuming himself." Yang Dingtian asked.

"It’s Ning Wuming himself." Snaketail Jiaodao: "He is three hundred miles away from the city, waiting for you!"


Yang Dingtian once again saw Ning Wuming.

At this time, he is no longer full of smiles, as if he was ten years older than half a year ago, his face is full of beard scum, and his body is full of vicissitudes!

"Ning Wuming, see Yang Zongzhu." Ning Wuming went forward and bowed!

"I have seen Ning Shaozhu." Yang Dingtian.

Then two people fell into silence.

"Mo Zhi is pregnant, I know." Ning Wuming suddenly said.

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yang Zongzhu, in your mind, I am more serious Ningzu, or more serious evil demon?" Ning Wuming asked.

"Demon Road." Yangding Tiandao: "Because the demon road has given you everything, you can also let you lose everything."

"The demon road is behavior, and the Ning people are the purpose." Ning Wuming said: "All I did was for the Ning."

"Do you want to kill Ning?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes, including killing him." Ning did not say: "In any case, he is already born to die, it is better to die. He does not die, Mo Zhi will not really follow me."

"He is dead, Wu Mozhi will not really follow you." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's because of you, otherwise ten or twenty years, one day she will follow me." Ning no sighs.

Ning Wuming gradually calmed down and said: "You always thought that Ning Yu was so kind to me? When I was an illegitimate child of Ning, no one saw me as an adult. Everyone regarded me as a servant. Including Ning Yu. It is Wu Mozhi, who treats me as an adult and becomes a younger brother. I knew her when I was twelve years old. She is so proud, so she is so arrogant, and she is afraid to carry it in front of her. She is a princess in the Xue family, she came to the Ning or the princess, although she has not married yet, but no one dares to provoke her. Only me, because of her innermost love and inferiority, to attack her, even to prepare to hurt her, is to I caught her attention. Then, when I was killed alive, she saved me and said to me, you are stronger than your brother."

"It is this sentence that supports all the courage behind me. I am stronger than Ning. I want to show that I am stronger than Ning." Ning Wuming said: "Ning Yu is not worthy of Mo Zhi, I can't match it." But I have to make every effort to make myself worthy of her. It is you ruined it all."

Yang Dingtian does not know that there are so many past events between Ning Wuming and Wu Mozhi.

"You came to me, just to question my sin?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Of course not." Ning did not say: "I came to you, let you return Mo Zhi to me. The child in her stomach is yours, but I don't care, I will regard him as a biological son, let him later Become the new owner of the Ning people. If you don't feel relieved, I can sterilize now. Mo Zhi does not want to talk to me, it doesn't matter, let her return to the Ning, ten or twenty years, she will one day with me."

"I can do everything in Zhongzhou. I will return to the Ningzu. I will not care until the resurrection of the devil." Ning did not say: "For this goal, I can help you to destroy the Qingzhu. You Don't come and provoke me to Ning, let alone provoke Wu Mozhi!"

Then, Ning Wuming stared at Yangding Tiandao: "I said to destroy, it means killing Zhu Qingzhu!"


Note: The first five thousand words are sent, and I will write the second one! Please support! (To be continued.)

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