Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 621: I am raising my children! Wishing the green Lord to come, a big battle!

"Yangdingtian, what do you want to do? I just want to keep the Ningzu, your son, I am a pro-son, he is the future Ning clan, what do you want?" Ning Wuming said.

Yang Dingtian continued to silence, saying: "What do you want me to do?"

"Refused to cooperate with the Xue people, and don't give them the finale of the Magic City Shang Palace." Ning did not say.

Yangding Tiandao: "But the day before, when Simon fear represented you, he also proposed a transaction, let me hand over the finale of this magic city Shang Palace."

"That's just a temptation. I just want you to know the value of this treasure. Don't rush to cooperate with the Xue people." Ning did not say.

"Your ears are very spiritual. The people of the Xue people have just found me. You already know." Yangding Tiandao.

"The Xue and Ning people have been dealing with each other for nearly a thousand years. How can they be unfamiliar?" Ning Wuming said: "Formally because of your existence, the Xue people gave birth to ambitions that they should not have, trying to occupy the entire territory of the South."

"If the Xue people don't come to me to cooperate, will you come to me?" Yang Dingtian suddenly asked.

"I wish the master is ready to unload and kill, so I have the urge to come to you, but after all, I will not come to you to cooperate." Ning Wuming said: "I wish the Qingzhu even have the heart of unloading and killing, There is no such strength. I will continue to cooperate with Zhu Qingzhu to destroy you. Then follow him and the Happy Palace to divide the west together."

Ning Wuming sighed a sigh: "I didn't expect the Xue people to appear. I can't understand the masters of the Xue family. If they fully support you, then the strength of you and Zhu Qing is inseparable. No one. You two are fine, I have something. I am not afraid of wishing the Lord, but I am afraid of you. He can't kill me, you add the Xue people. But you can destroy me. Originally, you have nothing to do with the Xue people. However, Mo Zhi is pregnant with your child."

"So I think about it, there is nothing I can do. I can only cut off the possibility of cooperation with the Xuezu, and come to cooperate with you." Ning Wuming said: "Whether the Xue people save you, or I save you, are the same."

Yangdingtian fell into silence. Then said: "Do you know the magical treasure of the Magic City Shang Palace, what is it?"

"Probably know." Ning did not hear.

"What?" asked Yangdingtian.

"It should be regarded as a key." Ning Wuming said: "Open the key to an endless treasure house. After entering this treasure house, you may become the first person in the world."

"Since it is so precious, why was there no competition for the auction at the time, and I was so easily photographed?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Because no one knows what it is at the time?" Ning did not say.

"So why do you know now?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Because, a big, big, big person, is thinking about this thing." Ning did not say: "Sorry. I can only say so much. If you want to know more, then wait for us to trade." I will tell you when I am done!"

Yangdingtian continued to silence.

Ning Wuming said: "Yangdingtian, the trading conditions I have proposed are already very good. As long as you refuse to trade with the Xuezu, I will help you to fight for the Lord. Then Wumo will send it to my side, her belly. The child inside, I will regard it as my own. I will be the heir to the Ning. Then you will be the light of the Parliament and the Ning, and I will not commit the river. I will not intervene in the world!"

"What if I refuse?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Then I will help Zhu Qingzhu and try to beat you." Ning did not say.

"But, I have the help of the Xue masters, and have not fallen, you can't help me." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, you will have five big masters by then. We can't kill you anymore, I wish the Qing master can only retire." Ning no sound: "Next, you will join forces with the Xue people to attack me." So in order to save my life, I can only rely on others. For example, Wu Ningming! I think, you must not want to see this!"

"Yangdingtian, this transaction is very cost-effective." Ning Wuming said faintly: "I will help you to destroy the Qingzhuzhu, then you and I do not make the river water. Wu Mo Zhizhi to me, your son will become the owner of the Ning people in the future! ”

Then, Ning Wuming took out a box and said: "There is a drug called Li Yandan. If you put it on the ice shovel of the Xue master, it will cause great damage to the Xue masters inside. At the time, I will know your signal when I smell the unique taste of the Xueyan master. If you promise not to agree to the transaction, I will give Li Yandan to you."

Yang Dingtian took the box and put it in his arms.

"Hope, happy cooperation!" Ning no sound, then he quickly left.

And Yangdingtian went to the teacher and they had a meal at the fastest speed after returning to Yuntiange!


Three days later!

The Xue masters came, and the three women escorted twelve ice coffins and flew to Yuntiange.

Among the twelve coffins, three masters and nine masters!

Xue women's Bo Ji. Mani Chaoyang top Tiandao: "Snow master, I have brought. Yang Zongzhu, the magical demon, you can get it?"

"Already got it." Yangding Tiandao: "It's just a thousand years old ancient jellyfish jellyfish, only two instincts, one that constantly absorbs the cold energy, one is constantly released."

The Xue women are very happy: "The Yangzong master is really powerful. There is no magical demon in this world. You have gotten your hand. So, have you decided to trade?"

"Not yet decided." Yangding Tiandao.

“Why?” The Snow Woman said: “The magical treasure of the Magic City Shang Palace is of no use to you?”

"Because, I don't know what this treasure is. If the value is high enough, then I will become an idiot." Yangding Tiandao.

"The Yangcheng master is really greedy." The Xue women said: "Is there anything else that is more important than life? If the life can not be saved, what is the meaning of this thing even if it is worth the price?"

"In any case, when I have not yet arrived at the transaction, I still have thoughts, isn't it?" Yangding Tiandao.

"It is true. Your performance really reminds me of a sentence. I don't see the coffin without tears." The Xue woman said: "I have to warn you that you only have two big masters on your hands. There are six big masters. Without our help. You will die."

"If you need it, you will be sure to help!" Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, the expression on the face of the Xue women was full of unhappiness! Then, three Xue women were holding twelve ice coffins. Entering the deepest dungeon in the castle, three people are sleepless and guard the twelve ice coffins.


The Bright Parliament, all high-level, is in the secret room.

Yang Dingtian will repeat the content of the negotiations of Ning Wuming, and then asked: "You, do you think that Ning Wuming is true or false?"

"I don't trust him. This person is extremely blackmailed." Song Chunhua said: "He has any action, any words, there are traps!"

Qin Wanqiu said: "This person is deceitful, I have not seen it in my life, I have to guard against it!"

Tang Bozhao said: "According to relevant information, Zhu Qingzhu had reached an agreement with the Lingbi Palace. Because Zhu Qing mainly harvested Yuntiange and the city of the city, Ling Lingzong intervened to make him almost defeated! Perhaps Zhu Qing Among the agreements between the Lord and the Lingzong, there is content about the Nanhai Ning."

Qin Huaiyu suddenly said: "The sovereign. I want to ask, is Ning Wuming’s feelings about Wu Mozhi really true or false?"

Yang Dingtian recalled for a moment. Then nodded: "It should be true."

Qin Huaiyu said: "If a person's love is true, then his ambition is also vicious, basically it will be tied up, so even if it is bad, it is very difficult to be completely broken!"

Qin Huaiyu is a man of his own, he is also a man of gloom. I have never done anything before. Later, because of the things of Ningrouer and Xiaoninging, there was a flaw in his heart, which gradually became weak. Then, after a long-term contact with Yangding, plus the joint suppression of Qin Qiqi and Qin Wanqiu. Almost in a desperate situation, even committed suicide.

Since then, Qin Huaiyu has completely changed. As if you have died once, there will be a transformation.

He feels that if a person truly has love, then there will be shortcomings and weaknesses in his character, and it will be difficult to be extremely bad.

Therefore, Qin Huaiyu chose to believe that Ning Wuming.

And Qin Qiqi also said that Ning Wuming said so many words to him, such as forcing him to kill Qin Qiqi, in fact, just want to save the Qin seven seven one life.

In the end, it is impossible to determine whether it is true or not, as for the content of Ning Wuming’s negotiating transaction.

"If we really want to leave Zhu Qing and Ning Wuming, do you have to cooperate with the Xue people?" Zhu Hongxue suddenly asked.

Yangding nodded, and Qin Wanqiu nodded.

Nowadays, Yangdingtian is one of the six masters. Zhu Qing is also six, can only be a loser. It is still impossible to leave the wisher.

However, once you add the three great masters and nine masters of the Xue family, it is entirely possible.

If the content of Ning Wuming’s negotiations is true, then the choice to cooperate with the Xuezu, the contrast between the two masters is nine to six. Yangding Tianjiu, Zhu Qingzhu six. At this time, it is possible to leave Zhu Qingzhu, but it is very difficult, probably only two or three percent.

If you choose to cooperate with Ning Wuming. Ning Wuming said that the temple token can be dispatched to force the happy palace to change its attitude. Moreover, he is still lurking in a master in Xuan Tianzong. In this way, Zhu Qingzhu has only three major masters left, but he has to face the attack of the three great masters of Yangdingtian and the three great masters of the Demon Road. The contrast of power became nine to three.

The ratio of nine to three, the probability of winning the Qingzhu master, at least there are many.

In this way, the benefits of cooperation with Ning Wuming are much greater. There is no need to lose the ultimate treasure of the Magic City Shang Palace, and the probability of destroying Zhu Qingzhu is much greater.

But the key is whether you want to believe in Ning Wuming.

His deal looks very attractive.

You don't need Yangding to pay anything, Ning Wuming helps him to destroy Zhu Qingzhu. Then, before the resurrection of the devil, he will never step into the mainland. Moreover, the children inside Wu Mozhi's belly will become the new owner of the Ning people in the future!

It seems that this trading condition is completely rich.

However, on the other hand, if Yangdingtian chooses to cooperate with the Xuezu, even if he can't destroy Zhu Qingzhu, it is no problem to defeat Zhu Qingzhu.

Then, Yangdingtian cooperated with the Xuezu and destroyed the Ning. At that time, the entire Ning people can only suffer from the catastrophe, Ning Wuming wants to escape, can only rely on Wu Ningming as a slave. However, this is extremely painful for Ning Wuming. Moreover, it may not be realized, because he is already a running dog of Li Ming, and he wants to rely on other families to be a dog. Others may not be willing to accept it. Even if it is received. The future of Li Ming may not be able to spare.


"The Sovereign, Zhu Qingzhu has secretly left Xuan Tianzong, he should have been fully prepared." Qin Wanqiu said: "No accident, the latest tomorrow night, he will dispatch all the top masters, to destroy Bright Council."

Yangding nodded.

Qin Wanqiu said: "No matter what decision is made, what choices must be made. But no matter what choices you make, we will support you!"

"Thank you!" Yang Dingtian nodded.

"Then I will go to sleep well. Prepare for the battle of tomorrow." Qin Wanqiu took a shot of Yang Dingtian's shoulder and then left.

Today's Yangdingtian has three choices.

The first choice, do not surrender the treasure of the finale, and do not cooperate with the Xue people. However, it does not cooperate with Ning Wuming. The result is that both Zhu and Qing have lost both sides. No one can do anything about both sides, but both sides have injuries. The master of the master class may die a lot.

The second choice. Cooperation with the Xue people. Then this battle will certainly win, but leave the probability of wishing the Lord. About two or three percent. The consequence is to surrender the treasure of this finale.

The third choice, and Ning Wuming cooperation, then this battle can not only win, but also destroy the Zhu Qingzhu. Moreover, the treasure of the finale does not have to be handed over. But the only scruples are. Can you believe that Ning Wuming!

The first choice, no need to pay baby, but the biggest casualties.

The second choice is to pay for the baby, and the casualties are small. The result is also small, but the most secure.

The third option has the most revenue and the greatest risk.

These three choices, no matter which one, are gambling!


In the middle of the night, Yangdingtian came to the depths of the crypt.

Three Xue women, do not sleep, guarding twelve ice coffins.

"How? Is the Yangzong Lord thinking about it?" The Xuezu woman said: "As long as you hand over the treasure of the finale, our 12 masters will ensure that your name is not worrying and even win."

"Can you open these ice coffins, I have to look at the people inside." Yangding Tiandao.

"No." The Xue women said: "After you promised, release the magical demon mother. The twelve masters of our Xue family will come out to fight for you immediately, otherwise they must stay in the coffin, just open the ice coffin, right Their cultivation will be damaging."

"Only for a moment, there is damage?" Yang Dingtian sneered.

"Yes, there will be some damage." The Snow Woman said.

"If, I must see it." Yangding Tiandao.

The Xue women fell into a fierce struggle and then nodded: "Okay, only one can be opened."

"I want to see the person who is the strongest." Yangding Tiandao.

The Xue women frowned: "Yang Zongzhu, the most powerful person, is also the most distinguished person, you should not be too much."

"If I must do this." Yangding Tiandao.

The Xue woman bit her teeth and then nodded hard: "Yang Zongzhu, you really let me down!"

Then, come to the ice coffin in the middle.

Suddenly, three Xue women, tightly guarding the ice coffin in the middle.

"Oh..." The Xue women slammed open.

Suddenly, a bitter cold and chilly rushed out.

Almost instantaneously, the entire dungeon's ground is instantly covered with frost, and the entire air drops directly to zero.

The people inside the coffin, but the face is rosy, not a little frozen.

This face is somewhat familiar. The people inside, probably middle-aged, wore incomparably luxurious robes, and Xuan Bingyu sword in their hands. The face is beautiful and majestic, and it is somewhat similar to Wu Mozhi.

Is it the father of Wu Mozhi? It is the king of the Xue family!

If this is the case, then the Xue family is really out of the nest. Even the kings of the Xue family have come, and it is obvious that what is the ultimate treasure of this finale.

"Yang Zongzhu, have you seen our sincerity?" The Xue women quickly closed the ice coffin, and then cold and cold.

Yangding nodded and said: "Thank you for the deep friendship of the nobility. I have one last question."

The Xue women screamed: "Yang Zongzhu, don't overdo it. Don't think that we really have to come to you."

Yangding Tiandao: "I want to ask, what is the ultimate treasure of the Magic City Shang Palace that you want to get from me? Needless to say, take a little bit of it, can you?"

Suddenly, the Xue woman closed her mouth and said nothing, facing the Yangding Tianguan eyebrows!

And Yang Dingtian stood in front of her and stood close to her.

After a long time, the Xue woman said: "The thing is just a key, the key to open something. Well, I can only say so much."

After all, the Xue women's Brooke. Mani sat directly on the ground, closed his eyes and adjusted his interest, no longer paying attention to Yang Dingtian.

"That's goodbye tomorrow, leave." Yangding Tiandao.


The next day will come.

Today, the six masters of Zhu Qingzhu, dozens of masters, will definitely come.

In fact, they are already here.

The konjac army had already detected it in the first time, from the direction of the Happy Palace in the north.

Hundreds of black shadows, riding the magic spirits, flew in the direction of Yuntiange.

Everyone is wearing a black cloak in the Palace of Joy. Because it was attacked in the name of Demon Road, Zhu Qingzhu and others must of course dress up as a happy Yesterday, Zhu Qingzhu and other hundreds of masters, starting from the direction of Happy Palace, at this time Yuntiange is one thousand miles.

When the rising sun was rising today, in the sea of ​​chaos, the top master group led by Zhu Qing was discovered. At this time, it is nine thousand miles away from Yuntiange.

At about the night of the night, the six great masters, dozens of masters, and hundreds of Wu Zun, led by Zhu Qing, will arrive at Yuntiange!

Although there are only a few hundred people, it can destroy the earth!

This is the biggest battle!

Night time!

Zhu Qing’s top warrior, hundreds of shadows, appeared in the sky above Yuntiange.

The final battle is finally here!


Note: The second and fifth thousand words are sent, and the monthly ticket is requested! (To be continued.)

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