Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 632: Yangding Tiannao! Master Shi Niang recognizes!

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, Yunjun slave nodded slightly, indicating that this is the meaning of Yuncai Lin and Kwai Si.

"What do you think about yourself?" asked Yangdingtian.

Yun Jun Nuo suddenly fell silent.

Yangding Tiandao: "If you have anything to say, now Yuntiange has no need to marry me at all."

Yunjun slave thought for a while and said: "I admire you very much now, but I am already ugly in front of you. So once in front of you, I will feel my stupidity more deeply. This feeling is very strange. !"

"Yeah." Yangdingtian nodded hard.

This is a very normal psychology. Two people have had a fierce dispute for one thing, and the final result comes out, one right, one wrong. That is correct, maybe you can face everything calmly, not smug, smug. And the wrong one, in front of the right one, will be uncomfortable.

In this respect, people are roughly divided into four categories.

First class, I heard it is happy. After knowing your own fault, not only did you feel annoyed, but you felt lucky. However, such people really have very few.

Second, calmly admit mistakes, calmly face, my heart is still complicated.

The third class, after being wrong, became an ostrich, and did not say a word, as nothing happened.

The fourth is to do everything possible and turn the wrong into right.

Yunjun slaves can't be first-class, but they become second-class, which is not bad.

In the heart of Yangding, the world can become the first class, as if only the West Gate Ningning, the West Gate is boundless, the East Nirvana and other very few people.

However, Ximen Flame is a small girl, but between the first and second.

When she found her mistake. I will admit my mistakes and my mind is complicated, but I will adjust myself soon and become happy again.

Qin Jiaojiao is completely another type.

Her performance is: Ah, am I wrong? I am not wrong. I do not know what you're talking about.

Of course, whether she can correct her mistakes depends entirely on her own memory. Remember to live, correct it. Can't remember, it is inevitable that you will make mistakes again. Therefore, everyone said that she is a straw bag.

"And then?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Then, then..." Yunjun slave said: "I want to practice martial arts, not marry for life, pursue martial arts. Follow you in the future war, create true value!"

"Do not use life forever." Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "If you are a solitary phoenix dance, then I will not let you marry! But you are not her, then I will meet myself and I should give myself Also give each other a chance."

"I will talk about it later. I want to meet you again, and I met you again. Maybe there is no heart for me in the world." Yunjun slave said: "You two men. One makes me sick and hate, one Let me be ashamed to die. Let me follow you in the future. Be your loyal supporter."

"Fortunately." Yangding Tiandao, then handed out: "Welcome to join you."

Yunjun slave did not shake hands with Yangdingtian, but took the initiative to hug Yangdingtian.

Her soft and fragrant delicate body is in the Yangdingtian embrace, after a moment of embrace, Yunjun slave said: "Thank you for discounting my pride and self, then I will find the one that truly belongs to me!"

"Well. Ah..." Yangdingtian didn't know what to say. After all, he couldn't think of Yunjunnu as much as he felt!


Two days later, Yang Dingtian led many experts and returned to Xizhou!

Yunjun slave did not choose to stay in Yuntiange, but came to Xizhou together.

The entire Xizhou has once again entered the midst of rectification and construction.

Dicheng City and Yuntiange are integrated into the city of the Bright Parliament. Speed ​​up.

The konjac army of the city of Split City has been fully integrated into the direct legion of the Guangming Parliament. The Sparse Magic Fleet of Yuntiange has also been fully incorporated into the Guangming Parliamentary Navy.

Hundreds of warlocks and mystical scholars who spurred the city's spar, all entered Xizhou and entered the most intimate research department of the Guangming Parliament.

The navy is the top priority of the future Yangdingtian.

It is very difficult to win the World Corps on land, so the Navy is very important.

Therefore, it is necessary to build large gunships and large submarines.

Once the use of the spar power of Yuntiange, the Guangming Parliament can manufacture gunboats of four or five thousand tons. It is also possible to build submarines of one or two thousand tons. And with this powerful spar power, the speed of warships, submarines, and even torpedoes can be multiplied.

After returning to Yunxiao City, Kwai Ning first wanted Qin Yuyao to propose marriage. Originally designed a very romantic dialogue, the results play the market, and a group of children Xiao Ningning ruined and teased, so the marriage proposal is dry and dry, the gift should be forgotten.

However, after Qin Yuyao heard it, the eyes were still red, and then nodded gently.

Qin Huaiyu found Song Lihua and said: "The Yang Zongzhu said that we should do something."

Song Lihua’s beautiful head was buried in a pile of documents and nodded: “Well, when do you want to do something, let me know that day, you can!”

Then, Song Lihua buried in the file and started to work madly.

Qin Huaiyu was so confused and successful in marriage proposal.

Three days later, in the new Xijing, the Bright Parliament held a grand wedding.

Kwai Ning greets Qin Yuyao, Qin Huaiyu greets Song Lihua, and the two weddings are held together.

The entire bright parliament stopped for a long time from the madness of busyness, and once again entered the ocean of joy, all the masters also drunk and lie down on the hall.


After the wedding banquet, meet directly.

Xijing’s Bright Parliament Hall!

Zhuo Qingji, Qin Wanqiu, Qiu Wanjiao, Song Yu, Yunchi, Kwai Si, Duan Yi, Qiu Wanqiu and other leaders of all powers.

"Zhu Zongzhu, when are you going to publicly announce that Xuantianzong has joined the Bright Parliament?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"After three days, I wish the Lord will appear and publicly announce that he will focus on the martial arts and pass the lord to me. Then, I will order the world, and Xuan Tianzong will join the Bright Council." Zhuo Qing said.

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao: "The predecessors will have a hard time, lobbying the entire Zhongzhou, and letting the entire Zhongzhou Tiandao alliance forces. All join the Bright Council!"

"Yes!" Everyone arrived.

These masters, the city owner, and the owner of the house will all go to Zhongzhou with Zhuo Qing ruler and start a huge lobbying.

Be sure to let the entire Zhongzhou forces join the Bright Council.

Once successful, the Eastern Nirvana will appear in public. Officially returned, officially announced that Yin and Yangzong joined the Bright Parliament.

Once the Yin and Yangzongs join, it means that the entire Dongzhou, all joined.

Dongzhou and Xizhou are different from Zhongzhou. It is a very pure martial art continent. Yinyangzong is the only Dongzhou leader.

Once successful, the Bright Council officially dominated the world.

Then, immediately hold the Tiandao League Conference!

By then. Yang Dingtian, the head of the bright council, will become the Lord of the entire Heavenly Alliance.

Then, the Guangming Parliament will be immediately reorganized, from a power organization to a temporary organization of war, and we will fully prepare for the future war of extinction!

Therefore, when the visit to Zhongzhou is completed, it means the reunification of Tiandao League.

Tiandao League Conference. Also officially held!

Since then, the world has entered a new era. Will wholeheartedly enter the battle for the battle of destruction.

"You seniors, do you think that lobbying can be difficult?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"It is not difficult to say that." Zhuo Qing said: "The key to do two points, the first point, Wu Ningming, Ling Yuzong do not intervene to destroy. The second point. The demon road lurks forces, do not destroy. Especially What's important is that the demon stalker and Wu Ningming must not confluence!"

Yangding nodded, yes. The next biggest enemy is Wu Ning. Behind him, there are two powerful and powerful forces of Ling Zong and Netherland.

Of course, Wu Ningming is playing the banner of light and benevolence, and many things are not easy to do directly. However, the lurkers of the demon road do everything. Once Wu Ningming and the demon road lurkers collude, the consequences are unimaginable!

Yangdingtian can't eliminate Wu Ningming, Netherland, and Lingzong in the first time. However, you can completely eliminate all the lurkers in Zhongzhou in the first time!

Ning Wuming said that the list of the stalkers of the Zhongzhou Demon Road, as well as the cultivating evil spirits, as well as the treasures of many evil devils, are hidden in a top secret place. And this top secret place, only Ning Wuming alone knows.

Ning Wuming is now dead, but he said that these lists, where the secret treasures are stored, are all on the ring of Wu Mozhi. Of course, Wu Mozhi will not have a space ring, perhaps this information is on Wumo's ring.

Ning Wuming said, let Yang Dingtian hand the magic spirit black armor, the magic spirit fog coat to Wu Mozhi.

Therefore, even in order to eliminate the demon stalker in the fastest time, Yangdingtian also went to the Xuezu to see Wu Mozhi. From another point of view, Wu Mozhi's belly is pregnant with a child of Yangdingtian, so he has to go to the public.

It’s just that Wu Mozhi will not stab a sword, so I really don’t know.

"I will go to the Xue people tomorrow, and I will go to the list of lurkers in the Zhongzhou. I must not let Wu Youming and the demon stalkers merge." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" All humanity.

Duan Qi suddenly said: "The lord promised you before, saying that after the war, you will greet the children. It is better to hit the sun than to choose the sun. Tomorrow, you have to go to the Xue people. Let's do things today!"

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s face was red, and then nodded: “Okay! But you, Master, you should go to Zhongzhou, or go to Zhongzhou. My things, just do it, don’t delay your business. !"

Qin Wanqiu suddenly smiled: "That's good, then here I wish the lord a happy family!"

"With hi, with hi!" Yang Dingtian is embarrassed.


So next, Zhuo Qingji, Qin Wanqiu, Qiu Wanjiao, Song Wei, Kwai Si, Yunchi and others still went to Zhongzhou to do business, lobbying the Zhongzhou forces to join the Tiandao League.

And Yangdingtian, the Eastern Nirvana, Duanyi, went to Yunxiao City, and Yangdingtian greeted the wedding of Ningluo and Mu'er.

After the wedding, Duan Yan immediately took the konjac and went to work in Zhongzhou.

However, there is a problem. This wedding master and teacher, as the elders of Yangdingtian, must attend, so the two will definitely meet.

"Master, now that the big event is about to be completed, and you will soon have to come back publicly, you don't have to hide your identity." Yangding Tiandao: "So, don't recognize the teacher today!"

The face of the Oriental Nirvana was slightly twitching, and the complex light was revealed. "She is so happy now, and I owe her a lot. I really don't know if it is right or wrong to disturb her life again. And... and now I am The body is cold and dusty brother!"

Yangding Tiandao: "The teacher is happy again, and there are two shortcomings in the heart. One is the ice sergeant and the other is you. As for your entanglement in your body is cold teacher, then I think both of you are older, mentally The demand should exceed the needs of the body, not necessarily...not necessary to do those things..."

When Yang Dingtian did not finish, he was interrupted by the master. The master is red-faced at the equator: "Is there a big child, is it appropriate to tell the master?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I, I clearly said that you are embarrassed to say it!"

"Okay, don't say, don't say it..." The Eastern Nirvana waved.

Yangding Tiandao: "To the master, is it to tell the teacher first, or do you go by yourself?"

In the heart of the Eastern Nirvana, there was a hint of coziness, saying, "That, let me go."

"That line!" Yangding Tiandao.


"Sflaming flame, baby?" asked Yangdingtian.

The flames are practicing the sword in an unprecedented way, and the small mouth is mad.

After seeing Yangdingtian, throw away the sword and throw it into the arms of Yangdingtian: "Don't say that little is not conscience."

"What's wrong." Yang Dingtian smiled.

"Now I have to play with my sister every day, but the little girl is sleeping all day, what is the play, the baby will follow the teacher every day, followed by Jiaojiao."

"Then you can also accompany your baby." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, I don't want to see Qin Jiaojiao's face."

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "Do you both of you, are you ready?"

"That was before." Yan Yandao: "After the teacher came, she became more flatter than me. The teacher is better for her than for me. After she has a small mole, she does not put me in the eye. It is."

Yangdingtian couldn't help but smile and screwed her little face: "Yes, what? Why don't you see, I was angry with you, moving away from the valley to avoid suspicion, Now it is the big manager of the castle."

Yang Dingtian gently touches the neck of the flame flame: "flame flame, if I want to marry and soft, you are angry and not angry?"

"If you want to be angry, you will be mad." Yan Yan said: "What's more, we have you, just a thought in the heart! Most of you are no longer around us. If you don't even think about it, don't give it to you." Sister, don’t give it to your sister, it’s too cruel!”

"Is it inside the castle?" asked Yangdingtian.

"Well, you go find her!" Flame flames softly.

Yangding Tian went to Yunxiao Castle and asked Mu Zhen for a kiss.

The Eastern Nirvana went into the valley and officially met with the teacher!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! (To be continued.)

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