Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 633:1 husband 2 妾, worship! Cave room!

The Eastern Nirvana went into the valley and came outside a small building.

I heard the familiar, and far-reaching voice, my heart trembled fiercely, and then the whole body trembled fiercely, the legs were almost stiff, and I couldn’t walk out.

For more than a decade, the Eastern Nirvana has not seen the face for more than a decade, and has not heard her voice.

Still so gentle, gentle and kind from the inside of the bones.

For a decade or so, he rarely dreamed of his wife. It is not that he does not love to miss, but instead he misses his bones. Just, he didn't dare to think about it.

More than ten years, more than twenty years. Or, after getting married, there are only a handful of days around her. He is full of brains, looking for the truth of the world, leaving his wife and daughter completely cold. As a result, her daughter has been resentful against herself since she was a child.

Therefore, the wife became an infinite embarrassment in his heart, and there was pain. Over the years, he dared to imagine how to lose his wife.

So after the resurrection, he has always escaped this.

For a time, he couldn't open his mouth and couldn't take steps.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a pretty young woman came out. After seeing the Eastern Nirvana, she suddenly frowned: "The old man, where did you come from? Hurry and leave here. This place is not for you to come, except Outside of my husband, no man can come here! Come and drive the old man out!"

"Yes!" suddenly came out two maids, to get rid of the Eastern Nirvana.

In this way, except for the grass bag Qin Jiaojiao, there is no other person. In Qincheng, she is arrogant. Now, after marrying, Yangding Tianniu forks into the sky, she is even more imposing. that's it. There is no way for Yangdingtian, but she has been staying at home.

"Golden, not allowed to talk like this, rude." The teacher inside is soft.

"Mother, this valley is our home, except for the husband. No one can come in." Jiao Jiao sweetly, she is a chameleon, when talking to the teacher, the sound is sweet.

"That should be talked well." The singer took the baby out and said softly: "This gentleman, this valley is full of son-in-law, you are not convenient here, or out..."

If the words are not finished, the words of the teacher will be stopped. Then I looked at the man in disbelief.

"You heard no, my mother-in-law let you go out." Qin Jiaojiao, a pretty student pointing to the East Nirvana: "My husband is a Yangdingtian, this is my mother-in-law, even my husband can get it. No matter who you are, Let my mother-in-law be upset, absolutely no fruit to eat!"

"Fu Jun..." The singer trembled.

"Fu Jun? Mother-in-law, my husband is not here..." Qin Jiao Jiao said, and then saw the teacher burst into tears. Excited ecstasy look, suddenly stunned. It took a while to react and said: "Mother, this, this is your husband, ah..."

Then Jiao Jiao screamed and knew that he was in trouble.

"I. I went to see Xiaoxiao and woke up." Then she did not apologize and fled in general.

Followed by the flames, but also completely shocked, and quickly came over. Going down to the East, Nirvana: "The wife of the West Gate Flames, see the Master!"

"Okay, okay..." The Eastern Nirvana could not speak for a while.

Yan Yan quickly went to take the baby away from the arms of the teacher, and then quickly fled.

The teacher rushed into the arms of the Eastern Nirvana and cried: "French, I am not dreaming, I am not dreaming! I have dreamed of you countless times, I dream of you every night!"

Still infinite love and tenderness, there is still no complaint.

The Eastern Nirvana seems to have come alive, holding his wife in his arms!


Today's Yunxiao City is completely different from before.

The former Yunxiao Castle and the surrounding four major castles are basically all the foundations of Yunxiao City.

Nowadays, even the headquarters of the Northeast Defense District is placed in the city of Dayunyu, not within the Yunxiao Castle.

Like Ximen Lie, Mu Liancheng, the chief of the defense zone, is in the city of chaos, or in the city of Dayunyu.

Today's Yunxiao Castle is more like a family of Yangdingtian.

Even the martial arts disciples of Yunxiao City are not much left in Yunxiao Castle. Basically, when you cultivate to the big bastion, you need to leave Yunxiaocheng. Either go to Xijing, go to the North, or go to Qincheng. In short, go to a more difficult and more rigorous environment to practice.

Nowadays, in Xizhou, it is difficult to have a martial art on the martial arts.

The disciples of all forces are basically interflowing.

There are dozens of strong masters in the Western Zhou Dynasty and hundreds of powerful Wu Zun!

These people, when they were in the war, went to war. When there is no major war, you will leave the army directly and become a martial arts tutor, leading the disciples to travel the world and practice.

Moreover, Tianqi College has already begun to build!

Any martial arts disciple who surpasses the big sacred martial arts must enter the college to study and practice!

Yang Dingtian has already been the first dean of the famous college. The Eastern Nirvana will become the vice president and the left-behind dean will carry out the real management of the college.

Of course, today's Tianqi Academy is still dominated by martial arts. In the future, we will continue to add other disciplines, navigation, spar, occultism, etc., and eventually hope to become a comprehensive university.

However, this will take a few years to come.

Today, the registration of military personnel throughout Xizhou has ended. Basically, the number of warriors in the book has exceeded 300,000. In the western world, there is one warrior in the equivalent of one thousand people.

At this time, the identity of the warrior should be equivalent to the ancient Chinese scholars. Registered warriors are equivalent to earning a scholarship. Enjoy a lot of benefits, basically no need to work, food and clothing.

The civilization of the chaotic world is still monopolized by the martial arts. Yangdingtian is slowly changing this point, such as using artillery, using warships, and using submarine torpedoes to win and change the occupation.

So in the Tianqi Academy, these things have already had a place.

Of course, the words are far away!

Today's Yunxiao City is basically the home of Yangdingtian, plus the best kindergarten in Xizhou. The best elementary school, junior high school?

I don't know who started it. Since Yang Dingtian opened the school in Yunxiao Castle, the entire highest level of Xizhou has been sent over.

In Yunxiao City, there are children under the age of fourteen and five. Under the leadership of hundreds of tutors, learn martial arts.

A little older. I will follow a more advanced tutor, go to Dayunyucheng, go to the chaotic place and practice while practicing.

At this time, Mu Liancheng was the first civil servant in the northeastern defense zone. Of course, the internal affairs of Yunxiao Castle could not be managed. Unconsciously, Mu Hao took this matter over.

What Yang Tiantian did not think of was that Yang Dingtian gave Yang Hao’s wife, Xiao Taohong, the deputy of Mu Wei.

This vain woman is well-informed, and everything is in perfect order. At the beginning. The hands and feet are still slightly dirty. Later, she found that she had no use for money, and she had everything she could do. She simply did not have much money.

However, it is inevitable that greed is cheap and cheap.


"Mrs. Five, do you know who I saw yesterday?" Xiaotaohong did things. On the side of the road.

"Don't call me five ladies." Mu said: "Who did you see yesterday?"

"Zhu Yuwan!" Xiaotao Hongdao.

"Zhu Yubo, who is she?" Mu said.

"You don't know it is normal. At the time, she was a big man." Xiao Taohong said: "You also know that before I married our Yunxiao City, I sold my body in the yard. At the time I was in a place called Chaos. Flowing Fire City, this is the first force leader of the Flowing City, which is the first power leader of the Flowing City. It is the same as the Emperor of the Earth. The boss of the owner of our brothel saw the Zhuyu bottle. There is no place in the shackles, let alone When I said it, I didn’t even have the qualifications to see her. Later, when our army hit the city of the fire, her man was also jealous. It was directly invested. Now, it has become the official of our Yuncheng City, and has managed a three The second-rate troops of thousands of people. I don’t know where Zhu Yujin heard that I was in Yunxiao City, and I found it in a living place. You didn’t see it, she’s got rid of it, I haven’t seen me yet, I’m far away. I heard a lot of gifts. I felt so refreshed at the time! I really want to thank our old Yang, no, my aging mother, today!"

She said that the old Yang, should be Yang Lan, and now has become a walking dead.

Mu Zhen was powerless to feel the glory of Xiao Tao, but this woman was vanity and greedy, but overall she was kind and straightforward, and she was also very eager to do things. Mu Yu also liked her.

"Mrs. Five, when are you getting married with the lord?" Xiaotao said.

"Impossible, he is him, I am me, there is nothing to do with us. Big deal, I used to be a slave to her." Mu said.

"Don't say so." Xiao Taohong said: "Mrs. Five, I am a patron in Yunxiao City. I think you are still married, you marry the Sovereign, then the whole Xizhou, the whole world. You are just a few people, and hundreds of millions of people, I can also get rid of it. Maybe then, even the city owners, the wife of the owner, will come to me!"

"That is still counting on your son." Mu said: "Yangdingtian said it, to accept your son as an apprentice."

"My God, that is what the old man of the Sovereign said casually. I can't count on it. Moreover, when the kid grows up early, I don't know if I am filial to me. I have a decade or two. I’m counting on you all.” Xiao Taohong said: “It’s no longer a simple thing to say this. Men don’t like it. You look beautiful, especially this body. These two long legs don’t know how powerful. I saw you, when you closed your legs, there was no gap. The hole below didn’t know how tight. When you climbed the bed of the lord, you guaranteed that he would not have any soul. After knowing your beauty, maybe The Sovereign loves you more than other ladies. Madame, I read countless people. I know the most things. The woman’s face can only be seen for a while. The woman’s hole is for a lifetime. Who will let him, Who does he like!"

Mu Zhen was completely speechless. This cheeky woman, in her own years in the brothel, she was not ashamed at all, and she was proud of it.

"Okay, okay, don't say it, let me turn my face again." Mu said: "I don't have any relationship with Yangding. Anyway, if you want to get a bad guy, you can find Qin Jiaojiao. Or go to Ximen Flames!"

“Is it really?” Xiaotao said.

"Not really." Mu said.

"That, it would be good if you marry someone else. You used to be the person around the lord and marry the man. They are all high climbers. Women can't lose themselves, young beauty is that years. I am sleeping. The man slept badly, and my old Yang was still awkward, but the following is still good, and it looks pretty. You are different, you have the same body, have not been asleep, have been eaten early and enjoy early Ah." Xiaotao Hongdao.

"Shut up, shut up... You listen to me. I don't marry Yangdingtian, I don't marry anyone. Woman, can't you live without a man?" Mu angered.

At this time, Yangdingtian came in.

After Mu Mu met, the body trembled, stayed there, and then a pretty face, continue to do things. Just as you don't see it.

All the little peaches lingered in the throat and then trembled. Forehead Voldemort: "Yang's wife, Dow, meets the Lord!"

Then, I didn’t dare to get up there.

"You get up." Yangding said in front of heaven: "Your home, okay?"

"Very good, very good." Xiaotao red trembled: "The son is strong, Lao Yang is also good. Now I let him take the bowl, he will take it."

Yang Lan’s soul was smoked and is now a walking dead. Will take the bowl, it should be regarded as a conditional reflection, his IQ. It is equal to starting from zero.

In other words, Yang Dingtian still has some regrets about the withdrawal of Yang Lan’s soul. At that time, Yang Lan may be rebellious and will become a big problem. Nowadays, there is no problem at all, and it does not matter if Yang Hao is directly become the owner of the city.

It is also said that the Yang clan has been fighting for a hundred years, constantly fighting, constantly planning, costing countless lives, and the cost is to recapture the city. Nowadays, it is almost worth mentioning that the two hundred miles of the city of Yunxiao City is almost worth mentioning.

Yang Yan’s elders are amazingly intelligent and plan to be amazing. If you stay in Yunxiao City, you don’t know how much you can play.

"After a while, I went to see your old Yang, and your son. Now go back first, I have something to say to the five ladies." Yangding Tiandao.

As soon as this was said, Mu Haojiao trembled fiercely, and the little pink face rushed into ecstasy, saying: "Yes, yes!"

Then, quickly retired.

In the entire pavilion, there are Mu Zhen and Yang Ding Tian.

"Oh, sorry." Yangding Tiandao.

"You have nothing to be sorry about me." Mu said.

"Tonight, I am yelling at you, okay?" Yangding Tiandao.

"No need." Mu Yu gritted: "I am doing very well now, do not need your pity."

"Tonight, I will take your soft sister, and you will pass the door. If you don't have a big deal, just talk to your family and you will not mind." Yang Dingtian asked.

Mu Hao turned and looked red, tears slipped down: "Yang Zongzhu, I said, I don't need your pity, I don't need your gift, I am doing very well now, I am not married!"

"Do you think I am sorry for you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Is it not?" Mu said.

"No, you are totally wrong." Yangding Tiandao: "I am not pity for you, but covet you. Your two bodybuilding long legs, and together, there is no gap, there is the place below, to ensure tight It’s awful, I want to marry you. In bed, I guarantee that the soul is gone."

Yang Dingtian repeated the words of Xiaotaohong just now.

Mu Hao’s face was red, and she endured very hard. She finally couldn’t help but sneak a smile.

However, this laugh completely blew away the momentum that had been shackled before, and suddenly she began to cry again.

Before Yangding, she held her in her arms and said softly: "Hey, sorry! The man of lasciviousness is of course a bastard. But the hypocritical man is not even like a bastard. Please, let me be a bastard. Let's go!"

"You are all right." Mu Yan cried.

"Yes, I was originally!" Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yangdingtian held her full body and body, and did not move.

Suddenly, Mu Mu Jiao began to heat up and twitched: "You, what are you doing?"

"Your **** is too upturned, it is up to me, I will inevitably have a reaction." Yangding Tiandao.

"What are you doing with your hands?" Muhamd gasped.

"Little Pink said that your legs are very tight, I will try it." Yangding Tiandao.

"Do you have to put your hand into my pants to try?" Mu said.

"I still want to try her last sentence, right?" Yangding Tiandao.

At this moment, Mu Hao was shuddering and could not stand, and trembled: "You, you are a bastard!"

Then, she twisted her face, kissed Yang Tiantian's lips, sucked desperately, and kissed her desperately: "Tonight, I will let you know that my aunt is also the best woman!"


In the evening, Yang Dingtian’s family made a simple and warm wedding with few guests. To say the guests, there are only Yang Lan and Xiao Taohong.

I don't know why Yang Dingtian went to Yang Lan's home to see him, and then sent an invitation to Xiaotaohong.

It’s strange to say that when Yang Lan is good, Xiao Taohong is very bad for him. Going to bed is just a routine business. Xiao Taohong is full of enthusiasm for Yang Ding, but she is cold-faced to Yang Lan. From marriage to pregnancy, she did not say a word to him.

However, after Yang Lan became a walking dead, Xiao Taohong took care of him very well, whether it was a beard or a hair, and he was meticulous.

According to Mu Xi, Dunen was once every two days, and their husband and wife had never heard of it.

Although this Yangdingtian wedding was simple, it was completely complete, and Mu Liancheng, who was busy in the day, was also invited.

Yangdingtian and Ningrouer, Mu Yu, worshipped the heavens and the earth, and worshipped Gaotang.

Tomorrow, Yangdingtian will go to the Xuezu who is 100,000 miles away. So after the church, a man, two women and three people were rushed into the cave!

There are two women sitting on the big bed in the cave.

A mature and beautiful, a beautiful body! (To be continued.)

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