Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 634: Wonderful night! Meet the king of the Snow!

Which one to push first?

Both women are extremely mature.

One is a peach, a bite down, a soft, sweet mouthful of juice.

One is a crisp peach, one bite down, crispy.

But the two peaches are all the same sweet as honey!

Otherwise, eat two peaches together!

Yangding Tianzhu went to the bridal heads of the two brides.

The faces of the two women, like steamed by alcohol, are blushing and delicate.

A gentle and gorgeous, a sizzling pretty.

Two delicate bodies, a plump feminine, a bodybuilding beauty.

Yangding Tian touched the face of Ningrouer and smiled: "Sister Ruoer, have you not always dismissed Xiaoning Ning?" Then we will regenerate today."

Ning Luoer was more popular with Yang Dingtian's words. She really thought about this day, but when this day came, she felt extremely shy.

She is also the first time to get married.

Yang Dingtian gently pinched her chin, printed her bright red soft lips, gently sucking, suddenly her red lips are like jelly, to melt in the mouth.

Then, Yang Dingtian drilled his tongue into her sandal mouth, gently stirred and gently sucked. Getting harder and harder, then sucking together.

In the left hand, touch the waist of Ningrou, and the right hand touches the waist of Mu'er from the back.

The waist of the left hand is rich and soft, soft and boneless. The waist at the right hand is smooth and elastic, compact and powerful.

The two hands went down along the waistline, which is the same exaggerated abundance. However, it is still the left hand is fat and soft, and the left hand is elastic.

Still, eat two peaches together!

Yangdingtian gently puts the belt together and pushes the soft and tender Ningrouer directly onto the couch. The whole body was covered.

Behind, Mu Xi's hot body and body, also attached to the back of Yang Dingtian, pressed up.

Then, the three people clung together and frantically released the wild and fiery atmosphere!

(Harmony era. Can only be written here!)


After two hours!

Ningrouer's delicate body is in the Yangding Tianhuai, softly said: "Well, Xiaotian, you go to accompany the flames, Jiaojiao, and you! They, for a long time, no..."

In the following words, Ning Luoer could not find a proper word to say.

There are too many things in this period, and Yangdingtian is busy to the extreme. Within two or three months, I probably only ate two meals with the flames and Jiaojiao. As for the evening, I have never been together.

Ning Luoer can't use this word, but I am embarrassed to sleep!

"Sure enough, it is a good sister who is gentle and wise, she is full, and she cares about others." Yang Dingtian smiled.

"I have a small amount of food and it is easy to eat." Ning Rou greasyly said: "I don't want Mu Hao, I will eat it for the first time!"

Mu Hao is up and down. There is only one word up to the toes. Sore. Every bone is covered, and every rib is sore. After hearing Ningrouer's words, she had to raise her palms and take Ning Luoer's ass. As a result, her hands were lifted and she was unable to fall down.

Perhaps because of the negative gas, Mu Hao did not care about himself for the first time. Hard to compete with Yang Tiantian.

Ning Luoer is as she said, the body is extremely sensitive, so the amount of food is small, and it is easy to eat. However, recovery is also fast. So it is suitable for eating small meals.

And Mu Zhen is just the opposite, whether it is deliberately negative or temperament. In short, very wild.

Of course, her knowledge is all from Xiaotaohong.

She always remembers the words she said, and she wants Yang Dingtian to understand that she is the best woman. Therefore, I was very desperately trying to achieve my own particularity.

It seems that although she often scorns the paradox of Xiaotao, she is still brainwashed by the woman.

Therefore, I have just suffered most of the firepower of Yangdingtian. Even if it is the first time, it will not fall, and I want to fight.

Looked fierce, but after the peak, the whole body became mud, and neither strength nor strength.

"French, you still go to the flames of them..." Ningrou continued.

"No, let's come by ourselves." Outside, suddenly the voice of Mu Yi sounded.

Before an hour ago, she was already there, and I didn’t know how long it was.

Then, Mu Hao quickly ran out and pulled the flames and Jiao Jiao out of the bed.

"So, is this okay?"

"What's wrong, your wolf husband, dreaming about it." Mu said.

Then, she ran in like a big white sheep, climbed directly into the bed, and squeezed into the arms of Yangdingtian.

I kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian, and it was only a quarter of an hour before I let go, and then trembled: "Yes, I can starve to death, kill me!"

Then, just turn over!


The next morning, Yangdingtian reluctantly left the warm and aromatic bed.

Last night, he really spent the most absurd and sweetest night in history.

Of course, he only slept for two hours.

On the big couch, several women slept sweetly.

Yang Dingtian came to the outside and suddenly saw the hot bath soup, which was prepared with red sleeves. After she took a shower herself, the red sleeves went up to help her wear a shirt.

Yang Dingtian leaned down and kissed each one.

Then, go to bid farewell to the teacher.

Because the baby got up early, so the teacher started early, holding the baby to see the fish.

Yang Dingtian took the baby and kissed him on his little face, then asked: "What about the master?"

Shi Niang said: "The sky is not bright, it is set off, and the affairs of Tianqi College are very busy."

Yang Dingtian saw that the mother-in-law was filled with the happiness of incomparable happiness from the inside out. It seems that the return of the master has brought her great fortune.

"Sister, sister..." After the baby was in Yangdingtianhuai for a while, he wriggled uncomfortably and went to find his sister to play.

Shi Niang took over the baby and said softly: "My sister is still sleeping. When she wakes up, let's go find her. Ok?"

"Sister, sister..." The baby pointed to the other side, Xiaoning's residence.

"Miss Sister has already gone out for morning exercise. Let's go find her to play at noon, okay?" Shi Niang said: "Are we playing with rats?"

The teacher’s voice just fell, and the golden squirrel ran out. Smile charmingly.

"No, look for a snake snake to play..." The baby pointed at the tree hole in the distance.

Suddenly, the big green snake inside, fled quickly, and turned into the grass in a blink of an eye to escape without a trace.

Play with the baby, although there are snacks to eat, but the baby will bite. After being bitten by his little deciduous teeth, the suede was not good.

"Shi Niang, then I went." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well. You are so far away from the Xue family, is it for your master, or Qincheng, go together?" asked the teacher.

"I will go with you, there will be no danger." Yangding Tiandao.

"Then you are careful on the road."

Yangdingtian gently connected the baby and the maiden, took a moment, then left.

Shi Niang’s eyes are a bit hot, and she is reluctant to leave. But the baby is small and has no conscience. I didn’t care about my father’s going out, but still pointed to the tree hole and shouted: “Snake snake. Snake snake...”

The Daqing snake did not dare to move in the grass, fearing to be discovered.

However, the golden squirrel ran over the dog's legs, grabbed its tail, and took him out.

This big green snake is a six-piece monster. The power of grasping the ground is more than a few kilograms.

The golden squirrel is able to pull it out.

Then, this big green snake with thick thighs was painfully taken by the baby and swimming around.

It is completely crying without tears. I am a snake, not a horse.


When Yangdingtian walked to Yunxiao Castle.

Xiao Ningning also has hundreds of children under the age of ten, who are running in a steep mountain. These children are all enlighteners and are on the rise.

The little girl’s eyes were sharp and no one else found out. She only found Yang Dingtian.

"Dad..." She didn't leave the team, but she shouted sweetly away from the sun, but she didn't call out her voice, just shouting.

Then, under the leadership of the instructor, the children are still standing in a neat team, running on the steep peaks.


Yangding Tianhe, riding two konjac south!

The konjac flew across the entire northwestern continent and flew over thousands of miles to reach the southwestern continent.

It has been nearly two years since Yangdingtian left the southwestern mainland. It has been more than half a year since the Bright Parliament developed the southwestern continent.

Now the entire southwestern continent has changed dramatically.

The three major cities of the entire southwestern continent have also taken shape.

But the more obvious change is that there are significantly more people in the Southwest.

Only three million were registered before. After the land policy of the Bright Parliament came out, countless people were drilled from the dense woods and came down from the mountains. More than a million years ago, more than a million. Now more than a month has passed, and the population of the southwestern continent is still growing rapidly.

The entire southwestern continent is about seven million square kilometers, and there are few mountains and flats. However, the geographical environment is more than the northwestern continent. It has not suffered much damage. It is full of trees and lakes and rivers, which is very suitable for living.

The most obvious change is that a village or even a market town is like a spring mushroom that appears on the southwestern continent.

In the former southwestern mainland, running a hundred or two miles, you may not see a house. Today, there are houses everywhere, and there are smoke everywhere.

There are countless fields that have already been opened up. If the land is not enough, the terraces will be opened.

Even the first wave of crops has been around for a while.

Therefore, the entire southwestern continent is full of vitality.

During the time, the heart of Yangding is filled with happiness and satisfaction.

If there is no bright council, the thousands of people below still live in the mountains and live a life of savages.

Because the southwestern continent was full of brutal castle forces, madly arresting the population of the mountains and becoming the lowest slave. Today, the evil forces of the southwestern continent have been killed.

Hundreds of thousands of line army, nearly one million second-line legion, instantly restored the absolute order of the southwestern continent.

Therefore, the southwestern continent has become more and more a paradise.

However, it is still very difficult to protect the fruits of this victory, because once the devil is resurrected. It means the opening of the World War, and the World Corps will destroy everything in the world like **** worms.

Yangdingtian continued to fly south and flew to the end of the southwestern mainland of six thousand miles.

Below, it is the location of Mujiawu. It is the home of Mu Liancheng and Mu'er, and Yang Dingtian has stayed here for a while.

but. Nowadays, the shadow of Mujiawu is completely invisible. A brand new city has stood on the seashore.

The city was later renamed and turned into a southwestern city!

The construction of this city has been worse than the past six months, and the entire construction has not yet been completed.

There are still hundreds of thousands of people who are working hard.

Nearly 200,000 troops are stationed around the city. future. In the southwestern coastal area, there will be a 300,000-line army station, which will have the second largest port in Xizhou.

Because, from here to the city, Yuntiange, and even to Dazhongzhou, are the most recent, completely straight.

future. It will also become the headquarters of the Southwest Fleet, with a focus on the Nethersea!

Overlooking it. A huge city with dozens of miles, and countless people, as well as countless troops, are neatly training.

It’s a spectacular and warm scene.

Yangdingtian did not land to interrupt this picture, but continued to south and south. southward!

A few thousand miles later, Yangdingtian saw a familiar golden beach.

Under this sea area, it is the Netherland.

The world's most powerful, most mysterious, most transcendental force.

only. At this time, the beach and the sea are still quiet.

Yangdingtian still did not land, continue south, south!

On the road, it is the sea, and occasionally there is a desert island.

Ten thousand miles.

20,000 miles.

Three thousand miles.

40,000 miles!

At this time, it is nearly 60,000 miles away from Yunxiao City.

In front, it is still an endless ocean.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian emerged an impulse, going south, south and south. See if there is any end in this world?

The land of the extreme south is more than 80,000 miles from Dazhongzhou, and is regarded as the southern end of the Chaos continent. Yunzhou in the East is regarded as the end of the east side of the chaotic world. Ice and snow, is regarded as the end of the northern side of the chaotic world, taboo the western part of the west of the mainland is thought to be the end of the chaotic world to the west.

However, no one in this world has ever seen the end of the real world. There is also no such thing as going all the way back to the origin.

However, the chaotic world should eventually be endless, so where is the end?


Going south!

After four days and four grandfathers, it was already more than 80,000 miles away from Yunxiao City.

Yangdingtian continued to go south for eight thousand miles.

Here, it is still the endless sea.

Then, Yangdingtian turned and turned to the east.

After flying over 10,000 miles, the situation in the sea changed dramatically.

The sky here is no longer blue, but completely dark.

The sea here is no longer blue, but dark.

The sea here is no longer calm, there are soaring waves everywhere, there are whirlpools everywhere, and lightning is everywhere.

At the entrance, there were lightning and thunder everywhere, and there was heavy downpour everywhere.

Occasionally, there is a huge Kraken, swimming like an island.

The entire southern continent is surrounded by such extremely dangerous and terrible waters, so no one except the Ning people can find a safe route. Even the air routes are extremely dangerous.

However, the beggars around him are obviously excited, and they want to jump into the sea several times.

Because, here is its home! Here, the Wanli Sea, it is the absolute hegemon!

Yangding Tianchao said: "After waiting for a while, let you go home, okay?"

Suddenly nodded hard.

The enchanting sun of Yangdingtian, flying above 10,000 meters, avoiding the waves and whirlpools of the sky, avoiding the amazing lightning and sea beasts.

It flew another ten thousand miles.

The sea here is beginning to quiet down.

Then, more and more icebergs float on the surface of the sea.

When it comes to the back, the entire sea surface has gradually solidified.

At the end of the day, there is no sea, there are ice everywhere, and there are ice and snow everywhere.

Here, it is another piece of ice and snow.

On the north side, there is a snow and ice, and on the south side, there is also a snow and ice.

There are about 130,000 miles between the two ice and snow.

There are the South Pole and the North Pole on the Earth, the north and south ends of the Earth, and the distance from the South Pole to the North Pole, about 40,000 miles.

After entering the ice and snow, there is only one color in the whole world, that is, white, where it is, everywhere is ice and snow, boundless.

Yangdingtian is very enjoyable, because when he came to this world, everything that went into the destination was ice and snow, so he felt very kind.

And hey, obviously, feels uneasy and starts to feel arrogant.

Continue to go deep along the ice and snow, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and getting lower and lower.

Probably, it is already a few dozen degrees.

Yangding Tianhe does not feel cold.

However, another konjac feels very difficult. Yangdingtian had to give them a red-hot remedy.

After flying for another four thousand miles, I suddenly saw a snowy mountain.

Incomparably huge snow-capped mountains, almost every one is above 10,000 meters. Countless snow-capped mountains are undulating and spectacular.

After flying two thousand miles in the depths of the Snowy Mountains.


The sun shone violently.

An incomparably beautiful, incomparably beautiful scenery, instantly imprinted into the eyes of Yangdingtian!

Yangdingtian has seen the headquarters of many forces, gorgeous, bizarre, mysterious, and spectacular far beyond the imagination of the Earth era.

However, after seeing the scenery in front of him, Yangdingtian did not hesitate to list it as the most beautiful city in the world.

Ning Cheng, made of gold, is full of golden colors and the snow city in front of it is a city built of blue ice.

Among the mountains, there is a huge city of blue ice!

Tens of miles, huge and magnificent walls, magnificent and magnificent castles, any inch, are made of blue ice.

Yangdingtian has never seen such a gorgeous city.

Even the ignorance of the brain is scared by this beauty.

At this time, dozens of snow-white shadows slammed out of the ice city.

"Who is here? Why are you arrogant about my snowy territory?"

Yangding Tianda: "The Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Lord of the Bright Parliament, the main sun of the city of Yunxiao, come to visit, the king of the Xue!"


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! (To be continued.)

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