Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 635: Big belly, Wu Mo weaving! Meet the family! (

After entering Syracuse, Yangdingtian finally understood.

It turns out that every Xue people grow very beautiful, regardless of gender. Everyone here has a big, deep eyes. Every skin here is white as snow.

For the Xue family, Yangdingtian originally had a concept, like the Eskimos, living in the cave of the Snowy Mountain, or in the wooden house, wrapped in thick animal skin.

It seems that this is completely wrong now, they also have a gorgeous city and a gorgeous life.

And Yang Dingtian still has a misunderstanding. He thinks that the number of Xue people is very small, and at best it is thousands of people.

However, after entering the Wangcheng of the Xuezu, the people on the streets of the ice can not be said to be on the shoulders, but they are no longer a minority. There are at least a hundred and twenty thousand people living in this huge city.

After entering the city, Yangdingtian almost entered the ocean of handsome men and women.

Everyone who can see the eyes, the male is handsome and beautiful, and the woman is gorgeous.

Moreover, all the colors are exotic.

On a single woman, the woman's skin is more white than the whitest white on earth, and it is even more delicate.

The eyes are more fascinating than the Persians.

The body is more enchanting than the Eastern European women.

The woman here is very interesting to dress up.

In the outside world, the snow women are wrapped tightly and tightly. Here, every woman shows a beautiful face.

It seems that it is not important for the beauty of the Xue women to be seen by their own people, but they must not be seen by men in the outside world.

Moreover, the Xue people are absolutely not married to the outside, except for the Princess of the Royal Family, so there is a marriage between Wu Mozhi and Ning.

Here woman. Despite being in the environment of a few dozen degrees, everyone is dressed very thin, try to show off the curves of their own demon. Moreover, the charming little waist is also exposed in the air, and a gem is inlaid in the belly button.

Said that they are dressed cool. The collars of every woman's clothes are expensive monsters and fluff. It is not so much to keep warm, it is better to say that it is for decoration.

People in the outside world are afraid that anyone who comes in will be blinded.

After entering the city, Yangdingtian became the first ugly man without any dispute. Of course, no matter where you are, you are the first ugly woman.

Moreover, Yangdingtian has received the attention of everyone without exception. Especially these women on the street, looking at Yangdingtian, pointing to Yangdingtian whispered: "Look, you see, that man, so ugly..."

"Yeah, yeah... I have never seen such an ugly man!"

"Look, come see. There is a very ugly and ugly man!"

Then, more and more women came to watch the sun.

Every one outside the world. They are all beautiful people who have nothing in the world.

Yangding Tiantian wants to cry without tears, whether it is on the earth or in the chaotic mainland, although he is not very handsome, but it is definitely not ugly, it is still a little handsome. Nowadays, it has turned into an absolutely ugly man who is onlookers.

It’s not easy. After walking the streets of a dozen miles, I came to the palace of the Xue people.


The reception of Yangdingtian is not the king of the Xue family, but the third hand of the Xue family, the owner of the king city. Siri Moore! He also came from the royal family, the younger brother of the king of the Xue family.

This is also a handsome man who wants to commit suicide. He is already in his fifties and looks like he is at least thirty years old.

Moreover, when he stood, he was completely arrogant like a javelin.

"Fortunately, Lord Yangdingtian." Siri Moore bent over and ceremonial.

In the end, Yang Dingtian is now considered to be the most distinguished person in the Chaos continent, and Siri Moore’s attitude is very reserved, even with a little high. I don't know why, the people of the Xue people face the people outside, always with a sense of arrogance and superiority.

Yang Dingtian understands why Wu Mozhi is so high in the Ning nationality. Why did Wu Mozhi always look down on Ning Yu, and she was really married.

"Fortunately, Lord Moore." Yangding Tiandao: "Excuse me, can the king of the Xuezu have time to see me?"

Siri Moore smiled and said: "Sorry, our king is seeing another distinguished guest."

Yangding Tiandeng’s eyes jumped, and another guest, who was actually the king of the Xuezu, personally received it. Doesn’t that mean that the status is higher than Yangdingtian?

Although Yangdingtian does not care about status, in the current chaotic world, is there anyone who is higher than Yangdingtian?

In addition to the innocent, innocent, empty, zero, and ask a few people, such as the identity of anyone today, at most, it is juxtaposed with Yangdingtian.

Now, the king of the Xue family personally entertains another guest, and let the third hand of the Xue family entertain themselves, and the second hand does not come out.

Doesn't that mean that the status of Yangdingtian and the guest is quite different?

"So, I want to see Wu Mozhi." Yangding Tiandao.

"What do you see when I see my niece dance princess?" asked Siri Moore.

"Tining no sound to send a few gifts." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Siri Moore’s gaze narrowed and said: “Well, please come with me. But will the dancers see you, I can’t guarantee it!”

Then, Siri Moore left the palace with Yangdingtian, and after a hundred turns, he came to a courtyard.

The fence of this courtyard is still thick ice, after opening the door.

Suddenly, a warm breath came over.

Inside this yard, it is completely different from the world. There are green grasses, safflowers, and flowing water.

In the vast mountains, the courtyard of Shi Niang is a warm little peach.

Now, the courtyard of Wu Mozhi is more beautiful and more precious in this snow and ice.

If the mother's little Taoyuan is east in the earth, and Wumo's courtyard is in the west.

Large tracts of lawn, neatly trimmed ornamental groves and gardens, and a creamy little castle.

Wu Mozhi, as the princess of the Xue family, lives here.

At this time inside the yard. There are dozens of beautiful maids busy, some repairing the lawn, and some repairing the flowers. Some are cleaning the white jade ground, and some are cleaning the sculpture.

The most beautiful women in the room, Yang Dingtian is very familiar. Because, they have had a happy night with Yangdingtian. Wu Mozhi this woman is too crazy. In the night of the cave, I put my own maids on the bed.

Not yet entering the yard, immediately a blonde beauty came forward, wearing a silver dress, softly said: "What is the Lord of the City?"

"This is Yunyang City Yangdingtian, come to worship the Princess of the Princess." Siri. Moore Road.

"Yes, I know." The blonde beauty was red, and she quickly glanced at the top of the sun, and then said: "I am going with the Lord Yang Dingtian. You are free."

Siri Moore left directly, and he did not step into the Wumo weaving yard.

"Yangdingtian, please, please." The blonde beauty softly, then leads the way.

This woman is very tall, no less than Yangdingtian. Wearing a silver silk dress, the whole body looks more bumpy and convex.

Long blond hair, white skin. The blue eyes look like Snow White.

She walked in front of her. The curve of the waist and hips, swaying and posing, is unparalleled.

She is a female housekeeper Niya of Wu Mozhi, and she is also a woman who once had a happy birthday with Yang Dingtian.

Walking, Niya's face gradually became red, crystal clear earlobe. Also red is necessary to drop blood.

Obviously, she also knows that the so-called Ning Yu is a fake man, and this man is the only man in her life.

"Niya, your princess, how are you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes. Okay." Niya said: "You see her, when she tells you? I, I can't say good."

"How are you? When you left Ningcheng, is it still smooth?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"We are fine, thank you." Niya softly.

Soon, the beautiful maids of this yard recognized the Yangdingtian, some women looked at the shy eyes, and some women secretly pointed.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was even more stressed than being surrounded by countless beautiful women. The girl here is a little more beautiful than the beauty on the street.

Entering this milky white castle, Niya walked a few steps behind and walked side by side with Yangdingtian.

"You, are you okay? I heard that you have had a lot of trouble some time ago." Niya asked softly.

For Niya, for the difference between Yangdingtian and Ninglang, they only know that Yangdingtian is their only man.

"That trouble has passed, we have completely won the Zhu Qingzhu." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good..." Niya boldly looked at the sun and looked at it with a shy and bold affection.

"Today, the Xue family has guests. Do you know who it is?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"It should be Wu Ningming and his wife, maybe it will be bad for you, you have to be careful." Niya said.

"It doesn't matter." Yangding Tiandao.

"Go here." Niya took Yangdingtian to the stairway: "The princess's room, on the highest castle."

Then, Niya looked forward: "You, how long are you going to stay this time?"

"Maybe, it won't stay for a long time." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh..." Niya was a little disappointed.


Coming to the top floor, at the end of the soft carpet, it is a magnificent golden door.

Niya came to the door with Yangdingtian.

At this time, there is a familiar voice inside, it is a coffin!

"Sister, your stomach is really big, and it is sharp, and you will definitely have a boy in the future." Ling said.

"Should be, anyway, very naughty, every time I kicked my stomach, it hurts a bit." Wu Mo Weaving, the sound used is actually gentle.

"That just happened. After he was born, it was the common owner of the Xue and Ning people." Ling Yu said: "Right, dance sister, after your baby was born, my husband and I recognized him as a son, okay? ”

Suddenly, Yangdingtian’s face suddenly chilled.

Let my son recognize Wu Youming as a righteous father and dream!

Wu Mozhi also fell into silence!

"Hey, you shouldn't be reluctant." Lingbi said with a spoiler: "I can't be big, I have a baby after I have been married, and I also worship you as a mother, isn't it?"

"That's good..." Wu Mo smirked.

"That's it." Lingbi said: "In the future, this baby will be born, it is the husband and my son."

Wu Mo smirked and smiled. Did not speak.

"Sister, there is something to tell you, Ning Wuming is dead, and was killed by Yangding." Ling Yudao.

"Yeah." Wu Mo Weaving.

"Sister, Ning Wuming should be the person who loves you the most in the world." Lingbi said.

"No, the man who loves me the most. It is Ning Yu." Wu Mo woven cold road: "Ning Wuming, he tried to murder my husband, he should die if he died."

"Well, then we don't say these things." Lingbi said: "For the sister, now the list of all the lurkers in Zhongzhou, and the evil spirits cultivated, are in the control of Ning Wuming. Now he is dead. So, where do you know where the list is?"

Yang Dingtian’s eyes are shrinking, and Wu Ningming is sure to come to the big list of demon stalkers.

"I don't want it, it's my husband." Lingbi said: "You know. I don't care about these things. But my husband said, if this list falls in the hands of Yangdingtian, the people on the list must be killed. It may be tens of thousands of people. Although these people are devils, many of these people have never done evil in their lives. Many people are innocent. If they are all killed, it is too cruel. So my husband wants to think. Get this list, then find out all of them. Then give everyone a mental wash to wash away some of the memory, then put it on a remote island. Let them survive."

"Your husband, you really is unparalleled in benevolence." Wu Mo Weaving said: "But this list is only mastered by Ning Wuming, I don't know. Now that he is dead, no one knows. Just like Xizhou at that time. The list of lurkers is in the hands of Qin Qiqi. Lian Ning does not know."

"Sister, you have to know, this is tens of thousands of people. There are many weak women like us. If you fall in the hands of Yangdingtian, he will kill them in order to fully grasp Zhongzhou. As he did in Xizhou." Lingbi said: "You are saving the lives of countless people."

"I want to save them too." Wu Mo Weaving said: "But, I really don't know."

Lingbi said: "Nan Ning no sound, can you give you a very meaningful gift?"

At this moment, Niya’s face was cold and she went straight to the doorway: “Princess!”

Wu Mo woven cold road: "Niya, haven't I said that? I am talking privately with Mrs. Wu, don't let anyone disturb!"

"There is an important person to come to see you." Niyadao, then directly opened the door.

It seems that Niya is very heavy in front of Wu Mozhi and can be half of the family. There is also one, Niya is very eager to Yangdingtian, directly interrupted the Lingbi want to Wumo to weave things.

After the gold door opens.

The two pairs of eyes in the door looked directly at the top of the sun.

One is a coffin, and the other is Wu Mozhi!

The coffin, first of all, was a bit of a mistake, but the gaze became very complicated. In the end, all her complicated expressions turned into a faint smile, and the sun was shining. "Yangcheng Lord, hello!"

"Ling, hello." Yangding Tiandao.

Lingbi said: "There is no congratulation, the Yangcheng Lord once again won the victory, using the strategy, let Ning Wuming and Zhu Qingzhu kill each other, and then you take advantage of the fishermen. Now, the whole Zhongzhou is in your hand, here I Congratulations to you."

The words of the coffin are very yin, and the irony of Yang Dingtian is unable to defeat the Zhu Qingzhu. He can only use the intrigue and tricks, so that Zhu Qingzhu and Ning Wuming will kill each other.

"However, the Yangcheng Lord I have known before is not upright and selfless? It is not going to use conspiracy. Is it that you hide too deep, or is my eyes too stupid?"

After all, the singer looked at Wu Mo’s gaze and said: “Dancing sister, we are women, when faced with men, we must brighten our eyes.”

After all, the spirits grow away.

Yang Dingtian did not pay attention to her, but just fell on the face of Wu Mozhi.

Wu Mozhi's face is slightly richer, but it feels more beautiful, and the glamorous light is like a release of light.

At the moment of seeing Yangdingtian, her beauty first shrank and then quickly dispersed. Then, her hands instinctively touched her belly.

Today, Wu Mo weaving has two places, which have become particularly towering.

The first place is her crisp chest! Originally, she was shocked by the peaks. Now, after she is pregnant, she is amazing.

There is another place, of course, her belly.

The stomach is really big, bigger than Qin Qiqi. Yang Dingtian even suspected that there were twins inside.

Then, two people fell silent and no one spoke!

Yang Dingtian spoke up and said: "You have a big stomach, is there two baby inside?"

“Yeah!” Wumo Weaving said: “Because sometimes there are four little feet playing.”

Yangding Tiandeng was caught in a surprise, did not expect a shot, and is a twin.

"That is very hard, it has been more than seven months now, and there is still more than a month, it will be born." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, it is very hard and very happy." Wu Mo Weaving said: "However, this has anything to do with your lord Yang Dingtian?"

Yangding’s face is full of smiles. This is his baby. Of course, it’s related. He is of course happy.

"This, this child is..." Yang Dingtian was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"This child is my husband and gentleman, what can you have?" Wu Mo Weaving.

Yang Ding Tianyi, seeing her serious appearance, suddenly did not know if her attitude is true or false.

"Right, Lord Yang Dingtian, what are you coming here?" Wu Mozhi asked.

"One is to see you ~ ~ there are children. Another one is to give you things for Ning Wuming." Yangding Tiandao.

"What?" Wu Mo Weaving.

Yangdingtian will take out the magical foggy clothes and the magical black armor.

"Is it finished?" asked Wu Mozhi.

"Get it done!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yeah." Wu Mo woven the cake in his hand, then turned to the wall to pull out a sword, and then came to the sun.

"Mo Zhi, you, what do you do?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Kill you!" Wu Mo woven a big belly, raised the sword, chopped in the sun.

"Bastard, pretending to be my husband, tainted innocence, I killed you!"

Yangding Tiandun was so frightened that the soul of this woman was so big, holding a sword to see herself, what if she hurt her child? (To be continued.)

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