Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 640: trampling the inner heart of Ling Dance! The battle is open!

The relevant suspects in Zhongjing were kept in the castles, and Ling Dance was locked in one of them.

However, considering the particularity of her identity, she was alone in a room.

Yangdingtian pushed in and the Ling Dance still stood on the window, so Yangdingtian only saw her back.

"Wu Ning Ming let you tell me what?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I haven't congratulated you on getting the entire Zhongzhou. I just fled to Zhongzhou, and Zhongzhou will be yours." Ling Wudao.

"Stop!" Yang Dingtian face wrinkled: "Stop, no arrogance is irony, or attack, please stop! Directly open the door and say, Wu Ningming let you tell me what?"

Ling Wu turned and said: "How? Fear of facing my words, because she stabbed your heart?"

"No, I am afraid of your stupidity, and I am powerless to do it." Yangding Tiandao: "I am not good at words, knowing that others are stupid, but I can’t say why!"

Ling Dance’s face twitched and smiled. “Now, will you attack with words? It’s just ridiculous, it’s just a child-like smashing and smashing attack! I’m stupid, tell me the truth!”

"I really want to save your thinking, but I am sorry, I am not enough time." Yangding Tiandao: "So, what does Wu Youming tell you?"

"You are afraid of him?" Ling dance laughed.

"Well, some." Yangding Tiandao.

"It turns out that you also know that you are afraid, and you know that someone is far better than you." Ling dance.

"It is a good thing to know that you are afraid. People who don't know what they fear are tragedies." Yang Dingtian said faintly: "Are you afraid of something?"

"I am not afraid." Ling Wu said: "Because the inner justice is strong, master the truth, so fearless!"

"You are really not afraid? If someone wants to kill your father, you are not afraid?" Yangding Tiandao.

"You are threatening me?" Ling Dance said coldly: "But I am still saying that. Regardless of the means, you will not let me surrender! Even if I use my father to threaten me."

"Threatening you? What threatens you? Do you have any threatening value?" Yangding Tiandao: "The truth is cruel, but I still want to tell you that your only value is perhaps the special one for you and me. Relationship. If I care about you, your value is there. If I don't care about you, then you are worthless. So no one will threaten you, even if there is, someone else will take you to threaten me!"

"Shut up, you are a arrogant thing, what do you think you are? My value, but also attached to you? I am an independent and noble person, I have nothing to do with you." Ling dance loudly: "What means, even if it is made out. What is imprisoned? I am different from you, you have ghosts in your heart, you are afraid of Wu Youming, my heart is righteous, I am not afraid of anyone!"

"You said, you are not afraid that even your father may be killed, then you are really fearless. Because you are stubborn for your heart. Pride or truth. You can not care about everything. Including your father's life. Yang Dingtian said: "But I care, there are too many people I care about. My wife, my children, my comrades, my brother, my master, my sister, etc., many A lot! These people are my love, but also my weakness. I am all flawed, and Wu Ningming has no flaws for the time being. I... of course I will be afraid of him!"

"Ling dance, I am not good at words, so I rarely talk to people. Basically, unless I am very sure that it is correct, I will say it. Then today, I will tell you a sentence, only one sentence! "Yangding Tiandao: "I don't know if I am afraid, either an extremely self-conscious person or a stupid person!"

Ling dances and trembles, his face is white!

"Do you have a reaction?" Yang Dingtian saw the reaction of Ling Wu and said: "So good, I will tell you the second sentence. You keep saying that the heart is strong and righteous, and there is truth in the heart. If it is specific to something. Your truth should be. You are justice, I am evil. Everything I do is to usurp the power of the whole world. I don’t distinguish it from you! I only ask you, before you like to wear compact Grinding coarse cloth, do not like to wear luxurious brocade clothes, why do you like to wear expensive and gentle jewellery? Now you are plain, windy, dark, and even rough. Now, your skin is white The blow can be broken! The change is you, not me! Before the simplicity, the wildness is your style, what have you encountered? You can't wait to say goodbye to your past, say goodbye to your simplicity and wildness, and chase one The so-called calm, prosperous, noble, nothing! What have you encountered? Make you feel inferior, so that you can't wait to deny everything you have in the past, let you blindly chase certain things, Packaging of justice and with pride! "

"Ling dance, although I am not good at words! But I still have a pair of eyes to observe, but also a strong soul!" Yang Dingtian faintly said: "Whether for the so-called justice, the so-called pride, but put everything in yourself If you all negate the words, then it means completely lost, nothing! When a person starts to feel inferior, then the distance slips into the darkness, it is not too far!"

Ling Dance sat stiffly in his position, pale face, no words!

"Well, my wisdom is average, so I can only say so much." Yangding Tiandao: "Tell me the words of Wu Ningming, let me know!"

Ling Dance at this time, seemingly helpless, weak! Her heart, as if the naked land was torn open, and then **** exposed in front of her eyes. The shame and hurtiness that seemed to be in front of countless people, was stunned by the shame and hurtiness of the clothes.

Then she quickly closed her eyes, clasped her hands, and wanted to find some strength to support herself!

She began to take a deep breath and began to calm herself down.

Yang Dingtian knows that this is a kind of thought isolation! Thoroughly isolate your spirit, body and outside, and avoid any harm to yourself, including the truth.

Soon, Ling dance quietly, his eyes completely restored the tranquility, looking at Yangdingtian faintly said: "Yangdingtian, your words are very sharp, it seems that you have great means. Of course, if you do not have this means. I can't be tempted to Zhu Hongyu, Qin Huaiyu, Song Chunhua and others to be born and died for you. Someone told me before that your brainwashing skills are very powerful. I still don't believe it. Now I completely believe it! But you can rest assured that I don't reject the truth and the truth. What you said I will think carefully!"

"No, you won't think about me. You will only try your best to use any theory to deny my words and prove your own right!" Yangding Tiandao: "But sorry, I can do it." It’s the only way! I’m too busy, I’m too late to take care of your heart!”

"No." Ling Dance said: "I am an objective person. It is also a brave person. I can look directly at my own shortcomings. I will think about your words in a practical way. You don't have to be yourself!"

"Well, you can't go out for a while, you have a lot of time to think about it here." Yangding Tiandao: "Now, tell me the words of Wu Ningming!"

"To see a person, not to see what he said. But to see what he does." Ling Wu said: "You have no ghosts in your heart, what do you imprison me?"

Ling Wu learned that she was imprisoned. Not only is there no anger, but there is a kind of happiness! Because this gives her an ideological weapon, negating the weapon of Yangdingtian! As long as he denies Yang Dingtian, his theory is wrong, then he said his own words. It’s all wrong, she can be strong again.

She said that she would think realistically and think that she would not specifically deny Yangdingtian to prove her correctness. In fact, she has already started!

Yangding Tianyi Xingsheng, said: "Okay. My patience is gone, tell me the words of Wu Ningming!"

Ling Wu stood up and stood facing Yang Dingtian, as if to pursue an imposing manner, a momentum that is not weak.

Then, she said in a Chaoyang Tiantian: "He told me to tell you, don't hold the Tiandao League! Don't let your ambitions destroy you!"

"Just this sentence?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" Ling dance.

"I know, the previous sentence is for me. The latter sentence is what I said to you." Yang Dingtian turned and walked out: "If it is not unexpected, this sentence should be just a preparation, he will find My. Next time, he should not let you tell me!"

"You don't have to know him very well, you are totally different." Ling dance.

"You are right in this sentence, but the connotation may be reversed." Yangding Tiandao.

After all, Yang Dingtian went straight out and ignored it!


"Lord, or else I will talk to her?" Yunjun slave whispered: "I dedication, it should be more effective!"

"No, we are very busy!" Yangding Tiandao!

"But, shouldn't we save anyone?" Yunjun slave.

Yangdingtian turned to Yunjun slaves: "Jun slave, maybe in your heart, I am a leader, a fair and selfless person, a person like a god! But I am not, I am just a mortal, I also have myself Disgust! When I encounter a disgusting thing, I won't hurt it, but I will try to avoid her, know? Just like you, I used you, but I didn't think about saving you! The damage saved you, awakened you, not me, understand!"

Yun Jun slave trembled, whispered: "I know!"

"So, the fate of Ling Wu, let her grasp. Who hurts her, let who save her soul. Even this kind of saving is the most complete injury! She is either awakened in the injury, or died in the injury! "Yangding Tian cold road: "I only love the person I love, only care about the people I care about! I save most, very few, I may not even care! Just like this, ignore her!"

The face of Yunjun’s beautiful beauty shivered slightly.

"I know, the sovereign!" Yunjun slave said: "Someone, want to hurt you with the things you care about! Someone, take everything you want as a weapon to attack you! Ling dance is one, and the coffin is also one! He wants to defeat you mentally and mentally! He wants to create a feeling, in the deepest part of the spiritual world, he makes you defeated!"

"Yes, that's it!" Yangding Tiandao: "However, I would like to thank him. He did this, but revealed his paintings!"

"His hypocrisy and shamelessness, haven't you already known it?" Yunjun slave said: "Now, I know."

"No, I said the painting skin refers to his purpose." Yangding Tiandao: "I once asked him, what exactly did he want? I am very concerned about this question! Now, I seem to get the answer!"

"What answer!" Yunjun slave.

"I am not very sure yet. When I am sure, I will tell you." Yangding Tiandao, then he walked away directly.

Yunjun slave stood in the same place, whispered: "The lord, your weakness, let me feel real! This kind of truth will make me more loyal and more heart-breaking!"

There is a truth in this world!

Anything that is beautiful again and then smashed, as long as it is not true, means darkness!


Return to the Beijing-Beijing headquarters!

Yang Dingtian clearly knows that his battle with Wu Youming has begun!

This battle will involve a wide and wide range of spiritual, ideological, real, political, martial, and so on!

Wu Youming said that Ling Ling would tell the sentence, don't hold the Tiandao League Conference, and don't let the ambitions engulf yourself. This sentence, even Wu Nym will be dismissive, this is just a signal to fight!

Today, the entire Dazhongzhou 90,000, more than one billion people, millions of troops! It is the battlefield of Yangdingtian and Wu Youming!

If not guessed wrong!

This first battle, perhaps no smoke!

Because, Wu Ningming has not torn the face, only after tearing the face, will there be real smoke and blood!

Before tearing the face, Yang Dingtian dealt with Wu Ning, just grab a point!

What is the purpose of Wu Ningming? What does he want?

Before going to see Ling Dance, his mind was confused, but at this time, it was already clear!


Yangdingtian stood in front of the map and looked at the point in the center of the map. It was the hall of Tiandaomeng, and the heart gradually became clearer!

At this point, Qin Huaiyu suddenly rushed in and said: "The sovereign, South Central State suddenly broke out a large-scale plague ~ ~ death over 10,000!"

Then, Qin Wanqiu came in and said: "Begin, they started!"

Zhuo Qing said: "I immediately went to South Central China and immediately wiped out their actions in the bud!"

Yangding Tiandao: "No, you don't have to go. With the usual method, the blockade is! Don't be disturbed by the rhythm, this is just a smoke bomb!"

Everyone suddenly got a glimpse!

Zhuo Qing said: "Then, where is our focus?"

"Zhongjing, especially the Heavenly Alliance Hall!" Yangding Tiandao: "This battle, as long as you can figure out a little, Wu Ningming wants!"

"So, what does he want?" Qin Wanqiu asked!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! Brothers, at the end of the month, the cakes are begging for monthly tickets, and they are asking for support! Please, please! (To be continued.)

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