Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 641: Meet Wu Ningming! It’s just a bird! The conference opens!

"Maybe, he just wants to toss me!" Yangding Tianqi jokingly said.

Then, Yangding Tianzheng said: "Send a person to Nanzhongzhou to check the situation of the plague! What is the situation of people who know the plague?"

Yang Dingtian took out a few volumes of books from his arms: "There are many types of plagues on the evil demon, and there are ways to cure and prevent them. It is right to fight against the drugs. Don't mess around!"

"Yes! I will go!" Qin Huaiyu said, took the booklet, and the token of the Bright Council!

Then, Qin Huaiyu rode directly to the konjac, and went south to the south of the state with the fastest speed, except for the plague!


Qin Huaiyu’s departure has not been long.

After half an hour, someone quickly reported that there was a serious plague in Beizhongzhou, and more than 100,000 people died directly. The whole North Zhongzhou is full of people!

Yang Dingtian still took out a booklet, which was originally from Qin Qiqi. When she was incarceration, she described most of the plagues of the demon, and painted, and gave the treatment! And Yang Dingtian has copied many copies of this booklet in case of emergency!

At this point, he handed the booklet to Zhu Hongxue, let Zhu Hongxue go to Beizhongzhou to deal with the plague!


And I wish Red Snow not to leave for a long time.

Come back again!

A plague occurred in the quiet island of western Dazhongzhou.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian sent Song Chunhua.

It didn’t take long for Song Chunhua to leave!

A plague occurred on Gale Island in the southern part of Dazhongzhou.

Yang Dingtian sent a paragraph!

Next, the plague of the entire Zhongzhou has come and gone, and it keeps happening!

Later, the plague occurred directly on Dazhongzhou, constantly approaching Zhongjing!

After Duan Yu, Qiu Wan robbery! Then there is Song Wei. Then there is Kwai Ching... and then Qin Wanqiu!

Basically, every time, or two hours, there is a huge plague!

Finally, there is only one Oriental Nirvana left by Yang Dingtian!


"Small day, this is to tune the tiger away from the mountains!" Oriental Nirvana said: "Someone wants to put all your helpers. All turned up!"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter!"

At this time, Yunjun slave quickly came in and looked pale: "The sovereign, Tianbocheng, the plague! It is less than a thousand miles from Zhongjing!"

Yangding Tiandao: "It’s finally here!"

He handed the booklet to the East Nirvana: "Master, this time you probably need you to go!"

"No, you can't have a person around you." The East Nirvana said: "This is his tune away from the mountains!"

"Trust me, not necessarily!" Yangding Tiandao.

"How do you know?" The Eastern Nirvana said: "Know what he wants to do? Then think about it from his perspective! Master. You can save the plague, it doesn't matter! Even those who seem to have died, They can still be saved! Our bright parliament has enough plague substances, especially Xuantianzong, and the materials are more abundant!"

"Sovereign, do you want to transfer the shadowless master from the Yin and Yang dynasty? Do you want to transfer my mother's father from Yuntiange?" Yunjun slave nervous.

"No need!" Yangding Tiandao!


The entire Central Plains range. Ten plagues broke out and countless deaths and injuries.

It was rain and rain. Now it’s lightning thunder!

Black clouds and black clouds, as well as the lightning of the sky, pressed the entire continent to the end, as if the end of the world.

Countless people, like a lamb, are full of fear and uneasiness!

In this atmosphere. The leaders who participated in the Tiandao League Conference still went to Zhongjing one by one!

After all, they are big men, and these plagues can't hurt them. Moreover, this plague attack. They have seen it clearly in the time of wishing the Qing Dynasty. Although they don't know who did it, they probably know what is going on.


A day away from the Tiandao League Conference!

In the middle of the night!

One of the worst and worst news finally came!

North Zhongzhou, Nanzhongzhou, Dongzhou, a total of 19 power leaders, on the way to the Tiandao League meeting, suddenly disappeared!

Just as the Kwais disappeared at the time, they disappeared directly from the world. No one knows what happened, and no one knows where to disappear.

Moreover, these power leaders are the most disrespectful to Yang Dingtian, and repeatedly attacked the attackers. The first Yunxiao City War, the second Zhongzhou War, these power leaders, were once the most determined opponents and attackers of Yangdingtian!

After hearing the bad news, Yun Junnu’s face was completely scared, and the whole body was almost tripped on the seat.

"The Sovereign, they, how can they do this? How can they be despicable to this extent?" Yunjun slaved and said: "Now, now... what should we do?"

"It doesn't matter!" Yangding Tiandao said: "This should be the last wave of attacks, because I am left alone by you. If they want me to send you out, then I am really speechless."

Yunjun slaves trembled and said: "Then, what do we do now? Will they attack the headquarters directly, come... kill you?"

"Kill me?" Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "No! Let's go, let's go and go!"

"Now? No, it is too dangerous for you to go out." Yunjun slave.

"Reassured, no." Yangding Tiandao: "Before Wu Ningming came to me, we are going to meet someone!"

Then, Yangdingtian went out.

Yunjun Nuoton also followed the panic!


At this time, the streets of Zhongjing had been completely martial. In addition to patrolling the warriors, there was no longer a figure. Almost all the people felt an incomparably dangerous atmosphere. They all stayed at home and did not dare to come out.

Yangding Tianxin walked forward and walked forward.

Suddenly, Yunjun slave felt that the route was somewhat familiar.

"Sovereign, we...we are going to see Ling Dance?" Yunjun slave.

"Well, yes!" Yangding Tiandao.

"But, you are not saying that you hate her very much, don't want to see her?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes, but I have to see it!" Yangding Tiandao.


So, Yang Dingtian once again saw Ling Dance, the last time I met. Almost three days have passed.

Seeing Ling Dance again, her weakness has disappeared completely, and she has become gaze again. After seeing Yangdingtian, her eyes lit up and suddenly filled with the light of battle!

"Yangdingtian, you are coming right. I think about those days, about your paradox, I completely figured it out." Ling Wudao.

“Oh?” Yang Dingtian smiled and said: “Listen to listen!”

"You said that I don't like to wear rags. I like to wear white robes. You said that I used to be dark and rough skin. Now it is snowy and white. You said that I was plain and wild, and now I am proud and noble! These are all I forgot. In the past, I betrayed myself. You said that because of inferiority, I completely denied my past. This is a kind of stupidity and depravity." Ling dance sneered: "The good public opinion is almost the deepest point in my heart, let I am so **** that I am so painful!"

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "What do you think now?"

Ling Wu said: "It's very simple, I only ask you! What do we humans look like in very, very ancient times? It is in the primitive society!"

"I know what you have to say." Yangding Tiandao: "But in order not to undermine your sense of accomplishment, you still say it!"

"In the primitive era. We don't wear any clothes on humans, we completely expose our genitals. We are not ashamed! We eat everything, even our own kind, we are not ashamed! Later, we have leaves on board Then there is the bark, then the clothes!" Ling dance sneer. One word and one sentence: "Do you think that this is also a kind of forgetting the past, is this also betraying the self? From the naked body to the skin of the hide, it is an evolution. I wear a rags, to wear a satin. An evolution! Everyone has the power to pursue a higher realm, and I am no exception. And you regard my progressive behavior as a betrayal and a low self-esteem! This is the most ridiculous act! ”

Yangding nodded in the sky, it is a high-pitched paradox! It seems that it is really impeccable.

"A very clever theoretical counterattack, but it is not from your handwriting." Yang Dingtian smiled: "Because, related matters about the primitive society of the chaotic world, it is not a historical fact that you can touch! Someone told you how to refute me. Theory! You are not at such a high level! You should still have a way to wear body news to the outside world."

Ling Dance’s face shook a little and said: “What about it? In short, the remarks that refute you are!”

Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "Do you think it is an evolution from wearing a coarse cloth to wearing a brocade?"

"Of course, everyone loves beauty." Ling dance.

"Yes, Jinyi is better than coarse cloth. Everyone loves beauty. You used to like red, but now you wear white, because you think red is a little gaudy, is it?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, you don't want to find the head, don't shift the topic." Ling dance.

"Okay, let's go back to the topic. Everyone knows that Jinyi is more beautiful than coarse cloth. Why are there so many people wearing coarse cloth?" Yangding Tiandao.

"It's very simple, because the brocade is expensive, so many people can't afford it." Ling Wudao.

"Yes, many people can't afford it, so don't wear it. Then when you wear the coarse cloth, is it because you can't afford the silk satin? At that time, your family was drastically changed, but it is still rich, and it is not what it is. The problem! But the only reason you wear a coarse cloth is because you see it as beautiful, and when you are running a boat, it is a kind of labor, you see it as beautiful. Later, there is a very proud, very illusory Temperament appears in front of you, you begin to feel inferior, start to deny the beauty of labor, the beauty of simplicity. So you don't run the boat, you change to make clothes. When I went to Nakasu with my coffin, I happened to be your ship. Almost all of you stayed in the cabin, did not come out to communicate with the sailors, did not come out to communicate with the passengers, because you have begun to hate, you have begun to deny!" Yangding Tian sneered: "What to say from coarse cloth to brocade, is An evolution. From the wind to the sun, to the skin white is an evolution. Yes, everyone wants to live a better life. But they will not be ashamed of their past labor, Would negate the efforts of their own before. Betrayal is a betrayal, do not pull anything like the evolution! "

"You are nonsense..." Ling Dance stood up fiercely and screamed: "You are nonsense!"

"Okay! I have two things this time. The first one, I assert that you are now, because I have torn your heart, you hate me. So. You will break through your bottom line. You will start to reverse black and white, and will start to refer to the deer as a horse!" Yangding Tiandao.

"You fart, don't tarnish the noble personality, don't filthy my integrity." Ling dance.

"Of course, I believe that you really think so at this time. But when you face a bite, you probably won't be able to stand this temptation, especially when you are used to the name of the righteousness." Heaven: "Well, I don't argue with you, you can see it yourself!"

"Second, then I will completely imprison you into a dungeon without windows, and then you will cut off all contact with the outside." Yang Dingtian took a white jade box from his arms and handed it to Ling. Dance: "This is something for you, you can't open it now. But when I let you go. When you see Wu Ningming again, you can open it. Welcome to open it!"

Then, Yang Dingtian ordered a message: "Pulse the dance into the dungeon, and let her and the outside hull have no news, especially a certain kind of bird!"


Return to the Beijing-Beijing headquarters!

At this point, the sky is already bright!

It’s only a few hours before the Tiandao League Conference.

"Sovereign. Do you not sleep?" Yunjun slave.

"The sky is bright, I will not sleep. Maybe someone will find it soon!" Yangding Tiandao.

"You, how do you know?" Yunjun slave.

Yangdingtian smiled slightly.

After half an hour, report outside!

"The Sovereign, Wu Youming asks!" Zhao Mudao.

Cloud Jun slaves a glimpse.

"Well, I will go see you!" Yangding Tiandao.


In the early morning streets, in addition to the eyes of the surveillance. Quiet!

Yangdingtian and Wu Youxiao walk slowly and walk side by side!

"Wu Ningming, tell you, what do you want?" Yangding Tiandao.

Wu Youming said: "Yangdingtian, you thought you won the Zhongzhou. Your identity is so high that you can walk with me, you can ask me this question, right?"

Yangding Tian smiled.

"Sorry, I still can't answer, because your vision is too narrow, the place you are standing is too low, you are still too small." Wu Ning!

"Oh! Then why are you coming to see me? Just to ridicule me?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I am coming, I am telling you a word!" Wu Ning said.

"What words, I am listening!" Yangding Tiandao.

"I finally warned you one time, never hold a Tiandao League meeting." Wu Ning said: "No matter what reason, no matter how shameful, in general, cancel the Tiandao League Conference! I never tell lies, join you not cancel, then You must regret it!"

Yangding Tian smiled inadvertently.

Wu Ning said: "Yangdingtian, I rarely speak so seriously, but if I say it, every word has been played with gold. If you don't listen to me, the consequences will be very serious!"

Yang Dingtian sneered: "You have tried hard to stop the Tiandao League Conference! There have been 13 plagues and countless people have died. But I want to tell you, rest assured, not to die so many people. I have There are enough measures to stop the plague, and I have enough medicine to save those people. If there is no accident, the plague has been stopped!"

Ning Wuming smiled slightly!

"Your plague attacks are all from the demon road. Every type is clear, how to prevent it, how to treat it, and even drugs. Xuantianzong is ready enough." Yangding Tiandao.

"What about that?" Wu Ningming was careless.

"Also, a total of 19 power leaders who came to attend the Tiandao League Conference have disappeared. These people are my absolute absolute opponents before. Let them disappear, not only can destroy the Tiandao League Conference, but also facilitate future planting. , tell me a way to get rid of dissidents." Yangding Tiandao: "Unfortunately, I have been sent without a shadow, Kwai Si, Yun Cailin hidden in the middle of these people to replace, impersonation! Now you are sent to kidnap these 19 leaders The masters should have been arrested or killed. These 19 leaders should have already traveled to Zhongjing!"

Wu Ningming’s face trembled a little, saying: “Good means!”

Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "So, you can't stop the convening of the Tiandao League Conference!"

"That's a pity." Wu Ning said: "I warned you, don't hold a Tiandao League meeting! Otherwise you will regret life! I have warned you, can't listen, that is your business. , bye!"

Suddenly, Wu Ningming disappeared without a trace!


After dawn!

Zhu Hongxue, Qin Huaiyu, Qin Wanqiu, Oriental Nirvana and others all came one after another.

Because there is a book of the demon, there are enough drugs, so the plague everywhere, was controlled by the fastest time.

These plagues seem to be terrible at first, but many don't really die. In the end, the total number of deaths was over 170,000. That's right, it's still a terrible number, but it's much better than expected.

Even the Bright Parliament has gained a lot of people's hearts because of this rescue operation!

At two o'clock hours from the Tiandao League Conference no shadow, Kwai Si and Yun Cailin, with 19 missing leaders returned. Of course, I also caught the attackers five people!

So far, all the destructive heart of Wu Ningming has been defeated!

"It’s not easy!" Qin Huaiyu said: "The sovereign, we finally defeated all the conspiracy of Wu Ning, and spent the difficult five days, let the Tiandao League conference smoothly open!"

"Yeah, no one can stop the opening of the Tiandao League Conference. No one can stop the unification of the world. No one can stop the battle against evil demon!" Yangding Tiandao: "As long as this goal is achieved, everything does not matter!" ”

Qin Huaiyu heard the voice of Yang Dingtian and suddenly trembled: "The sovereign, we won, right?"

"Yes, we won!" Yangding Tiandao: "Although we can't change some results, we still won. Of course, Wu Youming also feels that he won, but I can only say that summer insects can't speak ice! Anzhi Hongzhizhi! As for the results of everything, we can see it in the afternoon!"

Afternoon! Tiandao League Conference, officially opened! (To be continued.)

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