Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 659: Save the phoenix! Who is she? Encounter incense!

"Feng dance!" Yang Dingtian almost burst out!

Because, the woman who rushed in front of her eyes, the dress style is really too similar to the solitary phoenix dance, especially between the ups and downs, the kind of heroic spirit.

Before the solitary phoenix dance, I liked to wear men's clothing very much, but only her tall and straight body, can wear men's clothes out of the same charming and free and easy.

Today, this woman, although not wearing men's clothing, is also very neutral.

Moreover, the face has a red gold mask, and there is a sharp and scorching beauty!

Despite wearing a mask, but from the body and temperament, this is a male and female discerning angel!

Moreover, whenever the solitary phoenix dance appeared, it felt a golden light. When this woman rushed in, it felt like a golden light.

Moreover, she is really incomparably sultry and fruitful, and when she is directly, she will squat under the head of the devil!

"Stop, you can't kill her."

This woman who rushed in is of course the disciple of the savior of the savior of the Savannah.

At this point, she only used positive eyes to see Yangdingtian! At this time, Yangdingtian was naked, but she didn't care. After seeing Yangdingtian's eyes up and down, she did not hide her disdain. She said: "Are you a male pet?" Sixty-five: Save the phoenix! Who is she? Encounter incense! Yang Dingtian looked down at himself and looked at the big white sheep on the ground. It is no wonder that this woman would have such doubts.

"Sure enough, it is a beast, and it is wild enough." Huang Yu looked at the **** demon and smiled: "Well, you are a self-satisfied male pet. After killing her, I will kill you immediately." Let you go underground and play this wild game."

"I am not a male pet." Yangding Tiandao: "Okay. This is not important! What is important is that you did not see it? The devil is a snake-woman, and she is transformed into an adult."

At this point, Huang Yu suddenly fell on the eyes of the demon's legs, his eyes trembled.

She is really a careless woman. Such important information. I noticed it now.

"The whole snake people, only the Queen of Poisons, illusion of human form, the demon cultivation is not enough. How can it be turned into a human form?" Huang Yu fiercely put a sword on the top of Yangdingtian, saying: "If you don't say, I will You can only castrate you. I hope that the devil will not mind that his male pet is an eunuch!"

Therefore, the vital part of Yangdingtian was threatened deadly for the second time today!

"Golden language. You dare to hurt Lang Jun, I will smash you a corpse, and then throw you into the Wanzi Cave, let your flesh and blood all enter the snake's belly." The weak sorcerer screams coldly! Update 659: Save the phoenix! Who is she? Encounter incense! "Hey, it’s not a male pet, it’s a passionate dog man and woman." Huang Yu used a sword to make a light stroke on Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, a wound appeared. Blood flows out.

"Stop, you crazy woman!" Yangding Tianda, shocked: "I will know, once I meet you crazy woman, there is absolutely no good end! This general demon. Devouring my blood, so Illusive adult shape, and actually began to estrus!"

The phoenix has changed dramatically, and he said: "You, what you said is true?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The facts are in front of you, you can see it clearly."

Huang language eyes fell on Yangdingtian, and said: "You, this thing, is really a curse! Thank you for telling me, but I can only kill you. I can't let this world be filled with the tragedy of Naga destroying civilization! ""

"Are you crazy?" Yangding Tiandao: "You, are you a saint of the sea? Is it from the Holy Valley?"

"What about it?" Huang said.

"I am a group with you." Yang Dingtian said: "I have protected tens of thousands of slaves and escorted them to the Valley of the Holy Land. The Demon General used hundreds of thousands of troops to set the encirclement. I have no choice but to come. Assassination of the Devils!"...

"You come to assassinate her?" Huang said: "The result, the assassination is naked, playing assassination in bed? Then you stabbed her?"

After all, the gaze of the phoenix is ​​going to look down on the sun.

This crazy woman, the words really do not matter!

"I was hiding behind her, I was about to pierce her heart with a sword! As a result, she released a very powerful and mysterious force that completely solidified my body." Yangding Tiandao: "Then she will kill I, biting my neck with poisonous teeth, made me poisoned. As a result, my blood entered her body, let her transform her shape, and began to estrus! So, you should not kill her, you should take her as a hostage and save the 50,000. The slave, and brought her to the Holy Valley, to marry the Queen of Poison! Although she is only one of them, but her identity is very special, with some talent of the ancient Medusa, so it is very important for the Queen of Poison!"

Huang Yan’s eyes are staring at Yang Dingtian.

"You don't believe?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I believe!" Huang said: "Your accomplices? Is it with you to save tens of thousands of slave partners?"

"I am alone." Yangding Tiandao.

"You alone, saved 50,000 slaves and killed tens of thousands of slaves?" Huang said: "If you are so strong, you will not be as violently ruined by this snake monster like waste."

This demon woman is still so poisonous tongue, mad at the top of the sky almost vomiting blood, can not wait to rush out and debut: "mad woman, the person who raped me is you!"

"Whether you believe it or not, I am alone." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh, then I will rest assured, you rest in peace!" Huang said, then slammed a sword, directly pierced into the chest of Yangdingtian, suddenly blood rushed out.

"You, you are crazy, know that I am a person, and still kill?" Yangding Tian anger said.

"I believe that you are your own, but you can let the Queen of Poison estrus, maybe you will be able to breed a perfect and powerful race, so I can only get rid of you, otherwise the Snake Empire will really rule the world. "Golden words: "Big big, I will say sorry to you!"

After all, Huang language stared at the eyes of Yang Dingtian. The sword in his hand slowly penetrated, and he had to pierce the heart of Yangdingtian. There was no hesitation in his hand. This demon girl is still so murderous.

"You dare to kill me Lang Jun, go to hell..."

At this time, lying in the pool of blood, the demon suddenly suddenly slammed like a viper, the blood on the ground. Suddenly she was sucked back into the body. Open your mouth in phoenix, spit out countless green blood arrows!

Because he gave himself blood, so the devil became extremely weak at this time. But in order to save the sun, she directly squirted her own life!

Naga's last life-saving metaphor is deep sea mystery! As a snake human, the demon has its own life-saving and mysterious! Once sprayed out. Almost life soon.

"Lang Jun walks. Go to the Queen's Majesty!" The demon screamed, and then the whole body was turned into a streamer, fiercely rushing toward the phoenix.

moment. The entire body of Yangdingtian completely restored the movement.

And the phoenix language, seeing the devil's mysterious spray, suddenly shocked! The mysterious spirit that rushed up the whole body slammed back and slammed, and the whole body was like a cannonball. Lightning to avoid!

Because of the treasures given by the master, she was able to withstand the devil's talent. However, the 800-year-old snake demon is poisonous, and she can't resist it. If it is in the middle, it will definitely die.

Next, the phoenix language is almost mad to avoid the green mystery behind.

The savage demon who is covered in scars is crazy to chase the phoenix!

"Lang Jun is going. Go to the Queen and go to the Queen!"

At this time, the demon, although weak, is really like a ghost, chasing crazy. Never let go of the phoenix! And that green mysterious, the speed is more fast, completely lightning chasing the phoenix!

The phoenix is ​​almost desperate to escape! Because she can resist the coagulation of the demon, so she can't help but devil, but she is not afraid of the devil. But she really did not think that in order to protect this man, the demon had even let go of his life-saving metaphor.

She never encountered such a dangerous moment, tried all the power to escape, and almost could not find the mysterious chase.

"Hey!" Suddenly, the green mystery blew open.

Suddenly, the mysterious poison turned into a huge circle, slamming the phoenix.

Then, the mysteriously slammed, and it was necessary to drill into the body of the phoenix.

Huang Yu confessed his life, closed his eyes, and although he was unwilling, he was very free and easy.

"Death is dead, what is it!"

Then she will close her eyes and wait to die!

At this time, suddenly a lightning bolt, Yang Ding Tian suddenly appeared in her side, using her body to block her sinister mystery!

"Call!" Then, Yangding screamed two smoldering fires, instantly becoming an energy shield, wrapping himself and Huang language in it!

"Don't..." Seeing the mysterious and fiercely swelling in the sun, the demon screamed, she never thought that Yangdingtian did not escape, but suddenly appeared in the phoenix language, then she jerked To recover the mysterious, but it is too late.

However, the next scene made her completely shocked.

Because, the mysterious poison actually did not enter the group of flame shields?

And these two sets of flame shields turned out to be pale and colorless!

Yangdingtian is not easy, because you can't let the Yiling demon fire and the magic spirits touch the fire, otherwise it will turn into a huge lightning. Therefore, between the two Xuanhuo, there is still a layer of chaos.

Her mysteriousness, although far less than the deep sea mystery of Naga, can also directly smother Xuanqi and Xuanhuo, and now can't enter his Xuanhuo shield? It’s terrible.

"You are very hurt. If you don't plan to kill me too, then you will take back the mystery, so the damage is still small. Then, he will heal and he will leave." Yangding Tiandao, then put away the mysterious fire cover.

After all, he and Huang language disappeared directly into the space. He used stealth and mysterious skills to bring the phoenix into the isolated space!

Then, Yangdingtian used stealth and mysterious skills to run for kilometers!

At this point, Huang Yu opened his eyes and said: "Does this not have to die?"


After running for dozens of miles.

Huang Yu broke away from the hands of Yang Dingtian and said: "It seems that the snake demon is very affectionate to you! In order to fear hurting you, I actually took the mystery back, and even I let it go. ”

Yang Dingtian gave her a deep look and touched the wound on her chest.

Because I don't think it is necessary, he hasn't worn the deep sea for a long time, but he has secretly put it on the body of the flame. The flame has not been known until now. Because Yangding Tianzhu toss her after one or two hours, she is asleep, not to mention wearing a deep sea Xuanyi, even if she takes the opportunity to toss her again, she will not wake up.

If the woman in front is really a solitary phoenix, how many times did she kill herself? Really counted too much.

Now, she has completely forgotten who she is, and even her face has changed.

Forget it, no matter whether this woman is alone or not. Don't provoke her any more, don't bother her! Let her completely say goodbye to the past!

Huang Yumei stared at Yangdingtian and said: "You saved me."

"Yes, you are welcome." Yangding Tiandao.

"I still have to say a word of regret!" Huang said, then she flashed a sword and slammed into the sun.

This demon girl! At this time, I still have to kill myself! Even if I have just saved her life, I still want to kill!

However, this is in line with her character!

"You crazy woman! Do you think you killed me?" Yangdingtian angered.

"You have a small face, eat on the face, how much can you have the ability." Huang said, said a sharp sword.

"When!" Yang Ding slammed a sword and squatted on her sword.

A loud noise!

Suddenly, the two men flew directly out.

After landing, Yang Dingtian rushed into the air.

And the phoenix language, after a while, the blood spouted.

"I said, you are not my opponent!" Yangding Tian cold road: "The demon army has already strangled 50,000 slaves, I am going to save people, no effort to entangle with you."

Then, Yangdingtian flew away in the direction of 50,000 slaves.

Huang language quickly catch up, said: "Who are you? Human beings like you, can rival me, not much!"

"Who is who I am not important, the key is who is I standing here?" Yangding Tiandao.

Huang language silence for a moment, then said: "Come with me, I took a thousand people to save the 50,000 slaves! My people are there!"

After all, the phoenix flew to a valley in the west.

After the two flew for a few dozen suddenly there was a burst of air!

"Miss Huang Yu, Miss Huang Yu, our people and 50,000 slaves, have been completely surrounded by the valley, hundreds of snakes, and hundreds of thousands of slaves surrounded us." An eye-catching The fox human beauty, riding on the white eagle, shouted loudly at the phoenix.

Then, her beauty fell on the glamorous Yangdingtian, revealing amazement and ecstasy!

"Yangdingtian brother!" Then, the fox-family girl screamed and jumped directly from the white eagle, and the sun came over.

Yang Dingtian has not responded enough. The fox-beauty beauty has invested in Yangdingtian embrace, clinging to him and crying: "Yangdingtian brother, I, I want to die, I miss you every day!"

Yang Dingtian did not think that he met the fragrant princess of the Fox people here! However, at this time, there is no piece of clothing on my body, and it is really embarrassing!


Note: At the end of the month, the monthly ticket is a waste! ()

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