Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 660:1 for the family! Take 1 enemy! Shocked the audience!

Seeing this scene of Xiangxiang, Huang’s brow wrinkled and said: “Fragrance, do you know him?”

Xiangxiang thought that there was still a person around, and he noticed that Yangdingtian was now naked. He suddenly released his face and twisted his face, but his eyes were still on the verge of the sun. Take a look.

Well, very fierce, there is a reaction!

Suddenly the heart of the incense suddenly jumped, and then a spurt!

"Well, she is the benefactor of our fox family." Xiang Xiangdao.

"Well, what's the situation there?" Huang said.

"Hundreds of snake people, and there are more than 20,000 servants, who have surrounded us tens of thousands of people, and will soon launch an offensive. The commander is the first major black scorpion." Fragrant incense.

"Go!" Huangyang Chaoyang top Tianzhu went to the road: "Hello, why don't we compare it and see who kills more?"

This woman is still so victorious!

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao.

Then, a man and a woman flew toward the front valley with the fastest speed.


This is really a cramped valley, with narrow entrances and exits, mountains and dangers, and easy to defend.

The reason why the ruling army of the phoenix chose this place is also because of the terrain here. The reason why the army of the Snake Empire allowed the slaves and the rebel forces to escape here was only because they wanted to be full, and the two entrances and exits were blocked.

At this time, the tens of thousands of troops of the Snake Empire have been basically arranged! Layer by layer, the valley is surrounded by the wind, just waiting for the black slap, you can play the wolf ride, Thunder hit!

Yangdingtian let Xiangxiang find a black cloak for himself and finally let his body be wrapped in the darkness.

Not inside the valley. There are more than 50,000 people crowded.

More than a thousand rebels, one-third of them are in front of the exit, one-third are at the rear entrance, and the other one is in the air!

Then pick out the sturdy from the 50,000 slaves as a reserve player!

"I keep the exit, you keep the entrance." Huang language directly to the Yangding Tianfa number.

More enemies at the exit. More fierce and elite, so it is more dangerous.

Yangding Tiandao: "I still keep the exit, you keep the entrance."

"Don't talk nonsense." Huang dialect was straightforward, and she was really going to die.

"Yangdingtian brother, I am with you." Xiangxiang also held the sword and followed.

"Xiangxiang, you are on my side." Huang said.

"But, I want to follow Yangdingtian brother." Xiangxiang said.

Huang Yu’s brow wrinkled, and the fragrance admired her most, and she always followed her. Nowadays, Yangding is here. She even abandoned herself and ran to follow him.

"No!" Phoenix is ​​cold.

"It will be very dangerous to wait for it, and the fragrance will follow me." Yangding Tiandao, then directly grabbed the fragrant shoulders and rushed toward the back entrance.


At this point, the entrance has gathered more than 300 rebel elites.

Headed by a leopard warrior, the heroic and majestic, straight and up!

That's right. Most of the Leopards have already invested in the Snake Empire, but some have joined the Resistance. This leopard warrior is called the thunder, which is the commander of the leopards!

At this time, the three hundred rebel forces were neatly arranged into a wall of people, and the shield stood tall, blocking the entire entrance.

I saw Yangdingtian coming in. Thundering and glaring at Yangdingtian and Xiangxiang, said: "Xiangxiang, who is this little white face?"

Yes, Yangdingtian is not a handsome guy in humans, but in front of the rude leopard. It is really a little white face.

"This is my Yan brother, is a big hero, he is responsible for directing you." Xiangxiang proud.

"Hey, big hero, I can pull him all the way." Next to a man like a rough road, licked a powerful and powerful nose.

The thunder and thunder heard that Yang Dingtian actually came to command them, and suddenly his eyes were cold, and the golden hairs blew up: "Little white face wants to command us? Is it hard enough? Come and come, want to command us, let us pass the hand!" ”

After all, this majestic leopard leader walked out of the array directly, and the sun came to the top of the sky. While walking around, he made an explosive sound. The stone slab under his feet was broken. He wanted to give Yangdingtian a horse.

"As long as you win me, I will let you direct us. As long as you have three moves in front of me, I will let you have a position around me. If you can't pass three moves, you will go back. The scent of fragrant incense!" Thunder sneer.

The savage of the half-human family, Yangdingtian is considered to have been taught, and suddenly the fragrance is full of redness.

"I just came to the war. You are the highest commander. I am completely obeying your orders." Yangding Tiandao, of course, he will not generally care about this straight person before the war.

"Haha!" Thunder suddenly laughed, and came over to pat the shoulders of Yangdingtian. "Not bad, although you have a bit of a sac, but you are self-aware, and honest enough. Xiangxiang, he is your hoe. Have you been slept by him?"

The scent had to go over, and he kicked a kick on the thunderous leg, but the other party laughed.

"Thunder, I warned you not to see people with low eyes." Xiangxiang said.

Thunder said: "What is your name?"

"Yannantian!" Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good, Yan Nantian and you are imagined at the end of our team's wall. You are the last line of defense. When you are finished, the 50,000 people behind will be finished. Remember, this battle is a test of whether you are qualified to give Xiang Xiang, if you dare to turn around and run away, I will punch you into a meaty." Thunder, then he continued to walk to the middle of the front of the wall.

Here, Yangdingtian is learning a new word, hehe! It’s really rough, but animals really like to play this set.

Imagine and Yang Dingtian came to the last row of the array of people, whispered: "Hey brother, don't be angry, this thunder is very rough, but people are very good."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao.

"Also, we are very stressed by the rebel army. And elites are some warrior tribes, so their behaviors are very rough, don't care." Xiang Xiangdao.

"I won't, I like their character very much." Yangding Tiandao.

that's the truth. This leopard leader is very vulgar. The incense is so beautiful, but he looks at the fragrant scent, but only the sister's general love, no exuding color. As a warrior tribe, the leopards have always been brave and frank.

However, these leopards are ethnic. It seems to be too frank.

In front, is a leopard woman! Yang Dingtian was quickly teased by her.

Her tail was swept directly at the top of the sun, and then turned and said: "Oh, human."

After all, she grabbed the peach in the morning and caught it.

The leopard woman is the best beauty among the fighting tribes. The degree of humanization is very high, and all human beings are human beings. Just one more tail, two leopard ears, and a leopard print on the forehead.

The leopard's woman is very hot, with a convex front and a back, and a strong bodybuilding. Especially the buttocks are as good as African women, but they are completely devoid of African women.

Yangding Tianfei quickly escaped. He really couldn’t think of it. Almost the highest leader of the entire human race, here is a play by a leopard.

"Shock, what are you doing?" Xiang Xiang angrily shot the hand of the leopard girl.

"As a good sister, I always have to check for you. The man's capital is the foundation of a woman's happiness." The gorgeous leopard girl said wildly: "Human capital. It is notoriously bad. But you are lucky." This human capital is no less than our leopard."

"You are like this again, I am angry!" Xiang Xiang angrily.

"Don't worry, I won't grab it." The leopard girl said in a shock: "But when you first celebrated, let us listen to the room. If you insist on less than half an hour, it is waste. For your happiness. We have to drive him off your bed."

"Now the battle has not yet begun. If you are not fragrant, are you going to try the gun here now?" Suddenly, there was a half-human woman’s voice.

Suddenly, the three hundred rebel army elites all swelled and screamed! Let the fragrant aroma red face, no longer pay attention.

Yangdingtian is also completely unpredictable. These half-humans are also too vulgar, and they are completely unstoppable.

As the leader of the thunder, it does not matter at all, but smiles and listens to the audience!

"Come on!" Suddenly, a leopard in front flew like a lightning bolt, and when it was in front of the crowd, it stood upright.

This is the leopard! Because he can walk upright, but the body is more like a leopard than a human. Generally speaking, it is the best scout and cavalry.

After hearing this, all the snoring stops completely!

These three hundred rebels are elite and instantly become extremely serious. The body of all the warriors, slammed, all the muscles, the moments of tension, the hair on the neck, erected in an instant.

Three hundred rebel army elites, instantly condensed into a rope, become an incomparably powerful force!

"Booming and banging..."

Then, I heard a shocking sound of a boom.

Then the whole ground began to tremble!

The slave army of the Snake Empire began to charge!

Soon, Yangdingtian saw the army of the Snake Empire!

It is a werewolf cavalry regiment!

Tens of thousands of werewolf cavalry, covered in black armor, like black tides, rushing over and overwhelming.

Looking down from the sky, tens of thousands of werewolves cavalry, like a huge shadow! And the three hundred rebel forces at the entrance to the valley are so small and almost insignificant!

Werewolf cavalry is getting closer and closer.

Tens of thousands of cavalry charge, the timid people, I am afraid that they will immediately fly away!

Three kilometers away.

Two kilometers away.

One kilometer away.

Five hundred meters away.

"Bend over!" A thunder was ordered.

Suddenly, the three hundred rebel forces were sharp and bent over.

"Human, you can rest assured, I will protect you, will not let Xiangxiang become a widow." The leopard girl in front of the shock suddenly said, no longer the rough, but serious.

"Thank you!" Yangding Tiandao, he is really grateful! Of course, he does not need this leopard woman to protect, but the other's heart is incomparably red, because of the fragrance, willing to protect a strange human on the battlefield.

Tens of thousands of werewolves, the nearest striker, only three hundred meters.

"Hey!" Suddenly, all werewolves cavalry. Sharply straighten the long gun in your hand and face the wall of the military!

"Hold the sword!"

Suddenly, the three hundred rebel forces, brushed and pulled out the sword.

"Oh..." The werewolf cavalry, making an amazing squeaky sound, accelerates instantly. Like a storm, the squadron rushed toward the thin wall of the three hundred rebel forces.


In an instant, like a huge wave of the sky, the cockroach hits the dam, and it makes a terrible noise!

Countless werewolf rifles, smashed in and stabbed on the shield.

The first row of the Rebels, less than a hundred people, is like a boulder. Violently trembled, a stream of blood spouted, but did not retreat half a step.


The leopard leader was thundered, and the two-meter giant sword in his hand slammed down.

Suddenly, the werewolf cavalry in front of him, together with the mount, was directly smashed in half and flesh and blood. Blood is arrogant.

At the same time, the first hundred rebel army masters. The giant sword in his hand is neat and tidy.

"Brush!" Jianguang flashed.

The foremost werewolf cavalry, all of them were smashed in half, and blood was shot!

Yang Dingtian heart trembled, and his body was boiling.

This is absolute violent aesthetics! This is the confrontation between the most naked blood and strength.

Yangdingtian also experienced several battles! But this scene is almost the most direct, almost no less than the **** and fierce of the Demon Dragon Corps.

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey!"

The front row of rebel masters is exactly like a complete killing machine. All the movements are almost neat.

All the giant swords are lifted together. Together, there is no personal heroism, and everyone is condensed into a sharp edge.

In this way, in addition to the fierce impact of your initial resistance, your rebel army is followed by a one-sided slaughter.

These hundred giant swords seem to be tireless and mad!

The former werewolf cavalry, the former servant, rushed, and then lived in this hundred giant swords, split in half.

In a short quarter of an hour, in front of the wall against the military, a thick layer of corpses was piled up and blood flowed.

Yang Dingtian has the most elite cavalry and flying, but never such an elite heavy infantry.

The combat power of this rebel army is far beyond the imagination of Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian has already seen it. In front of the rebel army, there are more than a dozen people who are above the Wuzun level. But no one is outside the organization, no one is playing heroism, all condensed together and become a complete fighting machine!



Just when the battle was opened at the rear entrance of Yangdingtian.

At the exit, headed by the phoenix, the battle broke out at the same time.

They are facing tens of thousands of leopard rides, lion rides! Fighting power, more ferocious than the werewolf cavalry!

And Huang language, as a high master! Also fully integrated into the collective, in the middle of the first row, kill!

Again, it is an overwhelming victory!



The killing is still going on.

Countless werewolf cavalry, as if not afraid of death, the former servant, crazy shock.

The first row of rebellious military walls, like the tireless killing machine, the sword fell, the sword fell!

After two quarters of an hour!

Finally, the first row of people in the Rebels had the first casualty. It was a leopard warrior, and Xuanqi couldn't help it. He was slowed down half a step and was immediately pierced by the werewolf's long gun. Almost instantaneously, a samurai behind him immediately made up and killed the werewolf cavalry directly.

Then, the pierced leopard warrior was immediately dragged to the wall, and the reserve team quickly stepped forward and took him away for treatment.

The whole process, no flustered!

This is a very, very elite and powerful army!

Yang Dingtian has never shot, his mission is not here for the time being! His spirit, always firmly locked in front of hundreds of snakes masters! These are his opponents!


Crazy killing, ending in half an hour!

The Snake Empire blew the horn of temporary retreat!

Obviously, the power of this rebel army far exceeds their imagination!

In just half an hour of fighting, the werewolf cavalry, leaving at least 10,000 bodies, nearly half of the casualties, had to retreat!

The Rebels, less than ten casualties!

As the highest general in the battlefield of the Snake Empire, the Black Sword is clearly ready to change the battle strategy!

After the retreat of the horn, almost all the enemies were retired.

"Stop the fight, rest!" Thunder shouted!

Suddenly, the entire rebel army was loose!

The general defense line of the entire steel was suddenly loose.

"Day brother, go away!" Xiang Xiang took Yang Dingtian and immediately turned and ran, Yang Dingtian was puzzled.

However, he soon knew why. Because of the slackening of the rebel army, the first thing to do is to untie the pants and release the water.

Moreover, it is to release water from the enemy's body.

While peeing, laughing at the unrestrained, in this way to express disdain to the enemy.

Not just males do this! The same is true for the female semi-human beings, but the men and women are facing each other and never squint.

Perhaps this is also a way of relieving pressure on the battlefield, but it is also ... indeed enough rough.

"These people, this is very annoying, every time I have to escape fast." Xiang Xiang angrily.

At this point, the leopard girl came over and shouted at the top of the sun, then patted his shoulder and said: "Yes, no scare, the first pass you passed."

Yang Dingtian was speechless and looked at her hand. I hope I didn't get anything.

After the leopard and the girl passed by, the thunder and thunder of the majestic mountain quickly came over. The thick arm of the trunk also took a look at the shoulder of Yangdingtian. "Yes, no scare!"

"Yeah." Yang Dingtian nodded in pain. These barbarians, do not know how to wash their hands while urinating, and still slap on the shoulders of people.

However, these barbarians are really bottom-up for Yang Dingtian's request, and you can't scare the urine!


Then, these rebel forces are elite, use this time to start adjusting their interest rates and start taking medicinal herbs!

Huang language came over and hugged his chin: "Hey, I killed 1,355 people. How much have you killed?"

"Zero!" Yangdingtian is embarrassed.

Xiang Xiang suddenly said on the side: "It’s not fair to let the brother of the sky go to the first row."

"Oh, no ability is no ability, no reason to find." Huang said, then grow away.

Xiangxiang looked at the back of Huangyu, saying: "Day brother, Miss Huang is very proud, and she does not bother to say a word to others. Now she often comes to trouble you, are you two, do you know?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't know what to say."

"I think you know, and the relationship is very unusual." Xiang Xiang said: "It looks abnormal anyway, like a pair of friends!"

The girl’s intuition is really terrible!


The rest time is short!

After only half an hour, the Snake Empire rushed again.

The three teams of the Rebels immediately established the steel wall, full of absolute will and morale.

At the beginning of the battle, the people on the defense line still took the ridiculous jokes of Yang Tian Tian and Xiang Xiang.

Suddenly, there was a sharp tweet in the air!

Everyone has changed dramatically.

This is the eagle race, the most terrible fighting race in the east from the grasslands, riding the devil in the air!

Then suddenly saw the sky on both sides covered by darkness.

Tens of thousands of hawks, covering the sky, madness!

It doesn't matter if the eagle is flying. The key eagle has a huge number of sharpshooters, and there are a huge number of ice shooters, the most terrible enemy!

At the same time, the earth began to tremble.

Countless werewolf cavalry, and leopard cavalry, lion cavalry, crazy rushing!

Yangding slammed the sword and flew into the air. "Yu language, you deal with the ground, I deal with the air!"

After all, he was alone, flying to the thousands of hawks.

Suddenly, everyone on the ground was completely shocked!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! You can't open a single chapter to ask for a ticket, you can't vote! (To be continued.)

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