Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 661: Slaughter Ying Wan! Beat the Phoenix ass!

Everyone saw the sky in the sky, suddenly stunned!

He, is he crazy? One person is facing tens of thousands of eagle warriors. This is completely crazy. Does he think he is a saint?

Seeing the completely horrified array of entrance and exit resistance, Huang said: "What are you looking for, are you not ready to fight?"

Suddenly, all the rebel forces are elite, all suppressing the surprise in their hearts, bowing their bodies, and preparing for the battle!

But the 50,000 slaves in the middle of the valley, as well as the snake-role army outside, can look up and look at the wonders that are rare in the air!

"General, is this human being crazy?" The general of the snakeman on the edge of the black smirk laughed.

"Probably it is!" Black sneer sneered: "In this group of resistance, except for the phoenix, others are not worth mentioning. Our snakes can be easily killed."

On the side of the ugly and horrible snake, the male split his mouth and spit out the split letter: "Then why we are not a snake, we will kill these dirty creatures."

"There is cannon fodder, why not?" Black sneer sneered.


Yangdingtian is one person, facing the 10,000 eagle warriors!

The two sides are getting closer and closer.

The humanization of the hawks is already high, except that there are a pair of wings on the back and two feathers on the waist. Of course, their nails are sharp and curved, just like an eagle.

However, the high degree of humanization does not mean beauty! In fact, the Eagles are the ugliest and most terrifying race!

Described in one word, that is the body of the devil, the face of the devil!

Yes, the females of the Eagles are very hot, and the curves are hard to own.

However, their faces are all terrifying. There is no exception.

The leopard also has leopard ears and leopard prints on his forehead, but this does not hinder the beauty of the leopard women.

The hawks, all possessing the facial features of humans, have no feathers on their faces. However, it has the shape of an eagle face.

This is a complete cup!

The eagle is so narrow. On the eagle is the extreme god, the sharp eyes, the sharp eagle mouth. But the five senses of the people are all crowded on such a narrow face, that is completely horrible.

Yang Dingtian has already done enough mental preparations, but when he saw the Eagles, he was shocked by his life!

Really horrible, so ugly. The eyes, noses and mouths are all crowded on faces that are less than two inches wide, and the chin is pointed to the extreme, exactly like an awl.


obviously. Tens of thousands of eagle warriors were also completely angered by Yang Dingtian.

The lightning on both sides is generally close.


After a distance of close to the kilometer, countless eagle people shot the arrow.

The eagle is the most elite shooter. Although there is no spar, it is able to open the strongest strong bow. Their swords can almost shoot through all armor.

And among the ten hawks. There will be a cold shooter. The Frostbolt shot can release deadly ice.

and so. The sky suddenly appeared in a gorgeous scene.

Numerous black swords, like the same group of black shadows, rushed to the top of the sun. Countless Frostbolts, like countless lightnings, rushed to the sun.

It is almost an instant!

The shape of Yangdingtian is suddenly like lightning. The blast came out.

Facing countless sharp arrows, countless ice arrows, rushed into the Eagles army.

In an instant, all the black gold swords are all broken. All the ice arrows. Instantly solidified around Yangdingtian.

"Click here..."

Yangdingtian speed is getting slower and slower, and it is getting slower and slower. Finally, everything around it is solidified. His whole person is completely frozen in the huge ice!

General Hei Jun on the ground sneered: "The real stupid human being, even the seat does not dare to face the attack of the former ice shooter. The humans in the area dare to hit the stone with eggs!"

Just at this time!


Suddenly, the solidified ice on Yangdingtian’s body exploded instantly.


Yangdingtian is like a lightning bolt, rushing into the hawks and the army.

Pull out the sword.

"Brush brush..."

In an instant, the sword broke out dozens of swords.

Against the sky whirlwind!

Tens of feet of swordsmanship, crazy rotation in the air!


Where the swordsman passed.

All the hawks are all cut off by laziness.

"Brushing brush..."

The entire sky was covered by the bright awnings.

Then, on the ground, the snake-like imperial barbarian army charged with the madness suddenly found it horrified.

Yes, it is **** rain.

Countless blood, like a raindrop, falls intensively.

Then, it is the corpse of the eagle, falling like a raindrop.


The screams of the hawks are very sharp and harsh, like human voices, and like eagle!

The roar of countless hawks is even more chilling.

Everyone is terrified to find out!

The hawks, who were so devastated by the grasslands in the east, suffered a one-sided slaughter and were slaughtered by one person.

The barbarian army on the ground suddenly stopped sprinting. There is also the rebellious army of the entrance and exit, and almost forgot his mission, staring at the sky.

This, this, this is too **** exaggerated!

One person, facing tens of thousands of people, is still a one-sided slaughter.

How many people can be killed on the battlefield by a master-level master! It is about one or two thousand people, and then his mysteriousness will be completely exhausted.

Yangdingtian is a six-star and nine-class master, but he is a nine-yang Xuanmai, with a close-to-the-nature soul sword, plus the body of the Naga royal family.

Therefore, his combat effectiveness is almost no less than a big master.

These hawks are no longer useful, because even if they are Wuzun-class powers, they can't hide the spurs of Yangdingtian.

The only restriction on Yangdingtian is the same as Xuanqi.

This is a whirlwind, it looks like awesome!

However, the loss of mysteriousness is truly huge!

Described in one sentence. That is the loss of mysterious gas like a urine collapse, crazy decline!


Yangdingtian crazy massacre.

Hundreds, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, and 5,000. Eight thousand people!

After killing the hawks of eight thousand people!

His mysteriousness almost reached the bottom.

Xuanqi bottomed out, what are the consequences?

The consequences are very serious. Without the mysterious high-ranking military, nothing is done. Anyone can kill you with a sword.

At this time, the Eagles are still more than one or two thousand.

Yangding Tianwei wind is extremely incomparable, continue to kill crazy! This is the game, to see who is intimidated first.

no doubt. All the ground troops were all intimidated.

The generals of the battlefield are black, and the gorgeous faces are almost discolored.

"When did the Holy Valley rebel army, there was such a powerful figure, I am afraid it was only under the sea." The black sorrow exclaimed, I am afraid that the snake man is present, and only the scorpion general is his Opponent. But the demon general did not come at all.

The heart of the hawksman leader is almost bleeding.

These are the warriors of his eagle. Its hawks are not like the despicable werewolves. A dozen were born in a litter, several times a year. The eagle is hatched from the egg, and there are four or five eggs in one litter, but after hatching, only one cub can survive because it is the first thing it does after birth. It is to destroy all the other eggs and kill them.

The eight major tribes, each of the other tribes have a million warriors, only the Eagles, but only more than 100,000. Today, it is going to be slaughtered tens of thousands.

and. This massacre is also terrible.

A whirlwind slammed down and hundreds of eagle warriors were cut into two pieces, and they could not die any more.

"General, what should I do? Do you want to order the retreat first?"

"No, his mysteriousness will soon be exhausted. Once the mysteriousness is exhausted, he will die." He said.

She did not say anything wrong, the ambition of Yangdingtian has been exhausted.

What if the mysteriousness is exhausted and I don’t want to become a lamb to be slaughtered? No way, I have to start burning the sea.

So it seems that Yangdingtian is still pretentious and madly slaughtered. But in fact, he has frantically burned the sea and frantically overdone the mystery. But it seems that his mysteriousness seems to be an endless source.

Finally, the eagle warriors can't stand it.

This is a kind of high-intelligence race. Finally, it is impossible to resist the terrible slaughter of Yangdingtian. After a scream, no matter what the battlefield orders, they are desperate to flee.

A total of more than 30,000 eagle people, killed nearly half, the remaining one or two thousand, all frightened and scattered, escaped without a trace!

Yangdingtian did not dare to stop the mysterious atmosphere, still burning the sea of ​​gas, letting his own breeze infinite, and swearing at the sword, faintly said: "Who else?"

This sound came out, and everyone on the scene almost worshipped.

This is the **** of war. After killing more than 10,000, it is also awe-inspiring.

Suddenly, almost everyone in the Snake Empire was frightened by Yang Dingtian, completely silent.

"Snake empire, can not withstand a blow." Yangding days faint, and then slowly landed in the valley.

"Golden language, I just killed more than 10,000." Yang Dingtian's voice sounded in the phoenix ear, and the phoenix language is more than a thousand people.

Under the shock, the phoenix language almost bite a jade tooth, and dare to play with the aunt and grandmother.

"Next, I will hand it over to you." Yangding Tiandao, then hurry to sit on the ground and swallow a holy water medicine.

Just kidding, you have to hurry and heal, otherwise the sea will start to crack.

Fortunately, this time the Eagles fled in time, the damage to the sea was not too great, and the holy water medicine soon made up for the damage.

Then, Yangding Tianzhu swallowed a nine-color Ju Xuan Dan, and restored Xuanqi in the shortest time.

Ju Xuan Dan will only eat when it is absolutely necessary. Can not eat, try not to eat. If you must eat, you can only eat one at most, otherwise it will cause permanent damage and congestion to Xuanmai.

However, this is not a problem for Yangdingtian. He has yin and yang, and can resolve all impurities!

Next, he wants to gather the battle of Xuanqi in the shortest time and welcome the next fight!


"General, what should I do?" asked the snake man on the edge of the black scorpion.

The black cockroaches constantly changed their faces, then chilled out: "Don't be fooled by the despicable human beings, his mysteriousness has been exhausted. Next, attack with all strength. All the snake people join me and kill the phoenix! ”


Suddenly. The Snake Empire blew the horn of the general attack.

Nearly 100,000 cavalry, madly rushed to the entrance.

And a few hundred snakes, under the leadership of the black scorpion, smashed Huanglong, killing the phoenix!

Huang language also quickly discovered the plot of the snake people, and suddenly pulled out the sword. Road: "This is today's decisive battle, all the rebel forces, keep their own defenses, and not allow an enemy to enter the valley."

"Yes!" Thousands of rebel forces screamed in unison.

Then, the phoenix language suddenly turned into a streamer, rushing toward the direction of the snakes, and smashing the thief, she must first kill the leader of the snake race!

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of snakemen empire cavalry. Overwhelmingly, the tides generally flooded into the valley entrances and exits, hitting a thin line of defense against a thousand people.

And a few hundred snakes masters, instantly swimming the horrible body, surrounded by Huang language!


After a series of loud noises.

Blood arrogant, the last kill, open!

And Yangdingtian, crazy to restore the battle Xuanqi!


Huang language wants to kill black cockroaches.

but. Surrounded by hundreds of snakes.

Her sword is incredibly sharp. Almost every sword has to stab the target, and every sword will be a heavy blow to the snake master.

However, there are too many snake people, a high-ranking master, surrounded by nearly a hundred Wu Zun, hundreds of high-ranking Wuzong. Also very uncomfortable.

In particular, the snakes belong to the semi-monsters, and at the same level, combat power is much stronger than humans.

Of course, these phoenixes are not afraid. The most terrible thing is the poisonous mist ejected from the mouth of the snake people.

Hundreds of snakes also spewed poisonous mist at the same time, so that the phoenix had to be closed.

Since then, her combat power has suddenly dropped sharply.

She is madly killing, still like a lightning bolt, a sword like a thunder.

The snake people who died under her sword are more and more, more and more.

Almost, the ground is densely packed, all of which are horrible snake-human corpses, which looks shocking.

However, the snake people surrounded by her are still more and more, more and more.

Hundreds of snakes, almost all entangled, up and down, surrounded her completely.

Still, she is still not afraid.

But what restricts her is still mysterious. These hundreds of snakes are masters. She is not very eye-catching. In just a quarter of an hour, the snake-man master who died under her sword has already gone through hundreds.

However, her mystery has already been exhausted.

"The snake is trapped!"

Suddenly, Huang Yu suddenly felt that his head was black, and all the space around him was almost covered by the body of the snake.

The tails of hundreds of snakes are all intertwined to form a whole.

Suddenly, countless snakes madly bite at her, countless swords, and madly assassinate. Countless snake people, crazy spit poison.


At this time, no one dares to use mysterious skills. Using mystery is to find death, because it takes time.

The phoenix condensed the last sigh of anger and slammed it out.

Suddenly, the heads of more than a dozen snakes, instantly bursting into bones, a bright light appeared on the top of the head.

The phoenix will rush out.

At this time, suddenly there was a numbness in the thigh.

Then, all over the body, violently numb.

The black-necked sergeant of the Snake Terran ranks into a black shadow, taking the opportunity to madly bite the whole body.

Suddenly, terrible poisonous, crazy invasion of the entire body of the Phoenix language.

Huang language was dizzy in front of his eyes, and his heart was cold: "Today, maybe you will die here. Death will die, what fear?"


Just at this time!

Brush and brush.

In an instant, the top of the phoenix’s head slammed brightly, and the horrible snake array was torn open to a huge gap. Countless snakes were killed and smashed into pieces.

Then, her petite body was suddenly picked up and flew straight into the sky.

Yangdingtian is holding a soft and delicate body of the phoenix. He screams: "Stupid woman, won't you fight with them in the sky? You stand on the ground and do not move. You are not poisoned, you are being Stupid."

"You, you know what, I will only be bright and upright, absolutely no hidden head." Phoenix language is weak, at this time she is very poisonous, the body is generally hot. Half cold, it can be said that it is ice and fire.

"It’s been a while at this time, and your **** has been bitten by a dozen." Yang Dingtian took another shot on her hips.

"What are you doing? Looking for death?"

Yang Dingtian ignored it, and the palm of his hand patted her on her buttocks, and then patted her all over the body.

Suddenly, the green viper on her hips. All were forced to shoot out.

"Shut up, crazy woman, I don't know how many times I saved you." Yangding Tiandao, quickly patted her whole body, then locked her body's mysterious veins and blood vessels, so that all the poisons stopped flowing, lest She immediately lost her life.

This black cockroach is really poisonous. In terms of lightning time, I lived in the phoenix language and bit dozens of mouths.

then. Yang Dingtian puts the phoenix behind him, holding her scarred but plump buttocks with her hand, and smashing the sword with one hand, looking at the two hundred snake-soul masters on the ground, flying fast in the air, flying swords , with the mysterious gas condensed into a sword, blasted out. Point to kill the snakes.

This phoenix is ​​really a rib, and it actually trembles with the snakes. Is this looking for death?

The snakes are a few feet in the body, and they are all highly toxic. They can only be killed far away. Once they are fighting, I am afraid that the great master will be killed and poisoned!

Here. Yangdingtian is flying fast to kill the snakes.

Soon, the leader of the Snake Terran, the black scorpion, knew it was amazing. The sacredness of Yangdingtian’s condensedness was so amazing, and it was accurate and ambiguous, as long as it was hit. The entire head is directly smashed.

It is said that Yangdingtian is also depressed. For the sake of confidentiality, lightning cannot be used. Otherwise, even if there are more snakes in front of him, it is not enough for him to kill.

"Ah!" At this moment, suddenly there was a scream of resentment against the leader of the rebel army.

Yang Dingtian turned and looked, he was already scarred, and the entire chest was pierced by a wolf cavalry.

Moreover, the two lines of defense at the entrance and exit are already in jeopardy. Every rebel army is bloody, and the casualties are already more than half. And the fear of the snakes, the army, is still endless.

The rebel army master will soon be wiped out by the whole army, because the other party is actually the king of the cavalry from the grasslands in the east, and the demon wolf is riding.

Although there are still tens of thousands of bodies left on the ground, the rebel masters will be destroyed at any time. The army of the Snake Empire will rush into the valley at any time to carry out slaughter!

There is no way, and there is no way to hide the identity.

Yangding is so fiercely condensed, it is necessary to summon powerful lightning and carry out crazy crushing!

Just at this time!

Suddenly, there was a harsh horn in the distance!

All the Snake Empire stunned, because this is the retreat horn.

The enemy’s eyes will be wiped out by the whole army. At this time, the retreat horn is blown.

Suddenly, the battlefield fell into a short silence.

A moment later, a snake-like woman stepped forward and said loudly: "The demon king commander, the whole army retreats, let these people go!"

Everyone is completely puzzled, why? Paying such a big price, if you die, you don’t know how many people, you will see it all, and even the phoenix will be killed. At this time, you will retreat.

"This is the order!" The Snake Terran woman raised the token in her hand, which is the token of the Demon County.

Although I don't understand it, everyone is afraid of the devil as a tiger. It is full of absolute unwillingness and anger. The snake people have begun to retreat with the companion body of the land.

Then, all the demon wolves retreat.

In the end, all the Snake Empire was a savage army and the retreat was clean.

Only the blood of the land is left.

Suddenly the rebel army at the entrance and exit, completely collapsed to the ground!


In a tent, there is only Yangdingtian, Xiangxiang Princess, and Huangyu.

At this time, the phoenix was very poisonous and covered in green.

Yangding violently tore open her clothes, suddenly revealing a scarred body.

Xiangxiang sings and timidly looks at Yangdingtian.

The arrogant person of the phoenix language was smashed by a man at the time, and she would definitely kill after she woke up.

Almost a moment, Yangdingtian will gaze on the chest of Huangyu!

Once, Yang Dingtian left an indelible scar on the chest of the solitary phoenix dance.


Note: On the last day of the month, ask for a ticket! (To be continued.)

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