Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 667: Queen's Donkey! The secret of the Temple of the Soul! Kill the sword!

As long as a sword stabs, the Queen of Poison will be wiped out.

As long as a sword stabs, you can save everyone in the Valley, and you can save everyone from the grasslands!

However, Yangdingtian has never stabbed!

Not because of the soft heart, nor because of the confusion! But because of the doubts in my heart!

"Yangdingtian, why not still do it? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Suddenly, the Queen of Poison is hoarse.

Suddenly, it was like a thunder, and the head of Yangdingtian was in the middle! His gaze immediately looked at the face of Queen of Poison.

She is still beautiful and still kissing Yang Diantian's face.

"If I remember correctly, you should hold a sword of nothingness in your space ring. You can stab it at any time and kill me." Queen of Poison.

The heart trembled again in the Yangding.

"My good sister, really good, can send you to assassinate me! You are indeed the only person who can succeed." Queen of Poison said: "I am already emotional, my seven-inch bone door has also opened. If you are not hesitating, I am already dead!"

Yangding Tiandao: "When did you find my killing?"

"Just when you are struggling! Just when you are struggling now!" said Queen of Poison.

Yangding Tiandao: "This should not, you know that I am coming from the Holy Valley, so it is very likely to assassinate you!"

"Yes, I didn't put your lethality in my heart! Of course, the most important thing is that I don't have any precautions against you!" said Queen of Poison.

“Why?” Yangding Tiandao: “Because I let you estrus?”

"No, not for this reason. Before I tell you the reason, please tell me why you hesitate, why didn't you start?" Queen of Poison.

"Because, I have a lot of suspicions in my heart." Yangding Tiandao.

"What doubt?" Queen of Poison.

"Very nuanced things." Yangding Tiandao: "For example, when I talked about the baby. As a grandmother, she has almost no emotional fluctuations! After the solitary phoenix dance and my family, I became completely infatuated. Even extreme people! There are many, very subtle, just feeling, no reason!"

"Now it's my turn to answer you." Queen of Poison said: "Why don't I have any precautions against you? Because. My daughter Frost is your wife! You are her favorite person in the world! And I Also know that she has become a Naga!"

When this was said, Yang Dingtian was like a Thunder, and then he suddenly pushed the Queen of Poison.

what? Is she the mother of Frost? Then, who is the saint sea heart?

Because, this means the most terrible thing!

However, the Queen of Poison has entangled Yang Dingtian and smiled. "Yes. I am the mother of Duo Ao Shuang!"

Yangdingtian is used again, to push her away!

He really forever and never thought of this possibility!

"It doesn't matter if you don't care for the children, and don't say that we haven't happened. Even if there is anything, it doesn't matter, our sea snakes don't care about this."

"Abandoned!" Yang Dingtian anger, screaming cold and screaming: "How can you do this? You are the most respected elders. I am the husband of Frost, you. How can you do this? You Is the Sea Snake, not the most loyal race?"

The Queen of Poisons gently stroked the face of Yang Dingtian, trying to calm him down, and Yang Tian shoved her hand away.

"Don't be alone, not the father of Frost." The Queen of Poison is faint.

Yangding Tian suddenly slammed! Solitary, not the father of Frost? How can it be?

"Alone is a hero in the world. But the person who can make the sea snakes estrus will not appear one for hundreds of years. The solitary is not that person." Queen of Poison said: "He went to the temple of the soul, nothing Yes, just take the frost from the shackles!"

Yang Dingtian did not dare to look at the Queen of Poison.

original. Frost is a solitary singer who is raised in the temple of the soul.

"Then, is that the solitary phoenix dance? Is she your daughter?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No, she is not. She is a lonely daughter. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, the solitary singer makes the outsiders think that the solitary phoenix dance and the solitary arrogance are twin sisters." Du Gudao said: "The mother of the solitary phoenix dance, and others!" ”

"Even if the predecessor is not the father of Frost, then the frost is a father." Yangding Tiandao: "Do you do it now, where is he?"

The Queen of Poisons smiled and touched the face of Yang Dingtian: "Stupid children! Our Sea Snakes are the most loyal race! If I have a man, how can I betray him?"

"There is no man, how do you give birth to the frost?"

"Maybe there is a man, but I don't know!" Queen of Poison said with a smirk: "When I was chased, I didn't know anything. I don't know who that person is, maybe it's a devil! Day, I seem to be completely confusing, I don’t know anything! When I wake up, I’m already blind! If there is such a man, then he may be the devil!”

Yangdingtian was shocked, even the Queen of Poisons did not know who the father of Frost was?

"At the time, I was bored and leisurely alive in the snake people, and Haixin was unwilling to travel, traveling the world, trying to find someone who could make her estrus, so as to breed a strong **** race." "In this way, the days go by, it seems to be very slow, and it seems to be very fast, a hundred years of time, waved by! Right, for a while, your master, the Eastern Nirvana, tried to break into my territory, the result Let me be expelled with ecstasy. Of course, there are many more people who are expelled by me!"

Yang Dingtian heart trembled!

The master broke into the snakeland territory, which he said not long ago. No outsider knows. The Queen of Poison Say this thing, no doubt true.

"Suddenly one day! It seems that the gods in the sky have extended a hand and directly took me to Wanli, hundreds of thousands of miles away. Then, I don’t know anything, when I woke up, I already had a bead. Dark knot, in a dilapidated hall!" Queen of Poison.

"In the temple? Leaving the soul hall?"

"Yes. Departure from the soul!" Queen of Poison said: "A small broken temple, very old, very old, very lonely! No door, can't break, can't get out! At the time, I was half-sacred, fight Do your best, you can't break a window, don't say it, you can't even look at the scenery outside!"

The soul of Yangdingtian is almost shaking, saying: "And then?"

"Then, I have been staying in the soul hall for a few years, and then one day. There was a sharp pain in my stomach, and I was temporarily unconscious!" Queen of Poison said: "When I wake up, I have recovered. And by my side, there is a baby covered with scales, you know, that is frost!"

"And then?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Then, the footsteps sounded outside!" Queen of Poison said: "I am very excited, because this is a few years. The first time someone came to the Temple of the Soul. But I was immediately imprisoned in the darkness, I can see everything. But no sound is heard, and no one sees me!"

"And then?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Then I saw a person pushing the door in. This person is alone!" said Queen of Poison: "The first time he came in, he saw the frost on the ground, and he was covered with terrible Scales. Then, there seems to be an energy. It is shrouded in his body! His face is incomparably happy, very satisfying, incomprehensible expression, as if in a fairyland! Then, it sounded inside the soul hall. Sound! This is the first time since the soul of the temple has sounded for a few years!"

"What kind of voice?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Very ordinary, ordinary can not be described in words." Queen of Poison said: "This voice tells Duo, he has found this place, it is a great fate! So, he wants to be alone! Can make him into the world The first person can give him the most powerful exercises, and can give him the most powerful energy! Anything, as long as you are alone, you can give it to the soul temple!"

Yangding Tiandun thought of Zhu Qingzhu. After he went to the Temple of the Soul, he got the second-class evil spirit energy and immediately became the top powerhouse closest to the semi-san.

There are also lonely people. After entering the Temple of the Soul, they get the most powerful and most powerful nightshade body.

"Don't be a predecessor, there is nothing to be, as long as the frost on the ground wow wow?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, he looked at the crying baby on the ground with pity. He said that you can not take one thing, but also take the baby away? You can't take it away from the soul hall. You can only take it away. And say this baby, Put it in the temple of the soul." Queen of Poison said: "Duo You said, then he wants this baby! It’s quiet for a while, saying that this is not something I want to offer! I’m alone, but You said that anything in this hall can be selected by me. So, I agreed to leave the soul and let the solitary sorrow take the baby! So, Ao Shuang became the daughter of Dulu!"

Yangding Tianxiao trembled: "In fact, the solitary predecessors have always cherished the frost very much. Even, he also used the birth of the phoenix dance to help cover up the existence of frost?"

"Yes, it should be." Queen of Poison.

In the top of the sun, the heart trembled slightly. The previous singular arrogant cream has been very inferior and even extreme. I feel that I don’t care for her, I don’t care about her, I’m eccentric. She even hates Duo, and she is jealous of the solitary dance. She did not think that the solitary phoenix dance existed because of her.

"And then?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Then, I lost my knowledge again. When I woke up again, I was already on the high tower of the Snakes. I was already at home. In the years away from the Temple of the Soul, it was like a dream, as if Nothing happened.” Queen of Poison said: “Even, I feel that my own body is not the same! So, I have been wondering whether these things have happened before, maybe it’s really a Dream! But this makes me very afraid to leave the snake family. So, I sent my most trusted and loved sister Haixin, let her go to humans to explore!"

"Hai Hai is smaller than you?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, she is smaller than me, about a hundred years old! So, she is a big one. For a long time, we all lived together!" Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "Even, many of these snake people, I personally brought it big! For example, the Momo that is infatuated with you is the one I love the most."

Yangding Tiandun thought of it, Haixin came to the human continent, played as a teacher, and walked the world. Find the whereabouts of the solitary arrogant cream.

"Later, Haixin came back and told me! Du Guzhen did have a daughter, and she was covered with scales." Queen of Poison said: "I realized that it was not a dream! I still dare not leave this tower, so I can only let Haixin secretly protect the frost. She was very interested in Frost at first, thinking that it would be a Naga. After more than ten years, no little energy was found in the frost. Did not find a little Naga's possibility. So she gradually gave up the mission of guardianship, and turned to the world, looking for someone to let her estrus, she wants to breed a strong **** race! Later, she has seen countless The man, did not find a little signs of ecstasy, so she gave up temporarily, returned to the snakes! Start trying to ask me. Who made me give birth to future generations. I said I don't know, she doesn't believe, she thinks me She is cheating on her. So, she is becoming more and more jealous of me, more and more jealous! Until one day, she is jealous of everything I have, including my power in the snakes! She tried to take everything away from me!"

"And then?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Then, she colluded with the highest lurker in the grassland in the east!" Queen of Poison said: "Of course. Even so, she did not dare to really do it to me. Because I am much stronger than her. Until there is One day, my cultivation suddenly began to fall. On that day, I suddenly became very weak. She didn't know what was going on, but I knew that because Frost had become a Naga. So, she had been forbearing for many years. Finally Work with the demon stalker and prepare to kill me!"

Yang Dingtian heart, violently tremble!

The Virgin Mary said that the Queen of Poison and the Demon Road colluded, but did not think of it. The Queen of Poison Sa said that it is Haixin himself who colludes with the demon road.

The Queen of Poison continued: "But the timing of her choice is still wrong! At that time, although I was weak, I was not weak enough. So I seriously injured her! I can kill her, but I can't bear it!" So she escaped! And, began to attack the entire east from the grasslands, trying to find countless cannon fodder and destroying my snakes!"

"But, I saw that the people who built the snake empire are you, turning the east into the grassland into hell, but also you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes! I will start with a strong one!" Queen of Poison said: "In the shortest possible time, swept the entire dynamic grassland and established the Snake Empire!"

"Then why do you want to turn the whole east from the grassland into hell, why use tens of millions of slaves to build tens of thousands of miles of defense, don't say that these things are not what you do, don't say these tens of millions of people, not you Kill." Yangdingtian anger!

"Yes, I did it, I killed it!" said the Queen of Poison.

"Why is that? Is it also to deal with the sea heart? Impossible." Yangding Tiandao.

"Of course, not to deal with Haixin!" The Queen of Poison looked at Yangdingtian, one word at a time: "It's for you! The war will soon come! I don't have much time, so I have to be in the shortest In the time, completely clean the east from the grassland! It is absolutely impossible to turn the half-human into one of the demon corps of the demon road! I want to give you a complete snakeman empire! I want to build this huge unprecedented. Defense, in the future, when the entire human continent is completely framed, you have the final defensive land!"

The Queen of Poisons looked at Yangding Tiandao: "I know what your Xizhou and Zhongzhou are doing! Your speed is too slow, you are too soft-hearted. My heart is hard enough, so I can do it to turn the whole east into the grassland. The most powerful fortress. For my daughter, for my son-in-law, what can I do?"

Yang Dingtian saw the Queen of Poison, who was entangled with himself and entangled himself. "We are like this, I am still your son-in-law!"

"Your words are true, because you are cold and the bottom is not soft." The Queen of Poison looked at Yangdingtian and said: "But what about it? You can really make me emotional, I have never No man! What can't you do?"

Then Queen of Poison said: "Actually, I don't mind giving Frost a sister! But it seems that you care, then you don't have to continue."

Yang Dingtian listened to the words of the Queen of Poison, and wanted to refute it as a paradox, but after all, he could not say anything.

"The middle-aged man who sent to the Magic City Shang Palace to auction the fourth-order scroll of the pig-sword method is also sent by you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes, I sent it." Queen of Poison said: "Has he given you the cheats?"

"You don't know?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Know what?" Queen of Poison.

"I thought he was sent by the demon sect, so I didn't buy it. The cheats fell into the hands of the main Kui, and the snake man was killed." Yangding Tiandao.

The poisonous Queen’s eyes trembled, showing a trace of pain. The middle-aged snake family, in fact, is very low and low, not worth mentioning, but his death still makes her eyes tremble.

"Of course, you can rest assured that the fourth step of the killing of the swordsmanship method, I got the hand through another channel." Yangding Tiandao: "Magic City Merchants Palace, is it yours? They told me to kill the pig sword The law is in your hands, let me come to the grassland to find you! But after I came, I first met the Virgin Mary! Lord, the fourth step of killing the sword, is it in your hands?"


At this time within the holy valley!

The old slave A5 stood behind the saint's sea The eyes were infatuated and admired, only to the back of her, he dared to release such a gaze, when he was positive, he would be self-cultivating To the extreme.

"Master, it should be almost! Yang Dingtian should have killed the poison sand!" A Wudao.

"Who knows? But anyway, my sister, today is dead." The Virgin Mary said: "Ghost my son, it is better than a while, I gave her body to you, how?"

Xuantianzong ghost my son! The demon slayer is the highest lurker in Zhongzhou, and the only Wu Xing teacher in the world!


Note: The drama of 暧*昧 has finally been written, and I want to die! Have to write!

I have to go to Shanghai to work tomorrow, I will get up at six o'clock, but I still haven't slept yet! Hey! (To be continued.)

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