Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 668: The ending of the Queen! Semi-St.

"The fourth step of the killing of the sword method?" Queen of Poison said: "I don't have it here, the sea heart may have. Because it is the scroll, it is her travel in the mainland, handed it to me!"

When Yangding Tiandeng suddenly wrinkled, the so-called saint sea heart, the heart is so deep! It is really difficult to get something from her hands.

"Now, you have already seen the sea, what are you going to do?" Yangding Tiandao: "You want to kill her, I don't object, but some people around her, and people inside the Valley, you have to let go. ""

"No, I won't kill her, I can't kill her either." Queen of Poison said with a smile: "Small day, I am not her opponent! My repair is degraded every day, before relying on the tower. I can still beat Haixin. Now, I am far from her opponent. But she still doesn't know that after I was seriously injured, I will never dare to do it to me. Instead, I will send you to kill. I!"

Yangding Tiandao: "There are so many big masters, masters, can't you kill her?"

"I don't know!" Queen of Poison said: "Small day, she was also a semi-sanctified repair! But after I was seriously injured a few months ago, there was only a big division. I am not sure if she has recovered. If it doesn't recover, then my men can kill her. If she has recovered, she can kill all my men."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is to guess that she has completely recovered, otherwise she will not do it for you! If she does not fully recover, even if you kill you, you will not be able to take the Snake Empire."


On the top of the megalithic mountain, meditate and close the eyes, devour the brilliance of the moon.

Under her body is a rough stone with a white light!

The moonlight in the sky, the giant mountain underneath, seems to provide a very powerful energy, madly poured into her body.

In the end, her body is getting darker and darker! even. As if to swallow all the brilliance, the whole body seems to become a black hole.

Suddenly, her beauty slammed open, deep in the jade hand. In the direction of Yangdingtian and Huangyudongfang, gently hold it and twist it!

"Hey!" In an instant, the cave house that was dozens of miles away was instantly broken.

Then she jade palm, pressed against the pond below the cave.

Suddenly, the entire pond slammed a blue flame, instantly turning the water in the pond into nothing!

"Sister, the injury you gave me, I finally recovered. I will give you ten times as much as I can." Haixin was faint.

At this time, a sly figure, like a vulture, flew up to the top of the mountain and squatted directly on her feet. Trembling: "Congratulations to the master, return to the semi-sacred step again!"

"The cultivation has been nearly two thousand years, but it is only half-holy, not worth mentioning!" Haixin said faintly: "Well, I am going to do things right now, you will handle it here!"

"Yes!" Ghosts and sons.

Then, the sea heart is like a fairy. Fluttering to the next.

Ghosts and sons use the incomprehensible gaze to open the originality of the sea heart, and below are the caves that are bottomless.

Inside, all the dense bodies are dead bodies!

Endless body! All are women, all of them are teenage women, young half-human virgins!

A full tens of thousands!

Originally beautiful and beautiful girl. All twisted the face and died in fear.

All the girls, all like dry bodies, were sucked into all the blood, all the mascara!

The exact number is 90,000!

Sea heart. In the most direct way, I have restored my half-level revision!

Because the blockade is so powerful, most of these girls are from the Holy Valley!

They regard the sea heart as a saint, and the life idol of reinventing grace, but did not expect it to become her blood food!


"Small day, now in the grassland, no one is the opponent of Haixin. She can easily kill me, but she was scared by me a few months ago, so I dare not come directly. Look for me." Hai Xindao: "Today, she let you kill me, no matter how she will come to me."

Yangding Tian trembled fiercely.

"So, no one can stop her!" The Queen of Poison said lightly.

Yangding Tiandao: "Can't even Naga be? Frost is now by my side, I want her to come out to see you."

"No, no." Queen of Poison said: "I am very incomparable to see her! But my relationship with her is too close. Once I meet her, it will affect her dependence on you. Before you completely cross, you must She must not let her contact the second person, even if this person is her mother. Be sure to make you her unique loved one in the world, loved ones! Otherwise, after she is really strong, you will be difficult to control her. The contempt of Gah to mankind is unparalleled! Xiaotian, you know. In the ancient times, what did the Naka defect after the search for human mating?

Yangdingtian shook his head.

"Eat the man directly." Queen of the Poison.

Yangding Tiandeng was shocked and said: "Isn't it said that Naga is the most dedicated and loyal in the world? Even your sea snakes, once they are estrus to a male, will die!"

"Yes, the second generation of Naga is a flawed race, not the same as the Sea Snakes and Naga. .oM" Queen of Poison.

Yangding Tiandao: "Then you are not waiting for Naga, how can you also give birth to Naga?"

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "The reason is very simple, because the owner of the Temple of the Soul has done something for my body! And you also discovered that Frost Naga should be different from the legendary Naga. of."

"I have never seen a real Naga." Yangding Tiandao.

"I haven't seen it yet." Queen of Poison, then she suddenly took the face of Yang Dingtian and put the beautiful face together, saying: "Small day, do you say that I am beautiful?"

Yang Ding Tianxin trembled: "You, of course you are beautiful! Your beauty at this time, more than the sea heart and nothingness, may only be able to match the frost after adulthood."

The Queen of Poison Shake gently rubs the top of her face with her face and then kisses his mouth with her lips.

Yangding Tiandeng is stiff!

"Hey!" Queen of Poison sighed softly and said: "Small day, you see me as an elder. And I see you as a man! I have never given birth to a child, but I have never been estrus! Today is the first Once!"

"The sea is coming soon, have to think about it." Yangding Tiandao.

"Fazi?" The Queen of Poison said softly: "My cultivation is deteriorating every day. Now, according to your human beings, it is only a great master. It is not like this. It is better to give it to you."

"Give me, how to give it?"

"Yin and Yang will be mysterious, you will!" Queen of Poison.

Yang Dingtian’s face is momentarily stiff and bites his teeth: “I. I can’t do it!”

"Then I will do it." Queen of Poisons gently pressed the jade hand on the chest of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, the body of Yangdingtian could not move at all.

Then, she rode on the waist of the Yangding, leaned down the perfect body, gently kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian, sticking out her tongue and sucking gently.

"Small day, you know that as a sea snake woman, our dream of a lifetime is to find a man, estrus, and then mate, and finally give birth to future generations." Queen of Poison said, panting: "Before you die, you will I am fulfilled! I. Although I have given birth to a child, it seems that I have not experienced a man. I have checked it. My flower door is not damaged. I don’t even know how I gave birth to my child. I put After you and yourself are handed over to you, then die in your arms and let Haixin think that I killed you. Then she will let you go."

As the Queen of Poison Speaks, the whole body has begun to tremble.

She kissed Yangdingtian's lips and gently lifted the fragrant buttocks, and then she had to completely blend, and then passed all the cultivations to Yangdingtian with Yin and Yang.

Yangdingtian can't move, but the biting teeth are closed. Blood has flowed out.

The Queen of Poison Shake trembled and shed tears. "You, you still can't think that you can't pass the heart? Is it going to make you shadow?"

Yangdingtian moves his eyes. Said to deny.

The Queen of Poisons untied the ban and said, "Let's talk!"

Yang Dingtian stared at her closely and said: "Don't be afraid to tell you the truth, Queen Majesty! Because you don't have a husband, so if you want to give it to me, I will dare to accept it! But it is definitely not accepted in this situation! This situation is too desperate! Tell me about your plans!"

Queen of Poison Sa: "I have already arranged it, I will give you all the repairs, and then die in your arms, let Haixin think that I was killed by you, so that she will let you go." I have ordered it. After I die, the whole snake family should not resist. We must protect the strength by the sea heart. Wait until one day, when you are strong enough, or when the frost is strong enough, you will return to the snake empire. Kill the sea heart and take charge of the entire snake empire! Everything, I have arranged it. On the day of the death of the sea heart, you are the king of the snake empire!"

Then, Queen of Poison Sighs gently sighs: "Haicang has always been jealous of my rule over the Serpent people, and has always been jealous of my power. However, she does not know that I am not a queen for the snakes, but theirs. Mother! The reason why they obey me is not because of my strength, but because they are all raised by me."

"The frost is too strong, too proud, not the queen of the snakes. Momo is not the same, has extraordinary talent, and loves you, so when you leave the East, you can let her Queen, in charge of the entire Snake Empire!" Queen of Poison said: "What you need to do now is to accept everything, then let me die in your arms, then sit on the sea and become the queen of the Snake Empire, then Enron Let's escape!"

"How do you know that he will not kill me?" Yangding Tiandao: "Even if I pretend that I have killed you, she may kill me as well."

"No, you are the only one who can make her estrus. As long as you don't discover her conspiracy, she won't kill you." Queen of Poison said: "Even, she still has to be in front of everyone, in front of you, still Showing the appearance of the saint."

Yangdingtian face twitched!

"Stupid child, there is no other way. My cultivation has been deteriorating, can not be wasted! Today, I am already dead. No one can stop the sea, only I am dead in your arms, the Queen Let her be able to preserve the snakes and protect you." Queen of Poison.

After all, the Queen of Poisons gently touched the lips of Yang Dingtian: "Okay, I am finished, you are fulfilling me! I have already felt that you have responded."

"Yes, I have reacted. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Anyone will be fascinated by your beauty!" Yangding Tiandao: "I said, since you dare to give me, then I dare to. But not now, not a spring breeze, what I want is to pilgrimage, I want to be permanent!"

"Stupid, it's impossible." The Queen of Poison said with a smile: "For me, one night is enough."

"When the golden wind Yulu meets, it will win countless people?" Yangding Tiandao.

This stolen poem instantly made the Queen of Poison, and she kissed Yang Dingtian deeply, twisting the perfect body, desperately trying to merge.

Yangdingtian held her tempting waist and made her unable to move the ball: "Not enough for me, what I want is the dynasty! Then, we change the plan, according to what I said, how?"

"No, no, Xiaotian!" The Queen of Poison said: "You will kill yourself! Today is a dead end, I must die!"

"Yes, but it is another way of dying, a way of dying in the future." Yangding Tiandao: "Well, I decided to come down. Everything is going according to my plan today, okay?"

The Queen of Poison is looking at Yangdingtian, with a kind of pet, and with a dependence.

"Everyone said that I am the Queen of Poison, my heart is hot, and the city is not at the bottom. In fact, I am saying that I am just a simple woman, so I stay on the tower every day, write and draw, and take care of the hatchery. The snake-like child came out." The Queen of Poison Sighs: "Well, I listen to you, everything is listening to you!"


The semi-class sea core directly enters the tens of miles of the tower.

She did not encounter any blockage! Suddenly, my heart!

For this sister, she is really scared! Although she looks so gentle and pure! But this pure woman, pretending to be weak a few months ago, led herself to attack almost let herself die. If it weren't for her kindness, she was already a bunch of bones.

Today, although she feels that her sister will die, she is still afraid when she is near the tower.

This, after all, is to bring her to the big sister from childhood! She is really afraid of her!

Is this a trap?

Haixin's footsteps, even slight hesitation.

However, there is no choice!

At this time, she saw Yangdingtian slowly walked to the window of the tower, holding the sword of smoky black smoke in her hand!

Haixin burst into ecstasy and flew away!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one!

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