Yang Dingtian once asked that this imaginary sword can kill the poisonous sand, and naturally it can kill the sea heart, why not do it.

The Queen of Poison Sa said two words. First of all, this sword of nothingness is provided by Haixin, so she will have absolute defense against this thing. Second, Haixin can't die now! Before the Yangdingtian or the Frost is strong, the Snake Empire needs at least one and a half holy power.


When I stepped on the tower, the heart of the sea heart was an unprecedented excitement, unprecedented ecstasy, and unprecedented tension and uneasiness.

In the past few years, Poison has kept himself on the tower and didn't know everything about the outside world. Before, the only way she got the news was herself!

Moreover, everything that the Queen of Poisons did in the East from the grassland was extremely cruel and could not be washed. Therefore, Haixin is very relieved to let Yangdingtian come to see the Queen of Poison.

Of course, the world knows that the frost has become a Naga, only alone, Qin Wanqiu, Yangdingtian, the Eastern Nirvana, and the Queen of Poison.

And knowing that Naga Frost is around Yang Dingtian, it’s just these five people.

This is the highest secret of the world, and the Virgin Mary is not known.

Therefore, she was relieved to let Yangdingtian come to see the Queen of Poison! With the character of Yang Ding Tian’s hatred, and in order to protect the people in the Holy Valley, he will certainly do it. At this point, Haixin is very confident.

Go to the top of the tower and there is a door in front.

Haixin has never been nervous and nervous.

In case, this is a trap. If the poison sand is waiting for himself inside, then this time I will die.

Again, since I have come here, there is no way out.

The sea heart slammed the door!


No suspense!

She saw a body! A beautiful and beautiful body!

This woman who scared her, let her rely on, let her jealous, let her hate. Finally turned into a body.

The only woman in the world who is more beautiful than herself, this woman who is dead and beautiful to her jealousy has finally become a cold body.

She is lying in bed quietly. I don't have any enthusiasm.

On the body, there is also the imprint of the blushing tide! Her face is still in the most fascinating expression.

Haixin's gaze looks between the legs of the poisonous sand!

Yes, her sister, Poison, is in love! The most beautiful flower has bloomed!

Not the same as humans! Once there is no emotion, their bodies are completely closed!

However, at this time, this perfect body does not look like a corpse, but rather is the perfect jade statue.

The sea heart goes forward and opens her back neck!

really. Her seven-inch bone door opened, the softest point, there is a dark to the darkest point!

Her sister, poisonous, is dead! I can't die anymore!


And Yangdingtian, holding a sword of nothingness at this time. Some of them are standing on the edge.

Seeing the sea heart coming in, Yang Dingtian scattered chaos, a little focal length.

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry..." Haixin ran up quickly, holding the sun-filled Yangdingtian in his arms, and said gently in her ear.

"What about the box with the sword?" Haixin said softly.

Yangding Tianmu smashed out a jade box.

"Hey. Come in." Haixin held his breath.

Yangdingtian put the sword of nothingness into the box.

Haixin was relieved for a long time, then put the jade box in his arms and said softly: "I'm sorry, sorry! Child, sorry!"

Then, Haixin will hold Yangdingtian into his arms. Constantly shed tears.

Her heart is really deep! She only said sorry, but she did not say why Yang Dingtian had invested in a sword of nothingness to take risks. I am simply sorry, as if I have said everything, and I seem to say nothing.

"Why don't you run? Why don't you run after you succeed? Do you know how dangerous it is? Fortunately, I arrived in time. Otherwise you will die." Haixin complained.

"When I killed her, she... she seemed to be very happy!" Yangding Tiandao: "She, she seems to be not as powerful as she imagined."

"She, she said something to you?" Haixin holds Yangding Tiandao.

"No, nothing has been said." Yangding Tiandao.

At this time, Yangdingtian seems to be completely nervous because of the tension, so the following key points are still embarrassing, and she is holding it tightly, could not help but withstand her softness.

The sea heart only feels that the breath is promoting, the heart is shaking, and the whole body is going to heat up.

Haixin quickly released Yangdingtian, and then he untied his robes and put them on Yangdingtian's body, wearing only light blue thin underwear.

Then, she picked up the green wrap dress of the Queen of Poison Sha from the ground, and the beauty showed a hint of admiration, and then put the clothes on the Queen of Poison!

"Okay, I will take you away!" Haixin softly said.

Just at this time!


Outside, dozens of lights and shadows flashed instantly!

The four commanders of the Snake Empire, and the will, all come together!

This is the highest level of the Snake Empire! Perhaps this is also the most beautiful and enchanting group in the world.

Every one is put on human beings, and there is nothing in the millions!

See the body of Queen of Poison in bed!

Suddenly, everyone showed a horrifying expression!

Then, half of the people slipped into tears.

In the beginning, it was just tears, and later it became blood and tears.

And half of the people, without a tear, just bite the jade teeth.


Finally, when I couldn’t resist it, I had a mouthful of blood, and a blood spurted out!

"Your queen, my sister, I killed!" Haixin slowly said: "I can't sit and watch her turn the whole east into the grassland! I can't sit and watch countless lives become slaves! You have to avenge her. , though, come on!"

Suddenly, the four commanders of the Snakes, and the will, twenty pairs of beautiful eyes, instantly look at the sea.

No disguise, the most hateful look!

Among them, the devil, the beautiful eye corner, even directly split a hole, blood falling down the corner of the eye.

"You want to kill me. Let's do it!" Haixin slowly closed the beautiful, standing upright.

After a long time!

The four commanders of the Snakes will not be hands-on, but will be tidy!

"See you under the guise. Queen of the Sea!"

The whole heart of the sea heart trembled fiercely!

Inside, as if there is a flower, violently bloom!

She succeeded and she finally waited until this day.

This scene in front of her is completely beyond her expectations.

The half-man is like this! Once the king is killed, even if the enemy is as deep as the sea, the one who killed the king will be regarded as the new king. This is the rule of the semi-human race, the strong is the king!

However, Haixin never knew it! Poison Sha from start to finish. There is no demonstration of the power of the snakes, except for the sea.

The reason why the snake people are the king of poison sand is because of her love and admiration for her!

However, people always look at the world from their own eyes and see the world from their own hearts.

In the eyes of the sea. The strong is king! Then her world is the strong king!

At this time, her dreams of the millennium have been fulfilled. Under the excitement of ecstasy, she even felt deep inside, the fire of love seemed to sway, burning her heart, so that she could not suppress it at all.

Suddenly. Her beauty can't help but fly to the top of the sky! Then, move it away again!


The Virgin of the Sea defeated and killed the Queen of Poison, becoming the new queen of the Snake Empire!

After the news spread, the eight war tribes were uneasy.

The whole snake family is very calm!

Within the Holy Valley. It has become a sea of ​​joy! All the people are caught in a carnival!

They are saved! Their saints once again created a miracle!

Almost everyone in the entire Sacred Valley is shouting the name of the Virgin Mary!

Only one person, beautiful and tearful, the beautiful face is full of anger!

this person. It is the phoenix!

When she saw Yangdingtian, she rushed into her arms like a bird, and the beautiful resentment said: "Master, is the master using you to kill the Queen of Poison? Is it? Is it?"

Yang Dingtian gently touched her hair and said: "There is no such thing!"

"You don't lie to me, it must be like this." Huang Yu cried: "Only you can make the snakes fascinated, only you have the chance to kill the Queen of Poison! She must use you, she must have done this." How can she do this?"

Then, Huang Yu a tear, said: "French, let us go! From today, I will not have this master, I will follow you, we will live together!"

Yang Dingtian caressed her neck with affection.

She is really not a phoenix dance!

Before she married, she showed how much like a phoenix dance, the same tough, the same hot.

However, after marrying, all the disguise is stripped! This is a girl who is extremely dependent on emotions and even extreme and stubborn! That's right, it's like a person. On the surface, it is very tough, and actually weak and uneasy.

There is no doubt that Haixin has created the illusion that she is a phoenix dance, and the wound of her chest is also forged by the sea heart!

The wound of the phoenix dance was specially treated by her, and the scar will never disappear.


The body of Queen of Poison is immersed in unfrozen water, placed inside the jade coffin, and then completely sealed at the highest level of the Central Tower of the Snakes!

At any moment, there will be a large-scale snake-like family, guarding this body!

Although Haixin killed her, Haixin became the new queen.

But she is very clever, and does not deny everything about the Queen of Poison, still respect her as the founder of the Snake Empire, the first queen!

Then, Queen Haixin will be promoted to become the new general commander of the rebel leader, such as Bella.

Then, Queen Haixin began to announce the liberation of slaves from the grasslands in the east!

But the huge defense line of tens of thousands of miles is still to be built! Because, in her mouth, the end of the world war is coming soon, the Snake Empire must train the most elite troops, to build the most powerful defense line, to resist the arrival of the army!

The rectification of the east from the grasslands!

The city, the construction of the castle, still has to be carried out!

A wise person may find that, after the Queen of the Seas is in the upper position, there is not much difference between the things done and the Queen of Poison.

However, the means are much more moderate and gentler.

However, features such as individual territories of independent tribes have disappeared.

Since then, the semi-human beings have never been divided into wolves, leopards, and so on. It is a unified snakeman empire!

The half-human brain is simple! After the brutal tyranny of the Queen of Poison, the Queen of the Sea, despite doing the same thing, made them feel like they were in heaven.


Within the hall of the Snake Empire!

"My mother, I am leaving." Yangding Tiandao.

The Queen of the Sea Heart trembled a little, and Mei looked at Yangding Tiandao: "You, you are still blaming me, right?"

Yangdingtian shook his head.

The Queen of the Sea came forward and gently grabbed the hand of Yangdingtian. Like the beauty of the sea, I looked at Yangdingtian. I said softly: "Don't you go well? Stay to help me, there are too many snakemen." Things to do! And you are my closest person."

Yangding Tiandao: "But in the human continent, I also have a lot of things to do. Mother-in-law, I have come to the east from the grassland, I haven't done it yet."

"What?" Queen Haixin said: "I will do it for you, okay?"

"I came to find the fourth stage of the killing of the sword, and the people of the Magic City Shang Palace told me that the killing of the sword is in the east of the grassland snakes." Yangding Tiandao.

The Queen of the Sea Hearts trembled slightly, and flashed a glimmer of complex eyes.

"Small day, you don't want to go first, I will ask you for help, okay?" Haixin said: "Tomorrow, I will reply you!"

Yangding Tianmu’s eyes showed a surprise: “Is the mother-in-law’s whereabouts of killing the sword?”

"I don't think it is good for the time being, but I will definitely give you a reply." Queen Haixin said: "Right, Fenger is now angry with me, blame me for taking risks, ignore me every day, you help me to enlighten enlighten."

"I will." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good, we have a family at night, eat together." Haixin softly.

Yangdingtian will have to retire.

Suddenly, Haixin gently embraced Yangdingtian and kissed him on the cheek of Yangdingtian.

"Small day, it’s true that I really want you to stay."


Yangdingtian walks alone in the forest of wonderland~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What should I call you? My mother-in-law, I really can’t say it, or is it called Queen’s Majesty? "Yangding Tianxin Zhongdao.

"Call me salsa? You promised me, you want to yell with me." The voice of Queen of Poison, in the mind of Yangdingtian.

"Okay, okay!" Yangding Tiandao: "It’s true that thanks to you, Haixin has penetrated into my mind countless times, trying to test my spirit and memory. If not your soul will me remember For a short time, I have already revealed flaws! Once I reveal the flaws, I have only one result, and the corpse is on the spot!"

"It may not be, Haixin is reluctant." Queen of Poison said: "But it is too dangerous to stay with her. Once you lift the pig sword from her mouth, you will leave immediately! Stay It’s too dangerous for a half-sacred side! I’m so scared, for her ambition, one day she will succeed in using you and will kill you!”


Note: The second is sent! Boss, insured the end of the month!

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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