Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 670: Haixin旖旎! Kill the pig sword method 4th appearance appearance!

"Well, no matter what the reply of the sea of ​​tomorrow, I have to leave! Big deal, I am going to find the legendary mermaid empire." Yangding Tiandao: "When I come back, it is the death of Haixin." First grievances your soul temporarily in my mind, waiting to kill the sea heart, I will use the soul to gather you to resurrection! At that time, you are still personally commanding the entire snake empire!"

Queen of Poison: "The most important thing is that by that time, I want to be your woman, and be with you in the brightest!"

"Good!" Yangding Tiandao: "A word is fixed!"


"French, are you going to leave?" Seeing the first sight of Yangdingtian, Huangyu said.

Yangdingtian hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, then let's go now, I will follow you." Huang said, the beautiful eyes are full of reluctance and determination.

Yang Dingtian sighed and gently touched her beautiful face, and it was a beautiful mistake to be with her.

Just because she thought she was a solitary phoenix dance, Yangdingtian would agree to be married again with her.

After the marriage, all her strong camouflage were unloaded, and Yang Dingtian saw the flaws of Haixin, so that she did not kill the Queen of Poison! It can be said that it is Huang Yu indirectly saved the poison sand! Also indirectly saved Yangdingtian.

Otherwise, Yang Dingtian knew that the mother of Duo Ao Shuang’s mother died in his own hands. He was used by the sea to kill the queen who built the whole empire for himself. That Yangdingtian would collapse.

"No, it is too dangerous for you to go with me." Yangding Tianrou said: "I will pick you up within two years!"

"No..." Huang said fiercely: "No, is it because you have a wife at home and dare not take me home?"

"I have a wife in my family, but I am afraid to take you home. I will definitely take you home." Yangding Tiandao: "

However, you must stay with your master now. ”

"No, I want to go with you." Huang Yu's eyes became extremely paranoid, saying: "I am your wife, marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog. Besides. There is a child between us! We originally It’s a couple!”

Looking at the fierce expression of the phoenix, Yang Tian’s heart floated on a thought.

This woman may be completely innocent in front of her, and she is completely unaware of everything about her master.

Haixin has transformed her body and even modified her memory. But she herself does not know anything.

Yang Dingtian wants to ask Huang Yu, what is her memory of her own? Who is she?

But he can't ask, once asked, it will definitely cause sea suspicion.

but. Her so paranoid character is more and more like a woman.

That woman is Yun Cailin!

When there is no in-depth contact, it will be thought that Yun Cailin is a powerful master. Only after a deep understanding can she discover her paranoid and even narrow personality.

Then a terrible thing happened.

Yes, Haixin did play the role of the Rose Master who walked the world and did indeed raise the daughter of Yun Cailin.

Then, suppose that this girl is the daughter of Yun Cailin, Yun Junnu! that. Who is the Yunjun slave who is far away from Zhongzhou? Who is the personal secretary of Yangdingtian?

Yangdingtian sent people to thoroughly check her body. There is no wound in the chest, and it is still a virgin.

Who is she?

Yangdingtian touched the face of Huangyu: "Now, your father has used all his strength to make you become another person, that is, to let you say goodbye to the past, that is, you do not want you to be involved in the future demon war. And now the human continent is surging. Once I take you back, I will let you get involved, I can't do it!"

"I am not afraid!" Huang dialect.

"But I am afraid!" Yangding Tiandao: "East from the grassland, far away from thousands of miles! You are here, it is safe!"

Huang language is fierce: "No. You said nothing is useless, I must go with you! Unless you say, you don't want me! Then I can think that nothing has happened!"

"Then, find a day, come to hack me, right?" Yang Dingtian smiled.

Huang language couldn't help but sneak a smile and said: "Yes, I will try my best to practice. When I am repairing more than you, I will hack you the **** who has been abandoned!"

Then she hugged Yang Dingtian and raised her head and said: "Frank, please, don't throw me here."

Yangdingtian gently kissed her eyebrows and softly said: "Huangyan, my Yangdingtian may be a jerk, but if you say it, it must be counted! For up to two years, I will come to the east to pick you up from the grassland. You may I still don't know my identity. I am now the owner of the Heavenly Alliance, the head of the Bright Parliament."

"Just you." Huang Yu was surprised.

"Hey, what tone do you have, what expression?" Yang Dingtian screwed her mouth, then smiled: "Well, my repair may be a little worse. But this is the truth, now I am worried about your master. She said that the Queen of Poison and the Demon Road are entangled, and the result is not. I am afraid that the next Demon Road will penetrate into the Snake Empire, you have to help me, okay?"

"You, what are you talking about?" Huang said.

"No, I am just worried." Yangding Tiandao.

When it comes to this level, Haixin will not doubt it. Yang Dingtian’s degree of suspicion, Haixin is already known.

"In two years, you will definitely come?"

"Sure!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, I promise you. If you don't come, I will kill you back to the human kingdom to find you."

Then she turned around and said: "And, you have to stay with me at home this evening. Maybe when you come back the next year, we have another baby."

"Good!" Yangding Tiandao.


The next day, Haixin liked to meet Yangdingtian!

"Small day, I must first tell you, I have not killed the fourth step of the pig sword method here." Hai Xindao.

Yang Dingtian's face changed, then said: "What else?"

"But the fourth step of the killing of the sword is the one I personally got from one person." Yangding Tiandao: "Or, he personally gave it to me as an exchange."

"Who? What to exchange?" Yangding Tiandao.

"A man named Yang Yunchong, the son of the former city owner of Yunxiao City. He was fleeing at the time. He had to flee east to the grassland, and he was chased and killed. He said that he would use a unique treasure of rareness in exchange for my salvation. Haixin said: "I don't care about the peerless treasure, but they are in a row. There is a child, I can't ignore it. So I shot and saved, then he handed this cheat to me, I didn't care. Until When you are completely rising, the killing of the sword is also a real peerless treasure. I will send the killing sword to the human kingdom and try to send it to your hands."

At this point, the voice of the Queen of Poisons sounded in the top of the sun, saying: "Xiaotian, this is the method of killing the pig sword. It was indeed 16 years ago, the sea heart handed it to me."

Yang Dingtian calculated it. Sixteen years ago, it was indeed the first time that Yang’s rebellion was completely pursued. Yang Yunchong fled at that time, very reasonable.

At that time, Yang Yunchong’s escape, he stole many high-level cheats from Yunxiaocheng.

among them. It should include the fourth order of the killing sword.

Of course, why is the first order. The second order, the third order, all have no movement in Yunxiao City, it is very simple!

Because, at the time they fled in a hurry and only stole the most advanced cheats. And kill the pig sword method fourth order. It is equivalent to the eighth order of ordinary cheats, at least eight products.

Well, this means that the fourth-order volume is likely to be in the hands of Yang Yunchong!

but. Now Yang Yunchong is dead!

Yang Lan entered the Yunxiao City rebellion for the second time, trying to kill the West Gate, and in the second rebellion of Yunxiao City, Ximen had completely killed Yang Yunchong.

Then, in the Yangdingtian brain, there was suddenly an extremely terrible thought, an extremely terrible possibility.

This possibility has been ignored by him for a long time.

Because he has never seen Yang Yunchong, he has always ignored this possible fact.

Yangding Tiandao: "What is Yang Yunchong coming to the grassland from the east? I know that he has turned into a waste from genius because of cultivation and killing the sword, and he has repaired it without any inch. After coming to the grassland in the east, he has recovered powerfully! Moreover, it is boundless to use the dark crystals to prepare to frame the West Gate."

Haixin said: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be to see the lurking demon in the grassland."

Then, Yang Yunchong has become a waste, why suddenly become stronger?

An answer, floating in front of Yangdingtian!

Evil spirit energy! Yes, it is evil spirit energy!

Then, the person who possesses the energy of evil spirits, the soul will never die!

On that day, he was stunned by the West Gate. Everyone thought he was dead, but if he had the energy of evil spirits, his soul would not die.

Of course, perhaps at his level, it is not enough for the soul to gather, nor is it qualified for resurrection.

But... his soul can always drift.

So where is his soul?

No matter where his soul floats, in short, when Simon is dead, he will definitely return to Yunxiaocheng.

When Yang Lan returns to Yunxiao City and participates in the battle of the city, he will definitely return to Yunxiao City!

Then there is no doubt that Yang Lan’s failure to attack Yang Dingtian failed, and Yang Dingtian used evil spirits to become a walking dead, and the soul of Yang Yunchong is undoubtedly in Yunxiao City!


After the person with the evil spirits is killed, the soul is protected by evil spirits and never dies. But if there is no soul gathering, it will become weak. Therefore, it is difficult to win the body of a normal person!

However, when a person has no soul, then he can easily win.

The soul of Yang Lan was taken by Yang Dingtian and turned into a blank body.

But this body is still his son.

Thinking of this possibility, Yang Dingtian suddenly shudders!

"My mother-in-law, I must return to the northwestern mainland immediately, and I will leave!" Yangding Tiandao: "I have no time to go to Phoenix, and goodbye, please bid farewell to me!"

"What happened? Don't worry." Haixin said softly: "There is something that can help you."

"No, if this thing hasn't happened yet, I can easily solve it myself. If something happens, then..." Yangding Tianfu said: "My mother, I am leaving!"

"I, I will send you." Hai Xindao.

Then, she took a few steps forward and embraced Yangdingtian in her arms.

At this time, the top of Yangdingtian is the most important. I couldn’t help but stand up and be completely out of my control.

It’s a **** of a ghost. He has no desire at all for a moment. How can there be a reaction? At this time, he is completely like a snake in the heart of the sea. How can there be evil thoughts?

Then he immediately thought of the poisonous sand in his mind. She seemed to inspire some thought of his mind.

"Sasha, what do you do?" Yang Dingtian said in his mind.

"Stupid, Haixin is hesitating, do you want to make your brain waste, and then you will stay forever." Sasha said: "Now is your most dangerous time, you must show the evil thoughts about her, she will Let you go."

The sea heart feels instantly, and then the heart is swaying, and the petite body is slightly hot. Breathing has also become urgent.

Yes, Yangdingtian is leaving, she can't stop it. Therefore, there is the idea of ​​turning Yangdingtian into a walking dead, ready to directly destroy all the gods of Yangdingtian.

But Yang Dingtian’s reaction made her heart sway!

Perhaps, it is still a lively zen genius that can make the snake people estrus.

and. This proves that Yang Dingtian really has a desire for himself, but only limited to morality. Can't cross the line.

Suddenly, Haixin’s hands holding Yangdingtian’s hands were tight, and the soft lower body was not removed, but it was tighter.

Yang Dingtian suddenly became very embarrassed, at this time without the Queen of Poison, he himself could not control his body.

Quickly push the sea away. Red ear equator: "Yes, sorry."

Haixin quickly packed up his inner thoughts, suppressed the rapid breathing, and tried to make himself an incomparable nature, as an elder. Kissing the face of Yang Dingtian, softly said: "Go, don't forget, east from the grassland, and your closest relatives."

"I know, I will definitely come back." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, immediately turn and leave.

Then, fly to the south with the fastest speed!

The faster the better, because the heart of the heart is stirring, and when she calms down, she may regret it and change her mind.


Three hours ago!

Queen of the Sea Heart summoned the slaves in a secret place!

"Ghost my son, you go to the northwestern city of Yunxiao City." Queen Haixin said: "Find Yang Hao, kill him! If you find the killing sword in her body, immediately destroy it with the sword of nothing!"

"Yes!" Ghost My son said: "But why don't you let me bring the killing swordsmanship back to you? With the killing sword method, you can control the Yangdingtian, and you can also go to the Netherland, Lingbi. The palace is trading."

"No, I don't need any trade!" Queen Haixin said coldly: "I just ruin the sword-killing method, because then, Yangdingtian will never be strong forever! He, he will always listen to me. if!"


Northwest China, Yunxiao City!

Xiaotaohong, is working on his couch with his nerd husband!

She loves to become a nerd, handsome, and will not look down on her, and obey. So every time she goes to work, she has to come to a morning exercise!

Of course, all actions are small pink initiative.

This is hard to beat her, because she is completely an expert, knowing how to do it to make herself the most comfortable.

The little pink son is almost a year old, has already walked, and even started to learn to talk. At this point, lying in his own bed to sleep.

My mother’s voice seemed to wake her up, his beautiful little face began to wrinkle, and the small mouth began to squash, and he cried.

Xiaotaohong quickly covered his mouth and pressed Haomai’s voice under his throat.

Soon she was in place.

After shuddering on Yang Lan’s body, after a while, she gasped and flattened, then kissed Yang’s handsome face and said softly: “My heart is good, you are awesome! Every time along with me!"

Next, Xiao Taohong and Yang Lan will take a bath and gently clean the body for Yang Lan.

Then, make breakfast and feed your baby. Then, gently feed Yang Lan.

She is very acquainted, these things are doing fast and good. Then, she will temporarily hand over the baby to the most close-fitting servant lady to go to work with the five ladies.

Today, she is also the deputy director of the interior of Yunxiao Castle. She is very proud of her identity, so her work is very hard.

In particular, Mu Wei became the real wife of the Sovereign, and her backing was so strong that she certainly worked harder.

Before going out, Xiao Taohong kissed Yang Yu’s lips softly and softly said: “I am going to do things, you are going to be at home!”

"Yeah!" Yang Yan said hard.

Xiaotaohong reluctantly went out and closed the door, leaving only Yang Lan in the room!

Yang Lan stood in the same place, and the gaze of the original, gradually condensed, became a burning god, and then issued a hoarse voice in the mouth: "Son, we should act!"


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! I have to go to work tomorrow, and I have to get up at five o'clock! Hey! (To be continued.)

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