Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 671: The fourth stage is rolled down, get it!

Yang Lan (or Yang Yunchong) came to the corner of the room and then removed the bed. ()

Then, at the corner of the bed, he opened a piece of wood with a dark compartment inside.

Inside the dark grid, there is a blind man!

Yang Lan will take out the scorpion!

"The killing of the sword, how many times you want to take you out of the deal, but have not yet started, those people have lost in the hands of Yangdingtian. This time, finally." Yang Lan gently stroked the blind road "Wu Ning, I hope you can make a good price. Of course, you will definitely have a good price!"

Then, Yang Lan touched the scorpion with his hand.

It’s not easy, it’s been more than a year. He has a walking dead for two years.

If it is the wandering of the soul, it will take longer, for more than ten years.

He was stunned by the West Gate, and then he was horrified or surprised to find that he did not die. Thus, his soul has been entrenched in the darkness of Yunxiao City.

In the past ten years, he has experienced great joy and great sadness.

The biggest joy is undoubtedly the death of Simon's endless! This enemy, which most hated him, finally died.

Then, Yangdingtian is coming.

For Yangdingtian, Yang Yunchong is absolutely contemptuous, and you are worthy of being a city owner.

Then, Yangdingtian learned **** the sword. Let his ecstasy go up a step.

Hahaha! It’s so good, I’m not the only one who is a fool, and a more stupid person has learned.

Another genius has become a waste.

However, Yang Yunchong soon won't be happy, because Yangdingtian learned that the killing of the sword is not a waste, but a rapid rise.

In the middle, he experienced Yang Diantian being framed, and Yang Yan and Ximen feared.

that time. He thought that Yang’s spring was coming.

However, immediately after, Yangdingtian came back and took part in the battle of the city. But the most ecstasy is that his son has returned, and her son Yang Lan has become a sinking wave, and he has returned.

but. His happiness has not lasted for a long time! In the big battle, his son lost to Yangdingtian.

At that time, he was still happy, as long as his son was there, everything had hope. Although Yang Dingtian won the big battle, with the help of Yang Yan, his son Yang Lan will be able to recapture his own things.

But the final outcome made him almost desperate!

Yang Yan lost, Yang Hao lost.

Yangding Tiankai opened his compassion and did not let Yang Lan die. Instead, he found a prostitute wife. Born a descendant.

Then, I thoroughly extracted the soul of Yang Lan and made him a walking dead.

At that moment, Yang Yunchong could not wait to smash the yang dynasty.

However, he can't do anything. He has neither strength nor strength.

But then, he found that he could have a body, and he could easily enter his son's body!

Then he occupied the body of his son Yang Lan.

His soul is protected by evil spirits. But after all, drifting for more than a decade, it is extremely weak.

and so. After winning his son's body, his soul is still very weak. It is very difficult to control this body, let alone revenge.

So, he gradually waited and gradually recovered.

When his soul gradually controlled the body, he went to dig up the secret of the pig-killing sword buried in one place. Then make a dark space under the bed, and then hide the secrets inside.

He did not leave Yunxiao City immediately, nor did he immediately retaliate.

Because, at this time, he is almost the safest. Yangdingtian will not hurt him, even if there are enemies who have broken through Yunxiaocheng. Nor will it deliberately hurt a walking dead.

In this way, the days passed day by day.

He has a son (perhaps a grandson) and a prostitute wife.

Although this wife is a prostitute, and when Yang Hao was awake, he was extremely mean and cold. But when he became a walking dead, he was very, very good to him, let him almost reach out and make a meal. Of course, in addition to the need for a strong day in the bed, once in the evening, once in the morning, twice a day.

At the beginning, Yang Yunchong still had some pain. After all, this body was his son. But soon, he left everything aside and continued to play the walking dead.

Then, continue to enjoy the woman’s embarrassment twice a day, or to serve.

I don't know many times, he wants to hurt Yang Dingtian's son as a revenge! Even many times in the dark, he went to the door of the valley.

However, every time he came back.

Because there are countless monsters in the valley, countless eyes are staring at everything, protecting everything.

When Qin Qiqi attacked Yangdingtian, he wanted to cooperate with Qinqiqi. But before she saw Qin Qiqi, she was already defeated.

Then, Zhu Qing attacked Yang Dingtian!

He also wants to cooperate with Zhu Qingzhu, but Zhu Qing is very rushed every time he comes. When he made up his mind to leave Yunxiao City to find Zhu Qingzhu, Zhu Qingzhu was defeated.

Later, Wu Ningming appeared!

Yang Yunchong knows that his true cooperation goal has come.

In front of Qin Qiqi, Zhu Qingzhu’s hatred of Yang Dingtian is far less than Wu Ningming.

Therefore, Wu Youning will definitely pay the highest and highest price! Moreover, Wu Ningming also publicly offered a reward to the world. Anyone who finds the fourth-order scroll of the Sword-killing method is willing to pay any price.

Of course, the name of Wu Youming’s reward is for his own younger brother Yang Dingtian.

Unfortunately, Yang Yunchong's activity time is very short, he must be careful, and his soul control time is also very short. Every time the action is done, the soul does not know how long it has been sleeping.

Moreover, his news is very occluded. Ten days ago, he knew that Wu Youming’s reward order was just right out of the sky.

He knew that the time had come, so he began to accumulate soul energy! This time, be sure to leave Yunxiao City far enough.

He has found a mount and a scout armor.

Now, you can leave, you can go to work with Wu Youming.


More than a year, more than ten years!

at last. The Yang clan, they have to come back.

Yang Lan (Yang Yunchong) trembled to open the scorpion, and the breathing became heavy.

Inside, it is the method of killing pigs that he has hidden for more than ten years! This is all his current capital.

He was so excited that he didn't hear the sound of the door outside.

"Ah..." Then. A scream screamed and completely awakened his knowledge.

I saw only my wife, the little pink that the niece was born, was extremely shocked, and looked at herself with horror. In her hand, she still hugged her son, and the other hand screamed at her mouth.

Then, she did not dare to point to herself: "French. You, are you not without a soul?"

Before Yang Lan’s face, there was no expression.

At this time, his face was complicated to the extreme, and hatred reached the extreme, almost distorted. The gaze completely condenses the cold light of the bones. The movements in his hand trembled, but he made a great advantage.

Yang Lan (Yang Yunchong) gaze clothes. Lightning usually rushed up and slammed on the woman's forehead.

It’s so important. If her screams attract anyone's attention, then his escape plan is completely over.

Therefore, he will kill this woman in the shortest possible time.

"Dad!" At this time, the baby in the woman's arms, sweetly reaching out to Yang Lan (Yang Yunchong).

His heart could not help but be soft!

No matter who this woman is. But this child is, after all, his own bones.

Moreover, this woman came to this time and was very good to herself.

But he still hits the woman's forehead.

Little Pink did not make any noise. Only the pain in the eyes was revealed, and then it fell silently.

Yang Lan (Yang Yunchong) quickly went to hold her and hugged her to the bed, then he hugged the child and kissed constantly.

"sorry Sorry sorry!"

He trembled with tears and his eyes hesitated.

Do you want to take your child away?

No, no! It is too dangerous to take a child.

Moreover, Wu Ningming is a hypocrite, a bad thief. Children can't take risks with themselves.

Although he is not willing to admit it, he clearly knows that children here are safe and happy.

"sorry Sorry sorry!"

He shuddered and kissed the child, then placed the baby next to the unconscious mother.

At this point, the child still does not quite know what happened, the little hand desperately wants to take the scorpion in the arms of Yang Lan (Yang Yunchong), and screams in his mouth: ", baby wants!"

"I'm sorry, sorry!" He hugged the baby for the last time, then slammed his teeth and quickly went out.

Then go to a no-man's corner, put on the scout armor, ride the fastest horse, fly the eDonkey, and leave Yunxiaocheng!


After a dozen hours, the ghost of the scorpion came to the sky above Yunxiao.

The entire Yuncheng City is completely guarded.

Tens of thousands of warriors, nearly 10,000 flying samurai, will protect the entire Yunxiao City.

Full of three great masters, guarding the city of Yunxiao!

Obviously, he is late!

Yang Lan killed his wife and has already left.

Now, he is finally sure! Yang Yunchong’s soul did not die, and he took his son.

Ghosts wrinkled their eyes and immediately left Yunxiaocheng.

The order he received was to kill Yang Lan and to take away the killing of the sword. Then no matter where Yang Lan escapes, he must kill it.


Two hours after the ghosts left.

Yangdingtian descended on Yunxiaocheng, and then he heard a huge bad news.

After Yang Lan killed his wife, he was missing!


Mu Hao had completely cried his eyes at this time.

The little pink was lying stiffly on the bed, and her child was crying in the arms of Muss.

Yangdingtian looked at the little pink lying on the bed, his eyes sour.

Although this woman is vulgar and vulgar, she is very hot in the city of Yunxiao, and even works hard for Yunxiaocheng.

Nowadays, it becomes a corpse lying in bed, and although she is not important to herself, Yangdingtian is still sad.

When Mu Hao saw Yang Dingtian coming in, he immediately went into Yangdingtianhuai, holding him crying and getting angry.

The Eastern Nirvana came over and whispered in the top of the Yangding: "Yang Hao is still in the hands of the men. So this woman has not died, if you use the holy water, you can save it!"

His voice, only Yang Dingtian can be heard by one person.

Because, nowadays, the holy water medicine on the top of Yang Dingtian is extremely rare. And things are too precious. And the identity of this little peach is really too humble.

Yangdingtian eyes are sour, and Yang’s son is brought over.

"Uncle, uncle... Dad is going!" Yang Lan’s one-year-old baby cried.

"Well! Little minister Chen!" Yang Dingtian loves to caress his little head.

His name is Yang Yichen, who is a little peach red, meaning that he is loyal to Yang Dingtian. This woman is very vulgar and direct.

"Hey!" Yang Dingtian sighed softly, and took out the holy water medicine from the space ring.

Although he knew that the identity of Xiaotaohong was humble, and there was no repair. Can not match the value of the holy water. But... he still can't do it.

"Hey, let her go." Yang Dingtian handed the holy water remedy to Mu Wei.

"Fu Jun, I love you!" Mu Hao suddenly embraced Yang Dingtian, and slammed his face to Yang Tiantian.

Then, she quickly took the holy water medicine to Xiaotao, and then used Xuanqi to relieve him.

The little peach red did not die, and immediately had breathing, and the vitality began to flourish. And the body has gradually penetrated into a vibrant blush.

Muhammad was happy to laugh out loud.

Baby Yang Yichen did not know what happened and saw Auntie laugh. He also clapped his hands and laughed.

At this point, the East Nirvana came over and removed the bed, pointing to the dark foot of the foot of the bed: "Small heaven, there should be something hidden inside. Perhaps it is killing the sword, now Yang Lan should escape from Yunxiaocheng. Go Looking for Wu Younm to make a deal."

Yangdingtian sighs, the worst and worst results have happened.

The fourth step of the killing of the sword will fall into the hands of Wu Youming. It seems that I really only have to go to the bottom of the mermaid empire, but the ghost knows where the mermaid empire is. Sasha didn't know, she hatched after she died.

This result, Yangding innocence is not thought of. Who can think that the fourth stage of the killing of the sword will be in Yang Yunchong, who can think of it, Yang Yunchong's soul is not dead, no one even thought that Yang Yunchong actually won the body of Yang Lan.

Because Yang Yunchong has completely left the world for too long, so that Yang Dingtian never thought of him.

Looking at the dark space under the bed, Yang Yichen, the baby in Yangding Tianhuai, suddenly became excited. He tried to twist the small body and pointed to somewhere in the room. The loud voice: ",..."

Yang Dingtian thought that he was calling his uncle and didn't care.

As a result, this kid desperately wants to come down from Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Yangding Tianyi squatted and placed the baby Yang Yichen on the ground.

As a result, Yang Yichen, who was more than one year old, twisted his body and walked to a corner of the house. He skillfully opened a wooden box with his small toys, a small sword and a scroll.

Yang Yichen grabbed the reel and smiled at the top of the sun, saying: ",!"

Yang Dingtian saw it at a glance, this is the killing sword!

He was completely shocked! This result, even the ghost can not think of it.

Yangdingtian walked over and said to the baby Yang Yichen: "Hey, give it to me, okay?"

"Okay, good!" Baby Yang Yichen, gave the scroll to Yangdingtian, and then applauded: "Daddy hides, baby takes..."

Yangdingtian took it and saw it, open!

That's right, it's the fourth step of killing the sword.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian has the urge to scream in the sky! This result is too outrageous.

He really can never think of this result forever. He has searched the world for killing the sword and he is in his own home, and in the toy box of a one-year-old baby, this result is bizarre, even ghosts. I can't think of it.

It is certain that when Yang Lan (Yang Yunchong) hides things, he is seen by the baby playing on the side, guarding anyone, but not guarding himself or the son of a baby. After the baby saw it, he thought that Yang Hao had played games with him. So, when Yang Lan was absent, he climbed under the bed and opened the wooden board on the dark grid to take the donkey, but he couldn’t move it. So he opened the donkey and took out the scroll of the pig’s sword. .

However, the average child will take it away after the thing is out. As for the matter of closing the donkey and putting the board back, it will definitely not be done.

However, Yang Yichen is a very small baby, his toys are neatly packed, they will be put back after each play, and the box will be covered. Therefore, this good habit he kept down, took the dad's scroll, then closed the scorpion, covered the board, and then took out the slaying sword and scrolling if nothing happened.

After playing, he felt that nothing was fun! But when I got to the baby's hand, I thought I was taking it, so he carefully placed it in his toy box.

Of course, the baby later forgot about it. As a result, today, Dad took the scorpion, and then the Oriental Nirvana removed the bed, revealing the dark space, and reminded the baby Yang Yichen that he remembered this matter.

Perhaps it is because he is close to Yang Dingtian, perhaps to show off, perhaps because Yang Dingtian is looking for something in the secret cell, so he proudly went to his toy box and took out the reel.

Yang Dingtian helplessly and loves to hold Yang Yichen, kissed him one by one: "Small minister, you are really my little lucky Baby Yang Yichen suddenly smiled.

After playing for a while, he reached out to grab the killing sword in the hands of Yang Dingtian.

", baby's, baby's!"

He just showed it out, but he didn't say that he would give Yangdingtian. Anything is in the hands of the baby, no matter who it is, it is the baby.

Yang Dingtian looked helplessly at Yang Yichen!

In the end, Yangding Tian used four or five toys, and added a cute little monster pet, only to change from the hands of Yang Yichen to the fourth stage of the killing sword!


Note: I am responsible to say that a baby over one year old is enough to take something from somewhere and hide it. Moreover, you can also cover your own toy box.

I will get up at five o'clock tomorrow to work, I have not slept yet! Oh my God! You, give the monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

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