Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 672: Practice the next volume! Soaring! The fifth stage of the sword method!

Six seven two: practice the next volume! Soaring! The fifth stage of the sword method! (1 more)

In the hands of the fourth stage of the killing of the sword, the Yangding Tianxin is still afraid after a while.

Of course, it’s not entirely because of the secrets of the cheats. It’s still a big deal. It’s a big deal to go to the bottom of the mermaid empire. He has already made relevant mental preparations. It’s a surprise to get cheats.

What made him afraid was that Yang Yunchong’s soul had been wandering in Yunxiao City for several years, and later he had lived in the body of Yang Lan for nearly two years. Yunxiao City is the most important place in Yangdingtian. If he hurts anyone in Yunxiao City, then how can it be?

No, you can't let the flames go idle again, so the high talent, repaired so bad, how can it.

There is also Ning Luoer, and I don’t practice swords all day long.

Qin Jiaojiao, um, this is a small straw bag, even if it is.

On the evening of the same day, Yangdingtian told the flames and other people what happened. Suddenly, the flames scared a big jump. There is even a feeling of creepy feelings, and I have not thought that the soul of the big cockroach has been floating for several years.

Then, she vowed to make a statement, she will definitely work hard to protect her mother, protect her baby, and protect her sisters and sisters.

Of course, Yang Dingtian still has to pin his hopes on Ningrou children. After all, she has already broken through Wu Zun.

"Soft child, every time you go, you can go to Xijing's Xuanqi condensate purification and practice for a few days." Yangding Tiandao.

"Okay." Ning Luoer said: "I just don't trust Xiao Ningning. I am so naughty at home. I am not at home, she is going to turn the sky."

"When you are not at home, give it to your sister." Yangding Tiandao.

"Child, are you worried about the safety of your home?" The enchanting said: "You care too much, so I am still a nine-star master!"

Yangding Tianyi said: "You, you can't help me outside?"

"Don't go, I have to raise my son. The son is more important than you." The enchanting girl holding the little baby, he kissed him: "You are the mother's little baby, Dad is casual!"

Yangdingtian is speechless.

Mu Zhen held Yang Yichen and said: "Fu Jun, what about Xiaotao after that? Do you want to find another husband for her?"

Yangding Tiandao: "This woman is very assertive, doing things sultry. Let her decide. If you ask for another husband, she regards you as a big backing, and I am afraid that you will obey your words when you hold your nose."

"Hey, I am not a mountain." Mu Yi kissed Yang Yichen and said: "The young minister is her backing. This is the first disciple of the husband."

Yang Dingtian gently pinched the small face of Yang Yichen and said: "I hope that when the young ministers and the babies grow up, everything is over. At that time, I can concentrate on pointing them to practice, or do Other things."

Yang Dingtian rarely had a chat with his wife.

Then, Shi Niang came in with red sleeves and other people, took all the babies away, and then turned to the sun and said: "Small day, time is not early, rest early."

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s wives all face red.

The teacher came over and urged to do things. I am really embarrassed.

"Sisters, it's all together. It's still separate."

Suddenly, Ningrouer couldn't stand it, and got up and ran away.

Mu Hao slammed the road: "Sister Ruo, still together, this time is more. After tonight, I don't know how long it will take to see this bastard!"

then. Yangdingtian has spent the most happiest day in history!

The women also spent the most crazy night. They are also widely educated because of them, there is a fox who is more than a thousand years old.


Because things are settled. Therefore, the great masters such as the Eastern Nirvana, all returned to Zhongzhou, or Dongzhou. Because the transaction is very, very busy.

The Eastern Nirvana said that the devastating blow to Qixiufang has reached a critical stage! The Eastern Nirvana is going to go back to the town, and together with Qin Wanqiu, in order to prevent Qiu Xiufang from making the final counterattack.

"Master, after I practiced the fourth stage of the killing of the sword, I immediately returned to Zhongzhou and deployed the substantial elimination of Qixiufang." Yangding Tiandao.

"it is good!"


The next morning, Yang Dingtian personally took the children of Yunxiao City to go out to exercise, and then went directly to Xijing, because the practice of killing pigs and swords should be completed in the sacred atmosphere.

Today's Xijing is the headquarters of the Xizhou Guangming Parliament! The center of the entire West Island!

Although a year ago, it went through terrible cleaning and blows. However, this huge city has shown unprecedented resilience.

The inside does not avoid the pro, the Bright Council directly admits that Qin Meng has been the city owner of Xijing City!

However, military and political separation! Qin Meng is only full of political affairs and economic power, and has no military power.

In the military, Yangdingtian walks very far! All the troops are directly attributed to the Military Command of the Guangming Parliament. They do not belong to anyone, even if it is Yangdingtian! Although, Yang Dingtian has the highest decision-making for strategic decision-making. However, the promotion of military officers, the logistics of the military, and so on, all belong to the commander-in-chief. Even if Yang Tiantian, there is no power to refer to any general.

Qin Meng was the underground queen of Xijing before! Nowadays, it has become a veritable one.

However, she used to go to the house to collect money! Today, Xijing still has a lot of home industries! However, most of the time, she has to desperately save money for the Bright Parliament.

She is very capable. In just one year, Xijing has become more and more prosperous.

Before the war, the population of Xizhou City was one hundred and several hundred thousand. Later, when Yangdingtian rectified Xizhou, the population of Xizhou City was reduced by half. Today, the population of Xijing City has doubled.

And the size of the city is growing rapidly every day. And the economy is completely unprecedented prosperity.

Because, Xizhou experienced a strong rectification. Many princes have lost their territory. But they have incomparably rich property. After seeing the development of Xijing, these people have transferred their property to Xijing and engaged in various industries.

Now these princes have gradually turned into a big direction. Moreover, Yangdingtian’s momentum is too strong, so these people have begun to keen on many matters of the Guangming Parliament.

Therefore, there are more and more talents in the Bright Council.

After coming to Xijing City. I went to the city government to see Qin Mengli.

Then, the woman directly threw away the pen in her hand and lay directly on a pile of official documents on Hu Tianhu.

According to her, eating now, it takes three months to six months, so it must be full and full.


Xijing's mysterious atmosphere condenses and cleans up the array!

This is the most guarded place in the Bright Council!

A tens of thousands of acres of land. It is the scope of the future Tianqi Academy. Today's Tianqi College is probably less than a third.

However, the college has already begun to operate.

The mysterious squad is at the center of the Apocalypse Academy.

Nowadays, this mysterious squad is very different from the Chaos continent because it refers to the submarine snake empire.

The scale is much larger and the energy efficiency is much higher.

The demand for magnetic spar is ten times more, but it has not been changed for a while, it is almost permanent.

This tens of thousands of square meters of eucalyptus condenses and purifies the construction cost of the large array. It is almost possible to change dozens of Yunxiaocheng. But for today's Bright Parliament, it is nothing.

All strategic materials are all self-produced.

Sitting in the center of the Xuanqi big array.

Yang Dingtian took out the fourth stage of the killing of the sword, rolled the reel, took a deep breath, and then entered the mysterious!

boom! ”

Yang Dingtian's mysterious gas just entered the reel, and the energy of an incomparably powerful ability slammed into the body of Yangdingtian, inside his brain.

In the Yangdingtian brain, a blank space temporarily lost all the knowledge.

Wait until Yang Dingtian’s brain recovers consciousness. He was already in a vast night sky.

In the distance, there are endless stars.

Then. The innumerable stars began to condense and became the familiar face. A sacred wind bone, must be white, awesome, but with a little worried about the old man.

"Children, I know that you have seen me many times. But there is no way, every time I see you for the first time, so... you still have to introduce yourself!" Nothing is floating in the sun. .

Therefore, Yang Dingtian said all the past, and the ancients died. There are also the lords of the sacred sect, as well as the Yin Yang Mirror Incident, as well as the Underwater Snake Empire.

After listening to nothing, I said: "Although you have said it many times, you should have no feeling, but I still feel a thrilling!"

Then, there is no sorrow: "Well, you have learned the fourth-order scroll, the first move yin and yang reversal and the second move yin and yang chaos! For the chaotic Xuanmai, how do you feel?"

"Mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and endless." Yangding Tiandao: "It is very, very important, almost can isolate all energy, can also evolve into all energy!"

"Yes, the chaotic property is the most central part of the whole killing sword method. It is the core of the whole killing sword method. It should also be the core of the sacred sect." Nothing is floating. "The mastery of chaotic attributes is hidden." The unique symbol of the disciple!"

Then, nothing is floating. "But it should be a little inconvenient, because all the black fires have lost their power. Only the electric attack is the same. Next, we will learn the next volume of the killing sword. , that is, the third move, can be yin and yang! Once you have learned the third move, you not only have chaotic attributes, but also positive sighs, you can also have negative mystery. The power, you can imagine !"

Yangding Tianzheng said: "After the eternal death of the ancient dynasty thousands of years ago, only the owner of the yin and yang is possessed by the yin and yang; and possessing the yin and yang attributes is also the highest mark of the lord of the patriarch, the highest repair!"

Nothing is fascinating: "But for you, it is not the highest repair! Your realm is far more than them. But for now, having a yin and yang attribute is definitely a qualitative leap for you! To you The fighting power can be leaps and bounds!"

That's right, it's a must for a demon spirit.

The demon spirits are two attributes of the sky, a fixed body, a protective cover. Both need to the yin attribute, Yang Dingtian does not have this attribute, so each time the body is very short, each time the energy cover is very fragile. After having the yin and yang talents, you can use the power of the demon spirit to the extreme!

"Okay, then we will start!" Nothing is fascinating, then his figure is directly turned into a streamer, and it is drilled into the sun.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian began to learn the third move, but it can be yin and yang!

The first move, the yin and yang reversal, the demon spirits, the living and the transformation of the yang of the Yangdingtian into a negative, pain to the extreme.

The second move, the yin and yang chaos, the positive Yiling demon fire, and from the gas sea, one inch and one inch baptism Yang Dingtian's negative Xuanmai, let Xuanmai become a chaotic attribute. The degree of pain is several times the first move.

Then the third move, can be yin and yang, what is going on?

Very simple, the demon spirits, and the positive Yiling demon fire, together with the same, go hand in hand, a total transformation of chaotic Xuanmai.

Then, the pain of the third move is several times the sum of the previous two moves.

However, Yangdingtian has not felt it. Because this pain has exceeded the limit, letting Yang Dingtian’s nerves temporarily become numb, and can’t feel anything.

This body, as if it is not at all.

The demon spirit demon fire, the billion spirit demon fire, two groups of flames, one inch and one inch to transform the zen vein of Yangdingtian.

This time, the transformation of Yangding Tianxuanmai is really terrible and too painful.

As a result, there is no drifting energy, and it has to follow two Xuan Huo, within the Xuanmai of Yangdingtian, one inch and one inch to protect.

Otherwise, he is really worried that Yangdingtian will die directly and die!

However, for Yangdingtian, it is better than the first move and the second move.

Because the degree of pain has exceeded the scope of the human body, it has been numb. Because of this, it is necessary to protect the emptiness of the vain, and it is dangerous to feel pain.

that's it!

I don't know how long it has been.

The whole transformation is The third move, the yin and yang can be finished.

The fourth stage of the killing of the sword, the big yin and yang, also officially completed.


After the cultivation, Yang Dingtian did not directly wake up to see how many levels he broke through. Instead, he was still in the illusion, and proposed to let the no-floating inflammation introduce the code of the fourth-order volume into his mind for him to learn and the study.

So, the no-floating inflammation was once again shocked!

Ten thousand years ago, I began to touch the highest point of the martial arts civilization. I did not expect that another person has now entered the realm of this god.

Therefore, he inscribed the code of the pig sword method, all inscribed in the mind of Yang Dingtian.

Finally, when the void-free inflammation is about to disappear, Yang Dingtian asks: "Nothing predecessors, after you leave the Mermaid Empire, where are you going?"

Nothing is fascinating: "Children, I have a certain harvest in the mermaid empire, and I have even roughly speculated that the position of the Naga Empire. Next, I may have to go to the Naga Empire."

"Naga Empire?" Yang Dingtian said with amazement: "Where?"

"In the chaotic world, not in the chaotic world." Nothing is floating. "If you want to get there, you may need to tear the space! Let the space shuttle, this is also the fifth direction of killing the sword."

"Tear space, space shuttle!" Suddenly, Yangdingtian was completely shocked!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! Adding up today, I slept for three hours, really biting the tooth code!

Brothers, please ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued.)

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