Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 774: Ling Wu sees Yang Tiantian, the last one!

When Wu Ningming came over again, the princess peony had disappeared without a trace. —.

At this time, no one can describe his inner feelings.

What is missing, the more you pursue. Before Wu Youming almost furiously defeated Yangdingtian, just to prove his worth. So for many, many years, he worked hard to cultivate, like an invisible person, madly going to every corner of the world.

When he discovered the dark Xuanhuo, he was as excited as Yangdingtian, and he felt as if he had found the root of the energy of the world.

Then, he began to frantically search for Xuanhuo, a variety of Xuanhuo, used to feed this dark mysterious fire.

This dark mysterious fire is incomparably powerful, but he has never used it. Because he wants to be used in the spokesperson of God.

Every year, he is waiting for the emergence of this **** spokesperson, and every year is full of expectation and urgency.

Therefore, when Yangdingtian has not appeared yet, he has been in the relationship for a long time.

He wants to use this incomparably powerful dark mysterious fire on this spokesperson of God. Once he defeated the spokesperson of God, he was reborn and became a real person.

When Yang Dingtian appeared, he...he was really disappointed, extremely disappointing.

How can God's spokesperson be so weak? How can he become a spokesperson for God?

So at the beginning, Wu Ning was on the top of the sky, disdainful, and full of hatred. How weak are you, how can I be worthy of my life's efforts, how can I deserve my dark mysterious fire?

Therefore, on the hills of Yuntiange, he did not hold back his inner disappointment and said his inner disdain to Yangdingtian.

However, next, Yangdingtian showed miracles again and again. Finally let Wu Younm face him. In the end, Yang Dingtian stabbed Wu Ningming many times, and he began to hate Yangdingtian again.

In the end, even in the midst of the duel, even this hateful mood disappeared.

Because, he wants to kill Yangdingtian with the dark Xuanhuo, he wants to be reborn.

then. The incredible thing happened, he was defeated, and he was instantly killed.

Perhaps many people will think that he is not reconciled, but he is really not reconciled. Although he is seriously injured, his cultivation is far more than Yangdingtian. However, he did not reconcile, he only wanted to find a place to die.

Because, this proves that fate is not defying. Even if he is ten times stronger than the spokesperson of God. But it is still a moment to be spiked, as if everything is doomed.

I got this answer, and that didn't make any sense to Wu Ning.

As for getting a first-class evil spirit, he instantly became extremely powerful and broke through an incredible bottleneck. For others, it may be ecstatic.

But what does it feel for Wu Youming?

As if playing a game, the 90th level is the peak. It is the peak that almost no one can pass. Then, you don't sleep. Crazy leveling, one year, two years, three years, five years, eight years.

You have spent countless lives and energy. Finally, at the 85th level, I will soon break through the 90th level.

As a result, the system was loaded into the private service system, and the time was 90 seconds, and even the 100 level was very simple.

Time. In the past few hundred years of hard work, everything has no meaning!


His hand, the sky is lifted.

Suddenly, the **** mud dance slowly flew from the quagmire.

He waved a little, and suddenly the plasma flew away! Ling Dance has become clean, but it is thin and weak, and it is very dying.

"I can't die, what are you going to do?" Wu Nguyen asked.

Ling dance shook his head and said that he did not know.

Wu Ning thought for a while: "I have a ghost in my body. It should be one of the most powerful human beings in the world, but I can't find a goal to survive. In the days that follow, I will always try to find The goal of my life. As for you, I have no right to decide your destiny, let yourself decide, okay?"

Ling dance nodded.

Wu Ning said: "I am the owner of the evil spirits, so I can give five people second-class evil spirits. I will give one of them to you."

He reached out his palm and suddenly a blue bead floated on his palm. With a single shot, this blue bead flew into the sea of ​​Ling Dance.

"You have three days to think about your future life." Wu Ning said: "Of course, this choice is actually life and death. Three days later, I will activate the second-class evil spirit in your evil spirit tree. By the time, you will become very powerful, but you will not die even if you die. If you don't want to do this, within three days, do you choose to die and die?"

Ling Wu nodded again.

Wu Ningming entered a sacred atmosphere into her body, which gradually restored her vitality and restored energy.

Then, he gently lifted the back of Ling Dance and flew in the direction of Zhongzhou.

Three days, in these three days, Ling Dance can choose to die. Three days later, the second-class evil spirits in her body were activated and they could no longer die.


At this time, Yangdingtian is in the Yunxiao Castle and is talking to the enchanting.

"Hero, he is indeed my fiancé, and we should be considered a childhood friend. When we are very young, we play together." The enchanting said: "Our fathers are the patriarchs of their respective tribes, so it is very Small set a marriage contract."

Yangding Tiandao: "But I think he hates it, a stupid racist."

The enchanting smiled a little and said: "He is such a person."

Yang Dingtian sneered: "A man who left his fiancee to leave Xiaoxitian, looking for human borrowing, and what kind of **** pride?"

The enchanting body suddenly trembled violently, whispering: "Small day, in fact... When I left Xiaoxitian, when I came to the human country to borrow, he was not there. He went to the most dangerous place to cultivate." ...and the purpose of his desperate practice is not want me to come out of humans."

Yangding Tiandeng was a glimpse.

The enchanting continuation said: "He has always been the most insane opponent of the species theory. He looks down on human beings. He has always firmly believed that the blood dragons must rely on their own efforts to promote the demigods instead of walking like Naga. The road to borrowing. At the time of the tribal conference, I took the female fox as a borrower. And the most important one, he will take me with elopement, and even rebel against all the tribes. So, the tribal union I can only revoke my qualifications on the surface, give the enchanting a chance to prove myself, and then he is alone. Go to the most dangerous dark field of cultivation. When he is not there, the Alliance Council sent me out of the small West Heaven, come to the human kingdom to borrow."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian fell silent and said: "Although he has a perverted racial inclination, but ... but it is not worth nothing."

The enchanting suddenly became complicated and laughed!

"You like him, right?" Yang Dingtian suddenly said.

The enchanting smile said: "The young people are talking about what they like or dislike, but the feelings of their loved ones. It is certain."

Yang Dingtian took her into her arms and said softly: "You are mine. Remember, you are mine. No one can change this. Whoever wants to change, I will kill his family. Can't kill today, tomorrow. Also kill his family."

"I know, I am yours. I will always be yours." The enchanting kissed Yang Diantian's chest, softly said: "Fei Jun. I am not worried about the enchanting, he... he is almost crazy to look down Human, but... but his heart is not bad. I am worried about the tribal elders in Xiaoxi, once they know that we have children, a near-perfect **** of the demigod. It will definitely not let go. Ours will not hesitate to kill our family and then steal the children."

Yang Dingtian’s face suddenly twitched, biting his teeth and not speaking.

"Baby..." The enchanting gently touched the face of Yangdingtian. Softly said: "I went to see the enchanting, I went to talk to him to see what happened to the situation. If it is not bad to a certain extent, I can ask him to let us go. Although this sentence Not good, but for the baby, for our home, this is not shameful."

Yang Dingtian kissed her delicate lips and said softly: "Do you trust him?"

"I trust him, just as you trust Qin Huaiyu, Song Chunhua."

"Good." Yangding Tiandao: "Then go and talk to him."


Wu Ningming and Ling Dance returned to Dazhongjing.

He changed his face, like an ordinary person, walking aimlessly on the street, observing everyone on the road, thinking about the meaning of his life, looking for the goal of his life.

Then, came to a newsstand and bought a Chaos Times.

He read the newspaper very carefully, and then took out a gold coin and told the owner of the newsstand: "Trouble you to find me for more than 100 days, all the Chaos Times, thank you."

The newsstand boss saw the gold coin, his eyes lit up, and immediately went back to look for it, and left the newspaper he had left to look at and handed it over to Wu Ning.

After receiving it, Wu Ningming nodded to him and thanked him.

Then, holding a thick newspaper, I found an ordinary inn to stay and read it carefully.

He passed through the prestigious Nanfu, and he was still there. Even the people in the Netherland have not left.

However, he not only did not go in, he did not even look at it.

In the ordinary room, he started an article and read it carefully.

Then he read an article about himself.

With more than one hundred articles, he became the only male protagonist of the Chaos Times, and the limelight completely overshadowed Yangdingtian.

He read it one by one.

There is no word at all, no word is smeared, no word is tarnished.

Anything that Wu Ningming has experienced is incomparably objective.

When he forgot the identity of Wu Ningming and regarded himself as a reader, he read this full series of hundreds of thousands of words about Wu Ning. Immediately, this person has complicated emotions, pity, sympathy, admiration, but there is not much disgust.

Instead, the impression of Wu Ning's wife's coffin became very disgusting. Ling Dance is also somewhat negative.

This is also the feeling of all the readers, Wu Ning.

After this hundred articles, Wu Ningming almost became the first celebrity. There are countless people who sympathize with him and pity him, but there is almost no disgust. There are even a group of amazing fans, almost all women.

This fan group is now frequently on the newspaper news.

One of the most exaggerated is that Yang Dingtian’s eldest daughter, Yang Ninger, is also the leader of the Iron Furnace City fan group. Of course, she is not a fan of Wu Ningming. She only worships Yang Dingtian alone.

Her original words are like this, Wu Ningming can become an enemy of my father, not easy. In order not to let this fan group go, I will make it difficult for them to be their leader.

After Wu Ningming finished reading, she couldn't help but smile, and her mind began to recall the Yang Ninger, but she found that she did not seem to have seen this elf-like little girl.

After reading all the articles about himself, he sighed, closed his eyes, lying on the bed, and began to think about the meaning of his life.

Then, he really envied Yang Dingtian, at least his life, it makes sense.


And Ling Dance is also thinking about his choices.

Either die, or resurrect the second-class evil spirits in your body, so that you will become very powerful, but at that time, even if you want to die, you can't die.

Moreover, her way, when Wu Ningming was defeated and revealed his identity as a demon, he was already gone.

Wu Ningming has clearly told her that he is evil and that Yangdingtian is just. Then, this excuse for justice, she can not use it.

Then, since it has reached a dead end, it is only right to die.

She came to Zhongjing Beifu and asked to see Yangdingtian.

It was Yunjunnu who received her, and saw the pale dance without any blood, and there were no angry eyes. Yunjun slave could not help but stay.

"The sovereign is not in Zhongjing, he is in Yunxiaocheng."

Ling Wu said: "Can you please call me a konjac, I need to see him in the fastest time."

Yunjun slave said: "What are you doing with him? Are you going to marry him?"

Suddenly, Ling Wu could not help but smile. I really gave such a bad influence to the people around Yang Dingtian. Every time I came, I satirized him and scolded him. But because of his humble identity, Yangdingtian is biting his teeth and listening to his own words, but he is not good at killing himself.

"Reassured, no, actually, I didn't dare to see him before a long time ago." Ling Wu said: "I am looking for him to be free."

Yunjun slave stared at Ling Dance for a long time Then nodded.

Then, she was given the fastest konjac.

Yunjun slave rides on the konjac and flies toward the northwestern mainland.

At the same time, the enchanting rides the konjac and flies toward the yin and yang mirror in the north.

Because the enchanting madness of racism can't live in any place with human taste, so he chose to live in the yin and yang mirror of no one.

After six hours, Ling Wu landed in Yunxiao City, seeking to see Yangdingtian.

At about the same time, the enchanting landed in the yin and yang mirror, and at this time the enchanting, sitting on the mirror water, did not move.


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one. The ticket for the best work, the brothers can vote for two. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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