Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 775: The release of Ling Dance!

"Why did you come to Yunxiao City before, did you go in and see me?" The enchanting asked, using the unique language of the Xuanhu family.

"Men can't protect their own women, no face to see." Demon, but there is already negative in the words.

"My man is Yangdingtian." The enchanting smiled: "Brother, don't make a mistake."

"Your man is me?" The enchanting looked at the enchanting, one word and one sentence: "Yangdingtian is just a despicable human being. He is just a trivial stallion. We are noble blood dragon blood, you don't because I have forgotten this in the human world for a long time!"

"Hero, I don't argue with you about this." The demon said: "I am here to tell you directly, I will not follow you. Here are my husband, my son, here is me. s home!"

"Do you love him? You love the sun, the monkey?"

"Yes, maybe I can't say love, because after all, I don't think his other wives have experienced a lot with him." The enchanting sighed slowly: "But no doubt, I am very attached to him. Just like a woman married a Men who have never seen each other, have done the most intimate things together, and after they have given birth to a child, they will love him and love him! So even though my love is different from Ximen Flame, it is love."

"What about me?" The enchanted anger said: "What am I? Are you going to betray the feelings between us?"

"Heroes, first of all, although you grew up together, but not the intense love of men and women, I am more of you as your own brother." Demon said: "Of course, if we get married, then this kind of Feelings may become the love of husband and wife, we will also become a pair of love and inseparable males and females. But now, I am already a woman of Yangdingtian. After pregnancy, I thought about leaving him, going back to small West, but I found that I can't do it."

"That if. I forcibly took you away?" The enchanting said: "You should know that Yangdingtian is called all his monkey minions. It can't stop me."

"Then you are my enemy." The demon whispered: "You bring me back to Xiaoxitian, and I can't stop it. But my baby son will try to be strong, kill you, then take me back. To the side of Yangdingtian, even if it is spent 20 years, 30 years. Of course, even without my baby son, perhaps not need ten years. Yangdingtian will kill Xiaoxitian and take me home. ”

"Dreaming, dreaming!" The enchanting sneer said: "Yangdingtian is a human monkey in the area. If you want to beat our noble silver dragon blood, it is purely a dream!"

"The enchanting, sitting in the sky, talking about you are these people." The enchanting cold and cold.

The enchanting said: "It seems that the human world can't stay, it will be polluted after a long time, just like you."

"Whatever you say." The demon whispered: "In short, you want to take me and my baby. Unless I kill me, bring my body back."

The enchanting anger said: "You don't go with me, I will kill Yangdingtian!"

The enchanting sighed: "Before you kill Yang Dingtian. Step on my body first!"

"Betrayal, betrayal!" The enchanting moment of anger and anger, loudly said: "You are a shameful betrayal, how can you do this? How can you betray our feelings? And, still a human monkey."

"It's still the same sentence, how do you say it." The demon said: "But you know, the decision I made will never change!"

Then she suddenly turned and left.

"Slow..." Suddenly fascinated: "Is this so good? Your son. You can leave it to Yangdingtian. But you must go with me. Follow me back to Xiaoxitian."

"Impossible, a woman does not matter two husbands!" said the enchanting cold. Then ride the konjac and return to Yunxiaocheng!

But after flying a hundred miles, she folded back.

The enchanting cockroach suddenly looked out, thinking that she changed her mind.

Re-flying to the front of the enchanting, the enchanting asked: "Right, just confused, forgot to ask you. I have successfully conceived in the human country, and gave birth to children, in addition to you, who knows in Xiaoxi days? ”

The enchanting disappointment was furious, and there was no good voice: "I don't know!"

The enchanting said: "They don't know?"

The enchanting said: "Yes... I don't know if they know that you succeeded in giving birth to future generations?"

The enchanting said: "Then use your brain, remember memories!"

The enchanting sighed deeply: "I really don't know, I can't guarantee it!"

The enchanting glanced at him deeply, then turned his direction and returned to Yunxiaocheng!


When Yang Dingtian saw the moment of Ling Dance, he was very astonished. He did not think that at this time he could still see Ling Dance.

However, at this time, Ling Dance, he almost could not recognize it, the skin is already white and almost bloodless. Moreover, the whole person has lost a lot of weight, which made her whole person not only change her temperament, but her appearance changed a bit.

From a powerful and powerful woman to a beautiful jade girl, it seems to be really beautiful when she looks at her face, but Yang Dingtian still likes the woman who is strong and has wheat-colored skin. .

Of course, the previous Ling Dance has always had a hidden sigh of resentment, but at this time, she is calm and plain, but it seems that something has changed, so that Yangdingtian is not Know how to deal with her.

"Sit." After a long time, Yang Dingtian said such a word, and then said: "Do you want to drink tea?"

Ling dance a little, then nodded.

Yangdingtian found the camphor, then lifted the kettle, but found that the water was cold, so he quickly entered the Xuanqi, heated the water inside, and then poured two cups of tea.

After Ling Wu took over the tea, he was in a daze.

Yang Dingtian also sat behind the desk, and suddenly did not know how to open, and suddenly two people were kneeling there.

"You, why don't you ask me if I found Wu Ning?" Ling dance finally spoke.

Yangding Tiandao: "I, I am not good to ask."

Ling Wu said: "Then why don't you ask, what am I going to do for you at this time?"

Yang Dingtian scratched his head and said: "What time are you looking for me?"

"Hey..." Ling dance couldn't help but smile, but the beautiful face. But it was extremely lonely, and then smiled: "Before you saw me every time, didn't you feel that I was very good? How is it so gentle now?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because you first satirize me. I will open my mouth and return you. Others have not provoked me, why should I marry him?"

Ling dance. Then the smile is filled with more bitterness.

Ling Wu asked again: "Can I ask you a question?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You said, but don't be too difficult."

Ling Wu said: "When you succeeded in winning the position of the city owner, why... Why didn't you pick me up at the Fire Island?"

She almost exhausted all her courage and asked for this answer.

Yang Dingtian bit his teeth and thought for a while: "Because... very busy, of course this is not the main reason. The main reason is that I hope that you can successfully marry someone else."

Ling Wu said: "Because I am in your heart, not enough, right?"

"You can say that." Yangding Tiandao: "In fact, it was at that time. Feelings are a burden to me, and I have some power to bear."

"Then how can you marry Qin Jiaojiao, and then to Mu Hao, and later to Wu Mozhi, and to the back of Ning Luoer?" Ling Wu said: "Wu Mozhi and Ningrouer, I am more than I am afraid to compare beautifully. But is Qin Jiaojiao better than me?"

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment, then said: "First of all, Jiaojiao is a very cute girl. I also like her very much and love her. Every woman has a unique inner world. Including you too, you are almost me. I have seen the most special girl. But I am not very courageous. I want to explore the inner world of every girl. Because that is a very big emotional burden for me. Because that means a responsibility, and I may not be able to afford such a big responsibility."

Ling dance eyes red, said: "You have not answered my question, why can you easily marry Qin Jiaojiao, but can not send a person, even if it is a person, a message, passed to the fire island. Let me Come to Yunxiaocheng, come to your side?"

Yangdingtian took a deep breath. Dao: "Ling dance, I am in front of Qin Qinjiao. She only hates her, her reputation is very bad. But for Yunxiaocheng, I can only marry her. After deciding to marry her, I decided to get to know her. , to love her, and it turns out that she is indeed a lovely girl."

"No, this answer still can't make me satisfied." Ling danced.

Yangding Tiandao: "I seem to have told you, or I have not told you. I have loved two and a half women, one is the Oriental Ice Ling, because of the love that comes from being embarrassed, and then become more intense because of hatred. Another is me. The wife Ximen Yanyan, and Ximen Ningning. Don't ask me who I love more, I can't bear to answer. In fact, I have experienced many women in the back, especially Wu Mozhi. She is more than Yan Yan and Ning Ning. Beauty, it must be special, it must be twists and turns, and it can make people love crazy. It can be said that if I see Wu Mozhi before encountering the Oriental Ice Ling, I will pursue her almost madly, even I can't like other women anymore. But I did meet the Eastern Ice Cream first."

Drinking a cup of tea, Yangding Tiandao: "Ling dance, I am a very ordinary man. My love for women is also very superficial. I can say more directly, as long as it is very beautiful, sexy, The figure is super good, even if she is not very good, as long as she crashes into my world, I will like it. And once we really start to fall in love, I will turn love into love, I am such a superficial Man. I am not like Wu Ning, he is very harsh on love, only a very rare woman can make his heart move. And I, as long as it is beautiful enough, can make my heart move. Then the character is cute, you can let I am addicted."

"So Ling Dance." Yang Dingtian slowly said: "My love is not mysterious, not noble, not a great spirit. My love is very superficial, the reason why I don't love you enough is because I am in you. Before, I have been stuffed with enough emotions, and I have lost the desire to take possession of a woman. So, if you come to Yunxiao City, then I will be ready to welcome you and go. I understand you and love you. But, I want to let me take the initiative to meet you, sorry I can't do it."

Yang Dingtian drank another cup of tea and sighed: "Ling dance, there is a saying that every woman is an angel. I don't really agree with this sentence. In this world, a large part of women are vulgar. Some women are vicious, and women who are full of strong personality are only a small part. And you. It seems to be in this small part, because you have strong to near metamorphosis and self-esteem. ”

"Of course, this is not a compliment." Yangding Tiandao: "In fact, this woman makes me daunting. But... If there is a woman in the world, the most worth having happiness, the most worthy of being an angel, then you Can be one of them. It's just... superficial me, at that time. Can't match your complex and strong emotional will!"

Hearing here, Ling Wu finally couldn’t help but tears, like the dropped beads, which kept falling.

"Ling dance, I once said that you fell, said that you betrayed your past, you began to despise your past your labor." Yangdingtian slowly said: "Maybe, I said most of the wrong, because I I didn't know enough about you at the time. The reason why you hate running the ship, you hate you for some pale black skin. You hate your gorgeous clothes. It is not because you betray the past, but because of my responsibility. ”

Ling Dance began to bite his lips and began to tremble constantly.

"Because I didn't pick you up. Because I married Qin Jiaojiao, you will feel inferior. You feel that your identity is not worthy of me. At this time, the appearance of Wu Ningming will undoubtedly give you the power of example. So, you take the initiative to change, you not only have to be worthy of me, you have to surpass me, and then Huacai appears in front of me. Let me start to surprise you, and regret the indifference to you." Tiandao: "This kind of mentality is normal. Just like a silk reeling like a goddess, but the goddess dismissed him. So he is excited, I must develop, and one day I will appear dazzlingly in front of the goddess, let She regretted not choosing me at the beginning! Of course, the silk here refers to the meaning of the mane, the metaphor of a humble man."

With a sigh, Yangding Tiandao: "Just, your will is too strong, so the farther and farther you go, and your wisdom can't control your will, leading to the loss of your heart. But the root, You can't be self-deprecating, and many of them are for my reasons. The true self-depravity is like the kind of genius, because of greed."

At this point, Ling Wu finally couldn't help but hold his mouth and began to sob.

Yang Dingtian did not stop her, let her cry a good time.

After nearly half an hour of crying, she gradually calmed down and looked up and said: "Yangdingtian, if you can foresee what happened later, then will you pick me up at the Fire Island?"

"Yes, if you know that it will bring you such a big injury, I will definitely pick you Yangding Tiandao: "I said, I am a superficial man. Therefore, because I will not be willing to marry a beautiful and unique woman, fall into the abyss. ”

Ling dance hard to wipe away the tears on his face. The first time he smiled at the top of the sun, he said: "Actually, I originally wanted to apologize for you, but now I don't need it."

Ling Wu went on and said: "I was also going to explain it to you, explaining the reasons for all my actions, my heart. But now I don't need it anymore."

Ling Dance said again: "I even sent you the last provocation. Yes, it is provocation, I just want to let you know, even if I stand on the evil side, I am not wrong, but the fault is you. But, I If you haven't spoken yet, you will take the initiative to say that this is your fault. Even if it is my fault, I am too obsessed, too self-respecting, and persevering in the name of personality. Because I love you to marry. I am giving you, and you have not given me the same reaction, I feel that I have been greatly hurt and humiliated, in fact, you have never hurt me, but saved me and my family. I am not so much love you, It is better to say that I love myself too much."

Ling Wu drank the tea in his hand, and then smiled at the top of the sun: "Well, I am really free now."

Then, she went to the front of Yangdingtian and said: "If you have a little pity for me, then please give me the last liberation, kill me with my own hands, okay?"


Note: The second one is sent, brothers, free best works tickets, can give me a few.

This is even harder to write, and the plot is not difficult to write, but it is difficult to fully enter the mood. I drank two glasses of wine and wrote it at nine in the morning. (To be continued)

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