Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 777: The gloom is over! Conquer the Queen of the Sea!

After the transformation, Ling Wu arrived in Zhongjing and saw Wu Youning!

"How do you feel?" Wu Ning Ming looked at Ling Ling. ?

Ling dance became so beautiful, he could not help but hold on to the amazing eyes.

"It feels very strange." Ling Wu said: "Unlike the imagination, I thought that the dark and terrible feeling would cover my body for a moment, so that I could not resist. But who knows not, but a kind of fluttering It seems to be incomparably confusing, and I feel very happy. I can't describe it a bit. In short, I feel that the whole person is very excited, as if I am floating."

"This is right." Wu Ning said: "The evil spirit energy is such a subtle influence that people are deeply degraded. Your excitement and happiness will last for a long time, because you are too weak. After a while, when this excitement and happiness fade away, you will become so sad and sad that you will go crazy and pursue this feeling. What is able to bring this feeling is energy. Powerful, powerful, so you can only desperately chase power and strength, make yourself stronger and more endless, until your will is completely ruled by evil spirits."

"What about you?" Ling Dance asked: "A first-class evil spirit, let you directly break through the semi-holy, do you feel excited and happy?"

Wu Ningming shook his head hard and said: "Small dance, I am different from you. My past is too long and heavy, so that I am so excited that I can't offset my inner confusion. So the breakthrough is not holy. I am excited, but it makes me even more sorrowful. Including the ice of the East, the power of the evil spirits can only make her extremely painful. You know, she was originally the owner of the patriarchal, she wants to become through her own efforts. The first person in the world. But now the evil spirits have destroyed all her efforts."

Then, Wu Youxiao smiled and said: "Well, don't say us, talk about you, how about talking with Yangdingtian?"

"Very good." Ling dance said: "At least I no longer hate him. I hate myself."

Wu Ning said: "Although this is a deeper obsession, it is also an improvement. How does Yangdingtian advise you to let you give up suicide?"

Ling Wu said: "She said that I am now committing suicide and death. This life is too worthless. Therefore, if I try to find my own value, the first step begins with the invasion of the will of the evil spirits."

Wu Ning said: "He defeated the second-class evil spirits, not the purpose, but let you look at the problem from a higher angle, expand your mind. So further find your life value, know?"

Ling dance nodded.

Wu Ning said: "Second-class evil spirits are like an addictive monster. The feeling of happiness and excitement makes you desperately chase, until you can't stop, finally the evil spirits completely control your will and let you become Its tools are frantically chasing power."

Ling danced and said: "That. Can I resist?"

"Direct resistance is meaningless." Wu Ning said: "Because you can now reject the inner excitement and happiness?"

Ling dance shakes his head. Dao: "I can't refuse. In fact, the reason why I returned to Zhongzhou for the first time is because I am afraid that I can't resist the happiness of my heart. I will go to Yangdingtian to ask for love. Because I feel that this happiness. Feeling is gradually destroying my strong self-esteem."

"Yes, it is the way to control your purpose." Wu Ning said: "Unconsciously. Disintegrate your will."

"What should I do?" Ling dance said: "I, I am not like an addict and a fallen person."

"Direct confrontation is not acceptable." Wu Ning said: "Just like you are a small boat, and the evil spirits are a big river, you want to go against the water, it is simply an idiot to dream. The only way is to go down the river."

"That, isn't that fallen and lost?" Ling dance.

"You not only have to go down the river, but also flow faster than the river, you have to exceed its speed." Wu Ning said: "Now you rush to the satisfaction and happiness, this feeling will last for several months Then, you will fall into extreme emptiness, and you will desperately chase the power to fill yourself to achieve another satisfaction. However, we should not give him an empty opportunity, we desperately chase, desperately satisfy, satisfy, More energy than the second-class evil spirits, so that you will gradually become numb, and you will be completely liberated."

"That, then you can do the same." Ling dance.

"I, I can't. Oriental ice is not good. We are the first-class evil spirits. We can control and suppress our will at any time." Wu Ning said: "You may not know, it is not her own to instruct the Oriental Ice Ling to do anything. It is completely the will of the evil spirits. The evil spirits suppress all the will of the oriental ice, and if you relax a little, do you know what will happen?"

"Oriental Ice Ling committed suicide." Ling Wudao.

"Yes, the Oriental Ice Ling will commit suicide." Wu Ning said: "So I heard that when the Oriental Ice Ling was just demonized, he had set a duel with Yang Dingtian. I once thought about it from the East. In this position, this kind of competition is not necessary. So I suspect that this contest is a trap set by the Oriental Ice Ling."

"She, she wants to let Yangdingtian kill her. In the contest, she has accumulated a few years of will, will burst out in an instant, and then let herself lose the duel, and die under the sword of Yangdingtian?" Road.

Wu Ning said: "This is just my guess, because no matter what I think, she doesn't have to fight with Yangdingtian. In fact, at that time, she had no fight against Yangdingtian. And after the magic, there is even more."

"Why did she say that after the demonization, she did not fight against Yangdingtian?" Lingwu wondered.

"First of all, in the mission of Demon Road, I am the only chess piece to deal with Yang Dingtian." Wu Ning said: "And Li Ming also has a certain battle, because he loves the oriental ice, so he is jealous of Yangdingtian. Only Oriental Bingling himself, there was no battle at the time, but made a duel. So the only explanation is that she wants Yangding to kill herself and then free herself from the first-class evil spirits."

"But, but people with evil spirits can't die." Ling dance.

"Others may not be able to kill. But... Yangdingtian may not be able to do it." Wu Ning said.

Ling Wu said: "Does Yang Tiantian know this thing?"

Wu Ning said: "He shouldn't know, he doesn't want me to be so careful."

Ling Wu said: "That, then I want to tell him."

Wu Ning said: "But you told him that in the duel, he may lose his hand and lead to his death. Of course. All this is with your will, you want to tell him, you can always say it."

Ling Wu suddenly fell into meditation.

"Okay, let's go." Wu Ning said.

"Where to go?" Ling dance.

Wu Ningxiao smiled and said: "We will first dismiss the Nanfu and let the people of the Netherland go back. Then, I will take you around the ends of the earth, let you become stronger in the shortest time, let you defeat the second class. The evil spirits are swallowed up, thus getting rid of its control."

“How long will it take?” Ling Ling asked.

"Who knows, maybe a few years, maybe longer." Wu Ning said.

Ling Wu said: "But, but you have your own things to do, have you been with me all these years, helping me become stronger?"

Wu Ning said: "I can't find any goal of life anyway. You can be regarded as my only relative. I have to find something to do. I can't read the newspaper every day. And now the Chaos Times has become a seven-day period. I’m almost finished reading all the newspapers I’ve left.”

Then, in the incomprehensible eyes of Ling Dance, Wu Youming walked out of the inn and went directly to Nanfu.

Everyone in Nanfu saw the appearance of Wu Ningming.

moment. Completely shocked. Then, there is infinite ecstasy.

At this time, in Nanfu, in addition to the people in the Netherland, it is the most loyal to the demon road, or the person who has no way to go. For example. Undead Xiaoqiang Ximen fear, as well as Qiu Ruohan, and Yang Lan, are lurking in Nanfu.

If you say that there are people who want Wu Youxiao to return safely, they are them. However, they are not the same as Ling Dance. They just regard Wu Ning as a backing and hope for revenge.

In particular, Ximen feared that when he saw Wu Ningming, he almost shuddered and then fell to the ground.

After Wu Youming’s defeat, Simon’s fear and others were almost completely desperate. Now, Wu Ning is coming back, and it seems to be deeper and more unfathomable. How can they make them not ecstatic?

"The Sovereign is back, and the subordinates see the Sovereign." Simon feared and waited, desperately beheaded, suddenly squatting on his body and full of fighting.

Wu Ning said: "I am coming, I am telling you that from now on, Nanfu will be dissolved. You should be there if I don't exist."

Ximen was afraid of a sigh, and did not dare to set the channel: "Don't you ask the lord to give up?"

"I am not a sovereign." Wu Ning said: "I am only a demon person, the devil asks one of the nominal sons of heaven."

"What is he to control?" Simon feared: "If you win, you will be the master of Heavenly Alliance. If I win, it is purely accidental that Yangdingtian defeats you. No matter which aspect, he is far away. Not your opponent. We still have huge odds."

" Needless to say." Wu Ning said: "From now on, there is no Nanfu, you are free."

Qiu Ruohan’s cold voice will say: “The lord, have you been scared by the villain of Yangdingtian? Have you done this with a shrinking tortoise, let Yangdingtian be proud of it?”

Wu Ning Ming looked at her and said: "Yes, from now on, I will retreat to Yangdingtian, where he is, I will immediately look a thousand miles away."

Then, Wu Ningming directly disappeared.

"Then, what do we do, wait for Yangding to come to slaughter?" Simon feared loudly.

The voice of Wu Ningming came from afar: "If the princess is willing to accept, you should vote for her."

Then he disappeared completely.

After leaving the stunned Qiu Ruohan and Ximen fear, they can't imagine even if they die. Why Wu Youming lost only once, he would be so ruined, and even say the words of retreating.

Of course, they don't know. Wu Ningming seems to be a program. The code written in his final destiny is to kill Yangdingtian to get a new life, or die! And, only one chance is allowed. Because this is the authenticity of testing fate.

Wu Ning lost, proved the fate. He should have died, but someone would not let him die. Then, if he encounters Yangdingtian again, it is as if the program encounters a fatal bug. Those who should never meet again will encounter it, and that can only be avoided.


Just like this, after a few hours!

The shocking news came from Zhongjing, the Nanfu was dissolved, the Netherland was completely withdrawn, and related people were waiting. All dissolved.

Suddenly, all the talents were finally determined, and the era of Wu Ningming was over.

The leaders of Zhongzhou, who were watching in the dark and holding hope, also cut off the last hope.

Wu Youming has been walking this world for countless years. In order to defeat the spokesperson of God, he has been invisible as a person for nearly a hundred years. Walk the world and keep yourself strong. So before, he was only half a step away from the half-sacred.

Therefore, he knows far more about the world than he has in the East.

Which place will be born Xuanhuo, which place has a secret, he is most familiar with it. He wants to take Ling Dance. Go and devour all the mysterious fires he knows, and try to test all the secrets he knows.

He wants Ling Dance to go to the front of the second-class evil spirits. Help her overcome the second-class evil spirits.

Anyway, he has nothing to do.


On the sea leaving Zhongzhou, Wu Ningming met the oriental ice.

"Where are you going?" asked Oriental Ice.

"Take Ling Dance to practice." Wu Ning said.

"But you should complete your own mission." Oriental Bingling said: "The army of extinction will soon be born, but there is still no human commander. You should find the right candidate and give you second class. Evil spirits. Let them become the backbone of the future army. You must know that the Palace of Blood and the Palace of Joy have been partially disintegrated."

Wu Ning said: "I know, I don't want to do this because it is not my mission."

Princess Peony (Oriental Ice Ling) said: "You are the righteous son of the devil. You are not an oriental ice. We do not want to directly suppress your soul with the will of evil spirits. You should not force us to deal with you like the East Ice."

Wu Ning said: "I try my best to defeat Yangdingtian, just to get a rebirth and become a real person. If you want to deal with the oriental ice, just suppress my will, then you can just do it."

Princess Peony said: "Are you even ignoring the command of the devil?"

Wu Ning said: "He is my whole, my God, my land. I have been carrying out his orders throughout my life, and he only gave me an order to defeat Yangdingtian and challenge fatalism. But I Failed, and you don't let me die! Other missions, no matter what I do."

The princess princess stared coldly at Wu Ningming for a while, then violently fanned the wings and flew toward the northwest east in the direction of the grassland.

The demon king's sorrow in the chaotic world has already abolished one. The rest of it can no longer be scrapped.

Wu Ningming’s only mission is to defeat Yangdingtian and master Tiandaomeng. He failed.

The mission of the East is to conquer the snakes, let all the snakes estrus, and give birth to the semi-god race, become the absolute ally of the evil demon, or surrender.

Therefore, the princess peony is going to urge the east to leave, speed up the conquest of the snake people, and at this time she has found the key to let the snake people estrus.

Looking at the figure of the ice, Yuan Ling asked: "Where is she going?"

"Go east to the grassland." Wu Ning.

Ling Wu said: "What does she go east to the grassland?"

"Supervise the East and accelerate the conquest of the rhythm of the Queen of the Sea." Wu Ning said: "In this world, only Yangdingtian succeeded in making the demon foxes pregnant. Only Yangdingtian can make the snakes estrus. Previously, no one knew why. After Yang Dingtian and I went to war, it was seen by a very small number of people."

"What is the key?" asked Ling Ling.

"Darkness Xuanhuo is the key to let the snake people estrus." Wu Ning said: "Yangdingtian has a more advanced dark fire, so it can beat me to kill. And the Queen of the Sea, I really doubt that the dark Xuanhuo can make The snake people are emotional. And I have a dark mysterious fire, so she once saw me secretly, but found that I can't make her emotional, so she and Dong Li have given up this route. In fact, this route is correct, and I am the reason I can't let the Queen of Hearts estrus because I am not a complete man. You know this."

Ling Wu suddenly turned red and said softly: "Wu Big Brother, no matter what you are in the eyes of others? In my heart, you will always be the best man."

Wu Ning Ming looked at the eyes of Ling Wu, filled with tenderness and pity, and smiled slightly.

"Peony also knows this? Then she knows how to know the dark mysterious fire?" asked Ling Ling.

"The specifics certainly don't know." Wu Ning said: "But this kind of thing is broken for the top strong. Ximen Yanyan once had the poison of dark crystallization, Yang Dingtian saved her, and the result was dark. Xuanhuo. A little speculation, you can draw a conclusion."

"That can also create a dark mysterious fire, can also make the Queen of the Heart estrus?" Ling Dance asked.

"Maybe you can." Wu What should I do? The Queen of the Seas is not dangerous, and it must fall into the claws of the East. "Ling dance.

Wu Ningqi said: "Maybe it is not necessarily the claws of the East to fall into the sea. Haixin also always wants to get a man who makes her estrus, but it is only dangerous and too bad to control, so she does not have Formally shot, and the last time she wanted to take my hand to get rid of Yangdingtian."

Ling Wu said: "That, then we are not necessary, immediately tell Yangdingtian."

Wu Ning said: "You decide, if you want to tell him, you will tell. As for me, there is no such motivation. Although I don't kill him, I shun him, but I want to help him, I don't have this motivation. Because I don't care if Haixin is separated from the East and gives birth to future generations."

Ling Wu suddenly glimpsed, thinking inside, whether to tell Yang Dingtian this thing.


Note: The second is sent! Please support! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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