Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 778: Unscrupulous means to stop the East!

At this time, Beijing was extremely busy. Originally, Yangdingtian should leave Yunxiao City and return to Zhongjing. However, before the enchanting things were resolved, he could not leave. {}

Therefore, this time Yang Dingtian is almost the longest time to spend time with his family.

Finally, his eldest son, Yangshuo, is more or less close to his father.

Yangshuo has been more than three years old and is considered to be a big child. His character, the character of his solitary phoenix dance has become more and more obvious, very overbearing, but also very angry.

Yang Yi is about to be one and a half years old, but it looks as if it is not much smaller than Yangshuo, and it is amazingly beautiful.

His words are rare, but his mouth is very clear. And when answering the question, it was very accurate. Sometimes his answer made Yang Dingtian startled.

Listening to the enchanting, Yang Yi. When an adult speaks, he listens to it, and then he learns openly, and he waits until he can correctly say the exit, and he will speak the sound.

And Yangshuo is still unfavorable, and the milk is so milky, only father, mother, grandmother, and brother say it more clearly.

Because she is the only girl among several babies, she is almost the most favored. Yangdingtian also likes this baby very much. Like a doll, he has a soft flesh in his hand, and he is unexpectedly embarrassed, rarely crying, and he likes to laugh when he is born. Even when he is not laughing, he also has eyes. Bend, the corner of the mouth is bent, as if laughing.

and so. Although Yang Dingtian has been with the babies most of the time in these two or three days, he is basically in the hands of the impotence.

When he was telling a story, Yang Yichen widened his eyes. Looking at him with admiration, and from time to time will ask questions, this child seems to be very eager to get the attention and affirmation of Yangdingtian. For him, Yangdingtian did not give the most praise.

Yangshuo, then moved, twisted and twisted, with a look that did not listen carefully. In fact, every word he hears clearly. In short, this child is very rebellious.

Yang Yi is the most serious child. He sat on the ground, doing it straight, listening quietly, and thinking. but. He is only one year old.

As for the impotence baby. I couldn't understand what Dad was talking about. She was lying in her father's arms, staring at her father's open mouth, feeling very fun, and then laughing when others laughed.

The eldest daughter, Yang Ninger, is almost nine years old and does not listen to the story.

She has asked for peace. After the exchange of martial arts. She will also communicate with Yang Dingtian about current affairs. In one sentence, she just wants to prove to Yang Dingtian that she has grown up.


Last night, Yangdingtian finally turned to Yan Yan, and Ning Luoer, and Mu Wei said, this time, we might as well let the valley have more babies.

Ning Luoer and Mu Wei are very happy, and Yan Yan said that Yangshuo is still too small, and still needs the mother's love.

Yang Dingtian said that Yangshuo is now very rebellious and is too heavy on Ximen Flame and relying on monopoly. And as the age becomes bigger, the exclusive desire for Yangdingtian is also very heavy.

These days, although he deliberately showed impatience in front of Yang Dingtian, he never actually left him, and he was desperately performing, and he still acted inadvertently.

Therefore, he must be taught to share, especially maternal love. Therefore, it is time for Yan Yan to have a baby.

Then, the flames of flames with joy and embarrassment, after the peak of joy, try to lift the hips and legs, and not let Yangdingtian come out and block there.

Unfortunately, a few women yesterday, as if only flames are in the easy pregnancy period!


At noon, a familiar voice came from the top of the Yangding, which made people hate the racist voice.

"Yangdingtian, come to the Yantai Strait in the north to see me, I can't smell the taste of you humans."

Yangdingtian still holds Yangshuo, after the story is finished, and then the children are handed over to the wife and wife.

Then, a person flew to the Yantai Strait in the north of Yunxiao City.

"Don't be too close to me, it's good to talk like this." The enchanting cockroach immediately reached out to prevent Yangdingtian from approaching. At this time, the two were hundreds of meters away.

Yang Dingtian could not help but frown, and it was really a hopeless racist.

"There is something to say." Yangdingtian is not fast.

"The child, you stay immediately, but the enchanting must go with me." The enchanting said: "This is my biggest concession, otherwise I don't blame me."

Yangding Tiandao: "I am very curious, you bring the enchanting back to Xiaoxitian, what are you going to do?"

The enchanting said: "Of course, it is a close relative, and then always together, giving birth to the purest descendants of the mysterious fox!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Don't you hate people? The enchanting relationship with me has the closest relationship. The deepest part of her body has my taste. Why don't you mind?"

The enchanting body violently twitched, cold and cold: "Yangdingtian monkey, this is the second time you want me to throw out the stool, and once again, I will be very sorry for you."

"Do not threaten, answer questions." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting fist clenched fiercely and said: "Then I also ask you a question, do you love your wife?"

"Love very much." Yangding Tiandao.

"If that's because you didn't protect her so that she was tainted by the beast, would you like to abandon your wife?" The enchanting sneer.

Yang Dingtian frowned: "Although I hate your description and metaphor, I understand what you mean. I also admire your infatuation and heart. But you made a mistake, the enchanting is mine. Woman, my legal and sympathetic wife, we are very loving."

"Wrong..." The demon screamed: "She has only been in your human country for a long time, and it has been polluted by you, so I am lost. As soon as I return to Xiaoxitian, she will wake up immediately. I will disdain this relationship. Gu, I will hate to wash away every mark you left on her."

Yangding Tianzuo angle is slightly pumped. Dao: "It seems that you have nothing but pride and a broad mind. There is nothing in IQ."

"The third time. Yangdingtian monkey, you threw your stool for the third time, you used up three chances." The enchanting cold channel: "The next time, I will be like crushing ants. The same, one foot will trample you to death. The nobleness of Yinlong blood vessels is inviolable!"

Originally, Yangdingtian wanted to say hybrids, so this happened four times. But I thought of Yang Yi baby. It’s also a mixture of myself and the enchanting, how can I be willing to say the two words? So, I will not say anything.

"Seven days. Yangdingtian, you still have seven days to choose." The enchanting cold and cold road: "Either promise my request, leave your child, I take away the enchanting. Then help you defeat the so-called evil demon. Or. I forcibly take away the enchanting and the children, you can't get anything. If you dare to stop, I will kill you!"

After all, the enchanting disappeared into the air.

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and began to think about how to deal with this pathological racist.


After Yang Dingtian returned to Yunxiao City, Sheweijiao was extremely anxious because she did not know where Yangdingtian went. And before a few hours, she received a very urgent information.

"The Sovereign. This is the information received before four hours. Someone stopped our patrol flying and handed it over to you, but we don't know where you went." Snaketail.

Yangdingtian immediately took it.

This is a piece of white silk, the word above, is a faint blue, written with the flame made of mysterious gas.

"The peony goes east to the grassland and helps the east to get the darkness of the fire, in order to achieve the purpose of conquering the queen of the snake, and you can stop it."

The writing is very beautiful and delicate. As for the payment, there is only one word: dance!

It is Ling Wu, this information is given by Ling Dance.

Almost instinctively, Yangdingtian did not have any doubts about this information.

"The patrol that received the information? Have you seen it?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"He didn't open, but according to the regulations, he was already in the secret cabinet, and after receiving the information, he took the initiative to open the distance with all other patrols, and there was no contact. So this information only passed him and my hand. "The tail of the snake."

Yangding Tiandao: "You go to the secret cabinet with Mrs. Simon, wait for the spirits, wash away this memory. Including the patrol, wash the memory together."

"Yes!" Snake tailed the ball, then quickly locked his body, so that he could not speak, can not write.

Madame Simon came in and stared at her and walked toward the secret house.

In fact, this level of intelligence, Ling Wu can not be transmitted in such a direct way, which involves how to conquer the top secret of the snake people. However, she is not a subordinate of Yangdingtian after all, and she can tell Yangdingtian this information, it is very difficult to come.

It seems that her second-class evil spirits have changed since the activation, so that she is afraid to come to see Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian trembled gently, and the silk suddenly vanished.

This information is too important! Why can I let the snake people estrus, can make the enchanting estrus, Yang Dingtian knows very clearly.

It is the dark mysterious fire! Because there was dark crystallization in the flames, the first time I saw the enchanting, the enchanting was just about to move. Although it didn't reach the point of estrus, it was very cute. From that time on, Yang Dingtian knew that the thing that makes the snakes and the foxes estrus is the black hole energy, which is the dark mysterious fire.

Wu Ningming is not a complete man, so she can't let the snake people estrus. But the East is not only a complete man, but also a color stick. Once he is allowed to have a dark mysterious fire, the Queen of the Sea Heart will be estrus in minutes, and then the entire snake race may be ruled.

The consequences are completely unimaginable.

So, can East to create a dark mysterious fire?

The dark mysterious fire is very mysterious, but once the theory is broken, it is not difficult.

Yangdingtian can create a dark mysterious fire, and Wu Ningming can also create a dark mysterious fire.

As long as the energy and darkness of Xuanhuo are balanced, the two sides will die together, and they will not be able to swallow each other. Only when they destroy each other, the dark Xuanhuo will be born.

Of course, the dark black fire that was created from the east may be very weak. It is far less than Wu Ningming and Yangdingtian, but what about it, this thing is not used for fighting, it is used to make the snake human race estrus, a little bit can be.

Must be blocked, and blocked immediately!

Once the East has conquered the Queen of the Sea and conquered the Serpent, the consequences are unimaginable.

In order to prevent the east from leaving, Yang Dingtian even has to resort to no means. When necessary, even if he wants to sell the color, seduce the Queen of the Sea, and let the sea heart become pregnant before the east leaves.

After making the decision, Yang Dingtian didn't even have time to call the Eastern Nirvana or the emperor to go with him. The time was completely out of reach.

Must be You must go to the Queen of the Sea before you leave the East!

Before going, Yang Dingtian once again saw the enchanting, told her that there is something very important, he must leave, but he will come back in three or five days.

The enchanting only said one sentence.

"The husband is relieved, the enchanting wants to take me away, unless I die! And, don't worry about enchanting, I am sure of the enchanting!"

Yang nodded, then on her mouth, a deep kiss.

Then, ride the konjac king and fly to the grassland eastward with the fastest speed.

He has made a decision on force, he is not an opponent from the east. Therefore, you must take the second place without fail, and get the first thing!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one. The best works tickets, free brothers can vote for two! To be continued. . u

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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