Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 779: Yangding Tianqiang pushes the sea heart!

You must not let the East leave, you must not let him overthrow the Queen of the Sea. Yangdingtian must first be strong, break off the east and leave all the way.

Sleeping alone in a Queen of the Sea, it should not take too long, and even if necessary, the Snakes are the four commanders, and all of them will sleep, and it will take a few days.

Yes, Yangdingtian really has such a plan.

There is a saying, I am not a casual person, I am not a person.

The four commanders of the Snake Empire, sixteen generals, although there are only less than ten masters, one and a half.

However, their potential is too amazing. It can be said that these twenty or thirty snakes and high-ranking people may break through the semi-sanctification in the future.

Therefore, in this line, it is not enough to sleep in the Queen of the Sea. If you want to sleep, you must sleep all over the snakes.

Still, the words are not people.

In short, a snake-level high-level can not leave the East.

There are still seven days from the enchanting time. Yangdingtian is only a stallion to sleep in the snakes, and at most it is three or four days, enough to return to Yunxiaocheng.


Yunxiao City is almost 20,000 miles away from the Snake Empire. It is the speed of the konjac king's claws, that is, five hours.

A claw flew at a height of several kilometers and whizzed past.

In the sea between the northwestern continent and the eastern grassland, there are occasional seeing ships passing by, and it is still a medium-sized vessel.

Before, the human kingdom and the east were far from the grasslands, and there was almost no exchange. But now, there are so many ships going to the Snake Empire.

What are these people, Yangdingtian knows!

All of them were the defeated Zhongzhou leaders, and they were unwilling to accept the rule of the Yangding Tianguangming Parliament, so they went into exile in the Snake Empire.

The Yangdingtian fleet wants to block them easily. But Yangdingtian just wants to test it to see if anyone dares to take care of these Zhongzhou leaders.

At that time, the most exiled leader of Zhongzhou was actually the Sky Magic City. There are very few snake empire.

However, Sky Magic City did not dare to offend Yang Dingtian at this time, not only rejected the refuge requirements of this Zhongzhou leader. They even sent people to the exiled heads back to the power of the Bright Council.

Nothing can be done, these Central Asian leaders can only be exiled to the Snake Empire.

Yangdingtian would like to see if the Snake Empire will take over these Zhongzhou leaders. As a result, the Queen of the Seas really took over, so the leaders of Zhongzhou continued to travel to the Snake Empire!

The heart of Queen of the Sea Heart is strange and unpredictable. It is really hard to think about it.


After four hours. Yangdingtian flew to the east from the grassland.

At this time, it has been a full year and a half since Yangdingtian left the east from the grassland.

In the past year and a half, the East has completely changed from the grassland. When I first entered the eastern steppe, Yang Dingtian clearly felt everything.

One of the most magnificent and powerful defense lines in history has been dealt with.

A huge wall of tens of meters high, like a dragon, can not be seen at the end.

Yangdingtian knows how long this wall is, and it will leave the entire east from the grassland. All surrounded up. Every few miles is a very strong castle.

The sea outside the wall is dense. It is full of all kinds of ships, these are the fleet of the Snake Empire.

Everywhere on the wall is a heavily armed semi-human army.

In the air, the dense patrol flying, criss-cross!

The semi-human army, especially the several warring tribes, has far more combat power than the human army, and all the people are soldiers, the entire snake empire. There are hundreds of millions of troops.

Therefore, in the case of military power alone, the Snake Empire is far beyond the Bright Parliament. of course. The arm of the Bright Parliament far exceeds the Snake Empire.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble. Yangdingtian directly let the konjac king's claws fly to the height of 20,000 meters, and screamed in the night.

Therefore, the rigorous Snake Empire patrol patrol did not find the trace of Yangdingtian.

After a half hour, Yangdingtian came to Kyoto over the Snake Empire!

The Kyoto of the Snake Empire is no longer the appearance of Yang Dingtian.

This is a city that is almost bigger than China and Beijing. It is a magnificent building that stands in every part of Kyoto.

The architectural style here is completely different from the human kingdom. All are stone, full of the mysterious atmosphere of the underwater empire.

The central part of Kyoto is a huge pyramid, a pyramid with a height of a thousand meters, like a giant mountain, standing in the center of the imperial capital of the snake.

This pyramid did not exist a year and a half ago. Yangdingtian is really unimaginable. In just one and a half years, how to build such an amazing pyramid. The pyramid of the Egyptians is only a hundred meters high, and it takes a lot of years to know.

The Pyramid of the Snake Empire is a full kilometer high and only took a year and a half.

Of course, the national strength of the Snake Empire is not only one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times compared to ancient Egypt.

At the top of the pyramid is a beautiful statue!

This is the Queen of the Sea, half-human and half-snake, coiled at the top of the pyramid.

This statue, lifelike, beautiful enchanting to the extreme. She is on the high pyramid, overlooking all beings!

Almost just entering the scope of the pyramid, Yangdingtian was discovered, even at an altitude of 20,000 meters.

"Oh..." The stunning beauty of the four snaketails, like a meteor, rushed directly to the height of 20,000 meters.

Then, with a strong Xuanqi, instantly locked the Yangdingtian.

Of course, at this time they have not been able to lock up the Yangdingtian, but he did not resist.

These four snakes and females are very strange. But... all of them are all masters.

"Who? Dare to be good at the Imperial Golden Temple?" The snake-woman who is headed will be cold.

"The human kingdom, the leader of the Heavenly Alliance, Yang Dingtian." Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, there is another identity, that is, your husband of the Phoenix Princess."

"Princess of the Phoenix language?" headed by the snakewoman, the corner of the mouth smashed a disdain. Then said: "Even if you are a princess of the princess, you are guilty of the Golden Temple, but also a capital crime! We will send your head back to the human kingdom."

In her speech, she turned out to be in the eyes of the Bright Council of Heaven!

Yangdingtian eyes shrink. Dao: "You still have to tell me better, don't forget. I have been fighting alongside your Queen of the Sea. Your Queen is the king. I have the greatest credit."

"Hands!" Four snake-woman women, slammed into the sword.

"Boom!" Yang Ding Tian's energy breath, mixed with Xuan Huo, violently burning.

Then, this energy breath and flames, toward the four snakes and women. Slammed it.

What is Yangdingtian doing? Of course, the snakes and females will be estrus, although these four are not his opponents, but they can save even more without fighting. Moreover, to capture the snakes, you will start from these four snakes and women!


What makes Yang Dingtian puzzled is that the four snake-woman will have no reaction to the flame of Yangdingtian.

Not to mention that there has been no change in the body, no estrus, and even the hostility has not decreased by half.

No, what happened? Why are these four snake-woman women not estrus, and Yangdingtian has seen the four commanders. *Yes, it seems that there are no four.

"Dare to do it? Look for death!" The head of the snake-woman, the beautiful face spit out the letter. The face became awkward, and then suddenly turned into a streamer, and the sword in the hand spurred the sun.

It seems that it is impossible to not fight.

The sword of Yangdingtian was not squirted, and slammed on the sword of the snakewoman.

In an instant, the sword of the first snake-woman was suddenly reddened, and then turned into a **** gold and iron, dripping down.

The snake man will be shocked. I did not expect to encounter such a master of Yangdingtian.

"Silk..." Then her snake letter slammed out and made a special sound wave that humans could not hear.


moment. More than a dozen snakesman masters, like a meteor. Slammed into the air.

Among them, four or five people have reached the rank of master class, and the remaining half are also senior masters.

However, there are still half of the familiar faces in it.

what happened? How can it be? How did the Snake Terran appear so many masters out of thin air?

Only one and a half years, even if it is ripe, there is no way to rush out so many big division-level powerhouses. Queen of the Sea Heart, what did you do to these snakes?

At this time, Yangdingtian was surrounded by *big masters, the one headed by it, with a purple mask, reached the level of the nine-star master. However, from the exposed eyes, as if Yang Dingtian has seen it, it should have been the top of the snake people, not one of the four commanders, or one of them.

Although he is awesome at this time, he is already a six-star master, but it is still impossible to win a big master.

"Hello is Yangdingtian?" The leader of the nine-star master.

"You are purple?" Yangding Tiandao: "Have you ever searched my body?"

Yangding Tianji got up. At that time, Yangdingtian went to see the Queen of Poison, and put his tongue into his mouth, and then the estrus became a human body, which is the purple in front of him.

At that time, she was regarded as the close-fitting female guard of the Queen of Poison, one of them. But at the time, she did not break through the Grand Master, but she was about to break through. Today, it turns out to be a nine-star master, how is this done?

The most important thing is that she once fascinated Yang Dingtian. Once the snakes are estrus, they will not be erased for life.

At this time, she looked at Yang Dingtian's eyes, very cold, without any feelings.

"You see the Queen, what?"

"I want something!" Yangding Tiandao.

Yan Zi looked at him deeply and said: "Wait, I will tell you!"

"Oh!" Then she instantly turned into a streamer and slammed into the pyramid.

For a moment, Yan Zi will come back.

"The Queen is waiting for you, please come with me." After that, she turned into a streamer and flew toward the pyramid hall.

Yangdingtian immediately followed up.

Then, he prayed in his heart, hoping that he still had time, and hoped that the East had not succeeded yet, and he hoped that the East had not yet slept the Queen of the Sea.


At the top of the pyramid, in the most splendid palace, Yangdingtian saw the fascinating world, the Queen of the Sea!

She seems to be more beautiful than the last time Yang Dingtian saw it. The kind that makes you look at it, you feel the beauty of self-satisfaction, the kind of beauty that almost wants to pierce people's eyes.

On the simple beauty and special temperament, she has already caught up with the Queen of Poison.

And her cultivation is much stronger than a year and a half ago, at least Yang Dingtian completely feels an unfathomable breath.

Even in the face of innocence, in front of the innocent, Yangdingtian does not feel such terrible and deep energy.

The snake people are snakes. I don’t know what kind of means she used, not only to make themselves so powerful, but also to make those strange snakes and women become so powerful.

Yangding is on the way to heaven: "Yangdingtian, meet the mother-in-law!"

"No, you don't have to install it." Queen Haixin said: "I believe that you already know that your mother-in-law should be the Queen of Poison. The mother of the solitary frost, the mother of the solitary phoenix dance, is also my good sister, poisonous Queen! I am the conspirators, you were deceived by me and killed the Queen of Poison!"

Yangding Tian trembled fiercely!

Of course, his horror is not the content of these words. It is the heart of the sea, completely tearing off the face of the saint. Obviously, she is already fearless!

After a year and a half of the Queen of the Empire, her heart and will have become extremely powerful. Not like before, but also secretly concealed Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian, see the Queen's Majesty." Yangdingtian changed a name.

"I believe you have seen it, my sister has not done anything, I have done it, even better than her." Queen of the Heart slowly said: "In the near future, the Snake Empire is the most powerful in the entire chaotic world. The empire. Even in the near future, the human kingdom will be at the foot of the snake empire."

The power is really a poison, a terrible poison. The Queen, who has only been a year and a half, has already let Haixin completely tear off all the false faces and become so naked.

"Say, what are you looking for?" said Queen Haixin.

Yangding Tiandao: "Request the Queen, help each other?"

“Who are you dealing with?” Haixin asked.

"Xiaoxitian, one of the devils of the demon fox tribe, enchanting." Yangding Tiandao.

"What is it? How to repair it?" Haixin asked.

"My wife is enchanting, it is Xiaoxitian's Xuanwei demon is the enchanting wife's fiancee, he must be forcibly taken away." Yangding Tiandao: "And this enchanting, I am not an opponent."

"Half holy?" Haixin asked.

"I don't know, it should be almost the same, it is already over a thousand years old." Yangding Tiandao: "In short, I gather all the masters of the bright parliament, not his opponent."

Hai Xindao: "Do you want me to help out and get rid of him?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

Hai Xindao: "What price are you willing to pay?"

"Sleep you, bigen your stomach!" The original respectful Yangdingtian, suddenly domineering and rushing to the sky, and then rushed over, a Queen of the Heart of the Heart on the bed.

The Queen of the Seas can't touch the defense, like the beautiful celestial body of the mountains and rivers, and it is instantly pressed under the sun.


Note: The second one is sent, double the monthly ticket is coming, send a few! (To be continued) ()

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