Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 787: Unaccompanied woman! Different body taste!

Not only the long stretch of mountains floats in the air, but there is even a huge continent in the distance, floating in the sky.

Yang Dingtian can't know, what is going on? Countless mountains, a whole piece of land floating in the air is what is going on, here is not Avatar's Pandora planet.

And inside Pandora's planet, only some special mountains float in the air, and most of the mountains and land are still on the surface of the planet.

Here, the entire Xiaoxitian seems to be floating in the air.

Yangding Tiandun flew toward the nearest mountain. He had to go to the tribe where the enchanting and enchanting people were.

The enchanting tribe Yangdingtian knows the name, called the Shadowgo! However, in which position, Yangdingtian is completely ignorant.

And the enchanting is which tribe, Yang Dingtian does not know, but he has a special jade in his hand, he has been wearing on his neck. Perhaps it is not a jade, it seems to be solid blue water, carved into the shape of a half fox and a half dragon.

Of course, there is a very, very important issue at this time.

That is Xiaoxitian's demon fox language! The enchanting singer has taught the language of Yang Dingtian and Xiao Xitian, but the time of Yang Dingtian and his wife is extremely short, so the language learned from the enchanting is also a piecemeal.

So after entering Xiaoxitian, he still has to be dumb most of the time.

However, the text of Xiaoxitian, Yangdingtian is more and more recognized. This is the enchanting has long been well written, perhaps she has a hunch in her heart, I feel that I can't stay in Yunxiao City, I feel that one day, I will be forced to bring back to Xiaoxitian. Therefore, after giving birth to Yang Yi Baby, she began to write a thick book about the language of the demon fox family.

When she was taken away. I left this book for Yang Dingtian.

In the past half a month, Yangdingtian has been staying in Yunxiao City, although it is to enjoy the family fun with his wife and children. Most of them are also for learning the text of Xiao Xitian.

Today, important words and words. It is barely learning a simmering date. But the sentences that are connected are basically based on guessing, and I can’t talk more.

After all, Yangdingtian is not a genius.

So after entering Xiaoxitian, he still spends most of his time studying.


There is a saying that Wangshan is running dead.

In front of this mountain, I looked very close, but Yangding Tianfei flew for hundreds of miles. It was only really close to this huge mountain range.

This is a complete mountain range that floats in the air.

Really under the mountain, I feel his huge, the entire mountain range, at least a thousand miles.

Yangdingtian slowly landed under the unknown mountain.

The first time after the landing, he felt a very strong sigh. Yes, it’s only a few times more powerful than the chaotic world, and it’s much more pure.

Then, Yang Dingtian suddenly felt a strange look at the top of his head and felt a little itchy behind his neck. I feel a little itchy on my ears.

He quickly took out a spar mirror!

Then I was shocked to find that I turned my face.

That's right, it really changed face! Originally black hair. It turned into silver.

The whole face became sharper and the eyes became more narrow. Moreover, the ears have become sharper and longer.

What's important is that the neck seems to have a silver mark, and it feels a bit sharp.

Yang Dingtian quickly touched the back, fearing that he would touch a tail. But fortunately, there is no tail.

Looking at myself in the mirror, Yangding is a bit innocent!

That's right. Vaguely there is still a little Yang Tiantian, but only a little bit. The whole face. It has changed completely.

What did it look like? Anyway, it is not the appearance of the demon fox, but more like the elf family on the Earth movie.

The skin of the face. Snow white, like jade. Ok, this is a good statement.

The ugly saying is that Yang Dingtian’s face at this time is dead white and white, as white as brushing the wall, and as delicate as if there are no pores.

The nose becomes very long, the lips become very thin, especially the eyes, deep and narrow, with long ears.

It looks like some of the elves of the movie, but it is not, far from being as natural as an elf. The elves are just beautiful, but they are still human faces.

The face of Yangdingtian at this time is already somewhat unnatural.

You have to be beautiful, but you can count it, but it's really unnatural. It really looks like an alien similar to humans.

Yangdingtian is wrong, and people are not like this.

However, this is also good, and it also saves the trouble of easy tolerance. However, you can go to the world of chaos without this appearance, then the sun will crash.

Yangdingtian could not help but try to fly away from the mountain and return to the sea.

Fortunately, this weird face gradually degenerates and returns to the original appearance of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was relieved for a long time. It seems that only entering the land of Xiaoxitian, the energy of Yinlong's blood will change its appearance.

Fly back to the huge mountain in front of you.


Yang Dingtian went deep into this mountain, trying to find out what village tribes, or looking for a person to ask for directions, to go to the Shadows how to go.

However, a few hundred miles into the mountains, still can not find any villages, and did not see any demon foxes. Instead, all kinds of monsters have seen a lot.

Yangdingtian did not fly in the air, but honestly climbed the mountain and waded, walking with his feet.

Because this is the only way to truly understand this little Western world.

After walking a few hundred miles, it was dark, and Yangdingtian found a cave to stop, took out the book written by the enchanting, and continued to learn the language and words of Xiaoxitian.

Just as he learned deeply, there was a sudden sigh of footsteps.

Yangdingtian’s ears jerked up violently, and the book was put back into the space ring with vigilance, and the hand-modified soul sword was held in the hand.

A series of thin footsteps, from far and near.

Yang Dingtian did not move, nor did he extinguish the bonfire, so he held the sword in his hand and was ready to shoot.

But the strange thing is that this is a far and near step. Yang Dingtian did not feel any energy from the other side.

Only the master who is many times stronger than Yang Dingtian, Yangding genius can't feel his breath. Suddenly, he was in the middle of his heart. Always ready to steal.

This Xiaoxitian is really weird, and the first one I encountered was the top.


Two little shadows. Quickly entered the vision of Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tian Meng will have to transport stealth and mysterious skills.

But after seeing it clearly, he laughed at himself and came to a strange world, and he was really a soldier.

It turned out that there were two children, about six or seven years old, with dust on their faces and a little scared face. Because I saw the fire. So come over.

No wonder there is no smell of energy.

Yang Ding Tianxin is a soft one. This is a boy and a woman. Although the face is a little dirty, it looks very cute, fleshy and has big eyes.

"Dad..." The little boy screamed at the back of Yangdingtian, and the voice almost cried out.

Perhaps these two beautiful children and parents have lost.

Yangdingtian turned around. A gentle smile appeared to the two children. Then I took out the barbecue and waved at them.

Who knows, these two children saw the face of Yang Dingtian. Instead, the eyes shook with horror, shouted, and instantly turned into a streamer, turned into two little foxes, and ran into the dark woods.

Don't be afraid to say how, Yang Dingtian's brain suddenly reacted, but he could only scream a few times.

But these two children have escaped without a trace.

Yang Ding Tianxin did not feel at ease, rushed out of the cave. Looking around for a moment, but did not see the two children at all.

Yangdingtian frowned. Sensing the surrounding atmosphere, want to find the two children.

perhaps. It was two playful children and mom and dad who were separated. It is a child of two demon foxes. It seems that in the small western world, the small fox can become human. Only at a critical time, it will still become a fox.

At this time, the forest in the distance, the voice of a gentle woman, the voice of her shouting, Yang Dingtian could not understand. But listening to the sound seems to be very anxious.

A moment later, a beautiful and beautiful woman was rushed out of the woods.

After seeing Yangdingtian, I first saw it, then came over and asked her anxiously.

Her voice was very gentle and moving, and Yang Dingtian couldn't quite understand what she was talking about, but the children still understood.

This should be the mother of two children, come to the two children of the demon fox family.

This woman is very beautiful, and her body is especially beautiful. The face of the melon seeds is very gentle and charming, and it looks as if it looks like the little boy of the fox family.

Yang Dingtian would like to ask if she met any sluts, but she did not know how to say it. Seeing her anxiously worried expression, Yang Dingtian quickly pointed to the place where the two fox fox children disappeared.

"Thank you, thank you..." The woman desperately nodded gratefully at the top of the sun, and then hurriedly looked for the disappearance of the two fox family children.

Yangdingtian has the heart to catch up to help, but this beautiful woman seems to be full of alert to Yangdingtian, so she can't help but hope that she can find two children.

Next, Yang Dingtian erected his ears and read the book in the fire. He just rushed out as soon as he heard any alarm.

However, until dawn, nothing happened.


After dawn, Yangdingtian continued to go deep into the mountains to find the villages of the Fox people.

After walking for two hundred miles, Yangding Tiandeng saw a familiar back, graceful and graceful!

It was the beautiful and delicate little woman who was last night. She was in a hurry to hurry, but she did not seem to see her two children.

"Hey, hey..." Yang Dingtian shouted behind his back.

The beautiful little woman was shocked and immediately turned around with full alert. After seeing Yangdingtian, her expression was slightly loose, but she was still full of vigilance and looking at Yangdingtian.

After she turned around, Yangdingtian saw it clearly. She found two children, and she was holding it in her hand, a red little fox and a white little fox.

At this point, the two little foxes are sleeping, very beautiful and very cute.

When she found the child, Yang Dingtian was relieved, and then she pointed to the little fox in her arms and showed a kind smile to her.

That is less than a woman. Then she smiled at her.

At this time, Yangdingtian discovered that she was more beautiful than the evening, especially the beautiful lips. The blush is like a fire, and the whole face is not only delicate. There is also a more charming.

She also smiled at the top of the sun, but her expression was still full of warnings. After the graceful body was blessed, she immediately took two children and hurriedly walked from the side path.

A lonely woman, it is okay to see a man in the mountains afraid of vigilance.

Yangding Tian suddenly stopped in the same place, waiting for her to go far after the road, so as not to scare people.


Next. Yangdingtian continued to hurry, until the evening, never met the delicate little woman.

In the mountains in the front dozens of miles, I finally saw the shadow of the village. Yangdingtian took a long breath and he could not help but speed up.

After entering a mountain forest, suddenly there was a dense footstep in front of him, and there was a cry of the old man's heartbreaking lungs.

Yang Dingtian couldn't understand what he was yelling, but it seemed to be the same as the names of the two children. It seems like this group of people. Also come to the two beautiful children.

He suddenly speeded up, and suddenly saw dozens of men of the Xuanhu family in front of him, holding a variety of weapons in their hands. While shouting the name, look for it.

When I saw Yangdingtian, they first jerked the weapons in their hands and were full of guard. But after seeing the appearance of Yangdingtian, they looked a little loose.

In the middle of a fox-family old man, he quickly ran over and asked anxiously in the sun.

Yang Dingtian could not understand his words, but he could vaguely hear that these people came out to find the two children. In front of this demon fox old man, perhaps the grandfather of two children.

but. In front of these, the mysterious foxes are all low blood, so the repairs are quite low. This is the old fox man. At best, it is equivalent to human martial arts.

The old man, desperately pulling the sleeves of Yangdingtian, asked if he had seen his grandson and granddaughter? Constantly asking, the old tears crooked, the whole person seems to have collapsed.

Yang Dingtian couldn’t say it, so he quickly took the silk and the pen and wrote in the Xuanhu language: “Children, who have already found it, go home immediately.”

The old man saw the word above, slammed it, and then wrote it on the silk with a pen.

"Mother and child, already dead!"

That feminine little * woman died? Yangding Tianyi stayed! How can this be? I just saw it myself.

Then, almost the fox family carried a dead body.

It seems to be the body of a female fox, but the skin of the whole body has been smashed down, leaving only **** flesh and blood.

And the heart, the brain, have been eaten.

"What, time, dead?" Yangding Tian asked.

"In the past few days, my son did not return home. The daughter-in-law suspected that she would go out and look for it. The day before, the child sneaked out and looked for mom and dad. Yesterday, we found the body of the daughter-in-law in the mountains and have been eaten like this. "The old man wrote.

Yangdingtian faintly changed!

Then, the young woman is not the mother of the children, she is eating her mother's monster, and then becomes the mother's look.

The two fox fox children have fallen into her claws, and at this time I am afraid that there are fewer murders.

At this moment, Yangdingtian felt that the beauty of Xiaoxitian disappeared like a fairyland, only danger and horror.

"Ah..." Yang Ding suddenly screamed, and he even watched as the two children fell into the hands of the monsters, and they still met today.

Immediately after the next second, Yangding Tian slammed into the air and flew in the direction of coming.

Just a quarter of an hour later, I flew to the place where I saw the monster last time, but I have not seen it for a long time.

She must have run not far. However, Yangdingtian flies around like this, she must have hid, and Yangdingtian is very strange to the world. Once she hides, Yangdingtian can't really find it.

Therefore, Yangding Tian uses stealth mystery! And with the flash of the magical fog coat, desperately search for every inch of the square.


After a long time, in a deep cave, Yangdingtian found the monster and two small foxes in the cage.

And this monster is still the look of a feminine little woman. She was now in front of the mirror, looking in front of the mirror, looking forward to her life, revealing a very charming smile.

In a large pot, a black liquid is being burned. I am preparing to cook these two little foxes.

"Wow, it’s so beautiful, but it’s a pity that it won’t take long to get rid of it.” The monster sighed in front of the mirror. Then look at the little fox inside the cage, mouth watering. Jiao said: "Or take off this shirt first."

Then the monster trembled.

Suddenly, its body slammed out of this body! This beautiful skin, instantly like a balloon without air, directly fell to the ground, turned into a thin layer, very strange.

But what is more disgusting is the appearance of this monster!

Yang Dingtian has never seen such a disgusting monster, a white mass of meat, without any shape. Spread on the ground, constantly squirming.

Without bones, it is not clear where the head is and where it is. But there are two big, watery eyes and a touching human lips.

That's right, if these eyes are, this mouth will grow on the human face and it will be very moving.

But growing up on this monster is extremely disgusting. Moreover, because this mass of meat is constantly creeping. So these two eyes have mouths and they are constantly moving in the direction.

Anyone who sees this look will only vomit immediately.

No wonder it can be drilled into the complete human skin. It is full of soft meat that can be squeezed into any body.

"Eating, eating... oh... oh..."

This mass of meat, constantly squirming, close to the cage.

"Become a human being, become a human being, then... the meat is tenderer, better to eat..."

"Two children, I want it, I will become a child. Hehe..."

The monster’s speech is not clear, but it’s really a fight with Yangding.

Wait until the monster opens the mouth of the human. Suddenly, Yangding was naive.

Because this mouth, it was originally a small mouth of cherry. After opening, it became extremely huge, and inside the mouth, densely filled with suction cups, and countless sharp teeth, hundreds of thousands, this is simply the most disgusting mouthparts seen by Yangding.

I saw a green smog in his mouth.

Then, the two little foxes in the cage immediately became the appearance of human children.

"Dad... Dad..."

"Mom... Grandpa... Come and save me, come and save me..."

Two mysterious fox children, desperately shrinking into the cage, crying constantly, the small body shivering.

Take a deep breath, Yang Dingtian runs the mysterious.

Then, the temperature of the demon spirit is reduced to the lowest, the most cold,

"Hey!" The extremely low-temperature demon spirits slammed out and rushed toward the monster.

In an instant, the monster was instantly solidified.

Then, Yangdingtian will condense the temperature of the Yiling demon fire to the highest.


The high-temperature Yiling demon fire blasted away.

In an instant, this disgusting monster, instantly vanished, finally did not have to stay in this world of disgusting people.

After killing the monster, Yangdingtian directly tore the cage and took the two foxes and children inside.

The small bodies of these two fox human children, trembled desperately, holding Yang Dingtian tightly.

"Reassured, nothing." Yang Dingtian hugged them tightly: "I will take you back to find Grandpa."

This time I came to Xiaoxitian, Yangdingtian was home with a enchanting and Yangyi. Now that I have just entered Xiaoxitian, I have saved two children from the demon fox family. This may be a good omen.

The two children gradually quieted down in Yangdingtianhuai and turned into two little foxes.


After an hour, Yang Dingtian handed two fox people to their grandfather.

However, the child's mother and father have been killed by the monster.

Yangdingtian also knows that this monster is called a faceless demon! I like to eat brains and heart most, and then take the skin of the Xuanhu people before they die, peel off the skin, and then drill into the skin to play the role of an adult.

And Yangdingtian also made it clear that the so-called Xiaoxitian is not a place where the semi-sacred man is like a dog.

His masters of the Seven Stars and Nine Grand Masters, in the small West, are still very very powerful masters, at least the first small tribe he met, he has never seen such a master of Yang Dingtian.

The strongest of the tribes is only the standard of human martial arts.

A large part of the fox family is relatively low blood, and the life expectancy is more than one hundred years old.

Moreover, the lower the blood, the sooner you take some kind of spring water into a human form. On the contrary, the blood of the higher, it takes a long time to become a human form. Even some high blood vessels directly abandon the human form and always appear in the shape of a fox.

But After all the demon foxes die, they will change back to the fox.


In the grandfather of the child, thank you for your glory.

Yangdingtian stayed in his tribe for three days! In these three days, the raging sun-top sky will be a few hundred miles away, and all the monsters that will eat people in the whole mountain will be cleaned up. Three days and three nights, killing thousands of monsters that harm the tribe.

Then, in the incomparable disappointment of the entire tribe, toward the enchanting family, the Shadow Ge tribe flew away.

The Shadow Ge tribe is about four thousand miles away!

With the direction and goal, it will be easy to do. After three days, Yangdingtian will arrive at the enchanting maiden shadow family!


Note: The second is sent! Today, two more than nine thousand words, please ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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