Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 788: Palace, little nephew!

Shadow Ge, is a big family!

It is one of the nine members of the Little West Heaven Union Parliament, on a floating land. Bookstore

Probably led by hundreds of large and small tribes, the first tribe that Yangdingtian encountered, in fact, also belongs to the Gog rule. Only the tribe is too remote, and the sky is separated by the sky. The tribes will not fly, so they will never be able to reach the city of Shadow Ge, and they will know little about the Shadows.

To be precise, the city of Shadow Ge is not on a continent, but on a dozen broken continents.

That's right, dozens of broken land, big and small, floating in the air. The largest piece of land is a few hundred miles, in the middle, surrounded by more than a dozen large and small land.

There are even suspension bridges between the land. But all the land on the periphery is not connected to the mainland in the middle.

The huge Shadow City is built on these dozens of land and then connected by various suspension bridges.

Such a city, Yang Dingtian is really the first time to see it, really can be regarded as an eye-opener. This should be a veritable city of the sky.

The dozen or so land areas on the periphery should be regarded as the slums of the city of Shadow City. Because most of the houses are worn out, most of the people walking are also worn out.

On the land in the middle of a few hundred miles, the house looks tall and prosperous!


When Yangdingtian set foot on the civilian circle outside the Shadow City, he was onlookers for the first time.

Almost everyone on the road is pointing at him. He couldn't help but feel different inside. Why is this? Is there anything wrong with your own appearance?

Pull a person and want to ask where the demon anger (the enchanting father) is.

However, every person who was pulled by Yang Dingtian seemed to have been greatly frightened and fled quickly without a trace.

In short, wherever he went, everyone’s eyes went. But once he got close, the people fled and saw the ghost.

This makes Yangdingtian greatly puzzled.

then. Yang Dingtian decided to leave the civilian circle and fly to the land in the middle.

The enchanting is the young master of a certain tribe, and Yangdingtian knows it. But the enchanting father, is not the patriarch of the Shadow Ge family, Yang Dingtian is not known. However, it should be very prominent, so it should be the most prosperous place in the inner city.

Yangding Tianfei flew up. After flying for a few dozen miles, it landed on the mainland floor.

really. Even the air feels much better. The surrounding houses are gorgeous and tidy, and the roads are paved with flat stones, with flowers on both sides.

The city of the Shadow Go family is much more artistic than the human kingdom, and even has a dreamy feeling.

And what makes Yangdingtian strange is that there are not many human faces walking on this road! A considerable number of demon foxes appear in the form of foxes. It’s just that the legs are walking upright.

Therefore, when Yang Dingtian saw some foxes wearing gorgeous clothes walking on the road, encountering acquaintances, and bending over, he really felt the feeling of disobedience.

However, it is obvious that the people living in this city should be the higher-ranking mysterious foxes.

The appearance of Yangdingtian. It is still onlookers here. It’s just better. But almost everyone he met, all of them are far away.

Yang Dingtian can be sure at this time that his own appearance is definitely a problem, and what is the problem. I don't know.

Picking up a middle-aged fox family with a face and a sly look, Yang Ding asked in front of heaven: "Where is the house of the enchanting adult, where?"

The middle-aged demon fox had a slight glimpse, then waved his hand and did not speak.

Yangding is really innocent. What is the problem with this image? How can everyone see themselves? It’s so weird.

Yangdingtian endured many strange eyes and walked toward the inner city.

However, it did not go out a few hundred meters.

In front, a team of neat bucks cavalry rushed over quickly, and then surrounded the sun.

This demon fox family used the stag as a mount. However, the Bucks looked very dangerous. First of all, the body was very large, and the corners on the head were as hard as iron and extremely sharp.

The head of the cavalry, also a fox, came to Yang Dingtian and looked serious: "Please take a walk with me!"

Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but look at himself. Is this supposed to be arrested?

"I, was you arrested?" Yang Dingtian tried to use the most standard Xuanhu language.

The demon fox leader smiled and waved directly, and suddenly drove a gorgeous and sturdy carriage, oh, deer.

"Please." The demon fox leader.

After a little hesitation, Yang Dingtian boarded this gorgeous deer.

Then, the leader closed all the deer cars, and Yang Dingtian could not see any scenery outside.

Then, the Bucks cavalry, surrounded by the ferry of Yangdingtian, went towards the inner city.


After a full hour, the deer car finally stopped, the demon fox leader opened the door, and Yangdingtian came down from the car.

Then, I almost took a sip of cool air.

It is no wonder that the enchanting genius is always completely despised from the human appearance. From the perspective of the house, the fox family is much more beautiful than the human kingdom.

Standing in front of Yangdingtian is an incomparably gorgeous palace.

Almost every brick has a magnificent sculpture. Every step is drawn with a gorgeous pattern.

Every tree and every flower has been carefully trimmed.

Exquisite gardens, prosperous art palaces. Yang Dingtian feels that here is the world.

Compared to here, many buildings in the human kingdom are spectacular, but the beauty and the art are really different.

Moreover, the palaces all use large windows on the floor, and the windows are made of expensive glass, which also depicts beautiful patterns.

People living in this kind of palace, it is no wonder that the enchanting voice of human monkeys, human monkeys.

But it is normal to think about it, and human life is only a hundred years old. The demon fox, moving thousands of years, naturally has a lot of time spent on art.

And humans, almost all the time, are in the martial arts.

"Please come with me." The demon fox leader led and then led the way.

Yangdingtian followed him and walked into this gorgeous palace.


Stepped on the exquisite steps, after a long corridor, I saw that I didn't know how many pictures. How many sculptures, even the carpets on the feet, are changing because of the different environments.

Finally, I entered a huge room with a fragrant fragrance.

This? It should be a meeting room, because there is a row of soft and comfortable chairs, as well as a delicate and gorgeous little.

Above the walls, there are also a variety of portraits. But most of them are figures painted.

Yang Dingtian noticed that it was placed in the center. It is two men.

The man on the left, a little younger, is not so handsome, and looks a bit thin. And the gaze is deep, as if you can see through the heart at a glance. It is a faint picture, and some people dare not look at his face.

The man on the right is middle-aged and looks very beautiful. It is a very rare beautiful man. and. The clothing on his body is also much more gorgeous.

Yang Dingtian noticed a little, the portrait on the left seems to have just been hung up, and even the paint on the portrait is relatively fresh. It should be just painted.

So who is this person?

Just at this time. There was a wonderful footstep outside.

In fact, she stepped on the ground and did not make any sound at all, but Yang Dingtian could fully hear it.

This is a woman, and it is still a very beautiful woman.

Gently push the door open, this woman entered.

Yangdingtian did not turn around. Because of the reflection from the glass window on the side, you can see this woman.

I glanced at it, and my heart was shaking in the sun, and then I almost stayed.


This woman is almost exactly the same as the enchanting.

Of course, it is almost, not complete!

She is taller than the enchanting. The figure of the figure is not as exaggerated as the enchanting.

The enchanting devil's figure, but the front convex back is almost exaggerated.

Especially the waist curve, even the artist is difficult to outline this kind of anger.

The woman in front of her eyes, although it is also convex and backward, but the curve should be gentle, making it look very beautiful, but not so hot and sexy.

Therefore, although the face looks very similar, the enchanting looks very fascinating. And this woman is soft and elegant.

That's right, here is the enchanting home! And in front of you, maybe it’s your own nephew?

Yangdingtian did not think about it, but the words still instinctively drifted into the heart of Yangdingtian.

The half of the **** of the little nephew is the brother-in-law.

Immediately dispel this distraction, Yang Dingtian now needs to care if he is exposed? Otherwise, how can it be so clever, a team of bucks cavalry will grab themselves here, and then their own little nephew will appear in front of them.

"Ji Ya, meet Mr.." The little scorpion stepped forward and bent slightly, and performed a very graceful aristocratic etiquette.

Suddenly, she bent down the curve, as if a wave of spring water ripples.

However, enchanting, enchanting, enchanting are surnamed demon, how can a small scorpion surname Ji?

Yang Dingtian did not speak, just nodded towards her. Although it is a small scorpion, but do not know the other side's position, less talk is correct.

The little nephew Ji Ya section went up to went to the edge of Yangdingtian, and suddenly a charming fragrance floated.

"Sir, but for the people above this portrait?" Ji Ya stretched out the jade hand and pointed to the thin man on the left.

"He, who?" asked Yangdingtian.

Ji Ya took back the jade hand, and the whole movement appeared elegant and moving. The sun smiled and said: "Do you not know him? The new speaker of the tribal alliance parliament, demon lord."

Yang Dingtian did not have any expression on his face, but his heart trembled fiercely.

It turned out that this thin man is the enchanting, that is the culprit.

But what does the enchanting family hang on his portrait?

Also, have you been exposed? He can't understand the words of Xiaozizi?

Yangding Tiandun asked: "Miss, you let me catch you, can you know me?"


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one, and ask for the monthly ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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