Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 789: Getting started with a small dice! Demon visit!

"Of course I know you." Ji Yadao: "The appearance of the world's highest wisdom and non-speakers is very special. Any aristocrat who knows a little will know what you see."

Yangding Tianyi? No language, what **** thing?

Do you say that the language of the demon fox is not fluent, it becomes a non-speaker. Or, your own looks, just in line with the non-speakers in the world of Xiaoxitian?

Ji Ya wondered: "Sir, don't you know the enchanting Lord in this portrait?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "I have heard it... but I have never seen it."

He tried very hard to say these words, but he said it was very standard and very difficult.

Ji Yadao: "I think you should be quite fluent in saying that the language of our demon fox family is not in the language family."

No language, what kind of race? Is that kind of race that doesn't talk?

Yangdingtian looked at the enchanting portrait and deliberately asked: "This enchanting, is your brother?"

Ji Yadao: "Why are you saying this?"

Yangding Tiandao: "His portrait, with your father, together!"

Ji Yadao: "Because he is the speaker of the tribal parliament, his portrait will be hung in the palace of any tribe."

"Oh!" Yang Dingtian should have a voice, and then I want to know how the little sister-in-law is impressed by this enchanting, and how is the Shadow Gaga's attitude toward the enchanting enchanting enchanting?

After all, if Yangdingtian wants to save the enchanting and Yangyi, the Shadowgo is almost a natural ally.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian pointed to the enchanting portrait: "He, how?"

Ji Yadao: "He is the best man in the Western world and the most outstanding leader of the fox family. He is the youngest president elected in the middle of thousands of years."

Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but see, is this speaker actually elected? It seems that this small West is still playing relatively advanced. I actually played the election. I just don't know how long the term of the speaker is.

But there is also a bad news, this little nephew in front of me, as if to worship the enchanting. And in her eyes, the enchanting is a very outstanding leader of Ge, very proud of having such a brother-in-law. If she becomes a enchanting little nephew. It’s really bad.

At least this little nephew in front of you can't be an ally of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Yangding Tiandao: "You brought me to come, what happened? Nothing, I... gone."

Very difficult, and missing a few words, Yang Dingtian is extremely painful to finish this passage.

Ji Ya hurryed: "Mr. is slow, maybe Ji Ya arbitrarily invited Mr. to be very rude here. However, if Ji Ya does not do this, Mr. will be taken away by others."

Yangding Tianyi, it seems that this non-language, still quite popular?

"As a wise man, I don't like the world's wise, I don't like to live in the world, I would rather avoid the world and practice in the world, rarely appear in the world." Ji Yadao: "I saw you watching the portrait of the enchanting speaker, I thought you were walking for him." In the world, I said the sentence just now."

This sentence is too long. Yang Dingtian only understood a few words and suddenly frowned.

Ji Ya quickly took out the paper basket. I wrote this paragraph on it.

Finally, Yang Dingtian probably understood what it meant. It seems that this non-speaker is equivalent to the person outside Xiaoxitian, who avoids the world? Have extraordinary wisdom?

Yang Dingtian picked up the pen and wrote on the snow-white paper basket: "No! Just one day I opened my eyes. Suddenly I wanted to go out and walked here."

Seeing the words of Yang Dingtian, Ji Ya suddenly became confused and said: "The word of the gentleman, Ji Ya has not seen his life. It is really a wise man in the world. So, can you let Ji Ya collect?"

what? I am still a treasure? It is to use Zhao Wei's thin gold body to write the text of Xiao Xitian.

In Yangdingtian High School, the university has practiced the brushwork for a long time, and there is still a little vanity. It is the thin gold body of Song Huizong. Because this font looks very good.

In the chaotic world, no one has praised the words of Yangdingtian. Because the chaotic world has no art such as calligraphy and painting, Qixiufang is already the peak of art. Even Yunjun slaves never felt that the words of Yangdingtian had been seen.

Now that Xiaoxitian is here, the artistic atmosphere here is very strong. Instead, Yang Tiantian practiced the thin gold body for several years, and he was somewhat flattered.

"Write with handwriting." Yangding Tiandao, still using the very fluent Xiaoxitian language.

Suddenly, Ji Ya felt that the non-speaker in front of her eyes was really high, and then she went to the side of the sun and bowed to the side: "Excuse me, may you have something to do this time?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Nothing, just... walk away."

Ji Ya suddenly rejoiced: "So, can you ask Mr. to take a few days? I am a disciple, serving Mr.?"

When I saw Yang Dingtian and frowned, I couldn’t understand it. Ji Ya quickly wrote on paper. In front of her eyes, this non-verbal can't hear the words, it is too mysterious, too high-end charming.

Yang Dingtian really did not think that his own appearance was so respected.

Then, can you easily go to the enchanting side? Can you easily see the above with the enchanting?

Even, is it possible to let the enchanting perform a play of grass and grass?

Suddenly, a plan was formed in the heart of Yangding, and then he said: "I don't like restraint..."

Ji Ya quickly said: "The disciple does not dare to restrain Mr., can entertain Mr. Servant, is the glory of his disciples."

Wow, this is to climb up the bar, which is a self-proclaimed disciple.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and then the gorgeous door opened.

A middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous robe walked in quickly, first looking at Yang Dingtian with great surprise, and then deeply bowed down and said: "The king of the Shadow Gago, Enchanted II, meet Mr.!"

In front of this handsome and scary, even the beards are meticulously constructed. The middle-aged man who reveals the unspeakable body is his own father-in-law, the master of the Shadow Go family. However, he turned out to be called Enchanted II.

Before coming to Xiaoxitian, Yangdingtian always thought that this is a tribal era that is behind the human kingdom.

result. From head to toe, people have revealed a so-called civilized aristocratic atmosphere. I can’t wait for every brick and every tile to reveal thousands of years of civilization. Moreover, the world still has a sturdy artistic civilization, and even the highest leaders of the entire world are elected.

Yangdingtian. It’s really nothing to think about.

However, the tribes that think of the city outside of the city of Shadow Ge are still so ruined, and even the outer periphery of the city of Shige is a dense slum. Yang Dingtian clearly knows that this is not a truly excellent civilization.

This world is too fancy. Most of the people with lower bloodlines have almost no place to go.

In this small western world, there is even more class than the human kingdom. It is also unfair.

Now, Yangdingtian really knows why the enchanting people will look down on human beings, and they will feel that human beings are extremely rough. He had always thought that it was because of Wu Gongxiu, and now it seems not. Xiao Xitian's demon fox family, although it is better than human beings in repairing, may be just some.

Let them look down on humans because of their self-righteous civilization. They feel that they have been civilized for thousands of years. It must be advanced for thousands of years. So the enchanting voice is a human monkey.

In front of this king of the shadows, he is also the father-in-law of Yang Dingtian. It’s just like a crazy fan. It’s just a long time to go straight to the waist, and the sun rises to the top: “Excuse me, Mr.

Yangding Tianqiang understood his words and said: "I, name?"

"Yes! Xiao Wang invited Mr. to appreciate the name of the jade."

Yangdingtian thought for a moment. One word and one sentence: "Jiang Shang!"

He was so eccentric that he wanted to be called Kong Ming, but he felt that the name was not enough, so he became Jiang Shang.

Enchanted II, and Ji Ya. As if I heard something like a fairy, I slowly repeated the name in my mouth, and suddenly I felt that the name was really beautiful and deep.

Then, he deeply worshipped and said: "I would like to ask Mr. Jiang Shang, Xiao Wang can be fortunate enough to listen to Mr. How many days?"

Yangding Tian suddenly frowned, as if some resisted.

Enchanted II, completely waist down, directly with the legs into ninety degrees, and then can not afford to.

"That... well." Yangding Tiandao, the voice seems a bit embarrassing.

And this embarrassing expression really fascinated Ji Ya.

God, it really is the world's most gorgeous, most elegant, the most intelligent, the highest bloodline of the non-language. Every move is full of art and philosophy.

Really, you have to live to abandon people.


In this way, Yang Dingtian was inexplicably transformed into a non-language Jiang Shang, who lived in the palace of the Shadow Gog.

He, he actually wanted to come to see the father-in-law, and let the father-in-law help him to save the enchanting. As a result, the father-in-law’s family married the enchanting enchanting, and was very happy to see it, and it was very important to pay attention to this son-in-law.

Who makes the enchanting leader the best leader for thousands of years? Just 1300 years old, he was successfully elected as the leader of the Western Congress.

Yang Dingtian now knows how many years a term has been, for a hundred years! For humans, it is a lifelong system.

Therefore, his father-in-law did not worship, and the result turned out to be the most expensive guest of the Shadows Palace.

Even the palace, his arrival, has already sensationalized the entire city of Shadow City. He now understands why those people have respected themselves when they first entered the city, but they have a very awe-inspiring attitude. Because those people feel that their blood is too low, only low-level aristocrats, not qualified to communicate with high-level non-speaking people.

In just a few days, Yangdingtian caused a sensation in the entire Shadow City. The people who came to see him were completely in a constant stream. Attitude is more than a piety, one is more than a fanatic.

The enchanting sister, her own little nephew, Ji Ya, really regarded herself as a disciple of the non-language Jiang Shang, and she was fainted in the morning province. Waiting for Yang Dingtian was even more excessive than waiting for relatives.

Personally dressed for Yang Dingtian, personally dance for Yangdingtian, personally pinch the neck for Yangding Tianqi, personally cook for Yangdingtian, and even eat and hate to feed.

In short, it was a bad night's sleep. In a few days of contact, she became even more crazy about this non-language. As a result, Yang Dingtian did not dare to look at her fanatical eyes, because the original restraint, has completely left her.

In the face of a small nephew who wants to recommend his own pillow at any time, Yang Dingtian really feels that it is a little hard to touch.

Today, he knows the difference between Ji Ya and the enchanting.

Ji Ya does not have much interest in Wudao. So instead of letting my name surname, I let my surname Ji.

She is much more interested in art, civilization, theory, philosophy, and so on.

Before the enchanting, he was completely fascinated by the martial arts. Intoxicated to make the demon fox family become the supreme of Ue.

However, Yang Dingtian discovered that the demon fox family with the mind like Ji Ya is actually not mainstream. Now even the martial arts can not be regarded as the mainstream of Xiaoxitian.

Art and civilization are completely in line with the martial arts.

Yang Dingtian finally understood why he was so popular. The so-called non-speaking family, why is it so fascinating to the demon fox family?

It turned out that a long time ago, the fallen silver dragon was first seduce not by the demon fox family, but by a cave family.

This cave family. In fact, it is closer to humans, but it is not long before leaving the ocean, so there are still flaws on the feet.

The reason why the fallen silver dragon chose this cave family is because they are the same as Naga, and they are also from the sea. Moreover, with higher intelligence, even the original text and tools have been used.

Therefore, the fallen silver dragon first seduce the cave family.

but. Later it discovered that the caveman had a fatal flaw, that is, no ambition. Lonely, some have no desire. Moreover, although there are exchanges between each other, there is not much exchange.

This race, despite its extraordinary wisdom, has no ambitions. It is impossible to dominate this world.

Therefore, the fallen silver dragon began to choose to seduce the silver fox who was smarter and more greedy.

Sure enough, the fallen silver dragon did not guess wrong! After the burrowing female was seduce by it, a new race was born. Although talent and wisdom are unparalleled, even better than the primary Naga. However, they have no ambition at all, hardly love to practice martial arts, and are more willing to spend most of their time meditating and thinking.

Even, they are almost unwilling to speak, so they are called non-language. This is not the most deadly, the most deadly is that they are not willing to mate.

As a result, there are fewer and fewer non-verbal families, and fewer and fewer have been passed down hundreds of years ago.

However, this does not hinder the devotion of the fox family to this cave family.

Because of the talent of the cave family, the wisdom is far more than the demon fox. The key is that the silver dragon blood of the non-language can be rich, because they have very few descendants, so the blood is very pure.

The demon fox's worship of the blood dragon of the silver dragon is almost morbid.

And the blood dragon of any demon fox is not comparable to the non-language. Moreover, this extraordinary mentality of non-language, as well as their wisdom, their attitudes have become the reason for the fanatic worship of the demon fox.

So it is no wonder that Ji Ya discovered Yang Diantian, a "non-language", and let the Bucks cavalry bring him over for the first time, lest anyone else be robbed.

The King of Shadows, Enchanted II, is a lot older, and the degree of fanaticism is no less than his daughter.

Before, Yang Dingtian was still worried that his fake non-language would not be exposed. After all, he could not have their wisdom.

It turns out that these concerns are completely redundant. Because, all the higher demon foxes worship him ~ ~ is morbid, is irrational, completely brain powder.

Not to mention the stuffing, that is, he urinates in the street, and will be admired by countless demon fox aristocrats. I feel that this is the real free and easy, and that the next day, there will be 10,000 demon fox aristocrats learning to pee in the street.

In fact, this limelight has gotten up. Yang Dingtian said that the language of the demon fox is stuttering and unclear. It has already swept the entire city of Shadow Ge. There are already a few unknown young aristocrats who have imitated, and even his every move has become the object of imitation of young aristocrats.

This is not the most crazy.

The craziest, non-speaker Jiang Shang’s news finally reached the Silver Dragon Sky City beyond Wanli!

Then, the newly elected leader of the Western World Leader, the demon speaker, is ready to come to the city of Shadow City to visit Yangdingtian!


Note: The second is sent! Brothers, it’s still double the monthly ticket, don’t waste it, vote for it! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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