Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 790: The real king! Zhifu enchanting!

Two days later, Yang Dingtian finally saw the youngest speaker of this fox family. Of course, he is also the biggest enemy in Xiaoxitian.

Undoubtedly, in the fox family, he is not very beautiful.

Nearly one meter nine tall, making him look too high, and still a little thin. Especially the eyes are deep and narrow.

Makes him look like a whole person, very difficult to get along with.

For the enchanting, Yang Dingtian has several misunderstandings.

The first misunderstanding, he was elected president, not because his cultivation is high. Yes, his cultivation is much higher than the enchanting, but in Xiaoxitian, it is definitely not the first, and even can not be ranked in the top.

The reason why he was elected as the speaker is more because of his political and political temperament and the temperament of this person.

The second misunderstanding, he was elected president, not because he was born high. In fact, his origins are not as good as enchanting, and the enchanting is also a small family. The enchanting is an orphan, but later became the son of the Kim A tribe leader.

At a very young age, the enchanting genius presented a very good talent. In just a few hundred years, a golden Af tribe was introduced from the third line to one of the nine tribes.

The leader of the Jin A tribe once wanted to kiss him, let him enter, and then let him inherit the patriarch's position.

However, the enchanting deprived the wealthy and wealthy at this easy time, and turned to the disciple of the great sage, Yongshe, as a disciple, practicing martial arts, philosophy and politics.

Three hundred years ago, the great sage, Yongshe, was successfully elected as the leader of the tribal council of the Western World, and the enchanting became his assistant.

Later, after Yongshe was re-elected for one session of the Speaker, he began to completely retreat. In the past 100 years. The enchanting became the big arbitrator of the tribal parliament and was responsible for adjudicating the disputes of the nine tribes.

Then, this time the Speaker's easing of the election, he should have the full support of his teacher, as well as the complete support of the Shadow Ge, Kima tribe. He was elected as the speaker at the age of 1300, and became the youngest speaker in history.

Of course, his life is not too good. Because the number of votes he received for the election of the Speaker this time is also the lowest in all previous years, and it is completely dangerous. In Xiaoxitian World, he also has many opponents, especially when he is a big arbiter. Offended many people.

So he is not only the youngest speaker, but also the most controversial speaker.


It is a great opportunity for the enchanting, but it is also a huge risk.

Because the demon worship of the aristocrats is completely fanatical. So as long as you can pull the non-speaker Jiang Shang is by his side, then he is firmly in the position of the speaker. Even the future ruling has great benefits.

But if this non-speaker has aversion to himself. Even if there are unfavorable remarks, then your situation will be worse.

Therefore, after discovering Yang Dingtian, a counterfeit non-speaker, as the absolute ally of the enchanting Shadowgo, he immediately took him to the palace and then entertained him with the most respectful attitude.

After learning about this matter. In the top of the sun, I couldn’t help but ridicule.

There is no such thing as a fool in this world. It turns out that his father-in-law, the sorcerer, is respectful. Most of the respects he shows are fake. They are all for his good daughter-in-law to fight for political resources.

moment. Yang Dingtian felt that the smile on his father-in-law's face was full of the hypocrisy of modern earth politicians.

Yang Dingtian also felt for the first time that the political level of the human kingdom in the chaotic world is quite low, and the political level of Xiaoxitian has completely the charm of the modern earth country, and even more than it is.

And the so-called fake and non-verbal person has become a tool when it first appeared.

However, one thing is that you don't have to worry about it. That is, the identity of his own counterfeit language will never be exposed. Even if you are a fake, the enchanting will desperately say it is true.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian now has a question, then is this little nephew, Ji Ya, mad at himself, is it true or false?


"My teacher, for more than three hundred years ago, had the privilege of seeing a sage who was not a language. The two only talked about one day and night, but they gave my teacher a lifetime. It took hundreds of years to realize the sage. Half of the wisdom." The enchanting singer also sat in front of Yangdingtian with great respect and courtesy, saying: "Today, the enchanting sorrow is fortunate to be able to get the teacher's advice, and will definitely benefit for the rest of his life."

Xiaoyazi Ji Ya, walking next to Yang Dingtian, respectfully served tea.

Yang Dingtian just smiled slightly and did not answer. Because as a non-language, you don't need to answer. You can see through the enchanting purpose at a glance.

He doesn't really want to ask himself what the problem is. This enchanting one is undoubtedly the one that is extremely conceited. What he wants is just a political show.

Just like his teacher, he talked with the last non-speaking family for a day and night, and was influenced by the wisdom of non-verbal people.

But what is the actual situation, the ghost knows? It’s no surprise that even two people talk about women there. Just let everyone know that they talked day and night, and that's it. This is a political and political resource that utilizes the worship of the fox family to the non-language family.

Therefore, no matter what the enchanting sorcerer said, Yangdingtian smiled and even flew away.

Suddenly, the enchanting face was also a little bad. Because, in his heart, he is completely disdainful about the non-language. I feel that these non-language people are so lonely and stupid. If they want to learn from them, the demon fox family has long been extinct. If the language is not so wise, why is it that the extinction is extinct?

His teacher, Yong She, did talk to a non-language for a day and night. However, after the chat, he respectfully sent the non-language to leave. The first time I went to the magnificent huts and pulled for half an hour.

The enchanting asks why, his teacher said, what is the consequence of a lascivious man talking to an ascetic?

The enchanting shaking his head? Of course he did not know, but let the teacher say.

Yongshe said: "The result is that the lascivious man. It may become impotence."

The enchanting strange said: "Why is this?"

Yongshe said: "Because, the ascetic is constantly brainwashing with you, the so-called beauty and stool are no different. After saying this for 10,000 times, it will poison you. When you see beautiful women, you will I think of the stool. Is it impotence?"

The enchanting said: "Teacher, it is strange, how can beauty be associated with the stool? After the beauty has become a white bone, it makes sense."

Yongshe said: "Because, the bones are not as disgusting as the stool. The abstinence will knock off this layer of skin on the beauty, and then tell you that this layer of skin is disgusting oil, **** meat. And pork. There is no difference. Then, I will open my belly and point to the green intestines. This is the bowel inside. So, there is no difference between beauty and stool. Then tell you, the so-called beauty is from your fantasy. Then, the so-called power. The work is not an illusion. You said. After listening to the poison of this day and night, should I go to trouble?"

The enchanting singer said: "Master, I, how do I hear it seems to be somewhat reasonable."

Yongshe said: "Of course it makes sense, I ask you, what do you think is the most stupid person in the world?"

The enchanting said: "Be a smart person?"

Yongshe said: "No. Self-made smart people, at least let yourself be comfortable. The real stupidity is to see through everything, wisdom is at the extreme, everything is too transparent. So lost everything. Once you reach this point, then He can go to death. Anyway, it doesn't make sense to live, right?"

The enchanting nod.

Yongshe continued: "So, the greatest stupidity in the world is the so-called wisdom. You said that his words are justified, and of course it makes sense. All the truths in this world seem to make sense. But all the truths are It's stupid. You don't want to be stupid, it's very simple, you can play with these truths and use these truths to get everything you want."

Therefore, the enchanting has long despised all authority. Moreover, the remarks about the passive avoidance of the world by non-speakers are completely far-fetched and evasive.

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, he is of course extremely disdainful to Yang Dingtian, who is not a speaker.

However, because of the political and political show, he still had to consult with a respectful attitude, but in front of this non-language, sitting in arrogance, no words.

The enchanting is the king, of course I feel that I have been offended. And once someone offends him, don't say it is not a language, that is, anyone, but also want to escape the fate of human evaporation.

Therefore, his face still has a smile, but his eyes are already cold: "Mr. Murphy thinks that I am stupid, can't you teach me?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If you are stupid, there will be no smart people in the world."

The enchanting said: "Why did Mr. Jiang Shang say nothing?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You don't like me in your heart, and the words of my non-language are like snakes. Why should I say more? What do you want, I will cooperate with you, you and I can do it one day and one night."

The words of Yangdingtian are very direct. You want me to be a show, and I will fulfill you. We both stayed in it for a day and night, and as for what to talk about overnight, it would be avoided.

Suddenly the enchanting face twitched, and the heart felt that the teacher was right. These non-speakers are both stinky and hard, and see through everything.

What he thinks in his heart is one thing, but it is one thing to be broken by Yang Dingtian.

For a long time, he was so happy that the so-called respectfulness on his face disappeared without a trace. Instead, he was extremely conceited and arrogant. He said: "Mr. is very good. I am very disgusted with your non-language creed, and even feel completely useless. If you follow the attitude of no desire and no desire, it is not just Xiaoxitian, the whole chaotic world has long since perished. It is the foundation for all civilized races to survive, and the absolute driving force for the development of all civilizations. If you don’t The language family is really the so-called family of wisdom, so why is it almost extinct now?"

Yang Dingtian smiled slightly and did not refute it. On the other side, Ji Ya was full of uneasiness, and could not help but look at the demon with a fear.

"Yes, talking to the patriarchs for a day and night will have great benefits for me. Many demon foxes will feel that I have been recognized and edified by the wisdom of the family." The enchanting cold: "But since Mr. is so attitude, That fame, I don’t want to leave it, just leave!"

Then, the enchanting man has to get up and walk out.

"When are you killing me?" Yang Dingtian suddenly said.

The enchanting meal, and continued to go out, no answer, no denial.

Yang Dingtian certainly guessed that there is nothing wrong with it. Since it is not happy, the enchanting will kill himself.

Because the non-language has too many admirers, once the comments against him are published, the consequences are enormous. Therefore, the moment the enchanting came out, he would never be allowed to live in the world.

At that time, Yangdingtian did not stop at all, letting the enchanting leave the room.

Suddenly, Ji Yazhen was on his side and said, "Why is this so? You will lose your life. Although you are respected by thousands of people, you still want to kill you, but you still have no effort."

Yangdingtian just shook his head and did not speak.

This short quarter of an hour of contact with the enchanting, Yang Dingtian clearly felt that this is perhaps the first real king he saw, and it is a hero who is ambition and decisive. Very similar to those excellent places in Chinese history.

The Queen of the Sea Heart is not a true king, because she is too feminine and poisonous, and her eyes are too narrow.

Next, Yang Dingtian will judge whether he is a really good and powerful emperor.

Because of an emperor, intelligence is not the most important, the most important thing is personality, and mind. This kind of mind is basically derived from self-criticism, self-denial, and self-doubt, and finally transforms into correct thinking.

This enchanting, prejudice and contempt for the non-language, has been ingrained.

If he then tries to kill Yangdingtian, then he is just a king.

But if he did not kill Yangdingtian, but forced himself to understand the disgusting non-speakers, and then determine whether his judgment is correct, then he decided whether to kill Yangdingtian.

Then, that is a good king.

Therefore, if he did not kill Yangdingtian, then he would be a more dangerous enemy to the human kingdom.


Yang Dingtian's hunch is not wrong, this enchanting, really is an excellent king.

After a few He came to Yang Dingtian again and said: "My judgment of the non-language family is all from my teacher. So, this creates a prejudice. This is very Dangerous behavior will take me in the wrong direction. Therefore, I really want to know if you are really wise and whether it is really harmful to the world."

Yangdingtian nodded to him.

The enchanting said: "I only ask you a question, you answer it right. Just live, answer the wrong, die! You know, I will kill you with no effort, and there will be no serious consequences."

Yang Dingtian nodded again.

The enchanting said: "My question is: What do you think is the most worrying thing for me now? In other words, what is the problem I most want to solve after I am elected as the speaker?"

Yangdingtian eyes shrink, answer the right to live, answer the wrong, die!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one, and ask for the monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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