Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 793: Ji Ya, jade broken!

Looking at Ji Ya almost perfect, like the body of the jade, Yang Dingtian heart jerked, then took a breath.

Some women, wearing clothes are very moving, but take off their clothes and make them more attractive.

In fact, this woman is extremely rare. Most of the women in the world are more attractive than wearing clothes.

Therefore, most men in the world meet a beautiful woman, do everything possible to catch up, take off their clothes, the moment is more than a surprise, but a little disappointment.

But that's it! This is the voice of most men.

Because, the woman's body, there is always such a shackle.

For example, the hip shape is not beautiful, or there are spots on the waist, or the skin is not white enough to be thin enough, or the thighs are not round enough, even a certain toe has dead skin, and so on!

That's right, this includes the wife of Yangdingtian!

Mu Hao is very hot, but there are flaws, and quite a lot.

Ningrou is fascinating enough, but the thighs, waist, and even the abdomen are a bit sloppy.

Qin Meng is far from the heat, but the proportion of the cheekbones is not right.

Moreover, even if there is no awkward body, most of them are wearing clothes, which is more tempting than taking off clothes.

It’s a statue that is truly beautiful without wearing a shirt. It’s not a real person.

For example, Naga Frost, and the Queen of the Sea, such as the Queen of Poison, they are not real people, so the level of sculpture can reach, they can still win!

And in front of the Jiya, what level of sculpture can be, what level her body can reach.

Every inch and every angle is like this, and it has reached its limit.

and so. The little scorpion in front of you is the kind of extremely rare kind of stripping, which is more attractive than wearing clothes.

"For this body, you have spent countless costs, countless efforts." Yang Dingtian suddenly said.

Ji Yadao: "Mr. Sure enough, everyone can see it at a glance. I don't know how much treasure, cost, or even pain in this body. How much is the purpose, so that your body, beauty to the extreme ""

"You did it." Yangding Tiandao.

Ji Yadao: "Women are wearing clothes, want to make men stunning, can use makeup, service, jewelry. Even lighting, all kinds of decorations, all kinds of cover up. But, take off everything on the body, including jewelry and makeup It is very difficult to let men dig deeper into beauty."

It is very difficult, even the beauty of this level of Ximen Flame. It is very difficult to make your body perfect.

Ji Ya sighed: "I just want to achieve the ultimate, not only beauty. Body, wisdom, morality, I have to reach the extreme. Then, I will marry a best man, spend The most extraordinary life."

Yangding Tiandao: "But. Someone is so beautiful to you that you don't cherish it, at least not as much as you yourself."

"Yes." Ji Yadao: "So, I have appeared here and become a gift. Let you enjoy."

Yangding Tian smiled and said: "It is like a gift-giving person who accidentally sent a gift of 10,000 gold coins as one hundred gold coins. The person who gives the gift can be careless, but the person who receives the gift may not be careful."

Then, Yang Dingtian got up and picked up the flesh-colored nightgown. "Now, I took out the gift and saw it. I found it too expensive, so I dare not accept it."

He put the gown on his body again and said, "Please restore the owner of the gift and say that I have already received it."

Ji Yadao: "Isn't that enough to make you feel excited? Or people who don't speak languages, this is nothing to ask for?"

"There is no wisdom in the world. There is no desire, no desire, no desire, no need for it. It is a kind of one, and it is still very high." Yangding Tiandao: "Besides, the gift I have already received. So lively and fragrant So perfect, I took a look and I was already fascinated."

Ji Yadao: "Your pity and jealousy, I admire very much. In fact, this is the first time I really admire you."

Yangdingtian went to open the doorway: "So, please, please!"

Ji Ya looked at Yangding Tiandao: "Why can't some people, like Mr., be so pampered?"

Yang Dingtian wrote: "It may be difficult for people who are handsome and talented to be nuanced. The so-called heart tiger, the person who knows the rose, I don't believe it. It is either not strong enough or not fine enough. It's hard to be both. Always give up what."

Ji Yayi said: "Mr. is right, and the sentence is very beautiful. Since it is difficult to do both, then I would rather he is still a big man, and he will be swallowed like a tiger."

Yang Ding Tian smiled, did not answer, then went to the door and said: "Miss, please!"

Ji Yadao: "I have a question, I want to ask Mr.."

Yangding Tiandao: "Please say."

Ji Yadao: "How can a person feel that it is more precious when it is a perfect work of art?"

Yang Dingtian's face changed slightly, saying: "Since it is perfect, it is unnecessary to upgrade."

Ji Yadao: "Oh, then I will change the way. There is a perfect artwork, but its owner does not see its value, so how can he see it?"

Yang Dingtian’s face was closed: “The wisdom of the non-language family has not yet touched this point.”

“No.” Ji Ya smiled and said: “Mr. wisdom, God, of course, know, but you don’t want to say it.”

Yes, Yangdingtian certainly knows. How to make a perfect art more precious and more cherished?

It's very simple, you can destroy it, make it no longer perfect, and naturally someone will cherish it.

For example, cut off Venus's arm. Another example is the smashed Moutai. These two, although not the same philosophy, have the same result.

When Ji Ya stepped forward, she closed the door directly, and then the beautiful jade arm, holding the neck of Yangdingtian, put the perfect perfect body, and exhaled like Landao: "The method is actually very simple, let this perfect artwork It’s no longer perfect. It’s flawed, it’s remembered, it’s cherished.”

"So sir. Please ruin my perfection." Ji Yadao, and then violently force, will push Yangdingtian on the ground.

It is said that the half-side of the little sister-in-law is a brother-in-law, but when Yang Dingtian really enjoys this kind of treatment, the heart is indeed extremely incomparable.

He is now in a state, that is, he wants to push powerless.

If not very, very, very necessary. For example, like the Queen of the Sea, he has never wanted to occupy any woman.

His heart is already strongly resisting this kind of thing. It even includes the emperor's side, including Yunjun slave, and the rabbit that has become very beautiful.

There is a very succinct statement that it cannot be taken seriously. Yangdingtian is this kind of thing. When love and responsibility are heavy to the extreme, you can't afford to bear more.

He is not as free and easy as some people are free and straightforward. He is very naive. If one day I accidentally fell asleep to a prostitute, he could only take the niece home. Therefore, if his heart is filled, there will be no extra place. Just like the stomach, it will die if you eat again.

What's more, this little nephew in front of me is ruthless about herself. Single-minded, only love the enchanting of the heroic.

and so. Yang Dingtian directly used all his strength and pushed her away directly. Then use the most direct closed door to express your attitude.


He estimated that one thing was wrong, that is, the repair of Ji Ya.

Because, he found himself unable to push Aki.

Wow, such a beautiful jade body, as if the bomb can be broken. The jade is weak.

Yangding Tian first used a few hundred pounds of strength, then used a few kilograms of strength, and then used tens of thousands of kilograms of strength, and finally with hundreds of thousands of pounds of strength.

It was like a flowery body, not moving.

He suddenly said: "Miss. What are you doing?"

“High is...” Ji Yadao: “I have said that in any aspect, I must be the best.”

Yangding Tiandao: "You, isn't it not a surname?"

Not surnamed demon means no major martial arts.

Ji Yadao: "Because I have cultivated the martial arts as the most useless thing for me."

Yangdingtian wants to run the electric system, and bounce her off.

Then, sadly found that the whole body's mysterious veins were all blocked.

Again, come again?

Then, Yang Dingtian found himself up and down, and he had no strength, and he did not have the strength to resist.

"What wisdom and language can I use to stop you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No." Ji Yadao: "Even if you don't like women, even if you wait, you will vomit."

Then, Ji Ya slammed on the body of Yang Dingtian and violently tore his entire body.

Finally, violently tearing her own clothes.

No kisses, no foreplay, go directly to the subject.

Directly let Yang Dingtian run through her body. At that time, she did not have any passion. It was completely dry and cold, so it was completely painful.

She said, let some people remember, heartache, cherish.

Then completely destroy this perfection!

In the most direct and rude way, she destroyed her purity.

At this time, Yangding genius found that among the sisters, the sister is much more unique than the sister.

Although the enchanting enchanting, it is a complete fox, but on her roots, she is only a good wife and a good mother.

And this extremely perfect woman in her body, Yang Dingtian can not describe.

The more painful instead let her go crazy.

Therefore, Yangdingtian was pushed to this point.

It doesn't seem like a man, but a tool to destroy art.

Yang Dingtian also realized for the first time that it was really uncomfortable to do such a thing. Even if the other party is a stunning beauty, the feeling at this time is really not beautiful!

For this situation, Yang Dingtian can only say a word.

"Ji Ya, my sister, my sister!"

Oh, no.

It should be, Ji Ya, my sister!


Note: The second one is sent, the bosses, please double the monthly pass! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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