Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 794: Entering the silver! See the enchanting!

After the event.

Ji Ya straight up, pick up the clothes of Yang Dingtian, and then put on the nightgown again, stand up and look at the face of Yangdingtian for a long time, and then leave directly.

From beginning to end, did not say a word.

Yangdingtian climbed up from the ground and tried to pick up his clothes from the ground, only to find that it had been completely shattered.

After about an hour, Ji Ya came in again, and it seemed to be bathed, full of the fragrance of the petals.

On the body, wearing a pink silk dress, there is nothing in it.

Behind, follow the two maids and carry the steaming tub.

"Ji Ya served to bathe."

Since I have already slept in my sleep, Yangdingtian is not tempted. I sit directly in the tub and let Ji Ya serve to bathe.

He is like this, lying in the hot water in the direction, thinking about the situation in front of his eyes with his eyes closed.

Even if it is because of the identity of the non-language, the enchanting must draw the Yangdingtian, even if it is a facade, it also has a very high political value.

The purpose of the enchanting is very straightforward. It is to marry Ji Ya to the non-language Jiang Shang, and then completely let himself use it for him.

Of course, because he does not agree with each other, he will not take the advice of Yang Dingtian.

For a long time, he was just a facade he raised.

The question facing Yangdingtian now is whether or not to agree. In the case of promise, it is actually contrary to the personality attribute of the non-language. But if you don't agree, the enchanting is sure to kill. And the most important thing is that Yangdingtian wants to see the enchanting mother and child.

Moreover, beside the enchanting, it may be much more convenient to hunt for the void.


"The body of the non-language is really strange." Suddenly, Ji Yadao.

Yang Dingtian looked down and it was really strange. First of all, compared to humans, his body seems to be flat.

Moreover, there are also various natural patterns on the body, and even the patterns, with light, in the dim light. Especially eye-catching.

Yang Dingtian carefully observed these patterns and found that there were some mysteries, like some special runes, full of special magic.

The body of the non-language is also like a human being, but it seems to be more than a human demon. Like the faces of non-linguists, they are free between beautiful and enchanting.

“What are you going to do next?” asked Jiya.

Yang Dingtian shook his head slightly: "What do you want?"

Ji Yadao: "If you refuse the enchanting speaker, you will be killed. However, I can still marry the enchanting."

Yangding Tiandao: "This is what you dreamed of. Right?"

"Yes." Ji Yadao: "But if you can serve the enchanting lord, it is also the result I want, so I am very embarrassed at this time."

Yang Dingtian did not answer.

Ji Yadao: "Mr. Jiang Shang, would you refuse?"

Yangdingtian still did not answer.

After the bathing, Ji Ya served Yang Dingtian to wear a shirt, and then said: "Please come with me, the demon lord is waiting for you."

Then, Ji Ya came to the hall with Yang Dingtian. It was the hall where she and Yang Dingtian first met, and the walls were covered with dozens of portraits.


When Yangdingtian went in. The enchanting figure stands under his own portrait.

"The speaker can only serve for one session, up to two sessions, and the patriarchs of the nine tribes can live forever and hereditary." The enchanting sorrow suddenly said: "So many people say that Xiaoxitian is actually the Xiaoxitian of the nine tribes. The speaker is only A brand is useless."

Yang Dingtian did not answer.

"Now the nine tribes. There are four tribes against me, two of which are regarded as my life and death enemies." Demon said: "Gui Shang, what do you think I should do?"

Yangdingtian is still silent.

"Sometimes, the rebellion is a good thing. Is it right?" The enchanting said: "Xiaoxitianshengping has been too long, so that the martial arts have become the end, and the so-called art has become the mainstream. Countless people are sensational, and countless people are making things. !"

Then, the enchanting turned and said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, will you come back to Yinlong Tiancheng with me?"

Yangding nodded and said, "Okay."

Suddenly, Jiang Shang was slightly stunned, and there was a glimpse of suspiciousness in his eyes. "Mr. I have promised that it is too simple. I thought that Mr. might not be able to give up. Would you rather give up his life?"

Some people are like this, born with doubt.

In this regard, Yang Dingtian did not have any answer! In the face of such a person, no answer can make him release doubts, and he will not kill people just because of doubt.


In this way, in the disappointment of countless nobles in the city of Shadow Ge, the non-verbal wise man Jiang Shang accepted the invitation of the enchanting speaker and went to visit the Yinlong Tiancheng, and Ji Ya went as a disciple. On the same day, there were hundreds of thousands of Shadowgoe nobles who sent them together.

After riding a flying carriage for three days and three nights, I arrived at Yinlong Tiancheng, which was more than 10,000 miles away.

This speed is quite unpleasant. Yang Dingtian found that Xiaoxitian’s requirements for speed were not harsh, perhaps because their time was too long, so there was no sense of urgency about speed.

After arriving at Yinlong Tiancheng, Yangding Genius really understood what was the real city of the sky.

Originally, the City of Shadow City has already brought him tremendous impact. But compared to the Silver Dragon Sky City, it is completely small.

The city of Shadow Ge is just gorgeous and full of fantasy.

Then Yinlong Tiancheng is even full of sci-fi colors.

This is really a city floating in the air. Countless huge houses, although still full of artistic atmosphere, are no different in height than the high-rise buildings of the earth. It is a stone ancient house, but it has almost the height of modern skyscrapers.

The rows of buildings and the magnificent halls are perfectly integrated, forming the style of the dream and majesty of Yinlong Tiancheng.

The city already has the color of a giant city. Looking at it, it is almost endless.

Even if it is Zhongjing, I am afraid that there is only a fraction of this Yinlong Tiancheng.

This Yinlong Tiancheng is the capital of the entire Xiaoxitian. Any one that does not belong to the nine major tribes is a city that truly belongs to the speaker.

Since each president is officially in charge of the city, he has enormous power to live in the nine tribes. only. The speaker is elected, so the owner of each Yinlong Tiancheng can only rule for a hundred years, up to two hundred years.

In the huge floating square, Yang Dingtian, the non-language, received an unprecedented welcome.

There are hundreds of thousands of demon fox nobles who come to the square to meet.

The Kirin Cavalry Regiment of the Silver Dragon Guard. The first time I went out, I lined up in the square to welcome the arrival of the enchanting speaker and the non-language Jiang Shang.

The Qilin Legion, the number is only less than a thousand, because the mount Qilin beast is extremely rare.

Yes, it is really a unicorn beast, although it is a little different from the legend of the earth. But it seems to be more powerful than the unicorn on the earth.

And every unicorn warrior. They are all children selected from the highest class of the demon fox, with the highest talent, the most outstanding appearance, the most noble blood.

Therefore, the Kirin Legion should be the most powerful army of Xiaoxitian. However, it has never been used to fight, but as an honor guard, it is regarded as the most distinguished army of Xiaoxitian.

When the enchanting speaker and the non-language Jiang still walked out of the carriage. The entire square was completely boiling.

The entire small western aristocratic fox family, everyone knows the existence of the language family. Everyone knows that no language has the highest blood dragon. However, almost no one has ever seen a real non-language.

Because they are too lonely, it is like a fairy who avoids the world, never stepping into the world.

But the more so, the demon loyalty of the fox fox is not enthusiastic about the language. It’s even more crazy.

Today, the entire aristocrat of Yinlong Tiancheng is the first to see the real non-speaking family.

Sure enough, the same elegance and elegance as the legend. The same is full of unparalleled wisdom.

On the long carpet, the enchanting and the non-language Jiang Shang, walk side by side.

Along the way, countless nobles cheered.

Thousands of orchestras play the majestic and luxurious music.

The enchanting speaker accompanied the non-language Jiang Shang and reviewed the most expensive unicorn army in the world.

The entire carpet is almost a kilometer.

This kilometer of carpet, accompanied by the non-language Jiang Shang, immediately gave the enchanting speaker a huge political prestige.

Yangding Tianben thought that the enchanting will give a public speech, not only him, but also himself. The result was not. After the red carpet was finished, the enchanting wave was only waved at the countless nobles. Then they boarded the golden carriage of the convertible and went to the silver palace of the heart of Xiaoxitian.


Silver Palace! The political core of the entire Xiaoxitian, the office of each session of the Speaker, and the place of residence.

Equivalent to the White House in the United States, the Kremlin in Russia, and Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom.

However, the area of ​​the silver palace should be more than a few times larger than the above three palaces.

It is completely a magnificent palace like a mountain, and it is a huge square with unlimited views.

Yangding is innocent and does not know how many years it took for the fox family to build this silver palace.

Even he felt that there was a sense of absurdity. The demon foxes are taller and no more than two meters. But the halls of these palaces are tens of meters high.

Anyone, including the demon fox, will feel very small when they enter the palace.

Then, Yangdingtian instantly understood. These palaces are actually not made to man-made, but to the **** of Xiaoxitian, the totem of Xiaoxitian made by Yinlong.

Because, the entire silver palace, whether it is a square or a hall. The sculpture of the fallen silver dragon is omnipresent. Some are tens of meters high and some are hundreds of meters high.

Perhaps it was entirely to prevent the fallen silver dragon from feeling cramped, so the hall was built so grandly.


After entering the silver palace, Yangdingtian was protected for the first time, or was placed under house arrest.

He is alone, living in a palace, a five-storey palace, hundreds of beautiful maids, hundreds of powerful warriors, and hundreds of various servants, only serving Yangdingtian. .

For a few hours, Yangdingtian stayed in the palace, and no one could talk to him and communicate.

Because the enchanting commanded, all who spoke to the Lord Jiang Shang were executed.

Jiang Shang did not appear, and Ji Ya did not appear.

Follow the enchanting to Yinlong Tiancheng, Yangding Tianben wants to see the enchanting mother and child in the fastest time.

However, things are not that simple. This group of palaces is much larger and more rigorous than the imagination of the sun.

Yang Dingtian didn’t even know if the enchanting mother and child were also in the palace.

Although, he is extremely eager to see the enchanting mother and child. But he must not act rashly because the sinister here is far beyond his imagination.

However, what he did not think was that the enchanting singularly tried every means, even if he did not hesitate to pay for his fiancée, he would also bring Yangdingtian to his side and bring it to Yinlong Tiancheng.

After the success, he put Yang Dingtian under house arrest in the palace, and he did not care about it, and it was a full few days, as if he had completely forgotten this non-language.

He did not think of Ji Ya at all, let Yang Dingtian accept the worship of various nobles. There was no banquet, and after the debut in the square, Yang Dingtian never appeared in public.


"His Speaker? You have spent such a huge price and got Jiang Shang, why not use him?" Ji Yadao.

"What do you do with him?" The enchanting man uses a quill to quickly handle the official business: "Use him to buy people's hearts, use him everywhere to brush for political prestige for me? It is too violent."

"What are you going to do for him?" asked Jiya.

The enchanting said: "I invited him to my silver palace. He promised it too easily. This is not normal. I have to immerse myself for a while, let some truths surface, and find ways to restore it."

Ji Yadao: "But now, the aristocrats want to see Mr. Jiang Shang's attitude is very enthusiastic. And in recent days, your support rate is rising rapidly. I think this has been under house arrest, maybe not the way. It is necessary to open for him. A huge party."

"Well, let's talk again." The enchanting said: "Yes, your sister has not been willing to cooperate?"

"Yes, it doesn't work at all." Ji Yadao: "I don't want to be your wife, and once you show up, you have to tell you the truth about you."

"Arrange, let her see Jiang Shang, and then secretly observe."

"You, is this doubting?" Ji Yadao.

"Nothing, just watching." The demon said: "Go and do it!"

"Yes!" Ji Yadao, then she turned and left, went to the palace where Yangdingtian (Jiangshang) is After Jiya left, the enchanting sighs forward: "Lord of the Speaker, Nether The sea was sent to visit, and the one who came together, and the human being left."

"East away?" The enchanting said: "Is it the east that tells us the secrets of the enchanting child?"

"Yes, that is the east away, the east to cooperate with us."

The enchanting said: "Go and ask them to come in!"


Suddenly, the innocent messenger of the Netherland also left the east, entered the fallen hall of the Silver Palace, and met the enchanting.

At the same time, Ji Ya came to Yang Dingtian and said: "Go away, take you to see a person."


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one, brothers, please ask for the monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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