Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 795: Enchanting mother and child! Great alliance!

"See who?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Ji Yadao: "You will know when you see it."

Then she turned and walked out.

Despite the unusually negative contact between the two, the relationship between the two has become more unfamiliar. Before Ji Ya was still a disciple, the care was meticulous. Now, there is no such thing as a false ritual. The relationship between the two people has suddenly become a strange stranger.

Walked through the long square, and passed a magnificent and magnificent huge bridge.

Finally, I came to a beautiful courtyard.

This courtyard is full of beautiful red leaves. At this time, it is fluttering and beautiful, and it is beautiful.

Push the gorgeous crystal door into a dreamy palace.

Because this palace, quite a part of it is open-air, because the palace is full of red leaves, including the roof.

Yangding Tiandun saw the two dreams of the soul.

The enchanting man dressed in a white scorn, holding a beautiful baby, Yang Yi, is painting in front of a drawing board. Her little hand is holding a small hand of Yang Yi to draw.

The official Yang Dingtian painting, while painting and sighing: "Hey, this is the eyes of Dad, Dad's eyes look very honest, in fact, very untrue. Your father has a face, it can also be these eyes Read it."

Hearing this sentence, Yang Dingtian suddenly trembled in his heart, as if he had been beaten by electric current.

He and the enchanting, can't talk about real love. To put it bluntly, there is no difference between men and women who have been married to ancient Fengzi. Can't talk about love, but it is always ok to say that a lover can.

Love, loved ones, she can evoke your heartstrings with just one sentence.

After the rest of Yang Yi, the enchanting has been completely defined as human. otherwise. She will return to Xiaoxitian and there will be some changes. But the enchanting at this time, and the enchanting in Yunxiao City, are almost no different.

On the contrary, Yang Yi has a little change. The little ears have become more lovely. It was originally very close to the ear of a fox, but at this time it was closer to humans.

and also. The little face is a little longer than the Yunxiao City, the eyes are brighter, and there is even a colorful world inside the pupil.

In short, in the human kingdom, Yang Yi just looks very, very beautiful. However, in Xiaoxitian, you can see his difference at a glance. Even, there is a very special gas field on his body. When he is close, he feels a bit of peace and affection.

"Come. Baby, another eye, baby painting."

Yang Yi took the brush and began to paint another eye of Yangdingtian.

He didn't draw fast, but he didn't pause, and he didn't think much, but he painted it naturally and smoothly.

Then, not only Yang Dingtian was shocked, but even the enchanting stunned.

Because Yang Yi's eyes are more full of details. What she captured was an expression of Yangdingtian. What was Yangdingtian doing? Oh. Yes, it is to praise Yang Yichen.

Yang Yichen has become very sensitive because of his father's departure and injury. Also very eager to get the protection and love of others. Therefore, Yang Dingtian never slams his praise and attention, will listen carefully to what he said, and then give the most sincere and beautiful answer.

Yang Dingtian and the children stayed for a very short time, but as long as they were together, he was willing to work hard to make the children feel his love.

This scene obviously makes Yang Yi baby very memorable, so it is naturally drawn.

Less than two years old, he even had a photo-like memory. Many details are more clear than his mother's enchanting.

and so. Under the cooperation of mother and child, a lively Yangdingtian. Appeared in front of a few people.

"The baby is really embarrassing, really powerful." The enchanting kissed Yang Yi. Then said: "Drawing up Dad, we will draw grandma, paint flame mother, draw Yangshuo brother, Yang Yichen brother, Ningning big sister, Yangshuo sister is good, we draw everybody in the family, wrong?"

Yang Yi still painted seriously, his face smiled sweetly, and then nodded hard.

"Sister." Ji Ya shouted.

The enchanting seems to have noticed someone coming to the general, and then holding Yang Yidao: "Baby, shouting aunt."

Yang Yi turned a small face and shouted: "Auntie."

Then his eyes fell on the face of Yangdingtian, and suddenly he stopped, and then stopped painting. He looked at him like this, and his bright eyes seemed to be looking for a special feeling.

At this point, the enchanting is the first time to look at the Yangdingtian, but also a slight glimpse.

Yang Dingtian himself, very very intimate, is still able to find the traces of Yangdingtian from the outline of his face, but definitely very very intimate people.

But the change in Yangdingtian is amazing. A face that has been completely different from human beings, even the body structure has changed a little, and the height is almost two meters.

Especially a pair of eyes, whether it is a pupil or a brow, is very different from human beings.

"Sister, this is a wise man who is not a language, Mr. Jiang Shang." Ji Yadao: "Of course, my fiancé."

The enchanting eyes are even more dazed, looking up and down the top of the sky for a long time, she is not sighing, but Yangdingtian knows that she is smelling the special atmosphere of Yangdingtian.

Humans can't let female foxes estrus, and Yangdingtian is the exception.

It is the smell of his body that makes the enchanting estrus. However, after the release of Yang Yi, all the special energy of the demon fox in the enchanting body seems to have completely disappeared. She is like a complete human woman, so she is not related to estrus, but when they are intimate, it is because they want to be intimate, and it doesn't matter what energy.

Therefore, the enchanting has not been able to smell the dark mysterious atmosphere of Yangdingtian.

Her gaze gaze on Yang Dingtian's face for a long time, then she greets Giyadh: "Are you sure?"

"I am sure." Ji Yadao.

At this point, Yangdingtian opened his hands to Yang Yi to hold.

The enchanting eyes locked, but the Yang Yi baby voluntarily opened his arms and made her look.

Yangding Tian will hold Yang Yi in his arms, some greedily sniffing the smell of milk on his body, and his gently soft body.

When I was in Yunxiao City, I wanted to hold Yangshuo. Therefore, there are not many times when Baoyang is easy. Now in my arms, there is a feeling that the whole world is in my arms.

The unique atmosphere of Yang Yi's baby makes Yang Dingtian feel like he is very powerful.

This is a very mysterious feeling. Embrace your child, and your wife. Will make you feel strong. Because they are only powerful, they can be protected.

Of course, he can't embrace his wife at this time.

In fact, he should not embrace the Yang Yi baby, it will be very easy for Ji Ya to see the flaws.

However, this does not matter. The behavior of non-verbal wise men can be explained without even explaining.

at this time. Yang Yi baby was held in his arms, his arm was on the neck of the sun, and the little hand was gently written on his back: Dad.

Yes, it is the father of Chinese characters.

The heart of Yangdingtian seems to have been thrown into a mega-boulder.

When he was with the babies, he occasionally taught them to write Chinese characters. This language, he is prepared to give only to his children. But unfortunately, I have left without a few words.

At this time, Yang Yi baby wrote on his back. It is the father of Chinese characters.

Yang Yi actually recognized himself, and he actually recognized himself, and the heart of Yangding was shocked. There is no such thing as a statement.

How can it be? Yang Yi's baby is only one year old. From head to toe, from the inside out, there have been tremendous changes. How can he recognize himself?


Another magnificent hall.

The East and the Netherland Herald, came to meet the enchanting Speaker.

"The devil asks the righteous son of the scorpio, and the scorpion of the snake empire is separated from the east, and meets the lord of the great speaker." After the east came in, he took a ritual.

"The Lord of the Nether, the innocent special envoy of Hua Li. Meet the Speaker of the Speaker." Behind, a veiled woman. Wearing mermaid costumes and offering gifts. Wonderful.

"Please sit." The enchanting did not get up. For humans, he did not want to play hypocritically.

After sitting down, the enchanting said: "I am very grateful to the East for telling you about the enchanting of my wife."

"This is what I should do." East left: "It is a great honor to be able to help the great Speaker of the House."

The enchanting said: "So what is the purpose of coming to the East from this time?"

East Road: "You can know that many years ago, Xiao Xitian sent thousands of female foxes to the human kingdom. But the only one who succeeded, but only one enchanting one, the speaker can know why?"

The enchanting said: "Because Yang Dingtian is a human being."

"No." East left: "Maybe Yangdingtian is very special, but this is definitely not the reason why he succeeded in making the female estrus estrus. The real reason, we have thoroughly mastered, and I can do it, I can also Let countless female foxes estrus."

"Oh." The enchanting eyes trembled.

East Road: "Those who think about it, if you have a large number of descendants of demigods, then the whole small West Heaven will become your own empire. What nine tribes, what tribal councils, will not Exist. You will create a great empire, you will become the sole owner of this empire, your throne will be monopolized for centuries and thousands of years."

The enchanting face is a red tide: "It really is a very tempting vista, then what do you want from me to get to the East?"

East Road: "Two things, first, the emptiness of the flame. Second, the complete alliance between Xiaoxitian and the Temple of Destruction."

"Allied? Is this necessary?" The enchanting said: "Moreover, who is the alliance to deal with? It must not be the bright council of human yangdingtian."

"Yangdingtian? He is not worth mentioning." East left: "This is one of the greatest and most powerful alliances in the world. The descendants of the northern Naga, the powerful snakeman empire. The Nether Empire with thousands of holy powers. Plus the small West Heaven with thousands of years of civilization history, the blood of the great Falling Silver Dragon, oh, maybe the future will become the Silver Dragon Empire, and we will soon rule the entire human kingdom. The demon empire. The four most powerful empire in the history of the world has been built into a great alliance."

The enchanting eyes slammed and said: "So, who is the enemy of this great alliance?"

"The God of Chaos." East is off the road: "Manipulating the fate of the whole world, no one knows his existence, but he is the omnipresent **** of chaos. As long as we defeat him, we defeat the fate that God has given us. We can dominate Yu Nei, even leaving the chaotic world, our empire can conquer the stars and the sea."

The enchanting took a breath: "It's a great fantasy! But I want to ask. I also know the existence of the **** of chaos, and his ruthless manipulation of all of us, but... Where is he?" There is no point in a war where even the enemy does not know where it is."

Departed from the East: "My supreme demon king has already known the position of God. And he is the only person in the world who knows where the **** of chaos is. In order to defeat the **** of chaos, he even deliberately lost two hundred years ago. The battle of destruction."

"Oh..." The enchanting laughter said: "It turned out that the war of the destruction of the human kingdom two hundred years ago, asked God to deliberately lose?"

"Of course!" East left the road: "Otherwise, with the help of nothingness, how can I defeat my great devil to ask the heavens. And now the vainness has become our equally great demon."

"So, why?" The enchanting said: "Why ask the scorpio. Have you deliberately failed two hundred years ago?"

"He is waiting for someone." East is off road.

"Who?" asked the enchanting.

"The spokesperson of God, Yang Dingtian." East is off the road.

"Oh?" The enchanting smile said: "That's funny, you clearly said that he is not worth mentioning, how is his weight so high now?"

"Of course he is insignificant, and even the so-called God's spokesperson is not worth mentioning." East left: "But he is a chess piece, a piece that connects all people together. Without his appearance, the Nether Empire Countless strong people can't leave the plane. Without him, the demigods of the fox family can't be born. Without him, the semi-god descendants of the snake empire can't be born. In short, he is the key piece. Let us be great. The league defeated the chess pieces of God. Now, the mission of this piece is over, so he can die too."

The enchanting smiled slightly: "East from your words, it is very encouraging. So, as you said, I want you to be a descendant of the demon fox, the void is a necessary condition, right?"

"Of course." East is off road.

The enchanting smile said: "Why should I go farther and farther? Why don't I cooperate directly with Yangdingtian? A great empire, looking for a weak alliance, perhaps more intelligent."

East Road: "But this is already impossible? You took the wife and son of Yangdingtian. You have hatred like a sea. And, you are killing in Yunxiao City. It is not like you want The way he works with him."

The enchanting said: "Did you not hear a word from the East? As the saying goes, to fight for unity, to unite. To compromise and seek unity, then unite and die."

East Road: "I understand what you mean, you want to make him fear first, then compromise. But you don't understand this Yangdingtian, he can't give in, even he won't be afraid, in him When he was very, very weak, he didn't learn to fear, let alone at this time."

"That may not be, as far as I know, he is very concerned about his family and children." The enchanting faint said: "So, I think my cooperation with Yangdingtian is still very large. Perhaps, I have very It is necessary to go to Yunxiao City again and invite the wife of Yangdingtian, or the child, to come to my silver palace."

This enchanting, really does not mean that ah, Yangding did not think that he still has plans to continue to kidnap his children.

East Road: "If Yangdingtian is at your side right now, what do you think?"

The enchanting said: "Abolish all his cultivation, including the brain, leaving only the part that he is useful as a stallion."

East Road: "If that, he succeeded in deceiving you, and has already slept off your former fiancee. And, at this time, lurking around intends to be enchanting and her children too Stolen together?"

The enchanting eyes shrank: "You, what do you mean?"

East Road: "Yangdingtian has disappeared in Yunxiao City, and it is not in Zhongjing. It happens that there is a so-called non-language Jiang Shang in Xiaoxi, don't you feel strange?"

The enchanting said: "What do you mean, is Jiang Shang is a fake sun?"

East Road: "This person is very sinister, everything is possible."

The enchanting said: "But the appearance of the non-language is that no one can pretend."

East Road: "But, there are a few people who have actually seen the language, even you have not seen it yourself, right? I know that your teacher has seen it, but he has already traveled away from the world, I don't know where to go. So, in fact, almost no one has actually seen a non-language, just take a fake as a non-language, right?"

The enchanted brow shook slightly and did not speak.

Dongfang continued: "I want to ask, if Jiang Shang is Yangdingtian, how are you going to do it?"

"Then he angered the king's counter-scale, completely sinful!" The enchanting faint said: "I will kill him, and will control the enchanting to kill him, killing in front of Yang Yi, this It is the cruelest way to die for him."

East smiled and said: "That's just right. I just brought a person who is very familiar with Yangdingtian. Even if it is turned into gray, I can recognize it. It is his life and death enemy! Can I let them in?"

"Of course."

Then, two figures walked into this magnificent grand hall.

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