Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 796: How is it possible? East from the tragedy!

Yangdingtian is still in shock at this time, Yangyi baby is only one year old, how does this recognize himself?

Ji Yadao: "It's really weird. Yang Yi baby never let anyone hold it. Even my father and I can't. Now, I am willing to let Mr. Jiang Shang hold it."

Yang Dingtian did not pay attention to her, just gently looked at Yang Yi's little face.

It has changed a lot. Some people are not like human beings, but they can't say where they are not. In short, they feel that they are different from human beings in temperament and even in the aesthetic outline of faces.

But it's really very beautiful, it's the kind of beauty that human faces can't achieve.

At this point, two demon fox masters appeared outside the courtyard: "The speaker asked Jiang Shangda to go to the hall of the council."

Yangding nodded, then returned Yang Yi to the enchanting, nodded with a smile, then turned and left.

Ji Ya suddenly smiled and said: "Baby, you tell Auntie, why are you willing to let Uncle Jiang Shang hug?"

“Comfortable.” Yang Yi said, then continue to pick up the brush to paint.

Ji Ya suddenly took a look, is there really a very charming and comfortable atmosphere in the non-language?


Yangdingtian was brought to the hall of the deliberation by two demon fox masters.

The first time I saw the old acquaintances, and then I saw the more familiar Yang Lan, and finally saw the most familiar Ximen fear.

Wow, this Simon feared that he would completely forget it. He did not expect him to appear.

He, how many people have he followed?

Qin Shaobai and Yang Yan, then Yang Lan, followed by Qin Qiqi, followed by Ning Wuming, then Zhu Qingzhu. Then it is Wu Ningming.

Now, I have followed the East.

Of course, this is nothing. The key is that he will follow one, and the other will destroy one.

It is very brave now that Dong Ding is still dare to take him.

And the moment when Yangdingtian appeared. The eyes of the three people from the east immediately shot like lightning.

Then, the East can't help but see.

Nearly half a year ago, the Netherland blocked the entire taboo of the mainland, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

And later, there was no reaction to Wu Ning's defeat. Obviously, from that time on, the innocent center of gravity is no longer in Wu Ningming, but in other places. Perhaps it is Xiao Xitian.

It’s already the second time that I’ve entered Xiaoxitian, and every time I’m following the messenger of the Nether.

Last time, Princess Peony found the enchanting and sought the alliance.

And when you leave east, you are looking for another, more powerful enchanting. Not only that, but he also told the enchanting secrets of the enchanting child.

The last contact with the enchanting was only a very short exploratory contact, this time to be a true alliance. and. He wants to get a hollow fire through the enchanting.

And when the non-language Jiang Shangfeng smashed the entire Xiaoxitian. His instinctive reaction is that Yangdingtian is making waves in the wind. Then, he immediately returned to the human kingdom and searched for the whereabouts of Yangdingtian. He found that Yangdingtian was not in Yunxiaocheng, nor in Zhongjing, and even decided not to be in the human kingdom.

then. He directly confirmed that this sudden emergence of the non-language Jiang Shang, is Yang Dingtian fake, the purpose is to save the enchanting mother and child, but also the hollow flame.

But at this time I saw this Jiang Shang. He couldn't help but be amazed.

If it’s really a fake sun, then that’s not necessarily true.

Of course, the East has never seen a non-language, but he feels that the non-language is at best a human appearance that looks a little weird.

However, when I really see Jiang Shang, if there is really no language, then it must be like this.

Because he is too different from humans.

Although there are eyes, ears, noses and mouths, the proportion is different from that of human beings. It is another special proportion, so it constitutes a very strange aesthetic picture.

This face is beautiful, but it is weird.

It can be seen at a glance that this is not human, especially temperament, and manners.


The enchanting said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, the human kingdom of the East, said that you are not a real non-language, but a fake of Yangdingtian, what do you think?"

"Yangdingtian? I am very interested in him." Yangding Tiandao: "This human friend, if you have time, you will be able to tell me everything about Yangdingtian."

At this time, Yang Dingtian is talking about human chaos, and it is much more fluent, and the enchanting can not help but see.

Yang Dingtian is doing the opposite. Do you not suspect that I am a human being? Then I simply speak the human language very fluently.

However, it is very amazing that Yang Dingtian’s fluency is like a foreigner who has not lived in China. He is very very good at learning Chinese, and he is very fluent, but there is a strange smell.

The enchanting said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, you speak the language of the human kingdom, and it is much more fluent than the language of the demon fox."

Yangding Tiandao: "I am very interested in human beings. In fact, I also plan to visit the human kingdom in the near future, especially to visit this Yangdingtian."

"Why, are you familiar with Yangdingtian?"

"Unfamiliar, I still heard the name from the Speaker of the Speaker, saying that he is the master of the human kingdom." Yangding Tiandao: "And I have always said that human beings will become the long-lived race in this world, so I even I intend to spend all my remaining time in the human kingdom."

"What do you want to do in the human kingdom?" asked the enchanting.

"Observation." Yangding Tiandao: "If you feel that you have observed it, you will work hard to help, although I may not help."

The enchanting face twitched: "Do you prefer to help human beings, and are not willing to help the fox family?"

Yangding Tiandun was silent, he was to arouse this kind of rebellious psychology, dilute the suspicion in the enchanting heart.

So when he comes up, he will be the first to win.

Then, he made persistent efforts to pursue the victory and left the east: "This human friend, you said that I am a fake man, what is this?"

The east shook his eyes and smiled faintly: "Is it fake? My people will know at a glance."

Then he slammed his hand. Road: "Yang Hao, Ximen fear, you said, Yang Dingtian will become a gray you know, let's come and recognize it."

Yang Dingtian slightly spread his hand and stood there motionless.

Yang Lan and Ximen feared to go forward. Close to the face of Yangdingtian, look carefully.

Yang Wei looked at the body of Yang Dingtian, while Ximen was afraid to look at his face and eyes, especially his eyes.

However, at this time, Yang Dingtian wore a clothes, it is difficult to see that Yang Lan could not help but look away from the east.

Can not leave the mouth east, Yang Dingtian directly took off his clothes. Only a pair of shorts left, revealing his complete body.

Suddenly, Yang Lan was shocked.

This, this is not the human body at all.

The human body, how long, so flat arc.

And, the most amazing thing is that his toes are open. There is still something wrong with it.

This is not a big deal. There are many natural runes on his body. Not only does it emit a faint radiance, but it is translucent, and even the internal organs are visible.

Yang Lan suddenly held his breath.

This, how can this **** be Yangdingtian? This, this is not even a person, how to fake?

Yangding Tianwugong is awesome. Even if you can change your looks and change your body, you can't change your race.

And Simon feared staring at Yang Dingtian's eyes and pupils.

He believes that one can change his appearance, but he can't change his eyes.

But weird is. This, this is not the human eye and the pupil at all. Under the close look, the pupil structure of these eyes is completely different from human beings.

To be much deeper, it is much more complicated.

Then, Ximen feared to close his eyes and feel it, to smell the breath of Yangdingtian.

Yes, Yang Dingtian has a very special atmosphere on his body, which is caused by Jiuyang Xuanmai. The kind of thriving firepower is very subtle, and only people who are very, very, will feel it.

Yang Lan firmly believes that even if the eyes can change, Xuanmai can't change.

Then he felt a complete fact.

This, this is not the breath of the sun, but it is not the breath of humanity.

The breath of human beings cannot be so slow, so long, and with an extremely special energy.

"How?" The East looked away from the two.

Yang Lan shook his head and said: "Impossible, this Mr. Jiang Shang, at all... is not human at all, even the structure of the body is completely different."

Simon feared: "I see it too, not only the pupils of the eyes are different, even the blood, the breath is not human."

The face of the East suddenly changed.

How could it not be? Of course, he has no evidence, but he fully believes in his instincts? This must have been faked by Yang Dingtian, how could it not be.

At this time, the enchanting face suddenly slammed a cold road: "East from the Lord, you know the name of Mr. Jiang Shang, what is my status in Xiaoxitian?"

The east is trembled from the face.

The enchanting said: "He is in the small western world, hundreds of millions of people admire, and fame is even far beyond me. Now, you dare to smear him, what should you sin?"

Departed from the East: "Is the Speaker of the Speaker, is it necessary to be convicted of words?"

The enchanting faint said: "You offended me, maybe it doesn't matter. But you offended the honorable Mr. Jiang Shang, then you are in trouble!"

East Road: "His Lord, what we are talking about today, but alliance?"

"Allied? What alliance?" The enchanting said: "What I am going to talk about now is how to treat you offending the sins of Jiang Shang adults!"

Looking east from the eye, staring at Yangding Tiandao: "I don't know how you did it, but I know that you are a fake person, I totally believe in my instincts."

"East from the Lord, do you want to die?" The enchanting cold voice: "Come, come and break these limbs and drive out the small West!"

"Slow..." Suddenly, Ji Ya came out and looked at the east and looked at Yangding Tiandao: "Mr. Dong Li, you are sure, he is Yangdingtian?"

"I am completely sure." East left: "I totally believe in my instinct."

"That's good, then I will give you the last chance to prove it to us." Ji Yadao, then she looked at Yangdingtian, softly said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, of course, maybe I should also call it a future husband. I think this thing is very important to you and me? I can't marry an unidentified human."

The enchanting face is a cold road: "Ji Ya, I think that your appearance at this time is very unwise!"

"President, there is one thing I must tell you." Ji Yadao: "Your future heir, Yang Yi, does not allow anyone to hold, including me and you, but he just took the initiative to let Jiang Shang adults hold him. ""

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Ji Ya looked away from the east and said: "This gentleman, you have to know, you only have one chance. You tell me, what method do you intend to prove that he is Yangdingtian?"

East from the face suddenly twisted, looking to Yangding Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, I can not help but admire you very much, not only can change their faces, even the human body structure and ethnicity can change, I really doubt that the demon What did you give you?"

Yangdingtian eyes narrowed and looked at the East and said: "You, are you hostile to me?"

"No, I can't talk about hostility, just to expose your tricks." East sneer: "You may think that you are foolproof, no flaws. But you still have one of the biggest flaws, can you know what it is?" ”

Yang Dingtian did not pay attention to him.

"Darkness Xuanhuo." East sneer: "You can change your face in the darkness of your body, you can change your body, but you can't change your darkness."

Then, he took out an energy jade box from his arms. After opening it, there was a small dark crystal floating in it, almost invisible dark crystals.

East from the sneer: "Your dark mysterious fire, the most like to devour the dark crystal. Anyone, any creature, as long as the dark crystals are taken, the energy of the whole body will be swallowed by madness, the whole body shrinks, and it is terrible. Only you swallow After the dark crystallization, it will be safe, because there is a dark black fire in your body."

Then, the East violently handed the dark crystals to the front of Yangdingtian, saying: "When you swallow this dark crystal, you can uncover your skin, you will reveal your true face, swallow it!"

The enchanting man suddenly said coldly: "East from your lord, you have a problem with this logic. You have said that any race can't bear the devour of this dark crystal. If Jiang is not Yangdingtian, then I am not a little god." Want to lose an eternal wise man?"

East Road: "The Speaker of the House This dark crystal is very small, if he is not Yangdingtian, but really does not speak Jiangshang. Then, it will not kill his life. Only Let his cultivation be degraded, and the body will shrink. I think that the biggest contribution of the non-language is wisdom. As for the repair, it doesn't matter."

East is far from this sentence, no doubt it is a worry.

The enchanting cockroach suddenly went to Ji Yawang and said: "Ji Ya, he is your future husband, it is up to you to decide, can you decide to be a degenerate husband?"

Ji Yadao: "It doesn't matter, as long as his wisdom is still there, I think he is proof of himself, more important!"

As soon as this was said, the whole hall was suddenly cold.

Then, the East leaves the dark crystals on the side of the Yangding Tianzui: "Please!"


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one, and ask for the monthly ticket! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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